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In 2002, James Klein published a study based on a content analysis of research articles in PIQ from 1997 through 2000. That study was aimed at determining how much empirical research was being reported in HPT and what the focus of that research was. Klein found that only about one third of the articles published in PIQ represented empirical research. The current study replicates Klein's research for the years of 2001 through 2005. Results indicate that there has been a significant increase in empirical research published in PIQ in the last five years with empirical research now accounting for more than one half of all PIQ articles. Further clarification of the levels of evaluation for non‐instructional interventions and the refinement of research questions in the field are suggested as ongoing needs. An analysis detailing the comparison of the two studies is provided.  相似文献   

本人通过文献资料法、实地调查法、逻辑演绎法,对大型体育场馆运营绩效进行探讨,从经济效益、社会效益及管理效益三个方面进行分析探讨,并提出经济收入提升手段多元化,服务标准化;社会效益提升多方举办,受惠于民;管理效益提升专业先行,突出创新三个方面的建议,以提升大型体育场馆运营绩效。  相似文献   

文章对职业教育集团化办学绩效改进的意义及绩效改进关键要素模型的构建进行了探讨,并以旅游职业教育集团化办学为例,分析了旅游职业教育集团化办学绩效改进的具体内容,提出了旅游职业教育集团化办学绩效的改进路径.  相似文献   

首先介绍了区域生态供应链环境绩效评价方面的相关研究;然后介绍了黎明区域生态供应链的相关资料,最后,运用模糊综合评价法对黎明区域生态供应链环境绩效进行了实证研究,并对其结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

该实验研究将被试在校大学生分成实验组和控制组,对自信心水平较低的实验组大学生进行体验式学习干预和结构式团体辅导,控制组不做干预.实验结果表明,体验式学习干预和结构式团体辅导可以有效增强大学生的自信和自我效能感,且具有时间延续性,可为提高大学生心理素质提供实践性指导.  相似文献   

为了避免目前软件架构中特定应用的复杂性和低效率问题,提出了利用局部评价技术提高构件的运行效率.该方案是专门为已知的知识和环境分析二进制代码指令序列语法和语义,形成特例化的规则,最终得到面向对象的局部评价方案.实验结果表明,通过良好的设计机制与编译器优化技术的集成,部分评价能有效地提高运行效率,降低通用设计的成本,获得更多的通用性和可扩展性.  相似文献   

自从我国实施大学扩招政策以来,大学教育质量的问题便备受关注。特别对地方医学院校而言,学生综合素质的培养与繁重的课业压力成为师生最为关注的热点问题。本研究旨在分析医学院校大学生学习性投入对学生学习成绩的影响,以期为改进院校教育和学生学习提供参考。  相似文献   

采取动态研究的方法,前后历时一年.实验组为上海某小学三年级参加双语兴趣课的学生,在一年内他们接受了每周一次共80分钟的双语教学,对照组为该校同年级的所有其他同学.经过前期测试、后期测试和问卷调查,课题组得出了实验组和对照组成绩无明显差异的结论,并对此从四个方面进行了分析和论证.  相似文献   

尽管一个人的大学学业成绩并不能决定一个人未来的成就大小,但它是一个大学生成才的必备条件。采用学生考试情况分布表、基本情况登记表及影响学习因素的测验表等对大学生的学业成绩及其影响因素进行分析,有助于为提高教学质量和帮助学生成才提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The Board of Directors of the International Society for Performance Improvement has identified top managers and executives as one of the population groups that are or should be represented in ISPI membership. In an effort to research these professionals, Performance Improvement is introducing a new feature — Executive Summaries. These are synopses of the feature articles in each issue. They will appear together on pages that can be copied and distributed to members of your organization who might not have time to read PI, but may benefit from the content of its articles. We encourage you to share summaries with managers and executives, as well as clients, team members, students, and other performance improvement professionals. Also — look for the summaries to appear on ISPI's Web Site soon.  相似文献   

基于绩效技术的高校教师绩效改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用绩效技术原理分析了高校教师的教学绩效,以及改进教师教学绩效的方法,并简要介绍了电子绩效支持系统在学校范围内对于教师绩效改进的个性化支持。  相似文献   

Performance improvement initiatives are prevalent in organizations these days, emanating from different functions and frequently addressing the same or related challenges and opportunities. We propose that these efforts be integrated across the three levels of organizations—worker, work, and workplace—to reduce confusion and to maximize results for employees and customers.  相似文献   

我国星级酒店业旅游电子商务实施绩效测度体系实证研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
旅游业与电子商务的发展具有天然的融合性,而作为旅游业支柱之一的星级酒店业,也正大力实施电子商务行为,取得了较大的业绩.我国星级酒店业旅游电子商务实施绩效测度体系的设计为我国星级酒店业进一步提高电子商务的应用效率提供了有效的理论指导.因子分析可以对理论模型提供信度和效度检验,从而提高了理论体系的可信性和可靠性.  相似文献   

I argue in this article that the foundation of performance improvement consists of a number of principles of reasoning as opposed to a number of models. I show, along with some prominent models, what these principles are and that none of the models incorporates them completely. Finally, I consolidate these principles into one list and show how they lead to a simple performance improvement process that includes the development of new models and the adaptation of existing models.  相似文献   

情感缺失是影响现代远程教育学生学习绩效的重要因素。文章在分析需要层次理论与参与——认同模型的基础上,认为加强对学生的支持服务、引导学生参与各类活动能有效提高学生学校归属感,进而对学习绩效产生积极作用。研究对中国地质大学远程教育在校学生进行为期一年的分组对比实验,并对研究数据采用模糊综合评判等方法进行分析,发现学校归属感的提升对促进远程教育学习绩效的提高具有积极意义。  相似文献   

随着高校招生和基建规模不断扩大,自主决策权扩大,从全国范围看高校案件在整个教育系统居高不下。高校腐败案件频发,充分暴露出高校内部管理的薄弱环节、漏洞和监督管理缺位。通过对“加强高校绩效管理和健全行政问责制度”课题的研究,建立健全高校绩效管理评价体系和问责机制,完善高校的管理制度和监督机制十分必要。  相似文献   

公平感知与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前学者们对不同纬度的公平感知与绩效之间关系的研究结论并不一致.为了更好地考察两者关系,文章引入"外部相对公平"概念,将员工与参照物(而不是与自身期望)相比而获得的公平感知纳入量表衡量范围.另外,文章还拓宽了两者关系中的绩效研究:首先,将绩效划分为个人绩效和部门绩效;其次,不仅局限于与工作相关的员工行为,并且将前人经常忽略的超出工作之外的员工活动纳入绩效考察.研究表明员工的程序公平感知越高,个人和部门绩效水平也相应较高;与同事和其他部门相比获得的公平感知越高,员工也越有可能提高自身绩效和部门绩效.  相似文献   

Using the evaluation research strategy (Geroy & Wright, 1988) as a guideline, the authors conducted a needs assessment with 280 support staff, faculty, and administrators at a mid–sized community college. We taught the nominal group technique (Delbecq & Van de Ven, 1971) to representatives from each of these three groups. These representatives facilitated the participation of virtually all employees at the college in identifying a prioritized list of items that would enable these persons to “do their jobs better.” Analysis of the suggested performance improvement solutions utilized the performance technology model (Gilbert, 1978) and indicated that the solutions fell into five categories of intervention: high–yield training, direction and flow of information, resources, performance incentives, and medium–yield training. This combination of models and methods provided the decision makers with data that refocused their vision from planning professional development training to planning for performance improvement. These data represented needs, not wants, and enabled them to recognize the importance of addressing both training and non–training options.  相似文献   

科学评价大学生学习成效是高等教育实现由规模扩张转向内涵发展的关键理论和实践问题.首先构建了以知识学习、能力提升、性格完善为评价维度的大学生学习成效评价指标体系,首次将区间数理论和改进AHP模型引入大学生学习成效评价研究,建立大学生学习成效评价模型,并利用某个大学经济学专业学生学习成效调查的基础数据进行实证研究.实证研究表明,评价模型可以有效应用于大学生学习成效的评价,对大学生学习成效的系统分析具有较高的敏感性、诊断性和科学性,可以为大学生学习成效评价实践提供合理的考核与计量标准.  相似文献   

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