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The rapid growth of online learning has led to the development of staff inservice evaluation models that are geared towards improving degree programs. Based on best practices in student online assessment, the Online Faculty Development and Classroom Learning Environment Assessment course was designed to serve the dual purpose of staff development and classroom learning environment assessment. Results of analyses showed that the course maximised the potential of online staff development for encouraging staff to reflect on Curriculum and Teaching Capacities (CTC). Implications are discussed in terms of emphasising the process of online CTC learning and incorporating perspectives to capture a comprehensive view of staff teaching attitudes and their association with student perceptions of the classroom learning environment.  相似文献   

This article stems from fieldwork for a series of short external summative evaluations of environmental education projects in developing countries, and distills from these experiences some cultural issues, constraints and differences that either confront, or are created by western evaluators in the developing world. The assumption is that the range of cultural issues, differences and constraints discussed here are either absent from, or are present to a markedly different degree, in western evaluation environments. The paper concludes by suggesting some revisions to evaluative methodology as a contribution to resolving some of the issues.  相似文献   

English: Theoretical models serve several important functions in science. Building theoretical models which can be applied in distance learning situations should be a major activity for researchers and practitioners. At present, the design, delivery, assessment and evaluation of distance learning is pragmatic and not theoretical, based on historical practice and not careful analysis. Analysis of distance learning within and across paradigms - behaviourist and constructivist - should be a major activity in order to create designs and delivery systems that explain and promote learning within distance learning situations.

Francais:Les modèles théoriques remplissent plusiers fonctions importantes en science. La construction de modèles théoriques qui peuvenet être appliqués dans les situations d'enseignement à distance devait être une activité majeure pour les chercheurs et les practiciens. Pour le moment, la conception, la diffusion, l'estimation et l'évaluation de l'enseignement à distance sont pragmatiques et non théoriques, basées sur des pratiques historiques et non sur des analyses soignées. L'enseignement à distance dans, et au travers des paradigmes, behaviouristes et constructivistes, devrait être une activité majeure de façon à créer des systèmes de conception et de diffusion qui expliquent et assurent la promotion dans les situations d'enseignement à distance.

Deutsch: Theoretische modelle werden für viele wichtige funktionen in der wissenschaft gebraucht. Daher sollte die konstruktion theoretischer modelle, die in DL-situationen angewandt werden können, su den hauptaktivitäten von forschern und praktikern gehören. Zur zeit ist das design, die zustellung, die bewertung und die auswertung von DL nur pragmatisch, nicht theoriegestützt, eher auf ‘historischer’ praxis als auf gewissenhafter analyse beruhend. Die analyse von DL im rahmen von paradigmen sollte jedoch ein hauptansatz sein, um design und distributionssysteme zu entwickeln, die das lernen in DLsituationen erklären und fördern.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are trying to provide more flexibility and individualization, which is mainly realized through the use of new technologies and implemented in online or blended learning designs. This systematic review aims to investigate the impact of replacing classroom time with an online learning environment. The meta-analysis (k = 21 effect sizes) applied strict inclusion criteria concerning research design, measurement of learning outcomes and implementation of blended learning. The estimated effect size (Hedge's g) was positive, although not significantly different from zero and the confidence interval [-0.13, 0.25], suggesting that overall differences between blended and conventional classroom learning are small, and, at best, very small negative or moderate positive effects are plausible. This means that despite a reduction in classroom time between 30 and 79 per cent, equivalent learning outcomes were found. Consequently, blended learning with reduced classroom time is not systematically more or less effective than conventional classroom learning.  相似文献   

Results of the German contribution to the Classroom Environment Study: Teaching for Learning are presented. The study explored instructional quality and classroom management factors as predictors of student cognitive and affective outcomes. Classrroms (N=39) were observed nine times with a low-inference observation instrument. Individual data on students' cognitive and affective characteristics, students' perceptions of instruction, self-reported attention, and observed time-on-task were aggregated, and the classroom was the unit of analysis. The data were analyzed with zero-order process-process and process-product correlations, multilevel analysis, communality analysis, and, as the focus of the study, causal modeling with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) technique. The causal model included, as latent variables, students' cognitive and affective entry characteristics, observed efficiency of management and quality of instruction, the student perceptions of these, students' observed time-on-task and self-reported attention, and affective and cognitive outcomes. As expected, student entry characteristics were of greatest importance for both affective and cognitive outcomes. A pattern of direct-instruction variables indicating efficient management, intensive use of time, and strong task orientation was positively related to student engagement and cognitive outcomes. Methodological questions associated with the multilevel character of the data and possible reasons for some unexpected results, for example, the nonsignificant role of instructional quality and of student engagement for cognitive outcomes, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):433-444
This paper reports on an EU-funded project (Ref: 134244-2007-UK-COMENIUS-CMP) that explored the impact of technology, notably video-conferencing, on primary school children's language learning in England, France and Spain. Data were gathered from the children in the project, their teachers and also from trainee teachers placed in the schools. The findings suggest that this technology offers real benefits in the development of intercultural understanding, increases motivation and has interesting implications for language learning processes.  相似文献   

Conclusion Evidence collected so far seems to substantiate the contention that the constructivist approach to teaching has assisted students in their ability to interact with and internalize scientific concepts. The meanings attached to these concepts has become personalized in accordance with the learner's level of cognitive development. The question of intellectual growth is less decisive in the absence of more extensive long term studies. From the teaching point of view this method is both interesting and rewarding, providing an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate a personalized construct for conceptual learning.  相似文献   

University staff are now encouraged to supplement their classroom activity with computer‐based tools and resources accessible through virtual learning environments (VLEs). Meanwhile, university students increasingly make recreational use of computer networks in the form of various social software applications. This paper explores tensions of presentation and communication between these two contexts. Through analysing a large number of course websites, the teaching voice in VLEs is shown to be in a very different register than the voice of communication in social networking environments. Yet isolated examples demonstrate that learning platforms can support materials conveying a similar kind of conviviality. It is suggested that the educational practice of university teachers could move closer to this communicative style and reasons are considered as to why this has not yet happened.  相似文献   

Three topics addressed in the previous chapters are identified and discussed from a somewhat different perspective from that of the chapter authors. The topics are: the level of scoring in assessment studies, translation of test items, and sampling of curriculum content. Based on the analysis of these topics, five recommendations are offered. International assessments should be scored and reported at a more specific level that is currently the practice. There is a need of sound statistical checks on the quality of item translations. Rather than sampling the curriculum only once or twice, sampling could be in real time and on a permanent basis. Tests could be administered with open books and a well-chosen time limit per item. Finally, schools could be instructed to prepare their students for the assessment.  相似文献   

The Windows into Teaching and Learning (WiTL) project was developed by researchers at one large urban institution in the southeast region of the United States as a way to facilitate online clinical experiences for content area methods students during summer coursework. Utilising both synchronous and asynchronous elements, WiTL addressed the issue of students gaining meaningful clinical experiences in coursework offered during the summer. Though the purpose of WiTL was initially for methods students to engage in observations of and conversations with practising classroom teachers, an unanticipated outcome occurred. In this paper, the authors describe the WiTL process and discuss the impact it had on the professional growth of the practising classroom teachers. The results indicate that WiTL encouraged teachers to utilise reflective practice in rethinking their pedagogy and used technology to facilitate professional learning community among classroom teachers.  相似文献   

In this study, students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment in Arab elementary schools were investigated. The sample included 261 students from Grades 5 and 6. The questionnaire was developed at an Arab college of teacher education by 16 fourth-year student teachers who were completing their studies toward a BEd degree. Articles on classroom learning environment were distributed to the students, who then wrote items to assess learning environment. The items were evaluated for content validity in relation to the Arab school culture, language, teachers’ teaching, students’ learning styles, teacher–student relations, order and organisation, discipline and behaviours. The Classroom Learning Environment of Elementary Students (CLEES) questionnaire consists of 32 items in four scales: Teacher’s Image, Group Work, Students’ Participation, and Order and Organisation. The CLEES was used in a pilot study in two Grade 5 and 6 classes in order to validate it. The student teachers administered the questionnaire to students in elementary schools. Data were analysed using SPSS (e.g. factor analysis and one-way ANOVA) to validate the CLEES. No significant differences were found between boys and girls in classroom learning environment. However, significant differences in CLEES perceptions were found between students from different grades (Grade 5 vs. Grade 6), age groups and schools. The results are explained in the discussion section in relation to the characteristics of their schools.  相似文献   

Educational environment influences students’ learning attitudes, and the classroom conveys the educational philosophy. The traditional college classroom design is based on the educational space that first appeared in medieval universities. Since then classrooms have not changed except in their size. In an attempt to develop a different perspective of educational environment, a new design of classroom, the active learning classroom (ALC), was established at SoongSil University in Korea. Two questionnaire surveys were conducted for diagnosing the educational effects of students’ learning in the ALC and comparing the results with those obtained regarding the traditional classroom. The result proved the existence of a ‘golden zone’ and a ‘shadow zone’ in the traditional classroom, which discriminate students’ learning experiences depending on seating positions. On the contrary, the ALC did not produce such positional discrimination. Students perceived the ALC environment as more inspirational, especially in regards to active class participation. Students with more emphasis on academic achievement showed greater tendency to share information and to create new ideas in the ALC. However, in the traditional classroom setting, only students with high GPAs were more motivated to learn while the gap in learning attitudes was offset in the ALC setting. In-depth discussions about research findings were undertaken and four suggestions were provided in support of school administrators and relevant institutional personnel, faculty members, and researchers for future utilization of the ALC.  相似文献   

This paper uses measurements of learning inequality to explore whether learning interventions that are aimed at improving means also reduce inequality, and if so, under what conditions. There is abundant evidence that learning levels are generally low in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), but there is less knowledge about how learning achievement is distributed within these contexts, and especially about how these distributions change as mean levels increase. We use child-level data on foundational literacy outcomes to quantitatively explore whether and how learning inequality using metrics borrowed from the economics and inequality literature can help us understand the impact of learning interventions. The paper deepens recent work in several ways. First, it extends the analysis to six LMIC, displaying which measures are computable and coherent across contexts and baseline levels. This extension can add valuable information to program evaluation, without being redundant with other metrics. Second, we show the large extent to which the disaggregation of inequality of foundational skills between- and within-schools and grades varies by context and language. Third, we present initial empirical evidence that, at least in the contexts of analysis of foundational interventions, improving average performance can reduce inequality as well, across all levels of socioeconomic status (SES). The data show that at baseline, the groups with the highest internal inequality tend to be the groups with lowest SES and lowest reading scores, as inequality among the poor themselves is higher than among their wealthier counterparts. Regardless of which SES groups benefit more in terms of a change in mean levels of reading, there is still a considerable reduction in inequality by baseline achievement as means increase. These results have policy implications in terms of targeting of interventions: much can be achieved in terms of simultaneously improving averages and increasing equality. This seems particularly true when the initial learning levels are as low as they currently are the developing world.  相似文献   

This study investigated middle school students’ engagement in science in relation to students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment (teacher support, student cohesiveness, and equity) and motivation (self-efficacy beliefs and achievement goals). The participants were 315 Turkish sixth and seventh grade students. Four hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted on the dependent variables of cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and agentic engagement. The results indicated that engagement components were positively predicted by most of the perceived learning environment variables, while motivational factors had some differential predictive effects on engagement components. The predictor variables explained 26, 28, 33, and 30 % of the variance in the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and agentic engagement components, respectively.  相似文献   

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