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情绪对人们的生活具有重要的影响,但是,学习不良儿童的情绪研究却被忽视了。实际上。学习不良儿童比一般儿童具有更多的情绪问题。文章介绍了有关学习不良儿童焦虑与抑郁情绪的研究。揭示了学习不良与情绪困扰之间的关系,并提出了改善学习不良儿童情绪问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

Studies of friendships in children with developmental disabilities have evolved primarily from the research on children with typical development. As a result, the theories, definitions, and difficulties in measuring friendship have also been carried over to the research on children with developmental disabilities. Children with developmental disabilities, however, present unique issues that warrant consideration. Special consideration should be given to measurement issues, developmental level, the etiology or type of disability of the child, the experience and context of the child with the disability, and individual characteristics. Given these considerations, we make some suggestions for the study of friendships in atypical children.  相似文献   

Studies of friendships in children with developmental disabilities have evolved primarily from the research on children with typical development. As a result, the theories, definitions, and difficulties in measuring friendship have also been carried over to the research on children with developmental disabilities. Children with developmental disabilities, however, present unique issues that warrant consideration. Special consideration should be given to measurement issues, developmental level, the etiology or type of disability of the child, the experience and context of the child with the disability, and individual characteristics. Given these considerations, we make some suggestions for the study of friendships in atypical children.  相似文献   

A national survey of 53 early childhood special education teachers in Korea was conducted to investigate their knowledge and perceptions regarding various aspects of kindergarten and preschool programs for children with disabilities. Results from the study indicated that (a) children in the age range of 3 to 7 years were the group most frequently served by early childhood special education in Korea, (b) teachers reported infrequent assessment and scarcity of curriculum resources, (c) most teachers reported using a self- or school-developed curriculum, and (d) confusion exists regarding the concept and use of the Individualised Education Program (IEP). Because of a somewhat lower than expected teacher response rate further study is needed to determine if the results of this study are representative of programs nationally. Also, evaluative steps should be taken to ensure that curricula are appropriate for the various ages and types of learners. Likewise, research is needed to identify those factors that facilitate inclusion of children with disabilities in their schools and communities with peers as early childhood special education programs expand.  相似文献   

Although the past two decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the education of children with disabilities in Jordan, special education services are extended to less than 3% of the target population. Accordingly, the overwhelming majority of children with disabilities stay home with very little professional support and help available to them or to their families. The primary purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the present situation of families of children with disabilities in Jordan. Basic information about developments in this area is provided and the results of a survey conducted by the authors are presented.  相似文献   

如何对数学学习困难儿童进行有效干预是很多教育工作者关心的问题。已有研究表明,工作记忆的缺陷是数学学习困难的根本原因。而基于认知负荷理论的教学设计正是针对人的工作记忆容量有限这一特点,利用多媒体来促进意义学习的完成。文章试图以工作记忆为桥梁,结合认知负荷理论,提出几条针对数学学习困难儿童的多媒体教学的干预措施,并指出了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

This article uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) to examine the relationship between disability, parental and youth university expectations in 1997, and youth high school completion and university enrolment by 2003. Results indicate that educational attainment is not equal for young adults with and without disabilities in the United States. Parents—but not adolescents—are likely to reduce their educational expectations when adolescents have a mild or serious disability, net of school performance. These parental—but not adolescent—expectations are significantly associated with high school completion. Finally, even after controlling for educational expectations and school performance, youth with serious disabilities are much less likely to graduate from high school than youth without disabilities. Despite the considerable strides made in the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, students with disabilities are not achieving educational parity in graded schooling.  相似文献   

The results of a recent study by Lorsbach, Melendez and Carroll‐Maher (1991) suggest that children with learning disabilities may possess a general deficit in remembering the source of their verbal memories. The purpose of the present study was to examine further whether children with learning disabilities possess a general deficit in source monitoring and whether such a deficit is independent of performance on a recognition memory task. Children with learning disabilities and nondisabled children were presented with a series of incomplete sentences once or twice in either a listen‐listen (external source monitoring) condition or a think‐listen (reality monitoring) condition. Following the presentation of the study‐list, subjects were presented with the terminal nouns of the preceding sentences and asked to make old/new recognition judgments, as well as source attributions. Although children with learning disabilities were deficient in both forms of source monitoring, they did not differ from nondisabled children in their recognition performance. The results suggest that children with learning disabilities possess a general deficit in verbal source monitoring.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of slow learners and children with learning disabilities in schools in Africa has become a major issue and concern. The situation is reflected in various school‐leaving examinations, where an average of 30 percent of the results are below average or failures each year. Although there are no statistical records available in most African countries on the number of children and youth with learning disabilities, it is believed that about 8 percent of the students in school are experiencing learning difficulties in the classroom. Diverse factors contribute to the large number of school difficulties, including overcrowded classrooms, poverty, health issues, shortages of experienced teachers, traditional beliefs, lack of teaching materials, school expectations, and motivational issues. I examine the state of education for students with learning difficulties in Africa, focusing especially on Botswana but also including information from other countries, and consider the concept, prevalence, causes, provision of services, and difficulties in providing effective services for children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   


In this article, we describe an investigation in which a teacher taught four students with moderate mental retardation to read sight words using a progressive time‐delay procedure. Definitions of the target words were presented incidentally in the consequent statement. Through the small‐group arrangement, students had the opportunity to learn through observation the other students' target words and incidental information. All students acquired their target words and at least 50% of the incidental and observational words and definitions to which they were exposed. We interpret these data as suggesting that teachers should systematically include related nontargeted information in their instruction and provide opportunities for observational learning to occur.  相似文献   

Limited research has examined the skills of children with a reading disability (RD) and children with RD and a mathematics disability (MD). Even less research has examined the phonological awareness (PA) and rapid automatized naming (RAN) skills in these two groups of children and how these skills relate to reading and math achievement. Additionally, various classification criteria are frequently implemented to classify children with MD. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the PA and RAN skills in children who met different criteria for RD only and children with RD who are at risk for mathematics difficulties (MDR). Participants were 114 second‐ or third‐grade students with RD from public elementary schools in three large metropolitan areas. Students were classified as at risk for mathematics difficulties utilizing a 25th‐percentile cutoff and a 15th‐percentile cutoff as assessed by the KeyMath‐Revised Test ( Connolly, 1988 ). A series of PA and RAN measures were administered along with a range of reading and mathematics measures. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that children with RD only evidenced a different pattern of results compared to children with RD + MDR. Additionally, using a more stringent criterion to classify children at risk for mathematics difficulties resulted in a differential pattern of results when compared to a less stringent classification criterion.  相似文献   

为视力残疾学生提供合乎需要的教育,是提高我国视障教育质量应重点探索与研究的问题。在盲校内实施按需施教,主要是针对视力残疾学生个体差异实行分类教育,针对个体内的差异开展分组教学与个别教学,以使他们获得发展  相似文献   

States currently are in the process of developing child and family outcome measurement systems for young children with disabilities to meet federal data reporting requirements for the Part C (Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities) and Part B Preschool Grants program supported through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. This article reviews issues related to the use of assessments in providing outcome data, discusses challenges raised in conducting valid assessments with young children for accountability purposes, and outlines decisions states must make related to assessment as they design and implement outcome measurement approaches. Considerations related to the standardized or curriculum-based measures are discussed along with other choices related to the use of assessment for accountability.  相似文献   

The degree and nature of stress experienced by the families of infants and toddlers with disabilities has gained increased recognition and interest. The Questionnaire on Resources and Stress (QRS) and the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) are two of the most commonly used measures of familial stress. The concurrent validity of these measures was examined and expectations that QRS and PSI scores were related in expected ways was generally confirmed by both bivariate and multivariate analyses.  相似文献   

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