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A Good Idea     
W Ily al‘e yot一slnokillg ollc e xgarette after anotlier,.)为什么您一根接一根地抽烟?傻孩子,你不知道我这样能节省一些火柴呜?A Good Idea@佚名 @谭文锋!我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

A Good Idea     
1 havea Don’t move.OK? idea.31 good kg. 1}12誉别乱动行不行?硝檬纂翼法了·3’公斤·3露29公斤。A Good Idea@佚名 @张立明$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

A Good Way     
Jeff,a boy of twelve, is in Grade Five thisterm. He likes to use his head and he hopes toteach maths in a middle school when he growsup.  相似文献   

A Good Lesson     
A rich old lady who lived near D r Sw ift often sent him presents byher boy servant. Sw ift took her presents but never gave the boy anythingfor his work.O ne day as D r Sw ift w as busy with his w riting,the boyrushed (闯进) into his study (书房), knocked his books out of theirplaces,threw the parcel(包)on the desk and said,“M y m istress(女主人)sentyou two ofher rabbits.”Swift turned round and said,“Thats notthe way to deliver(递送)apresent,boy.N ow ,you sit down in m y chair and watch…  相似文献   

A Good Example     
I have a good friend. Her name is Li Ying. She is twelve years old now. She is a good girl and often does good deeds. Here is a true story about her.  相似文献   

A Good Friend     
Du Du,1 heard you would 90 to another sehool.1 wjll miss you.津曝黝瀚薰淤1嘟粗_吸妙黔学爪满会毓的岁饭娜犷艾尸一加你筹了,我会很伤心的。豁’我太感动了,你真是我的好朋夯_、赫走了,诚谙考试最后二名就是我了。愁砂娇A Good Friend@佚名 @苏骏鼎$我们的工作室<正  相似文献   

A Good Doctor     
East Africa(非洲)is a his pee but it has a vq small numbe Of hospi-tals.It Hi dctors and。 e big Hi hay them bu he灯].----muHH.M。t Of he de h、in he co。一卜ide.Michael Wd is l-c)tllaxrandpilo(飞行员).HewI,I1Les1inNaichbuhe=HtOworkinthtonopide.In lops he er to a small place in he COpide.He visiteda盯m山M吵M皿d -- on a ptient(病人).*o则山e r h KelyandTtirlsarlla.HethekhekverychgrI)er)t)letDNAi1?t)I)i.herearefourpas now nd M are our dctors nd。 It is pr wd.heplanes。slllall and the…  相似文献   

在小学英语教学中,我们经常会创设各种教学情境让学生感知语言,运用语言,取得了意想不到的教学效果。教学情境是“情”与“境”的融合,情因境生,境为情设,情、境和谐统一,从而形成一定的境界或氛围,便于学生满腔热情地投入学习,激发他们的主动性、创造性和情感感染性,让课堂在情境中扩大、幻化成文本中的各种意境。我曾经在不同的班级采取同课异构的形式上了两节英语课。由于使用的教学策略和设计的教学情境不同,再加上不同班级学生的性格、知识水平、理解能力等方面的差异,教学效果显然也不同。  相似文献   

在小学英语教学中,我们经常会创设各种教学情境让学生感知语言,运用语言,取得了意想不到的教学效果。教学情境是“情”与“境”的融合,情因境生,境为情设,情、境和谐统一,从而形成一定的境界或氛围,便于学生满腔热情地投入学习,激发他们的主动性、创造  相似文献   

刘帅一 《海外英语》2014,(21):198-201
As a carefully designed work, Flannert O’Connor’s short story“A Good Man is Hard to Find”is a brilliant example for skillfully using narrative techniques to convey her Catholic faith. Mieke Bal’s theories of time in narratology provide a fresh perspective to explores the characterizations in Flannert O’Connor’s“A Good Man is Hard to Find”. Time functions greatly to the characterizations of the characters through the narrative text in terms of the story and the fabula. It helps to present the characters’ personalities by playing with the sequential ordering, rhythm and frequency. By using these narrative techniques, grandmother’s selfishness, her moral inanition and her considerations that she is morally superior to others is fully expressed to the reader as well as Misfit’s struggling and renascence to his disbeliefs of God and so on.  相似文献   

A patrol car has been following this vehicle for about 30minutes now,when they finally decide to pull it over.Theofficer steps out and walks up to the driver’s window.“Good afternoon,sir.”“Good afternoon,any problems?”“No.sir.My partner and I have been following and observ-ing you for a half an hour now.We as certained that you havenot committed one single traffic violation,you have not goneover the speed limit by even 1 mph,you were courteoustowards the fellow drivers on the road.Ther…  相似文献   

As a carefully designed work, Flannert O’Connor’s short story“A Good Man is Hard to Find”is a brilliant example for skillfully using narrative techniques to convey her Catholic faith. Mieke Bal’s theor...  相似文献   

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the feature of situationally distinctive uses (varieties) of language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular cho...  相似文献   

Amidst the considerable literature published on institutional change in undergraduate teaching and learning, an article co-authored by Robert Barr and John Tagg in 1995 stands out. The authors offered a vision and —perhaps most importantly—gave it a memorable name, the Learning Paradigm. From Teaching to Learning—A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education is the most frequently cited article in the history of Change. In this article, Barr blended his voice with colleagues who helped initiate Learning Paradigm programs at a public university and in a liberal arts college setting. Through multiple forms of inquiry, including discourse and metaphor analysis, they interpreted the shift from teaching to learning and speculate about its future.  相似文献   

Somebody said that“A father is a treas-ure(财富),a brother is a comfort(安慰),buta good friend is both.”Everybody wants tohave a lot of friends.When you are in trou-ble,your friends can help you go throughit.When you succeed.you can enjoy the  相似文献   

A "Good" Shot     
Mr Richards was quite good at shooting with a rifle, hadtaken part in several competitions in his small town.He had neveractually won a prize,but each time he had done well,and once he hadcome fourth. Then he had to go to a big city on business for a month,and as he hadnothing much to do in the evenings there,he joined the local rifle club,  相似文献   

Somebody said,“A father is atreasure,a brother is a comfort,but agoodfriend is both.”When you are introuble,you can get help from yourfriends,and when you succeed,youcan enjoy that with them too.  相似文献   

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