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很多人都喜欢告诉我们人生不过如一场黄粱梦,在繁复的美丽与曲折的悲欢之后,悠然醒转,新炊却犹末熟。  相似文献   

On August 12, “Seeking the Root: Chinese Culture Journey”, an international summer camp for young overseas Chinese, opened in the Tang Paradise in Qujiang New Area, Xi'an City. Dr. Hu Chunyi, Chairman of Malaysia NV Foundation, Ms. Li Peishan, representative for China-Malaysia Friendship and Culture Promotion, Ms. Wang Jing, representative from Qujiang Culture &Tourism Co., Ltd., Ms. Xu Chun from Chinese International Ceremonial Group, and Mr. Li Weimin and Mr. Yao Kaiwen who were responsible for the event's organization, attended the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

Based on interviews with 30 female readers of BL (‘boys’ love') manga conducted in Taipei in 2005, this paper analyses the BL scene in Taiwan from the perspective of its social utility as a discursive arena enabling women collectively to think through transforming social ideologies around gender and sexuality. This form of participatory pop culture is most interesting, I argue, not because of any unilateral subversiveness vis-à-vis culturally dominant understandings of (feminine) gender or (homo)sexuality—although it does often contest such dominant understandings. Rather, it is important in providing a space for the collective articulation of young women's in-process thinking on these questions. The paper also engages with the Japaneseness of the genre as consumed in Taiwan in order to consider the imaginative function that its perceived cultural ‘otherness’ performs.  相似文献   

郑晓江 《寻根》2003,(5):104-111
盛夏六月,骄阳似火,我们一行五人穿梭在吉泰平原无边的绿色田野中。极目远眺,圆润的群峰裹在一层淡蓝色的薄雾之中,平展展的稻田一望无际;间或小溪沟渠流水潺潺,黄牛在悠闲地反刍,小山坡上几个牧童在嬉戏。不远处,大片绿树阴中,一座江南古村忽现眼前,那就是我们梦牵魂绕之地——南宋大诗人、理学家杨万里的故乡江西吉水县滋塘村。  相似文献   

伯父病危。回光返照时,让儿子拿来一个旧皮箱,从皮箱里拿出一件黄色的旧呢大衣,撕开衣角的线道,取出一块银元。  相似文献   

毛东红 《寻根》2002,(5):12-14
穿过笼罩在孔子头顶的种种光环,我觉得他更像是一位历史学家,一个历史的虔诚信仰,一个顽固的化遗民。尼采有云:历史学家总是向后看,因而也向后信仰。其实,何止历史学家,对历史的信仰和迷恋从来都隐藏在人心的底层,甚至已经蜕变为一种潜意识,左右着人的行动和思想。历史在某种意义上,恰是父亲的隐喻,因而对历史的依恋就成为孤独的个人在无助的尘世生活中对父亲的呼唤。  相似文献   


In May of 2017, a space called Soeng Joeng Toi was established, gathering a variety of people to share and co-organise a space together. While it may be considered a relative newcomer, Soeng Joeng Toi’s appearance can be seen as an inevitable breakaway from the mainstream political, economic and cultural climate of a city like Guangzhou. From its initial planning stages to its official operation, much of Soeng Joeng Toi’s inspiration and methods have come from extensive exchange with independent spaces both in China and abroad, where mutual recognition of similar conditions and thinking of the commons have led these different spaces to continue developing in a sustained dialogue. This text, written from the perspective of two of Soeng Joeng Toi’s “co-proprietors,” introduces the beginnings of Soeng Joeng Toi, its current operations and experiences of connecting with others as well as explores the possibilities of a shared activism involving people from different fields and geographic regions.  相似文献   

傅憎享 《寻根》2005,(2):99-103
反切语不是大众语的白话,而是小众秘密语的黑话。白话力求明明白白,黑话则是揣起明白说糊涂。反切语虽然遍及各地,然而语圈极小,是另类话语,是封闭性不为圈外人道的秘密语。江湖黑话,给定不同的名称,试循名求实:  相似文献   


This article explores popular media as resources for judgment in how settled migrants in Europe imagine solidarities toward newer arrivals seeking entry into the region. It discusses the news and entertainment consumption of Filipino nurses in London and how this figures in their imaginary of social and political bonds with refugees. Drawing on ethnographic interviews, I argue that these Filipino migrants can only articulate a compromised solidarity: one fractured between empathy with refugees and concern about what these newer arrivals might mean for settled migrants in the city. I then explain how the media contribute to this fracturing. One way is that the xenophobia in popular media content on social media leads the Filipinos to assert their difference with other migrants, including refugees. A second is that the Filipinos deploy popular media content, especially on British television, to assert that they belong to UK society more than other migrants, again including refugees.  相似文献   

王义芝  胡同庆 《寻根》2006,(5):86-91
拨浪鼓是近代的一种儿童玩具,属于鼓类。但其样式与一般的鼓略有不同,它那两面蒙有皮革的圆形鼓身中间竖贯有一长柄,鼓身两侧各固定有一短绳,绳端系缀小珠,当转摇竖柄时,鼓身两侧的绳珠便反复甩动击打鼓面而发出声响,颇有情趣。因此拨浪鼓常常成为母亲哄逗婴幼儿的用具或儿童自娱自乐的玩具。  相似文献   

<正>County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 ...  相似文献   

丰家骅 《寻根》2005,(6):86-90
通行证是一种用于证明持证者身份并准予通行的证件。在现代人的生活中,常用的通行证有两种:一种是出入国境的护照,另一种是出人国家机关的出入证,通行证在我国起源很早,已有3000多年的历史了。  相似文献   

This paper aims to understand how young Muslims in the super-diverse city of Antwerp negotiate the tensions between their religious identification and the broader cultural framework of individualism. Young Muslims in Antwerp face the challenge to present themselves as autonomous, while maintaining their religious identification. Based on 26 interviews with Muslim students in two secondary schools, we describe how presenting a dignified self to both non-Muslim and Muslim audiences requires a delicate balancing act. Drawing conceptually from cultural sociology, we explore how our respondents present themselves towards various audiences by selectively employing elements from the cultural repertoire of ‘religious individualism’. In our analysis, we examine four ways in which respondents employ this repertoire to rework the potential tensions and present themselves as agentive within their religious framework. We also discuss how negotiating a contested identity requires more taxing boundary work for girls, and how they challenge gender norms without denying their religious identification. Overall, our analysis demonstrates how young Muslims in a West European context engage in complex boundary work and creatively draw on the cultural repertoire of religious individualism to negotiate their multiple identifications.  相似文献   


This paper discusses a methodology that seeks to address one of the challenges in working with a range of data in mixed-methods audience research, which is how to sort, order and categorise different data so that they can be systematically combined and interrogated. The methodology was developed as part of the “Beyond the Multiplex: audiences for specialised films in English regions” (BtM) project. This project required a mixed methods approach using surveys, interviews, focus groups and document analysis to explore the richness of audience experiences and trends in the context of regional film policy. This required a mixed methods approach using surveys, interviews, focus groups and document analysis. The project utilised a data model approach that uses the principles of a computational ontology in order to sort, order and categorise data for systematic interrogation. The paper discusses methods, data, coding, and the use of a data model to support data analysis. We argue that this approach enables the cross referencing of data that provides a rich, multi-layered and relational understanding of film audiences but requires time and attention to data management and coding. Although, additionally it also forms the basis of an open access data resource for future research.  相似文献   

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