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This paper is about the experience of secondary headship selection. Using data from career history interviews with 20 headteachers, 10 men and 10 women, from two Midlands educational authorities, the paper demonstrates some of the different procedures and processes used to select headteachers. Then by comparing the experiences of the long‐in‐post and recently appointed heads, aspects of continuity and change in the headteacher role are explored. The paper argues that although the processes and the selectors’ perceptions of the appropriate candidates have changed, nevertheless other features such as gender, networking and reputing continue to be important aspects of the headship selection process.  相似文献   

In recent years the UK secondary educational landscape has witnessed significant change, with the introduction of an ever-extending spectrum of competing government initiatives and policies. This has resulted in the steady erosion of the traditionally recognised role of headteacher. This paper presents the results of a practitioner-based study centred on the professional career journeys of a selected group of senior incumbent headteachers from across Liverpool, United Kingdom. The purpose of the research was to consider key features of difference in the headteacher role over a 30-year period. Five heads were interviewed about how they rose to headship and the influences and events that guided their career choices. Findings include acknowledgement of the requirement for self-directed career development, paucity of skills in preparation for headship, transformation in leadership models and the changing skills, qualities and qualifications required of contemporary and emergent headteachers.  相似文献   

This paper considers how the detail of individual life history and career biography can contribute to sociological understanding about women and career. Using career history material from married women primary and infant headteachers, the paper considers what were, for the women themselves, the structural conditions and the characteristics of the teaching labour market. This is followed by an examination of the variations in the attitudes and experiences of individual women to their work and to promotion in their careers. The paper argues that the study of career biography enables us to make the theoretical link between the structural conditions in particular labour markets and the meanings of career to individual women.  相似文献   

The paper argues that in respect of the day‐to‐day work activities required in being a headteacher, and in the work relationships involved in running schools, the occupational culture of headship has changed fundamentally. Using the accounts of 20 headteachers, interviewed in respect of their career histories in 1990 and followed up by means of a postal questionnaire in 1992, the paper illustrates the changes experienced and identified by this group of heads. It is argued that a new headteacher is required; that aspects of educational leadership have diminished dramatically in the work culture of headship.  相似文献   


This paper sets out to examine and explain the reasons why there are relatively few female secondary headteachers in England and Wales. Research relating to women in management has been mainly qualitative, but the data on which this paper is based are drawn from a large scale questionnaire survey which was sent to all the female headteachers in England and Wales, and which achieved a 70 per cent response rate. The issues covered include: demographic characteristics: career constraints associated with domestic commitments; overt and covert discrimination in the workplace and the reasons that the respondents gave for their own success. The author concludes that despite minor changes, there is a continuing and high level of discrimination faced by women who aspire to senior management in education.  相似文献   

Twenty‐four primary schools were randomly selected from all those listed in a local education authority in the West Midlands of England. Heads or deputy headteachers of 21 of these schools were interviewed using a structured interview schedule very similar to the one used for a recent survey of secondary schools. Data were obtained about the general rule structures of the schools and the system of sanctions and rewards used to maintain them. The findings were then compared with those from the secondary survey. Primary schools were less likely than secondary schools to have written rule structures but most were in the process of producing them in response to new pressures. It was more common for all the teachers in the primary school to be considered responsible for seeing that rules were kept. Generally, primary school headteachers identified fewer sanctions being used to uphold their rules than in secondary schools. The number of rewards used in both types of school was about equal. Comment is made on the difference between sanctions and rewards identified as being used in schools and some observed classroom practice.  相似文献   

The number of women who achieve senior posts in educational management is disproportionate to the number of women employed. This is particularly true for women in secondary education, where only about 20 per cent of headships are held by women. All the female headteachers of one English shire county were interviewed about their own experiences and views on barriers to women's progress. The interview schedule was based on the author's classification of the theories of Shakeshaft and Schmuck. The data are analysed under the headings of: overt and covert discrimination; constraints experienced within the work situation; and constraints experienced through roles outside the work situation and early career influences. The headteachers had experienced both overt discrimination and more subtle sexism and tended to meet both with pragmatism, rather than confrontation. They had avoided gender‐stereotyped roles within the work situation, and were generally free of the major responsibility for domestic affairs. As children, they had been aware of high educational expectations held of them by their parents. Supportive partnerships and minimal career breaks had been important in their progress.  相似文献   

中共中央国务院《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》提出:“辅导员、班主任是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量。”在新的形势下高校辅导员、班主任应该树立以人为本的思想,热爱学生,关心学生;应具有坚定正确的政治方向和良好的科学文化素质;在工作方法上,抓早抓实,形成良好的学风,班风;重视心理健康教育,培养学生健康人格。  相似文献   

Studying Headteachers' Professional Lives: Getting the life history   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to obtain a better understanding of how headteachers frame their professional lives, a comparative project was set up with a life history approach. A series of open-ended interviews were conducted where headteachers talked about themselves, their work, background, experiences and career. The article focuses on the modes of inquiry used in the study and explores alternative approaches to analysis, especially of content and form. Several methodological issues are discussed, for instance the production of data as an interactive and collaborative process of creating meaning, the central role of the research relations, dialogical analysis and how to move from separate individual stories to an analysis of headteachers' lives across different countries. As the analysis has unfolded, new questions have been posed about the comparative aspect of the project. At the beginning, cross-national similarities and differences were relatively straightforward and were found in the content of interviews. Since then, explorations of the form and structure of the stories have raised more complex juxtapositions. More recently, new questions have begun to emerge, such as about the nature and meanings of 'professional confidence' and its relationship to external accountability in national contexts.  相似文献   

This paper presents initial findings of research into problems encountered by recently appointed primary headteachers. The study from which its data are drawn was undertaken in Wales in the summer of 1994 as one dimension of a broader European study of the preparation and early years in post of headteachers and replicated elements of an earlier survey of new secondary headteachers appointed to post in 1982–83. This paper discusses findings from the 1994 primary study relating to headteachers’ perceptions of three categories of problems: those internal to their schools, those external to their schools and those related to staff and staffing issues. To provide a context for these empirical data the paper also presents a brief review of research on problems and approaches to problem‐solving relevant to educational administrators.  相似文献   

The term ‘broken career’ is used to describe the most common work pattern for married women teachers. The break in teaching service involves leaving teaching for a period, usually in order to have and to care for young children, and then returning to teaching when family responsibilities seem to permit. The article considers what were the significant features in the timing, the length and the type of the breaks in teaching service of a sample of married women who were primary and infant headteachers. The manner of the returns, is examined, in particular how the returns came about, and this indicates the importance of personal contacts and informal networks in bringing women back into primary teaching. Finally the article considers the inadequacy of the term ‘broken’ or ‘interrupted’ career to describe or explain the experiences of these women.  相似文献   


This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on how best the appraisal of headteachers can be effected. It presents an analysis of the findings of a study which compared self‐appraisals of their managerial peformance by a sample of primary headteachers (n=36), with appraisals of these headteachers by their teaching staff. Respondents completed the 100‐item Management Performance Profile (MPP) Questionnaire and the resulting profiles of the headteachers'performance in 10 managerial categories, were compared. In addition, data were generated on headteachers' perceptions of their personal and professional identity, using a semi‐structured interview schedule. The findings are that there is a high level of concordance between perceptions by headteachers and teachers of the managerial priorities of the primary headteacher. However, two groups of schools are identified, in which there are significant differences between evaluations of the headteachers' managerial performance. Interview data is used to illuminate the analysis and discussion of these differences. The conclusion is that staff participation in headteacher performance review has much to offer and that the MPP questionnaire is a tool of value in this respect.  相似文献   

广东省中学校长中英合作培训项目具有两方面的价值:一方面是对参训校长具有冲击效应,国外异质教育文化的碰撞使中国校长产生强烈的思想冲击与震撼,并引起他们时国内教育深刻的比较和反思。这是出国培训的特殊价值,国内培训无法代替。因此,选送优秀校长出国培训,是快速培养具有一定的国际教育视野、现代教育意识和多元化教育思维的中小学校长的有效途径。另一方面,出国培训对国内培训也产生了冲击,参训校长高度肯定的中英合作培训项目,其中有多方面时国内培训具有普遍的借鉴意义,包括科学合理的课程设计安排、有效提升领导力的理论培训和研究取向的深度体验学习模式。  相似文献   

Many countries in Europe use some kind of competence framework to define the quality of teachers. They typically formulate one level of teaching quality which defines the competence level that teachers must have acquired after completing initial teacher education. In addition, most countries provide limited career structures that define career opportunities within the teacher profession itself, resulting in a profession where often the only option for career progression is to move to leadership positions. Competence frameworks that create opportunities for vertical and horizontal career structures can make being a teacher a more attractive profession. They offer teachers opportunities for ‘career crafting’ and professional growth and supply school leaders with tools for more elaborate career guidance. In this article, we present a framework that was developed in the Netherlands to support teacher growth and teachers' career development. It has been used as a starting point for creating a shared language and understanding of the teacher profession and as a catalyst for dialogue between teachers and school leaders on professional growth. We elaborate the main characteristics of the resulting model, its limitations, the feedback that has been collected and how this feedback has been incorporated in how the model is used and discussed by teachers, school leaders and teacher education institutes. Finally, we argue that the strength of the framework can be explained by the way it acts as a boundary object, inspiring mutual learning and dialogue between different activity systems (of teachers, school leaders and teacher educators).  相似文献   

This paper is intended for headteachers, prospective headteachers and others who supervise staff in schools. Drawing upon interviews and observations of executives over a number of years, the paper records a range of personnel management tactics which have proved effective in practice and which educational managers may find useful. Attention is given to the importance of and approaches to induction of new personnel, involvement of staff in managerial tasks, use of goals to focus the school's work, and techniques for communicating productively with staff. The paper also examines the importance and implications of managerial optimism and determination.  相似文献   

提高大学生就业质量是新时期高校就业工作的应有之义。正确理解就业质量内涵,通过构建"一个平台"、坚守"两个阵地"、坚持"三个理念"和重视"四个阶段工作",努力做到从职业规划的可行性、择业技能的全面性、专业储备的针对性和就业环境的适应性方面提升大学生就业能力,促进就业质量的提高是新时期高校就业工作的根本。  相似文献   

This chapter draws upon recent research into what a sample of interviewed primary school headteachers had to say about their role and work in the 1990s. Two common themes — the intensification of the work and their roles as school developers — are identified from their testimonies. In turn, three emerging issues are discussed: management and leadership, school improvement, and effective headteachers. These findings have in the last two years been shared with many other headteachers and their responses to these ideas have prompted some second level analysis and reflection which is the focus of the latter part of the chapter. While there are some changes in the work of headteachers, certain role orthodoxies continue. The most enduring characteristic is the pre-eminence of the headteacher. Yet this is the very feature which accounts for them feeling so pressured and strained and it may be the time when this most central of continuities needs to change.  相似文献   

The relationship between age and role conceptions was examined in a national sample of infant, junior and secondary school headteachers drawn from schools throughout England and Wales. American studies of the school principalship have shown authoritarianism, closed‐mindedness, and lack of educational innovation to be characteristic of the beliefs and behaviour of older rather than younger school principals. The present study failed to support American findings. Older headteachers were found to exhibit less authoritarianism than younger headteachers; nor were older heads more traditional in outlook than younger colleagues or any less concerned with supervising the work of their teaching staffs.  相似文献   


This is a comparative study, drawing on data obtained from interviews conducted with headteachers, that compares the roles of Swedish and British headteachers as pedagogical leaders. For its analytical framework the study uses the qualitative research approach known as phenomenography and, in the context of the guiding legal documents related to education, examines the study's findings as frame factors and as tight and loosely coupled systems. Based on interviews with the study's subjects (five Swedish and five English headteachers), discernible differences were noted between Swedish and English headteachers in their roles as pedagogical leaders. Both groups are responsible for the administration and management of the school but, compared to the Swedish headteachers, their English counterparts have greater personal responsibility for the school's overall performance and are more focused on providing leadership in teaching and learning. In contrast, the Swedish headteachers had a greater separation of the two roles, with the headteacher taking responsibility for administration and leaving responsibility for teaching and learning to the teachers.  相似文献   

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