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In a previous paper (AEHE vol. 17(2) pp. 69‐88) Alistair Ross explored student teachers’ backgrounds and economic experiences, relating this to their economic and industrial understanding.

In this complementary paper he draws on the work of his research group and its EATE‐sponsored project to examine student teachers’ attitudes to economic issues and to their perceptions of teaching as work. In particular, the paper discusses students’ attitudes to the English and Welsh national curriculum cross‐curricular theme: economic and Industrial understanding (EITJ).  相似文献   

Investigations into EATE's particular style of development, and its effectiveness of approach in introducing and sustaining innovations, were thought to be important aspects in the identification of noteworthy strategies for bringing about change in issues relating to enterprise, economic and industrial awareness in institutions of initial teacher education. This article describes the composite thinking and support underpinning the eclectic evaluations of EATE‐funded initiatives. It discusses two essential, and sequential, steps — initial thinking about issues which need to be clarified before embarking on an evaluation, and the strategies for action, i.e. the practical activities which can then be carried out. The article is written with reference to the EATE initiative but ideas and considerations could, with ease, be applied to other innovationsThe processes of formulating a policy statement on enterprise education, undertaking a course audit and introducing enterprise education and economic awareness into college courses are discussed. In particular developments within Professional Studies in the BEd Primary Education course are examined. The respective contributions of college staff and business representatives are assessed. The interaction between Institutional policy‐making and implementation in enterprise education is seen as opportunistic and organic as much as rational and systematic.  相似文献   


The need for enterprise awareness is acknowledged: however, analysis of ‘enterprise’ reveals an ambiguity between enterprise as a personal quality, and enterprise as the activity of the entrepreneur. This creates conflict for those engaged in the education of primary school teachers. It is argued that both concepts of enterprise have something of value to offer Primary Education, and that both are concerned with the practical achievements of the educator. A model for implementation of the EATE initiative is proposed which resolves a conflict between the ideal and the instrumental in Primary Education. This provides a synthesis which allows for a productive partnership between EATE and institutions concerned with the education of primary school teachers.  相似文献   

Investigations into EATE's particular style of development, and its effectiveness of approach in introducing and sustaining innovations, were thought to be important aspects in the identification of noteworthy strategies for bringing about change in issues relating to enterprise, economic and industrial awareness in institutions of initial teacher education. This article describes the composite thinking and support underpinning the eclectic evaluations of EATE‐funded initiatives. It discusses two essential, and sequential, steps — initial thinking about issues which need to be clarified before embarking on an evaluation, and the strategies for action, i.e. the practical activities which can then be carried out. The article is written with reference to the EATE initiative but ideas and considerations could, with ease, be applied to other innovations.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the rationale underpinning the setting up, delivery and evaluation of a major initiative in initial teacher education. The purpose of Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education (EATE) is to incorporate enterprise, economic and industrial issues into all initial courses for trainee teachers. This is facilitated through an extensive programme of staff development. The article then goes on to record the processes and thinking behind one level of the evaluation of the initiative which has been incorporated into individual developments in institutions from the outset  相似文献   

This cross‐institutional evaluation assesses the effectiveness of promoting staff development as the central strategy for change within the EATE initiative. Increasingly, in institutions of initial teacher education as elsewhere, accountability requires output‐oriented staff who are able to attain given targets at reasonable cost. This “impact” case study is both explanatory and confirmatory, justifying the process of change specified by EATE in relation to organisational efficiency, current relevance and need.

The evaluation demonstrates how change can be effectively managed to improve teaching and learning within a short time scale and how EATE has played a critical part in opening up institutions to working with the business community, an integral element of the EATE strategy previously seldom encountered within initial teacher education.

The EATE initiative sought behavioural changes in participants through raising awareness, identifying the catalysts, better networking, the critical support of management and the business community, in order to keep it live and consequently embed thechange. Whilst staff in differing institutions perceived and defined some changes differently, the evidence suggests that strategies employed by EATE have been and are being efficient and effective contributors to the process of change.  相似文献   


In the last decade, against a background of growing links between industry and schools, industry‐related work in teacher education has undergone a considerable expansion, in terms of numbers of courses, of time devoted and of numbers of students involved. Influences on this expansion have included the initiatives of individuals, the work of link organisations, course criteria in OES circulars, a spreading conviction of the relevance of industry‐related work to the personal and professional development of teachers, the stimulus of networks and partnerships of institutions and industries and the work of specific externally‐funded projects, including Industrial and Commercial Perspectives in Initial Teacher Education (ICP) and Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education (EATE). During this period there has been a ‘conceptual shift’ in the idea of industry‐related work to include enterprise capability, as well as economic and industrial understanding; in tune with this shift, the accent in courses has been increasingly placed on practical experience and negotiated investigational activities.  相似文献   


This paper is a response to a Joint publication from Enterprising Approaches to Teacher Education (EATE), the Teacher Placement Service (TPS) and the Banking Information Service (BiS) (June 1994) which examined the validity of business‐education partnerships in initial teacher training. While supporting the essential points made by EATE et al, this paper stresses the need for permeation and flexible learning strategies in introducing and addressing these aspects of the curriculum and cites experiences from the school‐based Post‐Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at the University of Bath.  相似文献   

This article explores the practical, methodological and ideological issues stemming from the evaluation of two enterprise initiatives in higher education. It considers the evaluation strategies adopted by the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative (EHE) and the Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education programme (EATE). A comparative analysis of their approaches to evaluating enterprise is offered along with a critical analysis of the evaluative approaches adopted. Some of the more general difficulties of evaluating enterprise are highlighted and the paper concludes with a consideration of the effect of political tensions upon the evaluations of programmes such as the enterprise programmes.  相似文献   


This paper provides a report of a continuing staff development programme within a faculty of initial teacher education in a college of higher education, funded by the DTI sponsored Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education (EATE) initiative. It describes the context for the programme, explores its objectives, considers the programme format and reflects upon its outcomes from the viewpoint of its participants and the effects within the institution.  相似文献   

This small-scale research study looks at the PSHE/Citizenship framework and the opportunities for student teachers to understand and experience within school the relationship between values, personal and social development and learning. A questionnaire was given to two sets of student teachers on their final school-based placements. The research suggests that there needs to be greater recognition of the centrality of multi-cultural awareness and understanding within the political literacy section of the PSHE/Citizenship framework. This is the counterpart to a previous study of the opportunities for values education within the university-based elements of Primary Initial Teacher Education ( Mead, 2003 ).  相似文献   

经济法律责任是当前经济法学界研究的热点,对其责任形态在目前还无法取得一致的认识。经济法律责任的二元性体现在研究的逻辑起点和本质属性上。经济法律责任的研究应当以市民社会与政治国家的运动为逻辑起点,力求弥补完善传统分类的不足。经济法律责任同时具有责任形态的独立性和从属性的二元性特征。  相似文献   

"经济人"假说是西方主流经济学研究的理论支柱。"经济人"假说除具有经济学研究上的方法论意义,更为重要的是反映了西方社会对于人性的主流认识,进而影响了人们在经济生活中的伦理视角。因此,"经济人"假说折射的是西方资本主义社会关于市场经济下人们经济活动的伦理态度和伦理导向。古典经济学派是这一假说的开创者,也是主要的发展者。他们在"经济人"认识态度上的变化反映的是近代资本主义经济伦理观念的演变历程。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Primary PGCE at Keele University, which is now in its third year of a new course structure, fulfilling the requirements of the DFE circular 14/93. As the school‐based partnership has developed, teacher‐mentors have gained new understanding of both their role in teacher training and their relationship with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This paper seeks to outline how the process of mentoring has developed teachers’ skills in a way which has promoted their understanding of, and interest in, school‐based research. Four key issues are explored in probing the link between mentoring and school‐based research: the difference between theory and practice; links between teacher‐mentors and HEI tutors, the process of reflective practice; teachers as knowledge constructors. These are examined in relation to the process of mentoring and to the way in which each contributes to developing mentors’ participation and interest in school‐based research.  相似文献   

本文在论述《反杜林论(政治经济学编)》的写作背景基础上,从政治经济学的含义、研究对象、研究方法、基本原理等方面重点介绍与概括该编中理论性、系统性的马克思主义政治经济学观点。这样一种文本上的理论性、系统的论述不仅丰富了马克思主义的理论成果,也增强了我们对现时代经济社会的认识与理解。  相似文献   

农民工日益成为社会学、经济学等多学科的关注对象,也越来越成为引起媒体、官方等社会多层面讨论的重要问题之一。讨论农民工的教育与培训问题的最基础前提是正确理解"农民工"概念的内涵、全面掌握"农民工"时代特点。  相似文献   

To understand teachers' professional development, the career stories of 10 experienced Flemish (Belgian) Primary School teachers were collected. The analysis of these narrative data culminated in the reconstruction of a professional self and a subjective educational theory, both conceived of as indicators for the professional development. These general concepts were differentiated to develop a conceptual framework for understanding teachers' professional development from their career stories. The comparative analysis of the stories revealed two important recurring themes, the strive for job stability and the feelings of vulnerability for the teacher. In this paper the “biographical perspective” is depicted as a general theoretical approach, and as a concrete research procedure for data collection and analysis. The author concludes that a narrative-biographical approach constitutes a viable perspective for understanding professional development from the subjective viewpoint of the teachers.  相似文献   

数学现已成了经济学研究中最重要的工具,经济学研究的数学化趋势十分明显。文章从哲学的角度,对这种趋势的具体表现、产生的原因和如何正确看待这种趋势进行了探讨,以期提高人们对经济学数学化的认识,达到合理应用数学工具研究经济问题的目的。  相似文献   

区际联系是区域地理学重要的研究内容之一.通过城市间经济联系的测算可以明确城市的主要联系方向.这将有利于城市和区域经济的空间组织、城市实体的空间发展方向确定、交通运输的合理组织.文章引入区域间相互作用的引力模型,以福建省作为研究对象,测算出城市间的经济联系强度,并用对应的航空、公路和铁路客运联系资料进行验证,得出福建省内部的主要联系方向以及省际的主要联系方向,为福建省内部的空间整合和外部的空间扩展提供重要的决策参考.  相似文献   

This paper is the outcome of research conducted between June 2010 and January 2011 as part of understanding the building the education revolution (BER) a major policy initiative of the Australian Federal Government which commenced when Julia Gillard, now PM, was the Federal Minister of Education. The BER policy initiative was part of an economic stimulus package delivered in response to the global economic crisis. It saw funding distributed through State governments to schools to develop new learning spaces and facilities. In the Victorian context the timing of the BER came after years of research and development in learning space design and policy under the Victorian Schools Plan and the Building Schools for the Future policies. It outlines both the scope of the research projects undertaken by Deakin University’s Centre for Research in Educational Futures and Innovation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria and the approach to using visual methodologies within these projects. The notion of the research as educational tourist is introduced in a discussion of using photographs as ethnographic field notes. As is often the case in such projects, timelines for research and delivery of research products is not always ideal for first wave rigorous analysis intended in the initial research proposals. In light of this the research team had generated, through researcher and participant photography, more data than could be reasonably dealt with. This paper explains the process and usefulness of photography as field notes to expedite research conversations and analysis in the writing of the case studies and construction of the portal. The construct of researchers as educational tourists is also theorised as a way of understanding how images mediate the ethnographically-informed research experience.  相似文献   

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