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本研究的目的,是运用生物力学的研究方法,对我国高水平的女子举重运动员的抓举和下蹲翻进行运动学比较分析,并对其力量的特点进行比较分析;此外,运用逆向动力学对两种技术动作的主要关节的净力矩进行了分析,为更深刻地理解抓举和下蹲翻动作的差异和力量特点提供参考的依据。本文研究对象是:参加2003年4月在河南平顶山举行的全国女子举重锦标赛的10名运动员。结论:本研究运用生物力学的分析方法,对举重的抓举和下蹲翻技术动作,在动作的结构、力量的特点以及关节受力等方面进行了较为全面的比较分析,对于更深一步地了解其动作的结构和力量的特…  相似文献   

举重抓举和下蹲翻运动学比较与用力特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用三维运动学的研究方法对参加2003年全国女子举重锦标赛的10名运动员的抓举和下蹲翻进行运动学分析并对力量的特点进行比较分析;运用逆向动力学方法对两种技术动作的主要关节的净力矩进行比较分析。结果表明,膝关节角度在提铃离地时刻有显著性的差异;对力量参数回归分析表明,运动员抓举杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员所能够输出的最大功率,而运动员下蹲翻杠铃重量的能力很大程度上取决于运动员对杠铃的作用力的积累过程;对于抓举和下蹲翻动作髋关节净力矩分析表明,对于抓举,髋关节最大净力矩与对应此时刻的髋关节角度呈负相关,而对于下蹲翻,髋关节最大净力矩则与所试举的杠铃重量呈正相关。  相似文献   

目前在一些青少年举重比赛中,由于翻铃出现差错而造成挺举失败的不在少数。因此在青少年训练中应注意加强对翻铃技术的训练。本文对北京石景山区体校16名少年举重运动员(平均年龄14.3岁,平均训练年限1.5年),采用实验研究法,对如何提高少年运动员下蹲翻技术的一些训练方法进行探讨。 1 研究结果与分析 1.1 实验前两组成绩对照:见表1、表2、表3 在实验前.A组各项目成绩明显较B组差些,我们以A组为实验对象,对其进行了为期9周的实验性训练。但两组每周挺举训练的天数相同。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对我国优秀女子举重运动员主要专项辅助动作成绩与竞赛动作成绩进行相关研究。结果显示:主要专项辅助动作成绩与竞赛动作成绩具高度显著性相关;高抓、高翻借力推、宽硬拉成绩与抓举成绩,下蹲翻半挺成绩与挺举成绩直接相关;高抓、高翻借力推、下蹲翻半挺成绩共同作用影响抓举成绩;下蹲翻半挺、前深蹲成绩共同作用影响挺举成绩;主要专项辅助动作成绩受爆发力和绝对力量的影响。  相似文献   

在女子举重训练中,抓举与高翻成绩呈比例关系,高翻与下蹲翻成绩呈比例关系,高抓与下蹲抓成绩呈比例关系。实践中还发现,抓举与借力推成绩有着非常近似的现象,关于两者的论述目前未见报道。本文试图通过对部分优秀女子举重运动员借力推在抓举中的运用进行实验对照,同时对调查数据进行相关分析,探讨两者的相互关系,为女子举重训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古青少年男子举重运动员的挺举下蹲翻技术训练情况进行了总结分析,其目的是提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

谈挺举的预蹲角度与预蹲速度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预蹲技术是挺举技术的一个重要组成部分。对挺举预蹲技术的研究早已被国内外举重界所关注。建国以来,特别是在我国1972年恢复举重运动后的屡次重大比赛中,研究工作者对影响挺举技术发挥的关键环节一预蹲作了大量的调查和研究。其中比较典型的是1976年国家体委举重调查组对该年在武汉举行的青少年举重比赛的统计。调查组对八十一名运动员的二百五十六次挺举试举作了全面的观察,得出了挺举的失败,有百分之六十三是出在上挺  相似文献   

通过录像观察法、文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计方法对2008年北京奥运会女子举重7个级别的全部赛事成败率进行了技术统计分析,结果表明本届北京奥运会女子举重试举成功率比上届有了大幅度的提高;抓举比赛中的后掉次数比前掉次数高;挺举的上挺失败次数高于下蹲翻失败次数;北京奥运会女子举重的试举方案比上届增多;同时,对各国运动员试举技术失败的原因进行了分析表明,运动员技术发挥不稳定、实力不足和比赛心理素质不好是造成试举失败的主要原因。  相似文献   

在国内外举重比赛中,挺举的成功率约在50%左右。其中因翻铃失败的人次极少,大多数都在上挺时失败。实践表明,预蹲深度、预蹲方向,对上挺的成败有着很大的影响。因此,研究它们之间的密切关系,对改进上挺技术,提高上挺成功率,有非常重要的现实意义。研究方法本文材料取样于1985年在杭州举行的第17届亚洲举重锦标赛。笔者对参加比赛的国内外77名优秀举重选手的极限重量和  相似文献   

前言 举重运动员腿部力量训练主要是发展股四头肌和臀大肌,因为只有提高这两大肌肉力量,才能提高运动员的蹲起能力,在做下蹲抓、下蹲翻时才能站起来,举重运动员腿部力量大小与举重运动员专项成绩密切相关,举重运动员必须要有强大的腿  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会上,素有“梦之队”之称的中国跳水队狂揽7金,捍卫了自己的霸主地位。8月11日,男子10m跳台决赛在“水立方”精彩上演,随着中国组合林跃、火亮近乎完美的最后一跳,整个“水立方”沸腾了,电视画面中,一位教练因兴奋而跳起的镜头被永恒定格,她就是金牌教练钟少珍。提起钟少珍,或许有人会觉得陌生,但她的弟子却个个大名鼎鼎,郭晶晶、胡佳、杨景辉、王峰,青一色的奥运冠军,不同的成长之路,每个人的成功背后都离不开钟教练的坚定支持、全心投入与默默付出。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,对1997-2012年(1997-1998赛季至2011-2012赛季)我国职业篮球俱乐部外籍教练员的数量变化和执教的影响因素进行研究。研究得出:15年间我国职业男子篮球俱乐部聘请外籍教练员的人数总体上呈双倒"U"型变化;影响外籍教练员在我国职业篮球俱乐部中执教的影响因素包括:外籍教练员执教理念、文化背景和执教背景的差异,以及存在短期执教行为和对中国篮球缺乏熟悉和了解等。  相似文献   

近三十年我国运动员获得世界冠军情况统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数理统计等方法,对1975~2004年间我国运动员所获世界冠军的基本情况进行分析。结果表明:在过去的30年里,我国竞技体育发展呈现出一种锯齿形上升态势;近10年是我国竞技体育迅速发展阶段;女子运动员是我国竞技体育获取冠军的主力军;技能、技巧类项目是我国的优势项目。进一步发展和完善我国竞技体育的举国体制,在保持我国优势项目群的同时,大力发展潜优势项目及金牌数多的项目群是我国竞技体育可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

This study explored whether elite artistic skating athletes differ from elite inline speed skating athletes in terms of mood as assessed before and after competi-tion. Its secondary purpose was to determine whether mood states in athletes generally differ before competition, as compared to after. Thirty-nine athletes in artistic and inline speed skating participated in this study during the German national and European championships. Participants were top-ranked elite skat-ers, including 17 German national champions, nine European and four World champions as well as four participants in recent Olympic Games. Artistic skat-ers exhibited more delight and less listlessness both before and after competi-tion. Inline speed skaters reported greater arousal before competition, whereas artistic skaters reported more arousal after competition. All skaters reported more activation before competition as compared to after competition. These results have implications for athletes’ preparation for and participation in sports competition.  相似文献   

Professional sculling was a leading international sport during the latter half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Not only did the sport produce champions, household names and elements of hero worship, it also provided opportunities for boatbuilders, technicians, sports managers and coaches to develop their skills and expertise, which enriched aquatics generally worldwide.

It was a period when organised sport, on an international scale, was beginning to intensify and consolidate. The Dane, Christian Nielsen, was one who seized the opportunities presented by professional sport. Nielsen revolutionised the art of boat building and the structure of boat racing, while he provided modern impetus into sports coaching and sports psychology. His contribution to sports history and aquatics is largely unknown or has been ignored, yet his genius and craftsmanship gave rise to a silent reach that extended to most parts of the globe.  相似文献   

现年35岁的王志杰,已是中国跆拳道女队主教练了。来自辽宁的他,有着东北人特有的幽默和闯劲。一谈起跆拳道,王志杰便滔滔不绝。他善于用生动的比喻把道理说得明白、透彻。可这位跆拳道金牌教练,其实是个“外行”。  相似文献   

健身气功竞赛功法在原有健身功法的基础上对个别动作进行了改进,增加了难度动作,对运动员的力量、平衡、协调、柔韧等方面提出了更高的要求,缩短了比赛时间,使比赛更加具有观赏性。同时,增加了教学与训练的难度。文章运用文献资料法、实践教学法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,结合运动训练学的知识,对易筋经竞赛功法中5个难度动作的要领及易犯错误、作用、动作规格等进行了教学与分析,并针对每个动作提出了相应的训练方法。以期对教练与学习者提供一定得参考价值。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 2013/2014 season in England and Wales, 90 head coaches of the 92 men's national professional football league clubs and 20 of the 22 men's professional rugby union clubs had tenure as a professional elite player in their respective sports. Moreover, Rynne [(2014). ‘Fast track’ and ‘traditional path’ coaches: Affordances, agency and social capital. Sport, Education and Society, 19, 299–313] has claimed that many former elite athletes are ‘fast-tracked’ through formal accreditation structures into these high-performance coaching roles. The reasons why former elite athletes dominate head coaching roles in professional sports clubs and why a ‘fast-track’ pathway from elite athlete to high-performance coach is supported remain unclear. Thereby the present study sought to address this issue by investigating the basis for ‘fast-tracked’ head coaching appointments. Eight male directors of men's professional football and rugby union clubs in England were interviewed to examine how particular coaching skills and sources of knowledge were valorised. Drawing upon Bourdieu's conceptual framework, the results suggested that head coaching appointments were often based upon the perceived ability of head coaches gaining player ‘respect’. Experiences gained during earlier athletic careers were assumed to provide head coaches with the ability to develop practical sense and an elite sporting habitus commensurate with the requirements of the field of elite sports coaching. This included leadership and practical coaching skills to develop technical and tactical astuteness, from which, ‘respect’ could be quickly gained and maintained. The development of coaching skills was rarely associated with only formal coaching qualifications. The ‘fast-tracking’ of former athletes for high-performance coaching roles was promoted by directors to ensure the perpetuation of specific playing and coaching philosophies. Consequently, this may exclude groups from coaching roles in elite men's sport. The paper concludes by outlining how these findings might imply a disjuncture between the skills promoted during formal coaching qualifications and the expectations club directors have of elite coaches in these sports.  相似文献   


Though highly popular, degree-level sports coaching qualifications are in their infancy, and it remains that ‘an individual intending to become an accredited coaching practitioner can only do so by undertaking their sport's national governing body (NGB) coaching award(s)’ [Nelson et al., 2006, p. 254. Formal, nonformal and informal coach learning: A holistic conceptualisation. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1(3), 247–259]. Consequently, little is known about the development of HE sports coaching students’ employability. This study critically investigates sports coaching students’ degree-study motives, development of employability skills and perceptions of career prospects as graduates. Survey data and follow-up interviews from two U.K. post-92 universities reveal tensions between liberal and vocational philosophies of university education and concerns about the graduate labour market. Critical incidents and missed opportunities in students’ development of key skills for coaching during and outside of university are also discussed.  相似文献   

通过对建国以来全国武术套路竞赛中,不同时期较具代表性的6名全国女子剑术冠军技术风格的分析,从技术流变的角度探讨不同时期女子剑术技术的特点,以期发现女子剑术技术的发展趋势,把握技术走向。找出规律,为改善剑术的训练竞赛的工作提供的理论依据。  相似文献   

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