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The products of modern biotechnology processes such as genetic engineering, DNA testing and cloning will increasingly impact on society. It is essential that young people have a well-developed scientific understanding of biotechnology and associated processes so that they are able to contribute to public debate and make informed personal decisions. The aim of this study was to examine the development of understandings and attitudes about biotechnology processes as students progress through high school. In a cross-sectional case study, data was obtained from student interviews and written surveys of students aged 12 to 17 years. The results indicate that students' ability to provide a generally accepted definition and examples of biotechnology, cloning and genetically modified foods was relatively poor amongst 12–13 year old students but improved in older students. Most students approved of the use of biotechnology processes involving micro-organisms, plants and humans and disapproved of the use of animals. Overall, 12–13 year old students' attitudes were less favourable than older students regardless of the context. An awareness of the development and range of students' understandings and attitudes may lead to a more appropriate use of biotechnology curriculum materials and thus improved biotechnology education in schools.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the confidence level in career decision-making of Bahamian adolescents in the high schools in Nassau, Bahamas, investigating factors that influence one's level of confidence in career decision-making. The Career Decision Scale along with a demographic survey were administered to 385 11th and 12th graders to examine six factors which measured the effects and/or interaction effects of influences on confidence in career decision-making. Two MANOVAs and the appropriate follow-up statistics (Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference post hoc tests) were used to determine differences and interaction effects among the variables measuring the level of career decision-making skills. Based on the findings of the study the researcher concluded that for Bahamian adolescents, the type of school, the grade level, and a visit to the school guidance office were significant factors that influenced one's level of confidence in career decision-making.  相似文献   

While Physics Education Research has a rich tradition of problem-solving scholarship, most of the work has focused on more traditional, well-defined problems. Less work has been done with ill-structured problems, problems that are better aligned with the engineering and design-based scenarios promoted by the Next Generation Science Standards. This study explored the relationship between physics content knowledge and ill-structured problem solving for two groups of high school students with different levels of content knowledge. Both groups of students completed an ill-structured problem set, using a talk-aloud procedure to narrate their thought process as they worked. Analysis of the data focused on identifying students’ solution pathways, as well as the obstacles that prevented them from reaching “reasonable” solutions. Students with more content knowledge were more successful reaching reasonable solutions for each of the problems, experiencing fewer obstacles. These students also employed a greater variety of solution pathways than those with less content knowledge. Results suggest that a student’s solution pathway choice may depend on how she perceives the problem.  相似文献   

通过问卷的方式对赣州市城区高中生的信息素养水平进行了抽样调查.结果表明,赣州市城区高中尽管开设了信息技术课程,但学生的信息素养总体偏差,信息应用能力普遍偏低.通过对调查结果进行学校和年级的差异比较分析,对高中生信息素养现状的影响因素进行分析,基于此对高中生信息素养的培养提出了建议.  相似文献   

本研究采用质的研究方法,探讨了小学教师对学生注意问题的内隐认识和采取的教育策略。研究发现:学生的注意问题在小学阶段是一个很普遍而且使教师十分困扰的问题;教师的认识既有合理之处也有非科学认识参与其中;教师的策略反映了一定的因材施教能力,同时表现出小学教师教育技能亟待提高的现状;有些教师对"多动症"的估计超过在儿童群体中大约5%的ADHD儿童的平均水平;学校环境中,"班容量"是一个影响教师对学生注意问题准确认识不容忽视的因素。  相似文献   

Summer science programs held in university research facilities provide ideal opportunities for pre-college students to master new skills and renew, refresh, and enrich their interest in science. These types of programs have a positive impact on a student's understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry and can open a youngster's eyes to the many possible career opportunities in science. This paper describes a study of high school students enrolled in the Summer Science Academy program at the University of Rochester that investigates the program's impact on students' knowledge of laboratory skills, as well as the impact on student interest in pursuing a career in science. Students' exposure to advanced laboratory techniques and their interaction with professional scientists provided them with a very positive hands-on experience. Students who attended the program felt more confident in their ability to use sophisticated laboratory skills and that the Summer Science Academy program provided a positive influence on their performance in advanced science courses, as well as their desire to pursue a career in science.  相似文献   

Based on empirical findings and theoretical considerations related to the field of expertise research, the importance of “types” and “qualities” of knowledge in relation to problem solving in physics was investigated. The students (N =138) in this study had a level of competence that corresponds to an intensive beginner college course in physics. It was found that conceptual declarative knowledge and problem scheme knowledge are excellent predictors of problem solving performance. However, a detailed analysis shows that the first knowledge type is more typical for low achievers (novices) in physics problem solving whereas the second type is predominately used by high achievers (experts). Regarding types and qualities of knowledge and their relations to problem solving, the results of a multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) indicate that two dimensions of knowledge can be distinguished. On the extreme limits of the first dimension, which could be named “problem solving relevance vs. structure of discipline”, are the types of knowledge and the qualities of knowledge, respectively. The second dimension of knowledge could be named “single knowledge elements vs. organised knowledge units”. There are types of knowledge as well as qualities of knowledge distributed along this dimension. Consequences of these results for improving physics education are discussed.  相似文献   

生物检索表是生物学研究中常用的一种专业工具,通过将某一群生物依照某些稳定且易于观察和鉴别的特征进行一系列的化分,最终指向门、纲、目、科、属、种乃至亚种等分类阶元,多用于对未知分类地位的生物进行科学分类和鉴别.  相似文献   

现行考试评价制度下,高考语文考核更多的是三维目标中的"知识与技能"。导致部分高中语文教师把三年的语文教学压缩在一年内完成,剩下时间着重练习语文显性知识点,为高考做准备;作为知识的另一种类型"隐性知识"往往忽略。而语文隐性知识对"过程与方法"、"情感态度与价值观"两个培养目标的影响却十分重大,高中语文教师应高度重视。  相似文献   

在信息化时代,除了学校教育、家庭教育之外,媒体日渐成为高中生获取知识的重要渠道。为了精确掌握高中阶段学生媒介素养现状,在淮南市进行了一次有关媒介素养的问卷调查,定量了解媒介素养现状,分析其产生的原因,提出媒介素养教育改进和提高意见。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的发展和高校体制改革的深化,高校决策权随之扩大,决策科学化日渐受到决策人员的重视,成为教育活动成功与否的关键因素。因此本文在了解教育决策科学化的有关内容后,提出了几点促进高校决策科学化的建议以供参考。  相似文献   

"问题解决"的数学教学方式在高中数学课堂中正如火如荼的开展,但由于受高考应试教育的束缚,"问题解决"式的教育方式在教学中仍然存在着大量的问题。本文首先从"问题教学"的内涵以及教学原则两方面对高中数学的"问题解决"式教学进行阐述,进而指出当前我国高中数学"问题解决"式教学中存在的一些问题,最后就高中数学的"问题解决"式的教学途径进行研究。  相似文献   

本文首先就高中物理解题思维的主要培养途径进行了简要的介绍,接着提出了高中物理教学中主要的解题策略和训练方法。旨在通过于此,全面提升高中物理的解题效率和效果。  相似文献   

在数学认知水平评价体系中,一般化与特殊化是第四层次探究性理解水平的一个重要指标。对上海市某重点初中六至八年级的测试表明,所测试各年级的学生在一般化与特殊化策略与思维上的总体表现较低;特殊化策略及思维的运用好于一般化;低年级学生多运用特殊化的策略,一般化思维运用普遍较差,但随着年级的增加有所提高;特殊化与一般化思维的灵活运用上存在一定思维定势。  相似文献   

This study examined changes in 26 fourth-grade students' early conceptions of rational number representations as a function of receiving one of two curricular interventions. The first group of 12 students received a curriculum that emphasized constructing knowledge through extended problem solving with a single perspective of the rational number domain based on part-whole relations. A second group of 14 students received a curriculum that emphasized a more conceptually diverse multiple perspective view of the domain through problem solving with operator and ratio relations. Analyses of the students' rational number knowledge before and after the interventions indicated that students in the single perspective group produced organizations of knowledge that more frequently diverged from a formal domain analysis than those produced by students in the multiple perspective group. Further, students in the single perspective group increased their focus on superficial surface features. Alternatively, students in the multiple perspective group demonstrated an increased focus on operations that more frequently reflected the underlying mathematical relation conveyed by the representation. The findings indicate that an early exposure to more diverse perspectives of rational numbers assists students in developing more interconnected and viable representation knowledge for rational numbers.  相似文献   

结合斯腾伯格等人关于隐性知识、教学隐性知识的相关研究,教学隐性知识可以界定为在教育情境下的、存储于个人大脑中、难以明确表述的、与教学目标实现有关的知识。以师范大学生为研究对象,对国外已有的教学隐性知识量袁进行修订,结果显示修订的量表具有较好的信、效度指标;进一步对比研究显示,师范大学生、教龄2年以内的中学教师和教龄5年以上的中学教师间的教学隐性知识水平差异显著。这表明教学隐性知识及其量化的相关研究对我国的师范教育有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

高中数学由于具有复杂性和抽象性,一部分学生学习感到困难。而在教学和学习的过程中运用类比思维,可以在一定程度上解决这一问题。并且还可以培养学生对数学的学习兴趣,达到提高数学成绩,提高教学效率的目的。因此,教师要分析类比思维,在教学中应用类比思维,激发学生兴趣,提高学生学习能力。  相似文献   

文章围绕高中生物学新课程标准,通过对实际教学中存在的一些教学问题进行分析,并针对教学目标、教学方法、教学内容和教学评价这四个方面提出了若干意见,旨在为教师进一步理解高中生物学新课程标准,提高高中生的生物学核心素养提供解决的策略。  相似文献   

The participants were 4th-year medical students designing a clinical trial to test a new hypothetical anticancer drug. They worked with the computer simulation the Oncology Thinking Cap in facilitated groups that differed in terms of their prior knowledge. Both groups engaged in constructive activity and reached similar endpoints. The groups differed qualitatively in how they went about constructing and navigating the joint problem space. The high-prior-knowledge group used their knowledge to help them construct plans, evaluate their actions, and stay focused on the goals of the experimental design task. The low-prior-knowledge group searched through the data exhaustively and used them to generate their plans. They were unsystematic in their planning and interpretation. They used the computer representations in their reasoning and worked at mapping the connections between the representations. The computer scaffolding played an important role for both groups, but the facilitator played a greater role in the low-prior-knowledge group.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study reported in this paper was to identify Italian high school students' ( n =599) beliefs about maths and mathematical problem solving by exploring the use of a 36-item (six scales) self-report questionnaire. The study was also aimed at analysing possible significant differences in beliefs related to grade (five years of school) and gender, as well as the relationship between beliefs and achievement in maths. Moreover, it explored the reasons underlying mature and nai¨ve beliefs about the different dimensions measured by the questionnaire. Results show a substantial replication of the instrument with the exception of one scale (importance of word problems) which was not reliable. A MANOVA revealed differences for three scales (ability to solve time consuming problems; problems which cannot solved by routine procedures; the usefulness of mathematics) related to grade and a difference for one scale related to gender (importance of understanding maths). It also emerged that the four scales mentioned predicted achievement in maths to different extents. Data regarding the reasons underlying students' beliefs show how their convictions are adaptive or maladaptive to learning. Finally, educational implications are drawn.  相似文献   

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