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Similar to a study by Nelson and Huffman on the presence of predatory journals in aggregator databases, this study presents the results of a comparison between Jeffrey Beall’s List of Standalone Journals and a group of six commercial publisher and open access journal packages. A subject analysis of the predatory journals listed on Beall’s standalone journal list was also conducted along with an analysis of the trend in predatory publisher and journal growth. In the end, only a small number of predatory journals were found to exist within the publisher packages. The subject analysis of the journals on Beall’s standalone journal list revealed that most of the journals on his list were either multidisciplinary in nature or allied with science, medicine/health, and technology subjects. However, because the number of predatory journals discovered in the publisher packages was too small, a meaningful statement about the predominant subject areas of the predatory content found in the publisher packages could not be made. Finally, within the context of the publishing world at large, based on the historical development of predatory publishers and their journals, a dramatic increase in their growth is forecast. Because Beall’s lists of predatory publishers and standalone journals were often used by authors for guidance but are no longer available, several tools for evaluation of publisher and journal quality are summarized.  相似文献   

How can a new publisher and new publication survive in today's climate, where ‘Big Deal’ bundling arrangements and cuts in library budgets are squeezing out smaller publishers and publications? That is a key question for TheScientificWorldJOURNAL. The Journal's innovative editorial approaches together with a new business model combine to present part of the answer, and enable a new journal to make a significant difference.  相似文献   

In a time when university presses are struggling to survive and most require financial support from their parent institutions, RMIT Publishing – an electronic publisher from its inception in 1989 – has grown its annual sales from AU$2.8m in 2003 to an expected AU$6m in 2007. This 100% sales growth in five years has been achieved by RMIT Publishing's unique, context‐driven approach to electronic publishing. This approach has made RMIT Publishing the publisher of choice for Australian databases, aggregated scholarly content for the global market and now ‘born‐digital’ publications.  相似文献   

Bulgarian book publishing starts developing as commercial system as early as the second half of nineteenth century. With the increasing of competition after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878, as main problem the lack of texts for publishing emerges. The Bulgarian literature was still too young to provide texts for the publishers with the required quality and quantity. That’s why the publisher’s main goal remains the translation of popular (in any sense of meaning) foreign authors. In relation with this policy two main problems emerged—the lack of translators from the main European and World languages and appearance of many intellectuals who pretended to have good Russian language skills. This resulted in Russian book editions of world literature being the main source for Bulgarian translations. The paper focuses on to the process of retransmission and republishing of texts from language to language and from place to place. Interesting conclusions are made on how the publishing market strategies affect readers and their perception of the most popular titles of world literature. The main thesis is that the language skills (or lack of skills) of the translator are important for the reader’s perception of the text but the publisher’s choice of foreign editions through the mediation of second country’s publishing system had critical importance for the perception of Bulgarian readers of classical and popular examples of Western literature.  相似文献   

杨曙 《出版科学》2011,(4):49-52
出版业在"80后"作家图书的商品化趋势比在传统精英作家出版中要明晰得多。传统精英作家图书出版往往以"高等教育""高等文化"等为标准定位,使学者习惯倾向围绕既存的"高等"观念的普遍性,而忽略了"80后"作家图书出版与众不同的个别性。"80后"作家图书的出版则可抛射出改变本身以精英面貌出现的精英作家图书作为"文艺场域"一部分的内在能动。"80后"作家图书的出版又具有很强的区分性和等级性。  相似文献   

王志刚 《出版科学》2012,20(3):25-29
版权资源是出版产业的生命之源,因此出版企业应该重视版权业务的战略化管理。本文以部分美国出版企业作为研究对象,从版权获取、版权运营、版权保护三个层面分析其经验,以期对我国出版企业版权战略管理有所启示。  相似文献   

The library channel is often underappreciated as a key part of a publisher’s business strategy. In an age where publishers are constantly seeking new revenue and marketing opportunities, presence in the library—digitally—can yield significant growth. This paper examines the library channel, its business model based on library lending, the performance of eBooks and audiobooks across all subjects, and consumer reading behavior. Digital Book Clubs, a relatively new phenomenon, are also defined and illustrated with examples demonstrating the library’s valuable role in increasing discoverability and ultimately sales.  相似文献   

In May 2006, the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) launched its first exclusively online journal, Education for Chemical Engineers ( http://www.icheme.org/ece ). The author describes the editorial and marketing strategy behind the successful launch of the new title and the challenges facing a publisher when launching an ‘online‐only’ title. The article discusses how IChemE's established presence in the chemical engineering community benefited the new journal's launch and concludes with a list of key points to remember when launching a new product – with particular relevance to online titles.  相似文献   

This article examines how and why the work of the Swedish crime writer, Henning Mankell, travelled successfully across Europe. It informs strategies enabling small nation authors to navigate the international platform and access global markets. Research includes a series of original interviews with publishing figures contributing to the international status of Mankell’s Kurt Wallander series. Their views are presented across an author case study detailing: initial reception, original publisher, move into the international sphere, English-language publisher and narrative content. Findings determine that a committed and well-respected network of publishers, in key markets, is vital when bringing a good story to readers across the globe.  相似文献   

周逢琴 《出版科学》2012,20(1):105-108
李宣龚以诗人身份供职商务印书馆,数十年间鞠躬尽瘁,在管理经营、出版古籍、推动商务旗下杂志改革以及刊刻近代诗人别集等方面,做出了独特的贡献。他集经济文章于一身,堪称商务最重要的管理者、出版人和文化守望者之一。  相似文献   

通过对国内外早期阅读政策、经费投入和重视程度的比较研究可以看出,我国早期阅读工作存在起步较晚、缺少政策支持、社会阅读氛围欠佳、用于开展早期阅读的公共资源有限、儿童读物缺乏原创与创新、儿童阅读的社会环境支持力度不够等问题。因此,我国政府应以专门立法的方式推动阅读活动,大力发展图书馆等基础设施;给予正确的理念指导和舆论导向,营造良好的社会阅读氛围;给予家庭福利政策支持,倡导在家庭推广早期阅读;重视与阅读相关的学术研究,规范和扶持出版行业。  相似文献   

龚琼芳 《出版科学》2011,19(6):44-48
当代出版家范用长期负责生活·读书·新知三联书店的工作,在作者资源和出版质量等的管理方面形成了自己独特的理念。本文从"与作者有相同的文化追求"、"尊重作者及其作品"和"以人格魅力打动作者"三方面探讨了范用的作者资源管理理念,从对"选题质量""编校质量与装帧设计质量""书刊广告质量"的管理这三个方面论述了范用的出版质量管理理念,期望能对当下出版工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

In this paper we provide the reader with a visual representation of relationships among the impact of book chapters indexed in the Book Citation Index using information gain values and published by different academic publishers in specific disciplines. The impact of book chapters can be characterized statistically by citations histograms. For instance, we can compute the probability of occurrence of book chapters with a number of citations in different intervals for each academic publisher. We predict the similarity between two citation histograms based on the amount of relative information between such characterizations. We observe that the citation patterns of book chapters follow a Lotkaian distribution. This paper describes the structure of the Book Citation Index using ‘heliocentric clockwise maps’ which allow the reader not only to determine the grade of similarity of a given academic publisher indexed in the Book Citation Index with a specific discipline according to their citation distribution, but also to easily observe the general structure of a discipline, identifying the publishers with higher impact and output.  相似文献   

甘平 《晋图学刊》2012,(4):70-72
夏丏尊(1886-1946)是中国近代著名的教育家、文学家、编辑出版家和翻译家。在夏先生与叶圣陶先生合著的《文章讲话》一书中,夏先生阐明了他的阅读观。作为一名教学经验丰富的教育家,夏先生的阅读观对我们今天的阅读仍不失指导作用。  相似文献   

With the growing predominance of full-text databases, publisher’s searchable websites, Discovery systems, and Google, abstract and index (A&I) databases are becoming less prominent in the academic library’s collection. The A&I databases enable the serious researcher to more carefully refine their search, but given the users’ growing expectations of ease and “good enough,” this may be a need that is of less importance today. For this reason and given the decreasing budgets for collections, librarians are looking at these resources with a more skeptical eye. In addition to traditional evaluation measures, such as costs, usage, and faculty input, we looked at the overlap of indexing coverage. Those who have conducted such overlap studies have approached them at either the journal or article level. Article-level overlap studies demonstrate coverage of selected articles in the databases under study. Conversely, journal-level studies examine the extent of indexing of journals among the selected databases. Both methods are time-consuming and require extensive resources. A simplification of the journal-level method is to compare lists of journals indexed.  相似文献   

For societies and associations seeking a publishing partner, the healthy competition between publishers means that the deals on offer have never been better. The problem for the society is distinguishing a good short‐term deal (say, an attractive financial offer) from the partnership that will actually be in the better long‐term interests of the journal. This article, based on the author's experience as a publisher‐turned‐consultant advising societies, offers a framework for selecting a partner based on a careful analysis of what the society needs from its publisher in the long term. Underlying the performance of the best publisher partners are a good understanding of the needs of societies and their journals; a strong service orientation; and an ability to plan strategically for each journal on the basis of facts and data.  相似文献   

Authors in different disciplines exhibit very different behaviours on the so‐called ‘green’ road to open access, i.e. self‐archiving. This study looks at the self‐archiving behaviour of authors publishing in leading journals in six social science disciplines. It tests the hypothesis that authors are self‐archiving according to the norms of their respective disciplines rather than following self‐archiving policies of publishers, and that, as a result, they are self‐archiving significant numbers of publisher PDF versions. It finds significant levels of self‐archiving, as well as significant self‐archiving of the publisher PDF version, in all the disciplines investigated. Publishers' self‐archiving policies have no influence on author self‐archiving practice.  相似文献   

通过分析兰登书屋日渐成熟的电子书、有声书经营以及跨媒体出版方式,总结它在实现出版全球化过程中的宝贵经验。面对出版全球化、数字化的浪潮,享誉世界的大众图书出版商兰登书屋在运用数字手段拓展、巩固海外市场方面取得了骄人的成绩。它的数字化发展道路对我国出版业具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A publisher's customer and user data typically comes in many forms and from many specialized repositories and systems. For sales and marketing staff in particular, there is considerable insight to be gained from analysing all of this data closely. However, achieving an integrated and complete ‘single customer view’ via a data warehouse solution can be a costly, time‐consuming and challenging undertaking. In this case study report, DataSalon's MasterVision is described as an alternative approach to solving this problem for publishers. Key to the solution is a dynamic data modelling philosophy, with both the underlying database and product interface configured for each publisher around the specific customer data supplied. A number of real‐life 'use cases' are explained and the value of Ringgold's Identify database of organizations, in addressing a number of integration challenges but also in adding to the intelligence that can be gleaned from source data, is discussed.  相似文献   

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