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The New Zealand Ministry of Education is producing the final draft of Te Whaariki the national early childhood curriculum (Ministry of Education 1993). Once formalised all early childhood services will be required to demonstrate that their programmes are operating according to the Principles, Aims and Goals outlined in Te Whaariki (a Maori name meaning a mat for all to stand on). Three years ago a paper at the first Warwick International Early Years Conference outlined the rationale, framework and processes involved in the development ofTe Whaariki (Carr & May 1993c). We had been contracted by the Ministry of Education to coordinate the development of a national early childhood curriculum that firstly, would embrace a diverse range of early childhood services and cultural perspectives, secondly, would articulate a philosophy of quality early childhood practice, and thirdly would make connections with the new national curriculum for schools. Te Whaariki was released to early childhood centres on a trial basis in late 1993. Since that time there has been an official process of trialing and evaluation which has indicated a very high level of support within the early childhood community for the document. In 1994 the Government contracted a number of professional development projects to support early childhood practitioners with the document. Training programmes began reviewing the structure and rationale of the courses they provide. Margaret Carr is now undertaking a research project looking at some possibilities for the assessment for young children that relate to the Principles, Aims and Goals outlined in Te Whaariki. There are, however, many issues for centres regarding the implementation of Te Whaariki. For example, current regulatory requirements and funding levels make it difficult for centres to meet the high expectations of quality outlined in Te Whaariki, although the 1995 budget pronouncements promised some small funding increase.

This paper provides an overview of the implementation of Te Whaariki. We are mindful that other countries, have been undertaking similar kinds of development. While we see Te Whaariki as a document that is uniquely New Zealand, we have also sought, throughout the process of development and implementation, to encourage international critique and appraisal ofTe Whaariki as part of on going debates regarding the nature of early childhood curriculum in the 1990s. This paper was first presented at the second Early Years Conference at Warwick in 1996.  相似文献   



This paper elucidates some of the conceptual, measurement and methodological problems associated with evaluating science curricula in terms of their impact upon students’ content‐free cognitive outcomes. In particular, a report is given of an investigation of the effects of incorporating ASEP (Australian Science Education Project) materials into the science programmes of a large sample of seventh‐grade students in Tasmania. In this investigation, the content‐free outcomes were assessed at the beginning and end of a school year by means of three measures of understanding of the nature of science and four measures of enquiry skills.

It was found that a significant relationship emerged between the curriculum variables and one learning outcome, between sex and six learning outcomes, between socio‐economic status and one learning outcome, and between school type and all seven learning outcomes. All together, the curriculum shows a continuous influence on the general cognitive‐learning results in the scientific field, as far as they are not related to specific subject matter.  相似文献   

This article reports a multiple-case study project into early childhood teachers’ thinking and reflection on their teaching interactions with children in three New Zealand early childhood education centres. Using stimulated-recall interviews, teaching teams viewed video-recorded episodes of their teaching and discussed their thinking and reflections, during and after the episodes. Key findings included teachers’ emphasis in their thinking and reflection on children in comparison to their teaching intentions, beliefs and practices. The article concludes by presenting a model for understanding New Zealand early childhood teachers’ thinking and reflections on teaching and learning and the implications for practice emerging from this research.  相似文献   

Parents, teachers, researchers and politicians often have strong and conflicting views about what is right for young children in the years before school. Curricula can become 'sites of struggle' between ideas about what early childhood education is for, and what are appropriate content and contexts for learning and development in early childhood. This paper focuses upon the way visions for early childhood are expressed through the curricula offered in three very different contexts--in England, New Zealand and Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy. These three examples of early childhood curricula are compared in order to explore how a growing pressure from vocational and instrumental influences can impact on progressive and socioculturally inspired early childhood curricula and approaches. A comparison of these examples also reveals how early childhood curricula and educational systems are often forged amidst differing contexts in relation to national and local control of early childhood curricula and approaches. These differing contexts can also give rise to differing conceptualisations of knowledge, learning and pedagogy. Des professeurs, des chercheurs et des politiciens ont souvent des vues fortes et contradictoires au sujet de ce qui est bon pour les jeunes enfants dans les anne´es avant l'e´cole. Les programmes d'e´tudes peuvent devenir 'des sites de lutte' entre les ide´es au sujet du but de la premie ¤ re e´ducation d'enfance, et au sujet du contenu et des contextes pertinents a ¤ l'apprentissage et le de´veloppement dans la petite enfance. Cet article se focalise sur la manie ¤ re que des visions pour la petite enfance sont exprime´es par les programmes d'e´tudes offerts en trois contextes tre ¤ s diffe´rents--en Angleterre, Nouvelle-Ze´lande et Reggio Emilia dans l'Italie Septentrionale. Ces trois exemples des programmes d'e´tudes de la petite enfance sont compare´s afin d'explorer comment une pression croissante des influences professionnelles et instrumentales peut faire une forte impression sur les programmes d'e´tudes et des approches progressifs et inspire´s par des approches socioculturels. Une comparaison de ces exemples re´ve ¤ le aussi comment les programmes d'e´tudes de la petite enfance et les syste ¤ mes d'e´ducation sont souvent forge´s parmi des contextes diffe´rents par rapport au controle national et local de programmes d'e´tudes sur la premie ¤ re enfance et des approches diffe´rents. Ces contextes qui diffe ¤ rent peuvent engendrer aussi conceptualisations qui diffe ¤ rent sur la connaissance, l'apprentissage et la pe´dagogie. Los padres, los profesores, los investigadores y los poli´ticos tienen a menudo visiones fuertes y en conflicto sobre lo que es correcto para los nin ¨ os pequen ¨ os en los an ¨ os que preceden a la escuela. Los planes de estudios pueden convertirse en "sitios de lucha" entre las ideas sobre el propo´sito de la educacio´n preescolar y sobre cuales son el contenido y contextos apropiados para aprender y para el desarrollo en la primera infancia. Este arti´culo se centra sobre la manera que las visiones para la nin ¨ ez temprana son expresadas a trave´s de los planes de estudios ofrecidos en tres contextos muy diversos--en Inglaterra, Nueva Zelanda y en Reggio Emilia en el norte de Italia. Estos tres ejemplos de los planes de estudios de la nin ¨ ez temprana se comparan para explorar co´mo una presio´n cada vez mayor de influencias vocacionales e instrumentales puede afectar los planes de estudios y acercamientos metodolo´gicos progresistas e inspirados por tendencias socioculturales. Una comparacio´n de estos ejemplos tambie´n revela co´mo los planes de estudios de la nin ¨ ez temprana y los sistemas educativos se forjan a menudo en medio de contextos divergentes en lo referente al control nacional y local de los planes de estudios y de los acercamientos metodolo´gicos sobre la nin ¨ ez temprana. Estos contextos divergentes pueden tambie´n dar lugar a conceptualizaciones divergentes del conocimiento, del aprendizaje y de la pedagogi´a.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This meta-analysis examined 29 (quasi-)experimental studies that involved low-income children ages 3 to 5 who might be subject to risks of academic failure and other negative outcomes. Compared to the controls, children who learned with social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula demonstrated significantly improved social-emotional competence, with an effect size or standardized mean difference of 0.241 (95% confidence interval [0.194, 0.287]). However, the use of other curricula that lacked an intensive focus on SEL yielded nonsignificant effects on the social-emotional competence of low-income children. Type of curriculum, fidelity of curriculum implementation, and duration of intervention were found to moderate the educational effects. Practice or Policy: The findings of this meta-analysis contribute to the growing body of empirical evidence on the positive effects of early SEL curricula and explain how curricula can produce social-emotional benefits for low-income children in their early years.  相似文献   


The use of drama to promote children's engagement with and motivation to study history is now commonplace at sites of historical interest and in many primary and secondary classrooms. Researchers interested in this area have often measured children's engagement and interest through the oral contributions made both during the drama and afterwards in discussion, whereas the written responses of children to their experience of history through drama have not been systematically analysed. OFSTED has recently reported that while they have observed many examples of high standards of oral work in history, the standard of writing at Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 has been disappointing by comparison. This article seeks to provide direction for teachers trying to develop children's historical writing through drama, and shows how drama can be used to promote analytical as well as empathetic responses to historical questions and problems.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - As societal needs change and STEM solutions are offered, an increasing concern for the participation of girls in STEM has emerged. Research has consistently shown...  相似文献   

This study describes the lived experience of Kevin, a young child with physical disabilities who is placed in an inclusive classroom, a classroom where children with and without disabilities are educated together, with extra support provided for the child with disabilities. Children with disabilities who are placed in inclusive early childhood settings tend to be rejected or neglected more than their typically developing peers and are involved more with the adults in the classroom than with their peers. Kevin’s experiences are framed in the context of the current emphasis on inclusive practices. The study documents that adult assistance and curriculum activities both play an important role in either facilitating or constraining social interaction with peers. When the assigned assistant functions as the child’s playmate and mostly chooses table activities, both of these seem to limit opportunities for social interaction with peers. This study also documents that, without the assistant present, the child makes independent choices such as where and with whom to play. The dramatic play area serves as a conduit for meaningful verbal and nonverbal communication with peers. At the same time, Kevin’s strong desire to play in this area seems to be the impetus for physical development—he walks alone for the very first time. Suggestions are given for teacher facilitation of dramatic play.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Effects on children’s school readiness were evaluated for 2 interventions focused on improving teacher–student interactions (coursework, coaching) implemented sequentially across 2 years. Teachers from public prekindergarten programs in 10 locations were assigned randomly to treatment or control conditions in each year. Children’s language behavior was observed during the coaching year: Coaching and the course each had positive impacts on children’s multiword language behavior. Treatment impacts on directly assessed literacy, language, and self-regulation skills were evaluated within an intent-to-treat framework for children taught by the participating teachers in the coaching and postcoaching years. Children demonstrated higher levels of inhibitory control in direct assessments when their teacher had received coaching the prior year. Teachers who received both coursework and coaching reported in the postcoaching year that children in their classrooms demonstrated greater levels of behavioral control. Treatment effects did not differ as a consequence of child, classroom, or program characteristics, and there were no significant effects on directly assessed literacy or language skills. Practice or Policy: Results suggest modest benefits for children’s language behavior and self-regulation for intervention(s) that improve the quality of teacher–child interaction.  相似文献   

Early childhood poverty is a prevalent social issue, both in the United States and in the wider international community. It has been well established that factors associated with poverty, including familial income and parental education level, can negatively affect children’s language and cognitive development, which can result in academic achievement deficits that compound across the lifespan. Additional environmental factors, specifically maternal and children’s own social–emotional development, have also been shown to impact these sensitive early childhood developmental processes. Although individual components that relate to language and cognitive development in young children have been identified, additional examination of potential associative relationships between these components is warranted. Therefore, this study explored socio-economical, health, and developmental relationships between 122 caregiver–child dyads enrolled in an Early Head Start Program where children were 1–36 months old. Results indicated strong bidirectional correlations between children’s cognitive and language development. Multiple linear regression path analysis indicated that children’s cognition and social–emotional wellbeing have a significant direct effect on their language development. Additionally, language and fine motor development were found to have a significant direct effect and social–emotional wellbeing mediated an indirect effect through language on children’s cognitive development. In light of socioeconomic and sociocultural challenges, the importance of nurturing children’s social–emotional development in relation to language and cognitive development is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents research on the returns to tertiary education for individuals who graduated between 1997 and 2008 with bachelor degrees from universities and polytechnics in New Zealand based on their experiences post study. It examines data on their post‐study earnings drawn from two longitudinal datasets linking administrative data on individuals’ tertiary education records to their earnings. An advantage of this research is that it reports on differences in the earnings of those who studied in specific fields of study at polytechnics and universities. The data are used to help shed light on the importance of reputational capital in reproducing social classes.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Growing international evidence points to high-quality teacher–child interactions in early learning environments as key contributors to children’s learning and development. Little is known, however, about the longitudinal effects of these experiences, particularly in the Chinese context. In this study, we addressed the question of such longitudinal effects by examining the predictive effect of classroom teacher–child interaction quality on children’s subsequent academic development in a sample of 3-year-old children in Chinese kindergartens. Utilizing a hierarchical linear modeling approach, we found that teacher–child interaction quality, especially the classroom organization domain, consistently predicted the development of children’s early academic and cognitive skills. Practice or Policy: Findings contribute to the growing international literature on the critical role teacher–child interaction quality plays in children’s learning and development. Implications for policy and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of early childhood education is to address the totality of issues and areas of activity relevant to young children. In spite of the considerable growth in knowledge concerning children and childhood, this objective has yet to be attained at the theoretical level. Proceeding from the vantage point of a retrospective of the conceptions of the two classical theorists, Rousseau and Frobel, the case is made for grounding early childhood education in the dimensions of subjectivity, intersubjectivity, society and history in order to be able to analyse its various tasks in their respective specificity and reciprocal dependence. The attempt is made to characterise the challenges facing such a theory and to outline the resulting systematic issues for a pedagogy of early childhood.  相似文献   

This study reports findings from an analysis of the 2002 Chinese National Physics Curriculum Guidelines and the alignment between the curriculum guidelines and two most recent provincial‐level 12th‐grade exit examinations in China. Both curriculum guidelines and test content were represented using two‐dimensional matrices (i.e., topic by level of cognitive demands) and the Porter’s alignment indices were reported. It appeared that the curriculum documents and the standardized examinations mostly emphasized student understanding of fundamental principles and concepts of physics. Moreover, the two examinations consistently over‐represented the curriculum at both application and analysis cognitive levels. The study also indicated that neither the organization of the current curriculum guidelines nor the exit assessments encourage creativity, critical thinking, and the development of students’ abilities to conduct scientific inquiry. The findings of this study can be used for comparative studies of different countries’ science curriculum standards and assessment systems, and can provide insights into the improvement of science education from an international perspective.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This paper discusses how multimodal creative inquiry might be conceptualised and implemented for children’s meaning-making in science. We consider...  相似文献   

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