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韩康 《上海教育》2000,(11):54-55
初中物理课堂教学中如何创设问题情境,提高课堂效率,这对于优化课堂教学有着重要的意义。我在多年的物理教学中进行了如下的探索和实践。一、通过拓宽教育空间,创设物理问题情景,追求教育的整体效益为了追求教育的整体效益,在课堂上可以联系自然,社会和生活实际。利用物理学史和物理学家的故事来创设问题情境,使情感活动和认知活动相结合,活化教学内容,起到拓宽教育空间、提高教育的整体效益的作用。其操作见下表:  相似文献   

在初中物理教学中,通过不断创设问题情境,激发学生的探求精神;通过创设成功的情境,使学生感受到获得成功的喜悦,调动学生学习的积极性。同时创设问题情境可以把抽象的问题具体化,深奥的道理形象化,枯燥的知识趣味化,从而激发学生发现问题的欲望和探究问题的热情,为学生发现问题和探究问题创造条件。这就要求教师在教学中必须把学生要学习的内容巧妙地转化为问题情境。  相似文献   

创设问题情境的实质在于揭示事物的矛盾或引起认知主体内心的认知冲突,动摇主体已有认知结构的平衡状态,使学生进入问题探索者的角色,真正参与到学习活动之中。达到掌握知识、训练思维能力的目的。在物理教学中教师可以创设各种情境来达到较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学关于思维的研究成果‘表明,思维过程首先是解决问题的过程,即思维通常是由问题情境产生的,而且是以解决问题情境为目的的.所谓“问题情境”是指个体觉察到的一种有目的但又不知如何达到这一目的心理困境,也就是当已有知识不能解决新问题时而出现的一种心理状态.要摆脱这种处境,人们就必须拟出以前未曾有过的、新的活动策略,亦即完成创造性活动.而借以解决包含在其中的问题的心理过程,则称做“问题性思维”。  相似文献   

任何教学活动都是在一定的情境中进行的,而情境创设的好坏,对能否顺利有效地完成教学活动非常关键。对于物理课堂教学而言,教师首先必须创设一个清晰的物理情境,并作用于学生,同时要引出学生原有认知结构中相关内容与新的问题情境对峙,使学生感到新问题与原有知识经验不协调,从而产生认知需要,进而明确学习的目标,形成学习动机。  相似文献   

课堂教学精心创设情境,可以更好地为学生提供良好的暗示或启发。这不仅有利于直接提高学生对学习的积极性,使学习活动成为学生主动进行的、快乐的事,而且有利于开发和锻炼学生的创造性思维,培养其学习能力。  相似文献   

主要分析了采用问题情境教学对初中学生学习物理知识产生的积极作用,并对其实践应用情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   

只有在学习那些“半生不熟”“似懂非懂”“似会非会”的东西时,学生才感兴趣而迫切希望掌握它。因此能否成为问题情境.主要看学习任务与学生已有知识经验的适合度如何,只有在既适应又不适应(中等难度)的情况下。才能构成问题情境。  相似文献   

在教学中创设问题情境,让问题带路,激发学生学习动机,激活学生多向思维,提升师生互动指数,帮助学生构建认知体系,还可为物理课堂教学提供更丰富的教学契机.  相似文献   

概要论述了中学物理学科教学的特点,着重讨论了现代信息技术在中学物理教学中的应用,指出了在中学物理教学中应用现代信息技术应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Forty high school students participated in a study to investigate learning and remembering from physics instruction. At pretest, students received aptitude tests, an alternate form of achievement test (counterbalanced) and a word association (WA) test. Then the 40 students were divided into instruction (N = 28) and control (N = 12) groups. The control group received all subsequent tests but no instruction. The instruction group received physics instruction over five 2-hour sessions. At the end of each session, the WA test was administered; the alternate form of the achievement test was administered at the end of the last session. The instruction and control groups did not differ significantly in achievement at pretest. The instruction group showed a significant gain from pre- to posttest; no such gain was found for the control group. The instruction and control groups did not differ on the number of responses generated on the WA test at pretesting. The number of responses given by students in the instruction group increased significantly from test 1 (pretest) to test 6 (posttest). For the control group, the number of responses increased initially and then leveled out well below the instruction group data. When WA test responses were tallied for “constrained” responses (i.e., tallying only those concepts found in equations defining the stimulus word), the number of constrained responses increased consistently for the instruction group. For the control group, constrained responses showed an initial increase and then leveled out well below instruction group data. Finally, the aptitude, achievement, and WA data were intercorrelated. This analysis suggests that for students who perform well in solving problems at the end of instruction, the physics concepts became meaningful soon after they were introduced. Subsequently, these students were able to consolidate, in memory, the meaning of the concepts and the interrelations among these concepts in the form of equations. Students not able to solve problems at the end of instruction seemed to be completing the process of acquiring the meaning of the concepts.  相似文献   

从教学目标、教学方法、师生关系等方面论述课堂教学优化的策略。  相似文献   

本文阐述了问题的类型、功能 ;论述了问题情景的设置 ,学生问题意识的培养 ;着重论述了学生提问能力的培养途径 :二维联想提问法和问题变式提问法。  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is a teaching methodology that has gained recognition in primary, secondary and higher education settings. The flipped classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering lecture instruction outside class, and devoting class time to problem solving, with the teacher's role becoming that of a learning coach and facilitator. This methodology provides an avenue for more hands‐on and student‐driven learning during class time. The benefits of a flipped classroom include increased student motivation, differentiating instruction, self‐pacing lessons and mastery learning, increased collaboration and instant feedback for formative assessment. Although limited research has been conducted regarding students with learning difficulties in inclusive settings using a flipped learning model, initial research indicates flipping a classroom can be beneficial. Information is provided on inclusive practices from numerous countries that are beneficial to students with learning difficulties, as well as strategies and resources for individuals who may want to implement a flipped classroom.  相似文献   

In spite of the abundance of publications describing university faculty development programs and activities, little is known about the effectiveness of such programs on specific disciplines or subject areas. The fact that differences have been identified in the dimensions on which students of different university departments rate their teachers suggests that instructors of different departments need different types of programs for teaching improvement. This article describes a study that has looked into methods for improving instruction of university physics full professors with many years of teaching experience. Two methods for this aim were examined for effectiveness: a workshop and individualized consultation, both augmenting students' midterm ratings of their instructors. Analysis of pre- and postworkshop questionnaires reveals impressive improvement on the majority of items, particularly those of specific teaching techniques discussed in the workshop, but not on the global ratings of the teacher. The special consultation procedure has been shown to bring about substantial increase on overall teaching performance. We conclude that veteran teachers are often unable to improve significantly their overall teaching performance when provided with midterm feedback from students' questionnaires or when participating in a workshop for teaching improvement. Improving their instruction requires substantial and continuous expert consultation as well as investing substantial time and efforts of their own.  相似文献   

本文针对目前物理教学受应试教育的影响扼杀学生的个性和创造性的弊端 ,提出了灵动的物理课堂应当让学生成为学生的主人。发挥学生的主动性和创造性。培养学生的创造性学习能力 ,包括创造性学习的兴趣、动力 ;创造性思维、创造性学习实践 ,提倡活跃和活动 ,提倡质疑发问 ,鼓励奇思异想 ,摒弃死记硬背 ,引导学生创造性地“学”物理  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深入,科学探究已成为我国基础教育理科课程改革的一个核心问题。根据师范学校的物理探究教学现状,依据相关的理论,设计了学生问卷,并对调查结果进行分析,为提出在师范学校实施物理探究教学的模式和策略提供参考。  相似文献   

课堂教学是运用语言的艺术,语言包括有声语言和无声语言。无声语言分学生无声语言和教师无声语言。在课堂教学中教师要善于运用无声语言。以调动学生的学习积极性,不断提高课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

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