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波兰科学家玛丽·居里(1867—1934),通称居里夫人。同她丈夫皮埃尔·居里发现放射性元素镭而闻名于世。《我的信念》是这位伟大的女性和著名科学家在晚年回顾一生和抒写信念的篇章。文章质朴真诚,夹叙夹议,展示了她作为一位科学家的性格特点以及作为女性的兴趣、爱好和情操。“生活对于任何一个男女都非易事”“最要紧的,还是我们自己要有信心。”文章开篇明  相似文献   

“深度信念”是怀特海文稿中的关键概念。在怀特海有机哲学看来,动机、方法和意义是一个整体。他懂得要在深层次上探查人类追求意义及理解的倾向,进而揭示“追求”行为中的创造张力。深度信念就是这种深层次的动力。深度信念不同于各种各样起源于文化传统的信仰或偶发的信念,它不像后者那样可能失去。怀特海认为,在个人经验中,某一个信念的失去更可能是“无限性激励下的有限性”,是某种“超越的内在性”,“朝向更精美细致的结果”。深度信念促成了精神的冒险,是人类固化成就中不可抹去的最富锐气的因素,是人的呈现。  相似文献   

中学语文情感教育新构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中学语文教学中进行情感教育具有不可多得的先天性优势。纵观现行的中学语文教材,确系“文质兼美”,形神俱佳,贮藏着大量的情感因素;这里有对祖国的爱、对人民的忠、对事业的追求、对信念的挚着;这里有赤子之心、莫逆之交、男女之情、手足之谊;这里有拍案而起的激愤、天地动容的悲壮、催人泪下的凄切、细雨霏霏的柔婉;这里  相似文献   

1.今天这节课,我们继续学习《厄运打不垮的信念》。2.(在“信念”下面画圈)同学们在预习中提出了一些问题,联系上下文请大家讨论:问题一:“信念”是什么意思?问题二:谈迁的信念是什么?问题三:为什么会产生这个信念?  相似文献   

通过对高职高专大学英语课程教师信念的调研,探讨英语教师教学信念的可变性,归纳分析了导致教学信念改变的因素。认为课堂实际情况、电化教学、教学理论等方面客观现实的改变直接导致教师教学信念的变化,教师应正确面临这种改变,及时调整教学信念才能做到“教”与“学”的和谐,提高英语教学水平。  相似文献   

诗中的“信念”,不是抽象的概念,它具有一种质感,好象是有形的物体一样。由于作者给“信念”找到了合适的依附物,并通过对依附物的描写,来说明什么是真正的“信念”,因此“信念”就有了高度的可感性,诗篇就有了意象。作者把"云"、"塑料花"与"光"、"正直的树"相对比、映  相似文献   

卢艳梅 《文教资料》2013,(32):80-82
舍伍德·安德森的作品中常常涉及到对男女两性关系问题的探讨。通过分析《林中之死》这一文本,联系作家的生平、创作思想等,对小说中存在的两性关系进行梳理,指出,作家通过叙述者“我”的成长与格兰姆斯夫人的死亡这一对照,表达了在男女两性关系上“天才”与“缪斯”的定位。  相似文献   

正一、析题导入1.今天这节课,我们继续学习《厄运打不垮的信念》。2.(在“信念”下面画圈)同学们在预习中提出了一些问题,联系上下文请大家讨论:问题一:“信念”是什么意思?问题二:谈迁的信念是什么?问题三:为什么会产生这个信念?相机补充一段资料:(出示)谈迁在博览群书的过程中发现,当时不少有关明朝的史书上有错误,于是便决定编写明史,起名为《国榷》,就是对前朝的国家大事进行重新讨  相似文献   

大文豪巴尔扎克曾说过:“纵然我失去了一切,我也不能失去对自己的期待,对未来的期待,否则,我的生命中就只剩下一堆灰烬了。”也有人说.期待无非就是在“浪费时间”。我则认为,期待是一种信念。人活着不能没有理想.没有信念。有了坚定的信念,加上至死不渝的努力,总有一天我们会获得丰收的硕果。  相似文献   

论文以 《公正世界信念量表》、《归因量表》为研究工具,以1700名大学生为研究对象,对大学生公正信念与归因现状进行研究,因此,发现存在以下情况:大学生有较好的公正信念,归因以内归因为主;男女大学生在努力程度归因上存在显著差异,女生比男生更倾向于努力归因;不同年级大学生在公正信念、努力程度、运气、任务难度上均存在显著差异;公正信念与归因存在一定的关系,努力程度、能力、任务难度对公正信念有显著的正向预测作用,运气对公正信念有显著的负向预测作用.研究表明,事件归因影响了大学生的公正信念.  相似文献   

马克思主义作为社会主义意识形态指导思想的地位以及要发挥对其它思潮的引领作用,决定了对其信仰之必要性。然而,对马克思主义信仰的怀疑并没有因中国特色社会主义道路的成功而削减,怀疑之滋生主要源于对标志着马克思主义诞生的《共产党宣言》关于“消灭私有制”和“两个必然”的重要论断与实践的巨大反差而产生的对前者的误读或质疑。只有将最终目标与阶段目标相统一、历史的观光和辩证的态度相结合才能真正从理论和历史两个维度回应上述质疑和由此产生的马克思主义怀疑论。  相似文献   

Men in our society, including college student men, both need and fear personal psychological services more than women. For example, twice as many women as men seek counseling an psychotherapy but young men commit suicide at a rate nearly four times that of their female counterparts. Man are also more severely destructive in other ways, including most self-imposed illnesses and injuries, drug abuse, murder and other crimes, though women are now more destructive in "macho ways" than they were fifteen years ago. The thesis is advanced that when emotional needs and asking for help are severly stigmatized by the machismo orientation, unbalanced by personal sensitivity and insight, the macho dynamic is inherently morbid in the sense that it is destructive both to the self and others. This thesis is documented by statistics, highly expressive and influential literary portrayals, movies and sports phenomena. Implications for college and university psychotherapists are noted, and basic re-educative "outreach" approaches are suggested both to make psychotherapy more accessible and to foster more constructive role models for men.  相似文献   

Men outperform women in the Mental Rotation Test (MRT) by about one standard deviation. The present study replicated a gender belief account [Moè, A., & Pazzaglia, F. (2006). Following the instructions! Effects of gender beliefs in mental rotation. Learning and Individual Differences, 16, 369–377.] for (part of) this effect. A sample of 300 adults, whose gender beliefs about mental rotation were manipulated experimentally (instructions given: men are better, women are better, or no gender differences exist) had to complete the MRT. Artificially induced gender beliefs affected performance and guessing behavior differently in relation to gender. Women's performance followed the gender belief induction but their guessing behavior remained unaffected. Men's performance, however, remained unaffected but their guessing behavior followed the gender belief induction. These findings suggest that gender beliefs affect men and women differently, and they also suggest that a gender belief account cannot (fully) explain gender differences in mental rotation performance.  相似文献   

从西方女权社会主义者对男女不平等原因的论述,分析当代中国妇女问题。本文认为造成中国当代妇女问题主要表现层面是男女不平等问题的原因,不是阶级、政治的,而是经济的原因、是男权统治传统积淀到今天而形成的一种根深蒂固的观念意识。  相似文献   

Computer science, like technology in general, is seen as a masculine field and the under-representation of women an intransigent problem. In this paper, we argue that the cultural belief in Australia that computer science is a domain for men results in many girls and women being chased away from that field as part of a border protection campaign by some males – secondary school teachers, boys and men playing games online and young men on campus at university. We draw on American feminist philosopher, Iris Marion Young’s analysis of the ‘five faces’ of oppression to suggest strategies whereby Australian universities could support women in computer science and educate men about respectful behaviour and gender equity.  相似文献   

李梦雨 《海外英语》2012,(12):216-217
"Moby Dick"is an in-depth spiritual exploration about beliefs,religion,fate and nature with multi-layered meanings.This novel is based on a whale-hunting adventure,which turns out to be actually a vengeance-seeking voyage.The plot is very simple,yet the meaning behind it is far from simple.Applying symbolism,Melville depicts a hostile relationship between men and nature,which is spotlighted by the conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.This thesis deals with the relationship between men and nature as presented in the novel,the symbolic meaning that Melville intends to convey and his attitude towards the ideal relationship between men and nature.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized in this study that men and women develop a belief about their ability in science during their school years that is based in part on their participation in certain science courses and on their level of performance in those courses. This belief about their ability in turn affects the science decisions that these students make when they enter college. Students who believe they have ability in science are more likely to choose a science curriculum in college than those who do not. The results indicated that even though their performance in high school science was better than that of the men, women in this study rated their ability in science lower, and that this had a negative effect on later participation in college science.  相似文献   

《玩偶之家》中娜拉是男人的玩偶,对丈夫处于依附地位,没有人格独立。娜拉和广大女性必须经济上独立、心理上自强、尽可能地融入社会并真正树立并践行男女平等的理念。  相似文献   

《查特莱夫人的情人》中男性对女性与自然的压迫,和谐丧失后男性、女性的生活,以及女性的反叛和珍惜女性与自然的男性的出现,反映了小说中所蕴涵的生态女性主义思想,揭示了劳伦斯渴望建立人与人,人与自然和谐关系的愿望。  相似文献   

Rape incidents involving college students have recently gained national attention resulting in an open debate about whether a college environment is prone to sexual violence. Although studies show that most rape victims talked to friends or relatives and that the victims took their advice for the next action, few studies have examined the type of advice given by college students. A sample of undergraduate students was provided with vignettes describing a hypothetical rape situation and a series of questions about their belief in rape myths, attitudes toward women, and their individual characteristics and backgrounds. Findings suggest that the attribution of less responsibility to the victim, an acquaintance assailant, victim resistance, a belief in egalitarian views of women, men, and African-Americans, were associated with an increased likelihood of advice to contact the police. Implications are discussed with particular attention to the college population.  相似文献   

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