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以钟楼为交点,西安成千上万的道路向四方辐射,一生二,二生三,街巷毛细血管似的布满其城。花草给城以绚烂,但城之魂却以树木守。杨,柳,梧桐,合欢,银杏,松,柏,皂荚,樱桃,云杉,楸,皆是嘉木,有的也年岁悠久,德高望重,不过我还是喜欢槐。学有国学,医有国  相似文献   

英雄者,韩信也;枭雄者,项羽也;狗雄者,非刘季者无以为也。韩信,明审大势,运筹帷幄,能屈能伸,怎奈灭项之后,囚于洛阳,终为吕后所害。项羽,勇悍仁强,战无不利,一生几乎未尝败北,怎奈四面楚歌,逼至乌江,遗躯终为旧日  相似文献   

对于花草,我向来不那么热衷,养花,更是糟蹋生物,总是等不到花开便夭折,不是渴死就是涝死,颇有一种负罪感,于是,暗自决定不再养花. 单位搬迁时,新办公室突然多了一种不知其名的植物,绿葱葱的,赏心悦目,一片片心形的叶子甚是肥硕,油光发亮,像抹了蜡油似的,茂盛得也很快,没几天就会有新叶冒出.只是它们只管生长不开花,我不禁纳闷了:这究竟是什么花?长得如此欢喜,春去春又回,就是不开花,完全无视春天的存在.出于好奇,后来问了浇花师傅,才知这种植物叫绿萝,又名黄金葛,也叫抽叶藤,原产热带雨林,性喜潮湿半阴环境,可水植,也可泥栽,可谓水陆"两柄",生命力十分顽强.  相似文献   

唐诗中的雪,千年不化,万古长存.文人们借助它,演绎人生世相,折射社会风情,亦实亦虚,亦古亦今,幻化出丰富多彩的生活画卷.今天,时过千年,地变万里,我们依然可以倾听它的心灵脉动,体察它的热火冰肠,读它的洁白,读它的冷峻,读它的孤傲,读它的阴郁……凡此种种,遐想无限,感慨万分.我感觉,冰雪精灵,弥漫时空,千古有约,今天依然轻舞飞扬,飘洒在我们眼前,回荡在我们耳畔,萦绕在我们心间.……  相似文献   

阅读下面的文字,完成1-4题.   高宗柳皇后讳敬言,河东解人也.曾祖世隆,齐侍中、司空、尚书令、贞阳忠武公.祖恽,有重名于梁代,官至秘书监,赠侍中、中护军.父偃,尚梁武帝女长城公主,拜驸马都尉.大宝中,为都阳太守,卒官.后时年九岁,干理家事,有若成人.侯景之乱,后与弟盼往江陵依梁元帝,元帝以长城公主之故,待遇甚厚.及高宗赴江陵,元帝以后配焉.承圣二年,后生后主于江陵.明年,江陵陷,高宗迁于关右,后与后主俱留穰城.天嘉二年,与后主还朝,后为安城王妃.高宗即位,立为皇后.   ……  相似文献   

父亲说,我出去,看能不能找点东西回来。父亲走后,四个孩子抱在一起,惊恐地望着。深陷的眼睛,黑洞洞,面黄肌瘦,缺营养。那时候,乡下,都穷,吃了上顿没下顿。一会儿,父亲跑回来,有些紧张,怀里露出两个白白的瓜。父亲用拳头一砸,瓜裂开了,两个瓜,分四半。瓜嫩,瓤白,味生。父亲说,快吃吧。孩子张开大嘴,顾不得,肆意啃起来。饿极了,连皮也没剩。父亲松一口气,说,现在,都上炕睡觉。孩子们爬上炕。这时,闪进一个男人。  相似文献   

冯萌献 《少年月刊》2014,(10):22-23
我中华,五千春,好儿女,德为根。要立世,先修身。如建楼,地基深。根本固,负万钧。人之初,最纯真,自童年,怀爱心。爱祖国,为人民,践于行,铸于魂。岳武穆,怀忠丹;林则徐,烧鸦片;郑成功,复台湾;戚继光,抗倭蛮,名千古,功齐天。水有源,树有根,孝父母,敬老人。黄温席,莱悦亲,子和女,当报恩。蜡烛光,情最深,导言行,塑灵魂。对老师,敬而尊。杨立雪,传至今。学人长,补己短。常省身,莫自满。犯错误,不遮掩。做好事,要争先,讲公德,品行端。善帮困,乐助残。是非观,泾渭分,事求实,理求真。讲原则,树公心。言守信,意诚恳。无诚信,亲友分。季布诺,值千金。  相似文献   

因为倦怠,久不沾卷,才几日,忽觉惶惶。于是,沏一壶清茶,抿一口,信手从案头拈过一本《读者》翻开来,才几页,心中顿觉释然。与书结缘,由来已久。小时候,不识字,只顾将小人书翻来覆去,看插图,觉得有趣。上学后,渐渐识得一些字,更是  相似文献   

明月欲圆时节,情绪波动,似海水那般,潮起潮涌;莫名的愁绪,剪不断,理还乱,惹人烦恼;犹似家有小女初长成,平添了心事。脚蹴着石子,闷头赶路,忽视了路边的风景。今早,海风送凉,倍感清爽。沿着那五里河岸小径步行,飞起一脚,猛然抬头,但见两岸合欢,一树火红,绒花满树,活色生香。放眼望去,飞焰横天,红  相似文献   

夏天,北方有一种雨,老人们说它是"闯雨"。天气先是闷热极了,空气像凝固了一样,人们挥扇不已,却挥不出一点风。忽然,西北角上乌云密布,轰隆隆,雷声响了,你还没来得及防备,就看见那大点、大点的雨,带着劲健的重量,打在泥土地上,一打一个圈圈,深入到泥土里,稀疏,却是坚定的。这时你才感觉到满楼的风,说声:"雨来了!"来不及做什么准备,刷啦啦的急雨,就紧跟着风的衣襟,蹿进了整个房间。"哗溜"一下子就形成了,像被人迅疾地放下了卷着的珠帘,哗啦一声,  相似文献   

在英语学习中,第二课堂对于营造学习氛固,引导学生自主学习有非常重要的作用。全文简述香港理工大学语言自学中心的运作模式和制度建设,归纳其特点,指出其对国内类似第二课堂的借鉴意义。建议英语第二课堂的建设可以向着教学、科研、学生实践于一体的综合性创新基地方向发展。  相似文献   

在二十余年的发展过程中,香港公开大学逐步获得学士、硕士、博士学位以及荣誉博士的授予资格,成为国际公认的远程及成人教育中心之一。内地近十余年间对香港公开大学从教育理念、办学特色、教学质量保证体系、合作办学等方面进行了广泛研究,为国内开放大学的建设和发展提供了可资借鉴的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

This study examined (1) differences in background, integrative/instrumental motivation, learning approach, leaning strategy and proficiency in second language (L2) and (2) the determinants of learning outcomes between Hong Kong and Mainland (Chinese) students. To achieve this, a questionnaire survey was distributed to 773 s language learners across four universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China to students in Bachelor of Education (English Language) programmes. The results showed that L2 proficiency was the strongest predictor of learning outcomes for Hong Kong and Mainland students, while integrative motivation was also a significant predictor of learning outcomes in both sample groups. In addition, instrumental motivation, deep approaches, and learning strategies were found to be significant predictors of learning outcomes for Mainland students. Mainland students demonstrated lower levels of motivation, learning approaches, learning strategies, L2 proficiency, as well as learning outcomes relative to Hong Kong students. Implications for curriculum design, classroom teaching and assessment, and future research are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   


This paper presents and evaluates an approach to teaching practicing social workers in Hong Kong qualitative research from a feminist perspective. Using a problem-based format, graduate social workers in Hong Kong were taught critical appraisal skills while learning to do qualitative interview research in their practices. While the problem-based design supports models of adult learning and is a successful method for teaching new research skills to a diverse student body, linking epistemology with methodology and practice was a challenge in the cross-cultural context for both students and instructor.  相似文献   

港澳台三地依托优势产业,会展业发展各具特色。三地会展专业的办学模式和课程体系值得内地高校学习与借鉴。全面梳理港澳台三地高校开设的会展专业,并从办学目标、依托学科和课程设置等方面进行比较分析,发现:港澳台地区会展专业课程体系注重多元化课程、实践教学环节和学科交叉,以培养国际化、复合型的现代会展人才为目标。这些经验对内地会展专业人才培养模式改革有启示作用。  相似文献   

在抗日战争初期,岭南大学、广东国民大学等广州的几所高校为谋求保存,纷纷迁往当时的英租界地区——香港继续办学。这些高校迁港后虽办学时间不长,但对于香港教育的发展以及促进其与内地的交流,却有重大的意义。  相似文献   


In higher education teaching, enhancing learner autonomy has become a key concern for curriculum planners and classroom teachers. The significant body of research about learner autonomy in language learning over the last 20 years (e.g. Holec 1981, 1988; Riley 1985; Dickinson 1987, 1992; Wenden & Rubin 1987; Little, 1991; Dam, 1995; Benson & Voller, 1997) has indicated an on-going search for more understanding of how learner autonomy can be implemented in different contexts. This paper is based on a research study which was conducted in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. The study explores learners' attitudes and expectations of language learning, teacher and learner roles, their learning preferences and perceptions of learner autonomy. The paper reports the results and discusses their implication on the development of a learner-centred approach in higher education.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力和国际竞争力的不断提升,香港与内地在教育交流方面日益频繁,来内地高校求学的香港在校大学生数量逐年上升。文章基于计划行为理论,采用结构方程模型对香港8所公立高校在校大学生来内地求学的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制等三个因素进行定量分析。结果显示,三个因素对香港在校大学生来内地高校求学的行为意向均具有显著影响,其中,行为态度对行为意向的影响最大,其次是感知行为控制,主观规范影响最小。基于研究结果,提出提升内地高校质量和国际声誉、改革教学模式、重视对香港在校大学生的招生宣传、创造良好香港在校大学生毕业就业环境等对策建议。  相似文献   

The present study had three purposes. The first was to further explore the psychometric properties of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory [Zhang, L. F. (2003). The preferred thinking styles in teaching inventory. Unpublished test. The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong]. The second was to test the hypothesis that the preferred teaching styles of mainland Chinese university students in the present investigation are similar to those of students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies. The final and most important purpose was to examine the incremental validity of modes of thinking beyond students’ self-rated abilities in predicting students’ preferred teaching styles. Two hundred and fifty-six (109 male and 147 female) university students from Beijing, the People's Republic of China, participated in the research.After the reliability and validity of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory were ascertained, the following findings were obtained. First, like university students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies, mainland Chinese students in the present study also expressed a strong like for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that allow collaborative work. Similarly, they indicated a strong dislike for teaching styles that are norm-conforming, that require multi-tasking but without communicating a sense of priority, and that restrict students to working individually, without collaboration with others. Going beyond the previous studies, the present study found that an integrative mode of thinking positively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that encourage group work, but negatively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are norm-favoring and that discourage collaborative work. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to teaching that accommodates diverse thinking styles and teaching that generates creative thinking.  相似文献   

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