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God' s Gift     
God gives us gifts when we have trouble, but whether you can accept the gift largely depends on you.  相似文献   

Mark’s Gift     
【文章概括】本文选自English Weekly(27th 2008),文章难度为中等。全文393字,建议阅读时间为8分钟。【主旨大意】迈克是一个心地纯洁的孩子,在缺少父母关爱的家庭中,仍充满爱心。他给教师的礼物与众不同,他的爱令老师动容。  相似文献   

朱油是一个孤儿,幸运的是,一位有钱的女士——格林小姐收养了她。圣诞节快到了,格林小姐对朱迪说:“你是一个好女孩,朱迪。为了迎接圣诞节,我要给你买些新衣服。  相似文献   

盒子里的礼物是什么?是一只玩具猪、玩具熊,还是一只玩具兔?让我们按顺序把这些点连起来,然后找出答案吧。  相似文献   

姚驰 《海外英语》2013,(5X):214-215
This paper makes studies on God’s love as a theme through the whole Old Testament. First the paper points out the impact of modern science and technology on people’s thoughts and opinions about religions, while laying emphasis on the concept"God’s love"and then the paper tracks the deep and great love through Old Testament, trying to demonstrate it in all directions.  相似文献   

看英语,读故事,画漫画,欢迎来这里一展才能!下面一幅幅《礼物》的配图,正是三位小画匠送给读者们的好礼物哇!看他们画得像不像?  相似文献   

方亚萍 《海外英语》2013,(23):213-215
As the spokesman of the Jazz Age,F.Scott Fitzgerald presents readers a panoramic view of the 1920s American life with his publications.Considered as his best-written book and the most widely read one,the success or greatness of The Great Gatsby,to a large degree,owes to the protagonist–Jay Gatsby.Through a brief literature review,this paper mainly focuses on the analysis of the greatness of Gatsby from three aspects-the consummate hero of intense will and belief,the notion of"Appearance made Real"and his endeavors in the pursuit of spiritual values.  相似文献   

以下是第四季度(10-12月)的配图内容。现在征集小朋友的配图作品!拿起你的小画笔,根据情节,展开想像,快快把故事变成图画呀!  相似文献   

The Gift     
,卜110lflgllPgWhilt It IS卜I)X;讨SWeFIR.The Gift@少波 @柴立青  相似文献   

A Gift     
一个学年快要结束了,一位幼儿园老师正在接受学生们送来的礼物。花店老板的儿子递给她一盒礼物,她摇了摇盒子,把礼物举到头顶上,说:“我敢打赌,我知道是什么了,一些花。”[第一段]  相似文献   

Birthday Gift     
~~Birthday Gift  相似文献   

A Gift     
一个学年快要结束了,一位幼儿园老师正在接受学生们送来的礼物。花店老板的儿子递给她一盒礼物,她摇了摇盒子,把礼物举到头顶上,说:"我敢打赌,我知道是什么了。一些花。"  相似文献   

Twogoldfishinabowltalking:Goldfish1:DoyoubelieveinGod?Goldfish2:Ofcourse,Ido!Whodoyouthinkchangesthewater?God@小非 @柴立青  相似文献   

Since the Children Act 2004 in both England and Wales, schools are expected to give due attention to the issue of children’s rights, particularly respect for the views of pupils in matters that affect them, as outlined in Article 12 of the UNCRC. However, one theme that has been relatively unexplored in the literature on children’s rights and education is religion and the role it plays in everyday school life, an issue that has relevance for Article 12, but also Article 14, which refers to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This article approaches the topic of religion, schooling and children’s rights empirically, through a focus on rural church schools. It draws on in-depth qualitative research with pupils and other stakeholders from two case study schools in order to explore the significance of ethos values and experiences of religious practices for debates in this area.  相似文献   

Given its stance against organised religion, it is perhaps not surprising that Philip Pullman’s award-winning trilogy His Dark Materials has, alongside the plaudits and praise, invited controversy and debate. Jacobs (The Weekly Standard, 2000), for instance, views the “anti-Christian” theme in Pullman’s work as both misleading and dishonest, whilst Hitchens (The Mail on Sunday, 2002) denounces it as atheistic “propaganda.” Of central concern to these critics, and others, is the impact of Pullman’s heretical understandings on impressionable young readers. I would suggest that such concern implies a somewhat questionable homogenisation of young readers, and fails to recognise the empowering potential residing in Pullman’s text. Indeed, by drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of “carnival,” a literary mode which subverts official culture through laughter and role reversals, it can be argued that far from indoctrinating the reader or promoting uncontested atheistic understandings, the heretical disruptions and inversions in Pullman’s religious theme encourage an altogether more positive and plural response.  相似文献   

“M en say they hate to shop,”says Zhukin,C ity U niversity of N ewY ork Sociology (社会学) professor. “Y et w hen you ask them deeperquestions,it turns out that they like to shop.M en generally like to shopfor books, m usic and hardw are. But ifyou ask them aboutthe shoppingthey do for books or m usic, they ll say, ‘W ell, thats not shopping.Thats research.’”In other words,what m en and w om en call “buying things”and howthey com plete thattask are different.W om en will wander thr…  相似文献   

拿到期中考试的成绩单时, 郝新的心都快从胸口蹦出来了,脸上洋溢着压抑了很久的笑容。连他自己都感到意外,但是不容质疑的事实还是让他过足了一把“天使”瘾。捧着喜人的成绩单,他信步来到教室门前,却被安静敲了一下头脑。难道已经上课了吗?再仔细看看手表,还差一刻钟呀。他透过窗户朝里面望去,只见同学们都端坐在各自的位子上,只有余舟的旁边是空的。那是他的位子。这时,一串甜美的声音朝他飘了过来,“郝新,快进来吧!就缺你了,马上开期中总结大  相似文献   

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