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Whilst adventure-based experiential education traditions have long-standing claims of progressive, democratic learning potential, little research has examined practice from within democratic theories of participation and learning. Focusing on a complex network making up a disturbing interaction in an outdoor education programme, I posit forms of structural management privileging institutional design blockaded democratic forms of interaction when bids arose, while simultaneously identifying the peripheral ‘un-structured’ symbolic spaces beyond the care-gaze of educators as necessary sites of creative emergence. Drawing on the work of Lather [Lather, Patti. 1996. “Troubling Clarity: The Politics of Accessible Language.”Harvard Educational Review 66 (3): 525–546], I explore the peripheral boundaries of traditional ethnographic writing, decentering norms of finality and conclusivity, and invite the reader into a critical interaction with ‘a shifting text’ [Babich, Babette. 1994. Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science: Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life. Albany: State University of New York Press, p. 27] and a chaotic moment in the programme.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the potential for engaged learning among final-year undergraduate Education Studies students at a new, post-1992. It discusses a case study analysis of a ‘Directed Experiential Learning’ (DEL) intervention in the final year of an education studies degree designed to engage and motivate students and emphasise the links between theory and practice for them. Implementation took place in 2012–2013 with a cohort of 37 students and quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed afterwards to investigate the perspectives of students (online questionnaire and interview with 2 students) and tutors (4 individual interviews) on the DEL approach applied. The study described should be of particular interest to those teaching on and designing third level education studies programmes as well as related disciplines that might participate in integrated working arrangements in practice (e.g. nursing, social care).  相似文献   

体验式教学的认识论基础及应用探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鉴于传统的传输式教学模式无法获得良好的教学效果,自David Kolb提出体验学习理论以来,如何将这一理论应用于教学实践就成为教学理论研究的热点。作为体验学习理论的重要应用,体验式教学有其深刻的认识论基础,但在教学实践应用中,体验式教学面临着课堂引导和控制要求高、硬件条件不足和教师工作量偏大等难点。因此,为了更好地实施体验式教学,教师在实际教学中应该灵活采取多种体验式教学模式、精心设计体验式教学的各个环节并建立新的教学评价模式。  相似文献   


Machine haptics has been shown to assist and enhance human–computer interactions. Research from previous studies in the field of haptics has focused on developing a user’s sense of realism of touch when using a haptic device. This paper examines the use of haptics for education, specifically for creative online education. The paper is presented in two parts. First, a review of literature was conducted and used to aid the rationale and underpin the design of a pilot test. Second, a pilot test was designed using a single-point kinaesthetic haptic device with a haptic rendered interface, to support the assembly of a virtual design prototype. The pilot test proved to be extremely valuable in creating and developing a rich virtual environment for non-sighted and sighted participants to use. The results from the initial pilot test showed that although users were positive about their experience of using the haptic device, there were improvements to be made to the interface to enhance the user experience in the next phase of testing.  相似文献   

要让体验式教学在思想政治理论课上取得较好的教学效果,就必须注重教学设计。教学目标设计应围绕实践方面进行,这体现在根据实践能力构建所必须的发现问题、信息过滤、解决问题能力三个环节。其具体思路可从思想政治理论课教学内容与现实世界的关联度、学生认知能力、教学目标的灵活性交通等三方面进行。师生关系的设计要注意三点,即师生的平等互动性、师生之间的相互包容性、师生综合能力的共同提高性。组织教学的设计要注意教学方法的丰富性、教学氛围的活跃性、教师指导的恰当性。  相似文献   

从课程本身的特点及体验式教学的优势出发,分析了"采风见习"课程应用体验式教学模式的必要性;提出了校企合作、产学共赢,理论联系实践,校内与校外交错进行的体验式教学设计方案,并给出了具体的实施流程和教学安排。  相似文献   

教学设计的概念以及学习理论对教学设计的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学设计的研究,发展到今天,已成为教学领域和教育技术领域的一个热点问题。教学设计的发展与学习理论的研究息息相关。学习理论经历了行为主义、认知主义和建构主义三个历史阶段的演变,教学设计也随着出现了三种形式:程序教学、智能教学和建构主义教学。  相似文献   

This article reflects on six years of research activities in the field of long‐distance collaboration and more specifically on how creative virtual teams operate and respond to challenges set by emerging and developing technologies. Furthermore, it considers how to build, manage and shape a more inclusive virtual team, documenting the methodologies applied in each activity, the experiences of both tutors and students and the educational context in which the international study took place. The project set out with a methodology for observing, managing and developing the interaction dynamics between each creative team member involved in the design of activities and practice of delocalized teams. The project is positioned within the field of educational technology and identifies a set of operative recommendations aimed at educators so that remote creative collaborative work can result most effective. The article explores the potential of virtual teams supporting communication and design.  相似文献   

Cyberbullying takes place when the Internet is used purposefully to cause harm or discomfort to a specific person or group of persons. Because of the fast growth of digital technologies, cyberbullying is replacing physical bullying and becoming a prevalent social problem around the world. This study outlines the author’s efforts of integrating David Kolb's experiential learning theory, project-based learning, and a critical approach to language education to engage a group of Taiwanese college English-as-a-foreign-language students about the issues related to cyberbullying and the importance of healthy Internet behaviors. The results indicated that the 9-week project work heightened students’ awareness of cyberbullying and other social issues and enhanced their language skills. Students also held an overall positive attitude toward the project work. To conclude the article, several research directions are suggested to continue this line of inquiry.  相似文献   

基于自我指导学习理论的成人教育教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人学习相对于儿童学习,具有更强的自我导向性。因此,在成人教育的教学中应着重发挥成人学员自身的特点。诺尔斯的自我指导学习理论,对于指导成人教育的教学,制定适合成人学员的教学设计有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

Theories of learning typically downplay the interplay between social structure and student agency. In this article, we adapt a causal hypothesis from realist social theory and draw on wider perspectives from critical realism to account for the development of capacity to engage in reflection on professional practice in academic roles. We thereby offer a theory of professional learning that explores how social and cultural structures and personal emergent powers combine to ensure variation in the emergence of such reflective capacity. The influence of these factors on professional learning is mediated through reflexive deliberation and social interaction, with the exercise of one's personal powers specifically identified as a stratum of social reality. We consider further the role of concerns, intention and attention in professional learning, drawing together issues that are rarely considered within the same theory. We thus offer a comprehensive account of professional learning, showing how a focus on structure and agency increases the explanatory power of learning theory.  相似文献   

顶岗实习作为关键的实践教学环节,是实施校企合作、工学结合人才培养模式改革的要点之一。为建立与学生素质培养、能力提高以及就业相结合的顶岗实习制度,高职院校应以企业、学生、学校多方共赢为基础,根据社会和企业对于毕业生的职业素质和专业能力要求,分析学生认知及职业素质养成规律,并充分考虑企业的利益,对顶岗实习进行系统设计。  相似文献   

This article describes a three‐year project undertaken at Pear Tree School for children and young people with severe and multiple and profound learning difficulties. Lesley Sullivan, the school's head teacher, believed that much of the value within the work of this outstanding school went unidentified by existing approaches to planning, monitoring and evaluation. Richard Crombie, educational psychologist, was engaged to work on the project. Also involved were Kate Walker and Rebecca Warnock, deputy head teachers, as well as the whole staff, children and some parents. The project takes as its starting point that essential, but very often unnoticed and unconscious, professional practice is rooted in implicit processes learnt experientially. We set ourselves the task of finding meaningful frameworks for identifying and developing that practice. This meant close observation within and outside school coupled with feeding back to staff, and their subsequent engagement with and use of explanatory frameworks.  相似文献   


Service learning combines community service with academic learning. Students learn and develop critical thinking through active participation in organized service experiences. The purpose of this study was to describe the growth of 94 nursing students' critical thinking through service-learning experiences. Results revealed two major themes: development of both professional and community perspectives. Outcomes of the study provide a framework for developing service-learning experiences across the curriculum.  相似文献   

Most graduate programs in management require students to carry out a substantive research project. However, few management students have a comfortable command of the statistical techniques needed to realize such quantitative projects. This can lead to student anxiety and stress, which challenges instructors to devise ways to build students’ self-efficacy with statistical analysis. Drawing on game-based learning principles, we developed an exercise to help students in a graduate-level research methods course practice these statistical techniques. Designed around a series of four gamified challenges, students perform basic statistical analyses (correlations, t-tests, and simple linear regression) to solve puzzles and unlock a reward hidden in a mysterious red envelope. We used the exercise on seven occasions (five times in the methods course and twice in a graduate program preparatory course). After launching it in fall 2021, we observed that students were engaged and enthusiastic about the exercise. To ascertain its effectiveness more systematically, we collected data in five subsequent sections using a pretest/posttest design (N = 84) which showed that perceptions of statistics self-efficacy increased following the exercise. We conclude by suggesting that our exercise can be tailored to other learning contexts such as management and statistics-centered courses.  相似文献   


This paper considers the theories of language educaation and infant pedagogy of Professor Timothy Corcoran, Professor of Education in University College, Dublin. He played a pivotal role in the debates on education at the 1920s. These opinions were to become decisive in the formation of the New Free State's education programmes and policies. He held that infant classes ought to be the prime agents in the revival of the Irish Language. As a result the National Programme of Primary Instruction (1922) required that all the work in the infant classes should be conducted through Irish. He castigated the enlightened principles of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel and Montessori arguing that Irish education should not give up its sane traditions for doctrines derived from ‘poisoned sources’. His antagonism towards the thinking of the progressive educational theorists meant that the infants of Ireland had to wait until 1948 for a revised programme that would be more in line with the thinking of the day.  相似文献   

Reflective practice: origins and interpretations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The idea of reflection is central to the theory and practice of learning – especially learning which is grounded in past or current experience. This paper proposes a working definition of reflection and reviews its origins and recent developments. The author also provides an account of ‘critical reflection’, including its rationale and characteristics, and argues for its particular suitability in the practice of action learning.  相似文献   

In European societies, major patterns of plurality have changed over recent decades due to modernization and globalization. In schools, these new patterns of plurality have consequences for learning processes and may be challenging for students and teachers. This article investigates these issues, taking as its point of departure the way they surfaced in the Norwegian subject-oriented research project ‘Teaching about Religious Diversity in Schools. Applying and Developing an Interpretive Cultural Approach to Religious Education’ (2007–2010). Nine teachers and two researchers worked together in a community of practice, adopting an action research mode of collaboration. Each participant carried out and documented individual development projects, mostly within their own student groups. Developments and results were discussed in regular community-of-practice workshops. The data analysed in this article were generated from these workshops and from interviews with participants. The main research question raised is how an action research project in the field of religious education can lead to professional development for the participants. More specifically, the question is how such development can be described with respect to the relationship between personal and professional aspects of teacher identity and practice. The introduction of core concepts from theories of religious education and action learning triggered a collective inquiry among the participants into their own professional knowledge. Gradually a common professional discourse developed within the community of practice, and the participants became aware of and started to investigate critically how personal values and beliefs played a role in their professional work.  相似文献   

随着网络教育的兴起,协作与交互在网络教学中起着重要的作用,学习论坛作为网络课程中重要的有机组成部分,是学习者进行协作-9交互的重要工具。针对当前网络课程中学习论坛存在的问题,以教学设计论坛为例,阐述了在实践中运用ASP技术、ADO技术、ACCESS后台数据库等设计开发功能完善的学习论坛的过程,旨在改变当前学习论坛倍受冷落现状,使学习论坛真正成为网络教育中学习者有效的交流工具。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of outdoor learning for supporting children’s understanding of and attitude towards history. A class of primary school children participated in an intensive experiential, residential history programme. A range of data was collected before, during and after the residential programme, and the findings suggest that the experience had a positive impact on the children’s attitude towards history and enabled many of the children to be able to easily recall highly specific factual knowledge. However, the children’s understanding of history as a provisional construct was not developed, as it was not a strong feature of the programme. Nor was the experiential nature of the experience fully exploited. Overall the study suggests that such a programme has the potential to support children’s learning of the past, but a deeper understanding of history, drawing on the benefits of outdoor learning pedagogy, needs to be planned for more explicitly.  相似文献   

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