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There is evidence suggesting that self harm among young people is beginning earlier, in childhood and adolescent years. This paper reports on a qualitative study of primary school staff responses to self harm among children. Some studies with adolescents show self harm presents challenges to education professionals who may lack training or resources to address this issue, yet research concerning self harm among primary school children is limited. The present study provides an analysis of education professionals’ experiences and understandings of self harm in primary school children. Interviews with 15 staff members from six schools in the North of England were analysed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Key themes discussed concern: how self harm affects staff emotionally; reasons staff ascribe to children’s self harming; how self harm is managed. The present study indicates problems associated with a ‘fire‐fighting’ approach where self harm is only dealt with as it becomes visible. Instead, the authors advocate policy‐level initiatives proactively addressing self harm, as has happened in sex and drug education. Intervention around self harm in schools could usefully broaden staff members’ understandings of self harm, allow opportunity for reflection and discussion, and make resources available to staff working with children who self harm.  相似文献   

Children who stammer are often negatively stereotyped by other children and by teachers. They can also be easily identified as targets for teasing and bullying by peers. This may adversely affect their interaction levels in school and lower their self‐esteem. This article suggests an approach aimed at reducing the development of adverse attitudes and behaviours. It describes presentations about stammering given to 9–11‐year‐olds. It shows how these can increase children's understanding of this speech difficulty and alter their negative behaviour towards a child in their class who stammers. A case study is used to illustrate the benefits of such a presentation for one such child who stammers.  相似文献   

从生物学与心理学角度来说,儿童具有自我发展与完善的内在动力.学校教育的根本目的是协助与促进儿童的自我发展.表现为促进儿童实现愉快的自主精神建构以及引导儿童建立自我认同,促进个性发展.  相似文献   

Why do infants and toddlers prefer helpers? Four experiments (conducted from 2019–2022; n = 136, 66% White, 15% Asian, 4% Black, 2% Hispanic/Latino, 13% multiracial, majority USA) investigated whether infants and toddlers favor agents whose actions allow others to achieve their goals. In the key experiment, 8-month-old infants and 15-month-old toddlers viewed a protagonist who tried and failed to open a box that contained a toy while two other agents (helpers) observed; then the toys were exchanged and the helpers opened different boxes. Infants and toddlers differently evaluated the two helpers, consistent with their developing means-end understanding. Together, the present four experiments connect infants' and toddlers' evaluations of helping to their understanding of goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

This paper explores contributions of qualitative research to saving theory for children, youth, and parents in children's development account (CDAs) programs. It brings together findings from three studies: (1) elementary school age children saving for college, (2) youth transitioning from foster care saving for education and other purposes, and (3) mothers saving for their toddlers’ future college. Findings suggest that children, youth, and parents find CDAs helpful in accumulating savings. CDAs motivate and facilitate saving in ways that reflect developmental stages. Accumulating savings has positive economic and psychological meaning for CDA participants. CDAs overcome some obstacles in saving for the three groups, but other barriers remain, especially income flows, debt, and emergencies.  相似文献   

不同地层中的古生物化石能够传递各个地质年代的生物种类、形态、结构、遗传、生态环境、气候变化、地壳变迁等信息。其中,遗体化石所传递的信息最为丰富,是研究生物进化最直接、最有说服力的证据。  相似文献   

美国每年举办中学生物学奥林匹克竞赛,其在组织形式、内容和题型上,与国内的竞赛有所差异。本文分析了美国中学生物学奥林匹克竞赛的目的。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症是一种核酸代谢异常的疾病,在我国约有1.2亿患者,是一个不容忽视的全民健康问题.本文概述高尿酸血症的成因、临床表现、治疗方法及预防措施.  相似文献   

生命现象遗传信息的流向都遵循分子生物学中的“中心法则” ,即从DNA到RNA再到蛋白质。由于绝大多数真核生物基因和某些原核生物基因是断裂基因 ,即在基因的DNA序列中插有一些无编码意义的片段 ,编码序列称为外显子 ,非编码序列称为内含子。由于基因中内含子的存在 ,基因在表达时 ,遗传信息在mRNA水平有一个剪接过程 ,即去掉内含子 ,将外显子连接起来 ,最终产生一个有功能的成熟mRNA分子。1990年 ,Hirata等在酵母液泡膜H+-ATPase的a亚基 (VMA1)中首次发现了蛋白质自剪接现象。蛋白质自剪接是前体蛋白中间的某些区域被切除 ,剩余部…  相似文献   

This investigator has attempted to determine the most effective level for presenting concepts relating to the kinetic molecular theory of matter to elementary school children.  相似文献   

The transition from home to kindergarten, for most children, is the first and major ecological transition in their educational life. Kindergarten is the first educational setting in which children make sense about ‘school’ as a place to learn and about themselves as ‘pupils’. In this transition, children cross a cultural boundary from home to kindergarten and, in fact, they commute between the two cultural settings. In Vygotsky's view, children are active culture learners. How they cope with, and adapt to, the novel kindergarten is crucial to their ‘pupil career’ in their life‐long learning. Thus, this paper aims to provide early childhood education professionals with a framework to understand children as agents in the transition from home to kindergarten. This paper begins with a review of the concept of transition. It then presents a conceptual framework of the understanding of children as agents in the transition from home to kindergarten. Major elements of the conceptual framework are derived from sociocultural theory, and analyses of ‘rites of passage’ and ‘pupil career’. This highlights the relationships between layers of context, stages of transition, and adaptation outcomes.  相似文献   

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