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This paper reviews recent research on the role of parent-child interaction in the etiology of children's conduct disorder. It examines the role of social and family factors in conduct disorder and the possible mechanisms by which these contextual factors might affect parent-child interaction and child problem behavior. A major focus is on research that has compared the patterns of interaction in families with and without conduct-disordered children, using observational methods, in order to test different theoretical explanations about how conduct disorder develops and is maintained. Further research is needed on the neglected area of positive parent-child interaction, which may be just as important as conflictual processes in determining the development of conduct disorder. Theoretical and methodological issues are raised about the problems of determining causality from correlational research, and the possibilities for naturalistic experimental studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of parents undertaking an intensive home training programme of children with disabilities (e.g. Applied Behavioural Analysis) has increased. It reveals a paradox in current disability research and policies. On the one hand, policies in general are aimed at inclusion through movement of social barriers for participation, grounded in the social model of disability. On the other hand, intensive home training is based on the aim of rehabilitation through intensive training of individual cognitive and social skills, an approach grounded in a bio-medical model. Intensive home training programmes are supported by political legislation that enables parents to partake the training and hire the necessary helpers. How is this paradox viewed from the perspective of the parents? From the departure of the dialectical model of disability – and its central concepts of developmental incongruence, developmental time and social agency – two mothers practising home training with their children with autism disorder were interviewed about their motives for home training and subsequent experience with their child. Results showed that the motive to home training was to create a local congruence that allowed the child to thrive. Intensive home training also restored the mothers’ sense of agency vis-à-vis their child’s development. However, home training might not abolish the need for adaptations of the child’s social practices outside the family. It is discussed how societal support to home training risks to hinder higher order reorganisation of developmental opportunities that are necessary to actualise policy statements of inclusion.  相似文献   

The impact of the Fast Track intervention on externalizing disorders across childhood was examined. Eight hundred-ninety-one early-starting children (69% male; 51% African American) were randomly assigned by matched sets of schools to intervention or control conditions. The 10-year intervention addressed parent behavior-management, child social cognitive skills, reading, home visiting, mentoring, and classroom curricula. Outcomes included psychiatric diagnoses after grades 3, 6, 9, and 12 for conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and any externalizing disorder. Significant interaction effects between intervention and initial risk level indicated that intervention prevented the lifetime prevalence of all diagnoses, but only among those at highest initial risk, suggesting that targeted intervention can prevent externalizing disorders to promote the raising of healthy children.  相似文献   

休闲与美学有着不可分割之缘。休闲的美,美在休闲活动进入了生命的本真;美在休闲的最高境界同时又是审美的境界;美在休闲体验是诗与思的统一;美在休闲境域的和谐;美在休闲主体自在、自得、自足、自由的情状;美在休闲活动的审美化。美的休闲应具备有益于休闲主体身心健康、有利于人的精神和人生境界的提升、有利于人的全面、自由、和谐发展等条件。  相似文献   

An eighteen-month-old Alaskan girl suffered transient coma with multiple superficial contusions when injured by her multiple personality disturbed caretaker. The relative disinterest in multiple personality disorder as a psychiatric diagnosis among American trained practitioners is reflected in the great difficulty encountered by child protection workers while seeking psychotherapy for this disturbed family. The public health nurse, pediatrician, and social workers of the child protection team were unsuccessful in attempting to secure psychiatric therapy for this child batterer. Multiple factors, other than psychiatric community disinterest in multiple personality disorders, influenced these unsuccessful attempts. Legal process delays, strongly punitive community attitudes, tired and nearly "burned out" child protection workers, and conflicting psychological and psychiatric consultant opinions are described. A brief review of multiple personality disorder traits is given with emphasis on the common childhood exposure to abuse and violence among reported multiple personality subjects. Despite the obvious hope by the eighteen-month-old child's parents for effective help to reconstitute her family, the multiple factors described show institutional neglect and abuse which has made such recovery impossible to date. A plea is made to all persons involved with child abuse and neglect to more accurately diagnose and treat multiple personality disorders in abusive parents.  相似文献   

ObjectiveChildren with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at heightened risk for maltreatment in childhood and criminality as they enter into adolescence and early adulthood. Here, we investigated the effect of moderate to severe childhood maltreatment on later criminality among adolescents/young adults diagnosed with ADHD in childhood while accounting for the contributions of other known risk factors such as early conduct disorder (CD).MethodsEighty-eight participants from a longitudinal study of children diagnosed with ADHD and screened for comorbid disorders at age 7–11 years were assessed for maltreatment histories at the time of the 10-year adolescent follow-up. Detailed juvenile and adult criminal records were obtained from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services approximately 3-years after commencement of the follow-up study. We used regression analyses to determine predictors of adolescent/young adult criminal behavior.ResultsModerate to severe childhood maltreatment increased the risk of adolescent/young adult arrest over and above the risk associated with childhood CD, while both childhood maltreatment and childhood CD significantly increased the risk of recidivism. ADHD youth classified as maltreated were three and a half times more likely to be arrested when compared to ADHD youth without a maltreatment classification.ConclusionWe established maltreatment as a risk factor for criminality in ADHD youth and demonstrated that this relationship was independent of the contributions of CD, and established risk factor for antisocial behavior in this population. The findings highlight the need for maltreatment screening in children with ADHD in order to identify those at heightened risk for criminal activity, and target treatment to improve outcome in this high-risk group of children.  相似文献   

Although professionals frequently neglect problem-setting because of their preoccupation with problem-solving, there are serious consequences of doing so. The products of problem-setting (missions, goals, objectives) are central to the process of professionalization and determine the extent to which a profession's activity is dynamic, not static. Problem-setting proceeds by the complementary processes of framing and naming. It involves the competing values of individuals and groups and results in a form of social editing. Professionals should become more reflective and reflexive in their approaches to problem-setting, while rejecting the assumption that today's problems are necessarily tomorrow's.  相似文献   

论编辑的“再创作”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
编辑过程是编辑通过对作品的分析研究,按照作的思维脉络和风格特点对作品进行深加工的创作过程。其创作思想具有一定的理性成分和客观性特征。忠实原作、保持理性、简明通俗以及注重提高审美品位,是编辑“再创作”应遵循的指导思想。  相似文献   

音乐是一种听觉艺术。它首先是词曲作者从社会实践中吸取精华,进而产生的一种创造行为;但音乐形象的最终确立,更是需要演唱者通过想象与感受去体验词曲作者所需要表达的感想,这是歌唱艺术的再创造。要实现这种创造,需要演唱者“走进去”,也就是要深入钻研、仔细琢磨词曲作者的感受以及深奥的思想内涵。同时,还必须“走出来”,用自己对生活的体验、感悟,遵循声乐艺术的规律,进而再创造。实现再创造的基础,必须要提高演唱者的生活素养和文化素养,培养对声音的乐感素养,培养处理歌曲的技术素养。  相似文献   

论课程文化的重塑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于课程改革而言,最先进的理论未必是最合适的理论,如果新的课程理念不能在我们的本土文化中找到立足的根基,最终也只能是海市蜃楼,美丽却不适用.因此当前的课程改革有一个紧迫的任务就是,展开本土行动,进行中西文化的对话与交流,在具体实践的过程中寻求一种文化重塑.  相似文献   

“二度创造”在表现音乐本质的过程中具有关键性的作用。具体来说,音乐作品的历史真实性是二度创造的前提;表演者的技巧和文化底蕴是二度创造的基础;发挥表演者的个性(即创造性)是二度创造的关键。  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory, as an attempt to explain the factors that influence motivated behavior, has received signiticant attention from youth sport researchers, sport psychologists, and educators since its proposal in 1980. This papr reviews the basic tenets of achievement goal theory and outlines potential problems through its usage in attempting lo understand student behavior and attitudes in physical education. Specifically, I argue this reductionist and decontextualized research treats the physical education student as a motivational problem, the teacher as the solution, and the social context of physical education and sport as nonproblematic. This positivist approach to knowledge construction may indirectly act to perpetuate inequitable power relations and dominant idenlogies found in physical education. Ironically, this could dissuade certain youth from participating in sport or physical education, the antithesis of the activity promotion objectives of many achievement goal theorists. I conclude by suggesting to enhance physical education practice, research should employ critical and reflective methods of knowing and continue to seek out student and teacher voices to help create responsive leaming environments for diverse student needs.  相似文献   

The effects of multiple instructional conditions on self-injury/aggression and on-task behaviours were assessed with a 9-year-old boy diagnosed with childhood disintegrative disorder. Behavioural responses were assessed as part of an educational evaluation to determine the occurrence of target behaviours in relation to varying degrees of educational support. Self-injury/aggression and task engagement were assessed across baseline conditions and instructional conditions involving pre-session access to preferred items, followed by systematic presentation of work tasks with contingent reinforcement and auditory cueing. Results indicated an increase in task engagement and a decrease in the target behaviours from baseline across subsequent conditions. This study lends support for directly assessing the efficacy of specific potential instructional support as a means of developing individualised treatment packages for learners with childhood disintegrative disorder.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounding stimulant medication, particularly its effects on reading performance, continues to obscure the issue of the use of this drug in classroom situations. The present study emphasized careful differential diagnosis, double-blind and placebo approaches, and curriculum-based dependent measures to address these concerns. Methylphenidate was administered to two groups of boys, ages 8 through 11. The two groups included 27 subjects meeting criteria for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder but not conduct disorder, known as hyperactive disorder (HD), and 28 subjects meeting criteria for both diagnostic categories, known as hyperactive-aggressive (HA). Only four subjects in each group met a discrepancy criterion for learning disabilities (LD). Methylphenidate was administered to both groups at three levels of dosage, along with baseline and placebo conditions. Dependent measures involved both reading recognition and reading comprehension, equivalent across all conditions. No significant results were found for the group with HD in either reading recognition or comprehension, due largely to unusual placebo reactions. Results were generally in the direction predicted for the group with HA, but only significantly so in reading comprehension, and no dose effect was found on this variable. Implications for reading as a dependent measure of medication effects are discussed.  相似文献   

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