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A good working relationship between an architect and a client is crucial to the success of any architectural project. However, client engagement is often absent or difficult to replicate within the classroom teaching of architecture students. In order to address some of these gaps and also to attempt to inculcate a sense of a client–architect relationship within an architectural design studio, the author turned to literary texts. Reading and writing have powerful abilities to affect change, and immersion in reading and writing can propel students to new levels of awareness and enhance their critical reflection. The focus of this article is a consideration of the role of fictocriticism and prose fiction within the design studio context. Reading and writing were harnessed for their transformative potential, enabling students to better envision, develop and communicate their designs. Students were instructed in a method for designing which focused on employing fictocriticism and prose fiction, to foster students’ abilities to critically engage, produce and reflect. This article discusses the design activities employed and provides examples of studio work to illustrate the transdisciplinary learning development and outcomes. The significance of fictocriticism and prose fiction in the design process is also outlined, concluding with implications for the client–architect working relationship, outcomes impacting the students’ future professional practice, and implications for teaching in the twenty-first century tertiary classroom.  相似文献   

Virtual design studio (VDS) has been a part of the discourse of architectural pedagogy for the past two decades. VDS has been showcased as a potential educational tool in schools of architecture often in controlled, pre‐designed experiments. However, the global COVID‐19 pandemic has forced most schools to move their design studios into virtual space. This article aims to explore the potential advantages and shortcomings of VDS during the COVID‐19 quarantine from the perspective of students in a department of architecture. The study investigates three aspects of VDS namely, participating students’ evaluation of the virtual studio experience, the effectiveness of VDS in achieving the studio’s expected learning outcomes and the evaluation process for final design projects. Some 360 students from eight consecutive design studios participated in the study. The results indicate improvement in students’ ability to conduct independent research and in learning new computer‐aided design (CAD) software. Furthermore, the study finds VDS to be much more applicable for third‐ and fourth‐year students. The results also show a significant decline in background informal peer learning among students. Further studies are needed to address the implementation of a more immersive social experience in VDS.  相似文献   

城市规划中建筑色彩的应用是建筑设计的一个重要环节,它直接地表达了城市的总体印象及建筑的最终效果。本文在分析建筑色彩设计的重要性及我国城市建筑色彩现状的基础上,从色彩表达和外部因素两方面综合分析了影响建筑选色的主要因素,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

The design studio is the heart of architectural education. It is where future architects are moulded and the main forum for creative exploration, interaction and assimilation. This article argues for a ‘studio‐based learning’ approach in terms of the impact of design tools, especially sketching and concrete modelling, on the creativity or problem‐solving capabilities of a student. The implementation of a ‘vertical design studio’ model at Gazi University Department of Architecture is reported with examples of students’ works.  相似文献   

建筑是用结构来表达思想的艺术,建筑要有风格独具特色鲜明的体系。文化是建筑的灵魂。只有民族的,才是世界的,中国建筑在世界文化体系中也占有一席之地。建筑文化离不开历史的沉淀和积累,只是我们怎样去把握和传承的问题。当今建筑市场紊乱是导致建筑文化品位低落的原因之一。气候变化已严重威胁到人类的生存,建筑要注意生态、节能与环保。  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore the impact of social upbringing on architectural learning. The theory of “habitus” helps to understand how students’ personality dispositions might affect the way they approach learning in the “field” of architectural education. The notions of learning approaches and knowledge codes in literature are used to develop a framework for the study that helps to explore the field of architectural education. It is a qualitative study, conducted through semi-structured interviews with 44 students in 10 architecture schools in Pakistan. Interviews explored students’ habitus as well as their learning approaches, later explored through the framework developed in the study. Interviews are transcribed and coded using Nvivo 12. A detailed analysis explores the connection between habitus and learning approaches and finds out that habitus plays a major role in determining the way students approach learning in Architecture, with most cultivated habitus students showing a deep learning approach.  相似文献   

In architectural design education, the most significant part in the curriculum is the design studio, where students learn how to design. Critique has a crucial role in the design studio, and in determining the best and most beneficial critique type for the architectural design education process. Student attitudes toward critiques and student satisfaction level with each critique technique are also significant. To that end, this article explores design studio learning by reviewing the design learning process and types of design critiques. Focusing on three critique techniques used in design education (desk critiques, pin‐up critiques and group critiques), the article analyses correlations between student attitudes toward each technique and its contribution to the design process. Research was conducted with 84 third‐year interior architecture students from the 2014–15 Fall semester at a university. No statistically significant differences were found between group and pin‐up critiques in terms of students’ preferences and their final performance scores; however, there was a statistically significant relationship between student preferences toward desk critiques and student success. Furthermore, the contribution of a critique technique to the design process was found to be highly correlated with student preference for this technique.  相似文献   

The design of a utopia was devised as a studio project in order to bring critical thinking into the design studio and to stimulate creativity. By suggesting a utopia, the pedagogical aim was to improve progressive thinking and critical thought in the design education of architectural students — and also future architects. From this perspective, the utopia called Edilia, from the book Spaces of Hope by the critical geographer David Harvey, was taken as a basis for the students to design a utopic environment. In addition to Harvey's book, students were not only challenged by the idea of an alternative society but also by the idea of a different space. Utopia, as an inter‐disciplinary subject, brought various issues and different perspectives into the design studio such as public and private realms, everyday life, work, leisure, nature, technology and sustainability. With the help of the concept of utopia, a theoretically‐informed design studio enabled students to criticise the existing world, dream about an alternative one and make the design of their dreams in a creative way.  相似文献   

A design studio is a critical venue for design students, as they are educated to develop design thinking and other skills through studio courses. This article introduces a design studio project in which Korean and Malaysian students worked jointly for one semester to design affordable urban housing. The Korean students were interior design majors and the Malaysian students were architecture majors; thus it was thought that the students' areas of expertise were likely to differ. It was also anticipated that the students would display cultural differences in terms of housing and planning practices. The motive for starting the joint design studio was the idea that a cross‐cultural collaborative working setting could redefine students' thinking styles and stimulate students to obtain non‐routine perspectives on the design of buildings and spaces. Through observation and interviews, we explored how students tackled affordable housing problems within the context of cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary design education. Collaborative learning in a joint studio situation supplemented students' expertise, re‐orienting approaches to design and opening up a holistic approach to the design issues of affordability, sustainability and community. Overall, the practical learning in the joint studio project validated the importance of exploring alternative solutions based on varied levels of information, and input of those from different educational and cultural backgrounds. The cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration allowed for a previously unavailable enhancement of design education by encouraging students to obtain divergent thinking for innovative design ideas.  相似文献   

历年来有关闽越国(公元前202 年至公元前110 年) 的考古工作发现了该时期丰富的建筑遗存,不仅出土了大量的瓦当、铺地砖等建筑材料,而且还发现了王城、要塞、宫殿、官署等建筑遗址。 闽越国时期建筑是吸收中原汉文化,并与本地土著文化交流融合的结果。 其中的若干因素,诸如杆栏式建筑、木骨泥墙、河卵石铺砌地面等不但未因闽越国灭亡而消失,而且流传至今,成为福建乡土建筑区域文化特色中不可或缺的部分。  相似文献   

室内设计作为建筑学学生的一门必修课程,在教学中存在一定的问题,针对这些问题,在实践教学环节中,要重视室内设计课程与建筑设计课程之间的联系,采用理论与实践相结合的教学手法,在建筑设计的基础上完成室内设计,形成完整的有机统一体系;同时要开发新的多元化教学模式,探索出一套适合建筑学专业的一体化与多元化教学相结合的教学模式。  相似文献   

First‐year architecture students are expected to utilise visuospatial abilities to generate/construct, retain, rotate and manipulate space mentally and physically through physical and digital representations. This study of 57 female and 23 male participants was conducted to investigate first‐year architecture students’ visuospatial abilities by means of the Beck Depression Inventory, Logical Reasoning Test and Judgment of Line Orientation (JLO) test. Participants’ sexes, cognitive development level, depression scale scores, university entrance exam results, vision disorders, physical competences, art training prior to university and error types were the study’s main parameters. The results showed that academic scores of the participants both to enrol in the program and complete the first‐year studio did not correlate with their JLO scores. Nondepressed participants performed better in JLO. Error analyses demonstrated that there is a concentration on certain items according to the test stimulus line positions, especially in females. Those who reported limited physical and visual competency made more mistakes in the same items. The study concludes that sex, depression, and individual differences in physical and visual competency, and art training, are significant variables for visuospatial performance. Judging visuospatial parameters through spatial design exercises is different from having proper methods and instruments to assess the achievements of the students regarding those abilities in architectural design education. It is important to map students’ visuospatial abilities individually from a developmental perspective. There is a strong need to develop 4D psychometric instrument to assess visuospatial abilities.  相似文献   

In this quantitative study, urban adolescents' sociodemographic and personal characteristics and their political views about problems at a variety of levels were examined. The main purpose of this research was to contribute to adolescent and youth sociology in Turkey by exploring the relationships between urban adolescents' demographic information and their knowledge and attitudes about world, country, city, and neighborhood problems. After a pilot study, the main study was carried out with 248 students from 4 primary schools in Ankara. A brief questionnaire was administered to selected schools. The results of statistical analyses show that students who live in different neighborhoods are not homogeneous within their socioeconomical background. The mothers' education and working status are the most important variables and they have impact on urban adolescent knowledge about Ankara as a city as well as neighborhood level problems.  相似文献   

天津是一座在特定历史条件下形成的具有多国建筑风格的城市,在天津打造中国北方经济中心和国际港口城市新的历史条件下,探究近代西洋建筑的整体风格与个性特征,正确解读其文化内涵,将对繁荣建筑创作、发展建筑文化事业起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

广州大学力学课程教学团队在建筑力学课程的教学中采用了革新的教学评价体系,基本思想就是采用多种方式考查学生对力学知识深度、广度及与建筑设计相结合的能力。力学课程作业考核使学生在建筑设计过程中主动思考和分析其中的力学和结构知识,初步具备了建筑和结构一体化设计的思想。  相似文献   

Studio-based instruction, as traditionally enacted in design disciplines such as architecture, product design, graphic design, and the like, consists of dedicated desk space for each student, extended time blocks allocated to studio classes, and classroom interactions characterized by independent and group work on design problems supplemented by frequent public and individual critiques. Although the surface features and pedagogy of the studio have been well-documented, relatively little attention has been paid to student and teacher participation structures through which design knowledge is co-produced among instructors and students within the studio. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of faculty?Cstudent interactions through which students learn to think and act as designers. To that end, we have collected and analyzed ethnographic data from five studio classrooms across three design disciplines (architecture, industrial design, and human?Ccomputer interaction). Our findings provide insight as to the ways that dialogue??the ??right kind of telling????and particular social practices in the studio support students as they learn to solve ill-structured design problems while being simultaneously inducted into practices that reflect the professional world of their discipline. In each of the studio classrooms, the instructors were able to create an environment where students and faculty practiced reflection-in-action and listening-in as a form of intentional participation, design knowledge was conveyed through modeling and meta-discussions, and focused assignments and in-progress critiques enhanced opportunities for the individual and group processes through which design knowledge was co-constructed in these studio classrooms.  相似文献   

This is a study of the Connections project; a collaborative design exercise between Birmingham School of Architecture and Landscape, and local primary schools. It explains the processes and outcomes of this annual collaborative design exercise, in which students of architecture join forces with primary school children, to explore connections between architecture, and various subjects of the National Curriculum. It shows how graphical learning methods, from architectural education, have been adopted successfully across the curriculum at primary level. Three phases of the project, and their different kinds of graphic communication, are identified. Learning in each of these is explored with supporting evidence from students’ diaries and interviews with teachers. Two examples of recent project work are used to show processes and outcomes. The first, a Science and Architecture project, demonstrates how methods of working gave a clear relationship between abstract ideas, and representational models and drawings. The second illustrates quality of outcomes, and depth of understanding in an Art and Architecture project. Finally the study introduces ongoing research, based on the Connections project experience, which addresses the scope of learning at both curriculum levels.  相似文献   

Individual vendors and their market booths constitute a collective atmosphere in the marketplace by getting together with spatial arrangements, operational collaborations and event‐based dynamics. The base of study is how these dynamic interactions in a marketplace can find a place within the education process and representations of the architectural design studio. The workshop which was organised in this context consists of personal representations (drawings are produced for each individual market booth and represent all movements and time‐varying conditions on market booths by superposed layers) and collectively produced narratives (which emerged by gathering personal representations together in the studio). In this study, collective and generative potentials of education in a design studio will be discussed thanks to the transfers from the marketplace.  相似文献   

This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior design/architecture studio experience that was initiated to teach diverse meanings of sustainability and to engage the participants with refined design applications that used sustainable choices. A teaching scheme that utilised a team of instructors with varying degrees of knowledge and competence in different aspects of the topic, mediated the education of both the students and the instructors themselves. The results were documented through observing the students and, later, a survey of the graduates. The study revealed that this studio experience developed a heightened awareness of sustainability as a multidimensional concept that requires critical thought processes, and greatly influenced the recognition of environmentally responsible design as an imperative in education. The findings also suggested that, ideally, sustainability should be addressed earlier, at lower levels, and needs to be woven into every aspect of a curriculum.  相似文献   

库哈斯的建筑思想虽然没有一个明显的完整体系,但在他看似复杂多变的的建筑思想中,贯穿着一种文化的理念. 他始终坚持建筑不是一种单纯的形式艺术,建筑必须要体现一种历史的文化感. 其立足于现代都市文化的开放性建筑思想,对当代的建筑学和城市规划理论产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

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