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单词识记:1.belong (?).属于;belong to sb.属于某人,为某人之财物;belong to sth.与某事物或某处有关联;是某团体(家庭,组织等中的)一员2.author n.作家,作者;近义词:writer 3.picnic n.郊游野餐;(各人自带食品的)聚餐;have a picnic进行一次野餐活动4.possibly adv.可能地,或许,也许;possible adj.可能的5.drop v.落下,掉下,放弃;drop sb./sth.off让某人下车,中途顺便将某物送到某处;drop English放弃英语6.appointment n.约会,约定;make an appointment with sb.与某人约会;keep/ break an appointment践约/失约;have an appointment with the dentist与牙医预约7.crucial adj.至关重要的.be crucial to对……至关重要  相似文献   

1.belong①belong是不及物动词,后接介词to,意为“属于;归……所有”。例如:Over the telephone,he spoke in a voicethat did not seem to belong to him.在电话里,他的说话声音都变了。The bicycle belongs to Helen.这辆自行车是海伦的。Your question doesn’t belong to this dis-cussion.你的问题不属于这次讨论的范围。②belong to还可作“是……的成员”讲。例如:Which school do you belong to?你是哪个学校的?Tigers and cats belong to the same familyof beasts.虎与猫在兽类中属于同一种。Most of the seeds we eat belong to a largegroup called grains.我们食用的植物种子大部分都属于叫作谷物的一大类。【引申】belong的名词是belonging,常用作复数,作“财物;财产;行李”讲。例如:Are these your b...  相似文献   

一、介词to的常见用法 1.动词+to a)动词+to adjust to适应,attend to处理;照料,agree to赞同,amount to 加起来达…,belong to属于,come to达到, drink to为…干杯,get to到达,happen to发生在某人身 上,hold to紧握,lead to通向,listen to听,occur to想起。  相似文献   

1.这台新电脑现在属于我。误:The new computer is belonging to me now.正:The new computer belongs to me now.析:belong to属于静态动词,不能用于进行时态。常用一般现在时表示  相似文献   

1.It must be long to Carla.它肯定属于卡拉。该句相当于It must be Carla(s.。其中,belong to是由"不及物动词 介词"构成的短语,其后常接名词或代词。例如:  相似文献   

have(has)been(to)一般表示某人曾经到过某地,而不少资料上的讲解却强调“某人到过某地”的这个“某人”已经回来。其实这种说法欠妥。have(has)been(to)句型中某人曾经到过某地,表示某人过去的经历,某人已经回来,只属于谈话者双方面对面地进行交谈这一情况。例如:Lilei:Weihua,Ihaven’tseenyouforafewdays,wherehaveyoubeen?Weihua:IhavebeentoBeijing.从这个谈话中我们知道,魏华曾经去过北京,该句中的“某人”魏华现在已经回来,谈话者双方均在场。再看这组对话:Lilei:Lintao,hasWeihuabeentoBeijing从这个…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.persuade【用法】vt.1)说服;劝服(make someone believe or do something by talking to him),其主要用法有:(1)通常接不定式的复合结构,即persuade sb.to do sth.,意为"说服某人干某  相似文献   

Unit 1 Useful Expressions 1. make predictions 做预测 2. free time 空闲时间 3. fly...to... 乘坐……飞往…… 4. on a space station 在太空站上 5. I disagree. 我不同意 6. fall/be in love with sb 与某人相爱 7. keep pets 养宠物 8. be able to 能够 9. predict the future 预测未来 10. come true 实现 11. see sb ddooisntgh s看th见 看某见人某做人某正事在( 做的某全事过( 程片)断$ ) 12. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 13. hundreds of 数以百计的 14. try to do sth 尽力做某事 15. look like 看上去长的像…… 16. l…  相似文献   

1. 花费时间 1) It takes/will take/took sb some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长 时间。例如: It takes me one and a half hours to do my homework every day. It will take you half an hour to get there. It took her two hours to finish reading the story. 2) sb spends some time on sth/(in) doing sth. 某人在某方面/做某事花 费多长时间。例如: We spent over five years on the project. HeAs spent his life writing this book. 2. 花费金钱 1) sb spends some money on sth/(in)doing sth. 某人花多少钱买某物/做 …  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.rem ind【用法】用作动词,意为“to cause torem em ber;put in m ind使想起;使记起;提醒”。例如:Please rem ind m e to leave her this note请提醒我留给她这张纸条。Please rem ind m e that I m ust call her upbefore nine.请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。【搭配】rem ind sb of/about sb/sth使某人想起某人/某事;rem ind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事;rem ind sb that clause提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事。例如:R em ind m e to write to M other.提醒我给妈妈写信。This rem inds m e of her.这使我想起她。The film rem inded him of what he hadseen in China.这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到的一切。2.em ergency【用法】用作名词,意为“a serious situationor occurrence that...  相似文献   

help 既可作动词用,又可作名词用,通过加后缀-ful 还可变成形容词。用法如下。一、作动词用。1.help somebody(to)do something 帮助某人做某事Can you help me to mend the kite.你能帮助我修理这只风筝吗?2.help somebody(with)something or doing something.在某方面帮助某人We helped them with the rice harvest.我们帮助他们收稻谷.3.help oneself to something 请随便吃点……吧(招待客人的常用交际用语。)  相似文献   

1.他爸爸以500美元卖掉了这台电脑。误:His father sold thiS computer to 500 dollars.正:His father sold this computer for 500 dollars.析:sell sth.for后接价格数日,表示“以多少钱卖掉某东西”。而sell sth.to后接人,表示“把某东西卖给某人”。如:He sold the pen to me.他把钢笔卖给了我。  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.endanger【用法】v.危害、危及(某人/某事物)(to expose to harm or danger);使遭到危险(cause danger to sb./sth.;put sb./sth.in danger) The polluted air in the city is badly en- dangering the health of the people.城市中被  相似文献   

1.听到将有晚会,史密斯先生盼望邀请他。 误:On hearing there would be a party,MrSmith is looking forward to be invited. 正:On hearing there would be a party,MrSmith is looking forward to being invited. 析:look forward to中的to是介词,不是不定式的符号,应接动名词或名词。同学学习中容易用错的带介词to的词组还有:be/get usedto(习惯于),attend to(注意,专心于),belong to(属于),face to(面对),reduce to(减少),listento(听),report to(向……报告),devote oneself  相似文献   

1.[friendly]张莉莉跟我们很要好。 误:Zhang Lili is friendly to us. 正:Zhang Lili is friendly with us. 析:friendly to表示“对某人表示或采取友好的态度”,而friendly with表示“跟某人相识,与某人要好、交朋友”。  相似文献   

Unit 10 The world around us 1.take turns(at)doing sth=take turns to do sth=do sth by turns/in turn意为“轮流做某事”;its one s turn to do sth意为“轮到某人做某事”。例如:W e take turns(at)cooking.(=W e take turns to cook.=W e cookby turns/in turn.)我们轮流下厨。W hose turn is itto do the washing-up?轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?2.prefer sb/sth意为“更喜欢某人或某事”;prefer to do sth/preferdoing sth意为“更喜欢做某事”;prefer sb to do sth意为“愿意某人做某事”;prefer to do A rather than do B(=prefer doin…  相似文献   

U nit51.我劝他学点法语,可他认为这不是一个好主意。【误】I persuaded him to learn som e French,but he didn t think itwas a good idea.【正】I tried to persuade him to learn som e French,but he didn tthink it was a good idea.【析】persuade指以道理、请求等“劝服”、“说服”。“劝说某人做某A School G arden Of English中学英语园地事”常用“persude sb to do sth”或“persude sb into doing sth”来表达。persuade sb to do sth只能表示“劝某人做某事”并取得成功,如果未收到说服之效,只可说“try to persuade sb…  相似文献   

ask sb about doing sth询问某人关于做某事 ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事 agree to do sth同意做某事 allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事  相似文献   

Unit Six重点词语1.apologise vi.(英)=apologize(美)道歉W hatdoes Billsay to apologise for losing the bike?(P37)[提示]表示“向某人道歉”,不能说apologize som ebody,应该说apologize to som ebody;“代替某人向某人道歉”可用apologize to som e鄄body for som ebody(to som ebody是向某人,for som ebody是替某人);表示“向某人为(做了)某事而道歉”可以用apologize to som ebody for(do鄄ing)som ething。例如:John,I want to apologize to you for us all.(约翰,我想代表我们大伙儿向你道歉。)Y ou should apologize to yourt…  相似文献   

1.常见用语 a.请找某人接电话 Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to…,please? b.问对方是不是某人 Is that…(speaking)? c.问对方是谁 1)Who's speaking(calling)? 2)Who's that(speaking/calling)?  相似文献   

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