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It is inevitable that as a result of progress in technology and the changes in the ways with which design is conceived, interior architecture schools should be updated according to these requirements and that new educational processes should be tried out. It is for this reason that the scope and aim of this study have been determined as being the formulation of a hybrid educational model for the integration of digital approaches to design within the interior architecture education system. Within the chosen scope and aim of this study, and as a methodology, various algorithmic and parametric approaches have been applied in various practical applications as digital design instruments, and conclusions have been reached concerning the advantages they offer within the design process. The advantages and disadvantages, concerning interior architecture education, of digital approaches to design over the traditional design method, have been presented on the basis of results found during practical applications of digital design, the information found in publications about this subject. A hybrid educational model for the restructuring with digital design instruments of interior architecture education and design studios as experimental areas has been presented. Thanks to this proposed model, the establishment of a computer formatted analytic design system in the guise of dynamic systems will get easier and, the opportunity of restructuring the process and conception of design will also present itself. As the effects of this method are reflected on the products, new geometric approaches and typologies will appear, with the result that designs and digital instruments will constantly be developed and will evolve. In conclusion, educating the designers of the future according to the essence of these approaches will make it possible to train professionals who correctly use and understand the technologies being developed, who have a critical stance, and who can produce renewable designs.  相似文献   

高校室内设计教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活居住环境的不断改善,人们对室内设计的要求逐渐从居住性向审美性转变。但是高校室内设计专业教育还不适应这一转变,在教学中还存在诸多问题。因此,高校室内设计教育必须进行深入变革,才能培养出优秀的室内设计师。文章主要就室内设计教育的改革措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

口头展示是常用的一种教学手段.它可以调动学生综合运用英语各种技能,其真实性、培养创新精神的作用和评估作用也比较明显.但在实际操作中,想要利用口头展示进行教学的英语教师需要解决几个实际的问题,否则口头展示的作用会受到较大的限制.  相似文献   

Interior design students should be able to use research and evidence‐based design outcomes to make decisions that promote health, safety and wellbeing. This approach will contribute to resolving social, environmental and community issues through design‐oriented thinking Accordingly, the aim of this research in a senior design studio course is to promote a better connection to the local environment needs without losing the creativity aspect. This study covered two semesters and used multiple data collection methods, including interviews, observational field notes, discussions and personal reflections. The findings showed that jury critiques and case study analysis were the most beneficial sources of information for students to develop their project ideas and solutions. The paper illustrates processes, products and aspects that are used in senior projects to find solutions to environmental needs. In addition, the study offers lessons learned and reflections to raise students’ awareness of the cultural needs in relation to the interior design field. This study shows findings similar to earlier research that found that students who identified and analysed a local case study understood the design problem better and were creative in linking their project design solution to the society's needs. The study also reveals that students who relied on analysis of well‐defined local case studies developed focused and detailed concepts and design solutions according to the instructor's and jurors’ assessments. The study also contributes to literature by using a multi‐method approach and offers implications for local and international policy‐makers on interior design curricula.  相似文献   

伴随着环境意识的觉醒,许多艺术家和设计师对道家思想在现代艺术设计中的作用日趋重视。文章有针对性的探讨了道家著作中关于空间、人、自然以及人与自然的关系等重要思想,将现代室内设计中的诸多问题与道家思想紧密结合,力图为现代室内设计找到一些理论上的依据。  相似文献   

体验式大学英语课堂展示任务设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭春梅 《高教论坛》2010,(1):78-80,99
课堂展示是一种极具体验性的语言教学方法。体验任务的设计是体验教学得以实践的关键。设计体验式大学英语课堂展示任务时应遵循真实性、差距性、可体验性和合作学习的原则,慎重确定展示的话题和目标,选择真实语言输入材料和活动类型,最大限度地让学生在学习的过程中犹如身临其境,通过亲身的体验去认识、发现和创造,从而获得知识与学习的能力。  相似文献   

浅析室内设计中的室内空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内装饰活动是一种人为的环境创造,它以空间的营造最为根本。建筑装饰活动的主要目的和它的基本内容就是创造一个适合人类生存的室内空间。作为一个变化的动态体系,设计目的存在于创造物以引导需求的过程。人的需求存在着差异性,这种需求的差异,也带来了室内空间的差异。  相似文献   

周振坤 《科教导刊》2020,(2):168-169
能源过度消耗,环境污染严重已经威胁到了人类的生活和身体健康,成为世界亟待解决的问题。在建筑室内设计行业中,绿色设计理念遵循的是降低能耗、循环再利用的原则,强调以人为本,促进人与自然的和谐发展。环保健康是室内设计追求的目标,绿色环保设计理念在当前已经被广泛应用,成为社会发展的主流趋势和诉求,在现代室内设计中,也应贯彻绿色设计理念,充分运用环保材料,发挥出自然资源的循环利用功能,以及绿色植物的益人作用。本文对绿色设计原则及绿色设计理念在现代室内设计中的应用进行了归纳阐述,希望为广大设计师今后应用绿色设计理念提供一定参考。  相似文献   

随着我国广播电视节目直播的常态化,广播电视即兴口语表达训练作为《播音创作基础》课的有机组成部分正在日益引起人们的重视。明确即兴口语表达训练在播音与主持艺术教学中的定位,构建详细、科学的训练模式,抓住教学中的重点、难点,加强学生即兴口语实训,可以进一步提高即兴口语表达训练的教学效果,全面提高学生的口语表达能力,使学生能够在工作中迅速适应媒体对播音与主持艺术人才的新需要。  相似文献   

探讨"绿色"室内设计的设计原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“绿色”室内设计概念的提出是室内设计发展的必然趋势。“绿色”室内设计就是要求设计师在对室内环境的建造过程和使用过程以及销毁过程中合理有效地利用自然资源和能源,对自然环境施加最小影响,甚至能产生积极的作用,保护环境,创造亲切舒适、健康安全、“以人为本”的室内环境。  相似文献   

在现代室内设计中,绿化设计越来越受到人们的关注和青睐。室内绿化设计不但能够对室内起到装饰的作用,而且还能够调节室内环境,营造诗意的生态空间。室内绿化设计是真正的绿色低碳设计,是实施可持续发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

基于"典型工作"开发为课程的理论,围绕室内设计师的"典型工作"开发出了侧重实践教学的《室内设计实务》课程,并进行了实践。  相似文献   

高职室内装潢专业课程设置探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在将来的室内装饰中装饰构件生产将更加专业化、企业化、标准化,将来的室内设计师工作领域会逐步细分,要求高职课程设置上要更加注重培养学生灵活多变的适应能力,以智力技能、概念技能为主,同时兼备必要的动作技能、专业技能,以适应室内装潢业不断变化的社会需求。  相似文献   

面对当前的就业形势,高职校室内设计专业教育要进一步加大"产、学、研"相结合的力度,基于"职业胜任"培养学生的实际动手能力,不断为学生搭建平台,使毕业设计能够真正贴近实际,适应市场的需求。  相似文献   

The profit‐driven tendency of interior design trends and styles today has developed in line with the decrease of social awareness in design. The majority of interior design students also decide to pursue interior design education for its marketable and profitable purposes rather than seeing interior design as a field of opportunity to contribute to the social welfare of their communities. Hence, the objective of this research is to implement community service through co‐design in interior design pedagogy. The article describes the learning and design methods used based on human‐centred design approaches of co‐design and analyses the resulting benefits from this approach. Findings reveal that the process of collective creativity and collaborative development with the community enables a direct experience of learning and fosters a deeper connection and understanding of users. They also promote novel multidisciplinary design innovations, accommodate the community's potentials in the society and stimulate a reflexive impact, allowing students to reflect on their future role as interior designers in bringing positive changes to their community against the profit‐driven tendency of contemporary designers today.  相似文献   

室内设计图形语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内设计图形语言是体现设计意图和使其得以实施的重要手段。专业性绘画作为室内设计的基本语言和基本表现技能,能够快速表达设计师的构思,掌握了设计的表现技能,在设计过程中就有了主权。规范的技术性制图,通过准确的数据限定,对空间功能的描绘,将设计师的思纺充分地记录下来,随着室内设计业的现代化,制图标准、技术、及其实际作用在当代室内设计工作中已经逐步趋于一致,是最终实施设计构思的表现方式。室内设计的空间功能体现的是实用价值,室内设计的最终目的是使用,空间功能在设计过程中是研究的第一课题。设计风格表现的是鲜明的空间个性,是精神需求和审美情趣。  相似文献   

说课是介于备课与上课之间的一项教学研究和教学交流活动 ,它既是对备课的一个检查 ,又是备课的延伸与升华。继续教育课程说课在意义、功能以及内容等诸方面都与中小学说课有很大区别。应加强继续教育课程说课的宣传、指导、总结与评价  相似文献   

图案是一种装饰性的艺术,是融装饰性与实用性为一体的一种美术形式,室内设计在装饰满足物质需求与实用要求时,更注重对环境的文化内涵、意韵氛围、艺术品位等精神功能的需求。室内设计中往往通过装饰图案元素来表达出某种意境美、形式美与美好愿望,让精神空间与物质更好的相结合。  相似文献   

经济适用住房存在着巨大的市场需求,在相当多的城市,它是解决城镇工薪阶层居民住房的最好方法。从小户型经济适用住房的空间划分入手,根据住户特点和使用需求,针对如何使小空间变出大效果这个问题,研究小户型的经济适用房设计装饰装修。应规范功能区的分布,充分利用室内空间,合理分隔,巧妙布置,疏密有致来表现小户型住宅的空间利用价值。  相似文献   

定制家具作为室内装修的重要组成部分,存在着个性化和功能化之间的矛盾。通过对室内装修中的定制家具设计要素进行剖析和概括,对工艺和结构问题进行深入地探讨,发现了定制家具在设计和安装方面的特殊性问题及其形成原因,解决了定制家具设计既满足了消费者在室内装修中的个性化心理需求,又确保了合理使用功能,为定制家具在室内装修中的应用提供了设计、制造和安装的相关注意事项及其解决方法。  相似文献   

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