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高校本校文献依内容列类与依人列类之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章阐述了高校本校文献两种最基础的排架管理方式,并比较了它们的优缺点。  相似文献   

姚淦铭 《图书馆理论与实践》2004,(4):F002-F002,F003
通过探寻古文字学家孙诒让的甲骨文专著——《契文举例》的成书过程及学术价值,从而论述了孙诒让对于甲骨文研究的成就及贡献。  相似文献   

This paper examines the preservation and curatorial approaches explored for the exhibition Silent Explosion: Ivor Davies and Destruction in Art at Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales (November 2015–March 2016). The collaboration between the artist, curator/researcher, and conservators is considered and the evolving and flexible way in which transient pieces were presented/re-presented is described. The paper offers a case study in the context of this exhibition and argues that regardless of whether it is in traditional media (such as painting) or as time-based media (unstable and open to interpretation), Davies' work challenges a perception of artworks as finished, single-authored objects.  相似文献   

Past studies of citation coverage of Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar do not demonstrate a consistent pattern that can be applied to the interdisciplinary mix of resources used in social work research. To determine the utility of these tools to social work researchers, an analysis of citing references to well-known social work journals was conducted. Web of Science had the fewest citing references and almost no variety in source format. Scopus provided higher citation counts, but the pattern of coverage was similar to Web of Science. Google Scholar provided substantially more citing references, but only a relatively small percentage of them were unique scholarly journal articles.The patterns of database coverage were replicated when the citations were broken out for each journal separately. The results of this analysis demonstrate the need to determine what resources constitute scholarly research and reflect the need for future researchers to consider the merits of each database before undertaking their research. This study will be of interest to scholars in library and information science as well as social work, as it facilitates a greater understanding of the strengths and limitations of each database and brings to light important considerations for conducting future research.  相似文献   

众所周知,中国共产党的成立与总部在莫斯科的共产国际有着密不可分的关系,而共产国际又是一个非常奇特的组织。它是由苏维埃政权的灵魂人物——列宁和托洛茨基共同创建的,目的是发动“世界革命”,  相似文献   

This paper examines and portrays the production side of the custom publishing field with a primary focus on the UK, especially Greater London. Despite its prevalence, custom publishing has not received the same attention from media scholars, which is mirrored by the sometimes inappropriate, and even confusing terminologies attached to it. Hence, this paper aims to offer definitions characterizing the custom publishing branch whilst assessing the weaknesses and ambiguities in current definitions used in marketing and communications literature. Whereas a number of themes emerge from the study, the main focus is to locate the industry within the broader field of cultural production. Based on sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, the study looks at the heteronomous—and hence externally determined—principle inherent in the relationship between the contracting companies and the contracted writers. Furthermore, the research details the resources or capital, which form the basis of the publishers’ work, and how the struggle between the economic and symbolic capitals is manifested in the three pillars (the account managers, the editorial, and the design teams). Finally, it is argued that despite displaying many of the traits Bourdieu’s associates with a heteronomous field, custom publishers rely on an important degree of autonomy, which is institutionalized within the field itself.  相似文献   

21世纪是高科技、网络化的时代,大量信息被电子化、数字化;加之网络搜索引擎的快速发展,给人们的生活领域带来了日新月异的变化,也逐渐改变着人们的阅读习惯,甚至已有人预言了无纸社会的到来。纸质文献的未来究竟会沉沦消亡亦或是持续发展,引起了我国学者的广泛关注。  相似文献   

五千年的中国传统文化是现代书籍设计师学习借鉴的源泉.传统文化分为显型传统文化和隐型传统文化,显型传统文化的影响在书籍封面设计的表面形态,隐型传统文化的影响在书籍封面设计的内在精神.本文从这两个方面探索传统文化对书籍封面设计的影响,帮助设计师结合现代社会需求设计出更加优秀的作品,提高人们的审美水平和文化品位.  相似文献   

图书馆建筑是典型的文化建筑,随着时代的变迁和技术的进步,一幢幢或是陈旧或是华丽的馆舍建筑,尤如图书馆事业发展历程上的一座座丰碑,无声地告诉人们这一历程的曲折和艰辛。一百年来,伴随着陕西省第一座公共图书馆的诞生,从古典到现代,馆舍建筑的不断变迁,既是陕西省图书馆事业百年的真实写照,更承载了几代图书馆人的梦想。堪称无声的丰碑。  相似文献   

少数民族文献价值体现及其文献资源建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民族文献是一个民族文明程度的产物,是民族文化传统与历史沉积的记录,是民族团结,反对分裂,维护祖国统一的历史见证。不论时间如何流逝,历史价值与学术价值都永远是民族文献的生命力,地方特色和民族特色则是民族文献强大的价值表征。历史可以影响未来,只要我们重视民族文献中那些优秀的传统文化,在新的历史条件下发扬光大,赋予民族文献新的活力,让民族文献在民族文化建设中发挥积极作用,才能使中华民族文化大团结走向繁荣昌盛。  相似文献   

美国国会图书馆是美国四大官方国家图书馆和全球最重要的图书馆之一.该馆历来重视中文文献的收集、整理和研究,是海外中文文献藏量最大的图书馆.其中,该馆收藏的中文、外文抗战文献数量大,载体多样,绝大部分极具历史价值.笔者通过实地调研,对其馆藏现状有了初步了解,对特色文献作了介绍.  相似文献   

地方文献涵盖一个地区(乃至地域)数百年,甚至数千年来政治、文化、军事、经济、地理沿革诸方面文明记录.在当今全球文化变革过程中,本土文化不可避免地受到挑战.论述了在全球文化变革中地方文献所具有的极其重要的价值.  相似文献   

文本型科技文献是当前科学知识表达以及科学交流的主要形态。为了促进科学交流,对日益增长的科技文献中的科学知识进行数据化及组织呈现的研究和实践逐渐增多。本文对科技文献数据化及组织呈现方法、应用场景、实现技术进行了系统梳理,包括科技文献的元数据化、科学词汇抽取、领域实体及其关系识别、篇章功能结构识别、科技文献语义组织以及科技文献呈现与智能化应用六个维度,总结目前该研究领域存在的主要问题;在此基础上设计了科技文献数据化及组织呈现的整体框架,阐述了该框架实现的四个核心技术:识别抽取技术、语义组织技术、分析推理技术以及展陈交互技术;最后归纳总结了该领域面临的挑战,如科学知识自动获取、科学数据质量及信任性、科学知识交互体验等。未来需要加强各方合作,以高质量的科学数据为基础,实现科学知识的叙事生产和转化。图4。表3。参考文献69。  相似文献   

This essay provides a close textual examination of the historic debates that took place in the mid‐1980s between former Attorney General Edwin Meese and former Supreme Court Justice William Brennan. These debates offered listeners contrasting positions on such politically and socially divisive issues as affirmative action, habeas corpus review, abortion, and reproductive rights. This essay utilizes some of the tools of genre criticism to explicate and defend the claim that the constitutional arguments advanced in the speeches of Meese and Brennan were presented in the form of “jeremiads” that had the potential to restrict or expand the range of policy alternatives available in coping with complex jurisprudence problems. The overarching goal of this essay is to improve our understanding of legal rhetoric in general and the judicial jeremiad in particular.  相似文献   

探讨了网络环境下地方文献的收集、整理和开发利用以及网络环境下对地方文献工作的新要求.参考文献2.  相似文献   

A mid-sized university library system conducted a large-scale mixed-methods research project intended to understand better the student library experience and ways to enhance it. One aspect of the project included a detailed and iterative analysis of interview data. Using a grounded theory (GT) approach, researchers analyzed empirical data from student interviews and identified patterns of behavior. The results of data analyses suggested that students used knowledge and interactions from library class to inform them of how to study academic content and complete non-research tasks and vice versa. As a result, researchers generated an inductive (emerging from the data) theory that asserts that some research and study activities are mutually informative. The article describes the approach used to develop the theoretical construct in hopes that it will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between research and studying behaviors and how academic libraries contribute to the greater academic landscape in ways not previously recognized.  相似文献   

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