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试论理解的教学价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超越传统的认识论范畴,在存在论、本体论意义上,理解是主体在认知、情感、行为等层面对理解对象及其与理解对象之间关系的把握。理解的维度、对象、条件、方法、标准等深刻影响着教学活动的运行。重新认识理解的内涵,使得教学活动要关注教学过程的展开,注重学生精神世界的建构,更要突出学生创造性品质的培养。  相似文献   

Can cognitive research generate usable knowledge for elementary science instruction? Can issues raised by classroom practice drive the agenda of laboratory cognitive research? Answering yes to both questions, we advocate building a reciprocal interface between basic and applied research. We discuss five studies of the teaching, learning, and transfer of the “Control of Variables Strategy” in elementary school science. Beginning with investigations motivated by basic theoretical questions, we situate subsequent inquiries within authentic educational debates—contrasting hands-on manipulation of physical and virtual materials, evaluating direct instruction and discovery learning, replicating training methods in classroom, and narrowing science achievement gaps. We urge research programs to integrate basic research in “pure” laboratories with field work in “messy” classrooms. Finally, we suggest that those engaged in discussions about implications and applications of educational research focus on clearly defined instructional methods and procedures, rather than vague labels and outmoded “-isms.”  相似文献   

Classroom Learning Environments and Students' Approaches to Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four hundred and eighty-four students from two metropolitan secondary schools completed the Learning Process Questionnaire, the Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire and the Learner Self Concept scale. Relationships between perceptions of the classroom learning environment, approaches to learning and self concept as a learner were investigated. Gender and level of schooling (junior high versus senior high) differences were examined. Results showed Deep Approaches to learning were significantly related to classroom learning environments which were perceived to be highly personalised and to be encouraging active participation in the learning process and the use of investigative skills in learning activities. High learner self concept was positively associated with Deep Approaches to learning and with classrooms perceived as high in Personalisation. It was negatively associated with Surface Approaches to learning. Differences in perceptions of learning environments and approaches to learning in relation to gender and level of schooling were small. The implications of these findings are discussed and strategies for facilitating Deep Approaches to learning are referred to. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

学生不理解知识一直是教学过程中存在的普遍又亟待解决的问题。通过对理解过程和数学理解障碍的探讨,以及对影响促进理解的教学开展的主要因素的研究,进而构建一种信息技术支持的促进理解的教学模式,帮助解决学生不理解的问题,从而促进他们更好地学习。  相似文献   

教育研究中对学生的课程理解关注较少,且关注点集中于学生在课堂教学中的课程体验。学生课程理解还涉及学生在学习、体验课程之前对于课程体系、课程结构的认知这一课程理解影响着学生对于课程的整体性认识,影响着学生课程学习的态度与动机。实践中教师课程理解的狭隘以及对学生课程理解的关注不足导致学生的课程理解薄弱,进而造成学生的学习效能低下。今后应提升教师对学生课程理解的关注程度,创造条件促进学生对课程的有意义建构。  相似文献   

近年来,在课堂教学质量学生评估上各高校各显神通,效果不一。明确学生评估的必要性、原则、方法和实施要点,遵循发展性等四个评估原则、日常访问法等四种评估方法和五个相应的实施要点是学生评估实施的关键和保障。  相似文献   

合作学习理论之互动观对课堂教学的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学是师生平等参与和互动的过程.合作学习是当代教学理念与策略的主流之一,它非常关注教学过程中的各种互动合作关系.在新课程实施过程中,合作学习之互动观对课堂教学中的师生、生生以及师师互动合作有重要的启示.  相似文献   

教与学关系对教育的存在具有时间与逻辑先在性。教育本体是教与学的关系性存在,它在教育者与受教育者主体间性关系中生成。教育作为关系性存在的生成方式是人的理解,对教与学的理解不同,教与学关系就不同,教育本质也不同。任何形式的教育都起始于教与学的主体间性关系,因此建构这种关系本身就是教育。  相似文献   

数学课堂学习动力与"教学用问题"研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
数学课堂学习动力研究从认知的视角出发,在考察数学课堂学习现实的基础上,首次提出“教学用问题”,它是数学课堂学习的动力源,包括:元认知提示性问题、开放性问题、导向性问题、理解性问题、唤起性问题和判断性问题.这些问题在数学课堂学习动力系统中的“启动”、“维持”和“意向生成”3个阶段起着不同的作用,“教学用问题”的系列作和构成“教学用问题链”.“教学用问题链”是高效数学课堂学习的重要保障.  相似文献   

高职院校加大了对实训教学的投入,注重学生的知识、行为和技能等显性素质的培养,但对学生职业道德、职业意识与职业态度等隐性素质关注较少。探讨职业意识在文秘专业课堂教学中的渗透,以期提高学生就业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

工程地质的教学目的是培养学生在掌握基础知识上能合理有效的运用知识解决实际问题的能力。从认知心理学的角度分析认知过程与工程地质的要求,探讨了教学中应注意的问题,提出培养学生能力的具体内容,即善于学习、观察、思考并总结。  相似文献   

外语本科专业翻译教学的中心任务是培养学生翻译专业能力。基于翻译教学"条件范畴因素"和"决定范畴因素",融入多媒体和网络技术的外语专业本科翻译基础课程课堂教学与自主学习整合教学模式以翻译学习网站作为中枢组织教学活动,使课堂教学与自主学习主次互补而又融为一体,有利于提高翻译教学效率。  相似文献   

教学的恒定性与境遇性分别是在预成性思维和生成性思维视域下看到的教学图景。应然的教学是境遇性与恒定性的统一,但由于理性思维的膨胀,人们一直痴迷于恒定性的探求而忽略甚至压抑了境遇性。强调教学的境遇性是对传统中人们过于重视恒定性的纠正。恒定性是对教学静态的描述,境遇性是对教学动态的表征,它们是教学性状的两个极点,二者之间存在一个连续的区域,从而存在无数的教学形态,当我们将其中的一种形态当作教学的全部形态时,教学就走向了极端。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of instruction on students' generation of questions when reading multiple documents. Participants were 151 undergraduate students who were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: a treatment condition that received question generation instruction and a control condition that did not receive question generation instruction. All participants read four primary-source documents and were asked to generate up to 10 questions based on those documents. Results indicate that students generated significantly fewer higher-order integration questions without instructional support. These results are replicated with an alternative document set to demonstrate that the effects found were not due to the specific historical topic.  相似文献   

数学课堂教学任务认知水平是对学生学习效果进行过程性评价的重要手段,通过方差分析及回归分析影响不同学业成绩、年级、性别学生数学课堂教学任务认知水平的各种因素及其重要程度.不同学业成绩和性别的学生在任务认知水平及多数影响因素方面差异显著;不同年级的学生在任务认知水平及多数影响因素方面差异不显著;影响任务认知水平最重要的三种因素是数学教学情境、数学课堂交流、数学知识应用,构建科学的评价任务认知水平的模式,为测量学生任务认知水平和实施高水平认知要求的教学任务提供可操性方法.  相似文献   

基于新课程实施中课堂教学评价所存在的实际问题,从理论和实践两个层面,对课堂教学评价的基本特征及其实施策略进行分析.首先,阐明新课程背景下的课堂教学评价当以"解释者"和"批判社会建构主义者"的身份加以担当,并概括为六大特征;其次,以"阅读教学"为例,具体说明课堂教学评价特征和实施策略.  相似文献   

综合运用建构主义学习论、元认知学习论、个性教育论、主体性教育理论、创造性教育论等,结合体育教学实际提出了体育自主学习能力的分层培养与全程指导的教学模式,初步探讨了体育自主学习能力培养的理论问题与操作性问题,旨在为终身体育意识养成和终身学习能力获得的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

课堂教学作为课程实施中最根本的要素,它的有效性如何直接关系到课堂教学质量。影响课堂教学功能定位的主要因素有:对教学过程本质的态度及认识、教育自身的特点和现实教学条件及教学传统等。明确的课堂教学功能定位是确立预期教学目标的基础,而预期目标的达成仍然是判定教学有效性的基本指标,同时也要从"预设"与"生成"的关系,从师生双方积极的教学体验来判定课堂教学的有效性。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of conceptual change text-oriented instruction over traditional instruction on students' understanding of solution concepts (e.g., dissolving, solubility, factors affecting solubility, concentrations of solutions, types of solutions, physical properties of solutions) and their attitudes towards chemistry. The sample of this study consisted of 87 undergraduate students from two classes enrolled in an introductory chemistry course. One of the classes was assigned randomly to the control group, and the other class were assigned randomly to the experimental group. During teaching the topic of solution concepts in the chemistry curriculum, a conceptual change text-oriented instruction was applied in the experimental group whereas traditional instruction was followed in the control group. The results showed that the students in the experimental group performed better with respect to solution concepts. In addition, it has been found that there was no significant difference between the attitudes of students in the experimental and control groups towards chemistry.  相似文献   

数学理解的层次性及其教学意义   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
于新华  杨之 《数学教育学报》2005,14(2):23-25,46
数学理解有不同的程度、层次,这些层次包括:零层次、常识性层次、逻辑性层次、观念性层次和无尽的层次.数学理解层次的主要特点有不连续性、整体功能性、两种循环性和两种依赖性.在数学教与学中提高数学理解层次的途径有亲历知识的生长过程,参与数学研究,以及进行哲学思考.  相似文献   

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