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20世纪90年代以来美国博士教育的问题与改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国博士教育虽处于国际顶尖水平,但随着其社会经济的发展及政治需求的变化,到20世纪90年代,美国博士教育出现完成学位时间长、博士生辍学率高而导致博士教育高损耗现象,其原因是博士教育培养目标与社会需求不协调、资金不足、课程质量低劣和就业指导缺乏。对此,大学和博士教育研究机构采取了相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代德国高等教育财政改革述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪 90年代是统一后的德国高等教育财政改革十分活跃的 1 0年。高等教育拨款、科研经费、学生资助三个层面的改革举措 ,使德国高等教育财政体制和运行机制向以市场为导向、以效益为本位、以多元投资为特征的方向演变  相似文献   

90年代以来日本大学创新教育的发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来日本大学创新教育不断完善发展、取得了一定成果、日本大学创新教育的实施策略和发展过程,极好地展现出日本大学创新教育的特点和21世纪的发展趋势,对我国高校实施创新教育具有一定的启示:贯彻创新理念;探索创新教育课程体系和教学方法;大学向社会开放,加强与地方企业的合作;培养高素质的创新型教师队伍.  相似文献   

90年代的罗马尼亚高等教育改革(1989~1995)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巨变后罗马尼亚的高等教育发生了翻天覆地的变化.本文从公立高校、私立高校、就业市场、政策法规等不同方面描述了罗马尼亚高等教育在20世纪90年代前半期的发展情况和面临的问题;并阐述了政府针对这些问题在高等教育结构、拨款渠道的多样化、人事制度以及政府管理职能的转变等方面采取的改革措施.  相似文献   

文章以90年代以来的华文教育作为研究对象,结合国际环境、菲律宾政府和菲华社会的改变,分析菲律宾华文教育的走向及其原因和特点。  相似文献   

In Argentina, inadequate financing of higher education is an old rather than a new issue. The paper takes a close look at the financing issues associated with the evolution of national universities in Argentina in 1960–1990. Accordingly, the first and second sections highlight the major trend of the last thirty years in student population, faculty staff and goverment spending. The third section explores the teaching and research labor market covered by the national universities. The fourth section includes a discussion of several proposals under debate to ease existing constraints to the financing of higher education. Finally, the feasibility of these proposals, as well as their limitations and possibilities in the light of the the long run trend in enrollment and expenditures reviewed in the previous sections are discussed.This work was partially financed by a grant from the Consejo de Investigaciones de la Provincia de Córdoba (CONICOR).  相似文献   

建国后以色列高等教育发展十分迅速,并且取得了巨大的教育成就,但在上世纪90年代以色列的高等教育也出现了一些问题和危机。分析这些问题和危机及其产生的原因,希望能对我国高等教育的发展有所启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

China’s higher education placed exclusive emphasis on narrowly specialized education and neglected liberal education before the 1990s. However, along with the dramatic social changes since the 1990s, liberal education has revived in China. This paper first examines the characteristics of higher education in China before the 1990s, and then explores the ideas, policies, and specific measures in higher education reform since the 1990s within the larger social context, and thirdly, with a case study on the “liberal education curriculum” introduced by Peking University in 2000, it investigates the ideas, contents and characteristics of liberal education. Finally, it reveals the rationale for the liberal education revival in China.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the processof internationalization of higher education inJapan since 1995 from two main points of view:1) the improved quality and efficiency ofuniversity education and 2) the increasedopenness to students from any background. Governmental initiatives, intended to increasethe number of international students, alsoenabled drastic changes in financial and humanresource allocations at both national andinstitutional levels. Individual institutionshave been strongly influenced by theseinitiatives and some have actively utilizedinternationalization as a way to enrich theiruniversity education. Equal opportunity foruniversity admission has not been fully securedfor ethnic minorities residing in Japan. Themeaning of internationalization should be nowconsidered from a broader perspective.  相似文献   

通过对20世纪中国体育课程变革的历史考察,研究认为,当代学校体育课程的变革是随着文化的变迁而演变的,它与整个中国社会文化的变革、转型呈"同步状态",学校体育课程的未来发展方向应当继承发扬优秀的文化传统,并面向世界.  相似文献   

While the history of British higher education is not an unexplored field, this article offers a new perspective by focusing on the development of institutional self-representations. Based on the analysis of 133 undergraduate prospectuses of English and Welsh higher education institutions, the article investigates how higher education and the depiction of it have changed over the last 80 years. By concentrating specifically on what the prospectuses communicated concerning the purpose of higher education, the student experience and the power relations that structure higher education, it is shown how fundamentally the nature and understanding of higher education have altered over time and how much the institutions of higher education themselves contributed to these changes.  相似文献   

我国高等教育财政的改革,虽已取得相当的成效,但仍存在不容忽视的问题,因此进一步加快我国高等教育财政体制改革,建立在公共财政框架下高等教育财政的多样化职能作用的协同性,是我们面临的一项非常重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

为了更好地满足社会经济发展的需求,商务英语专业改革需从社会需求出发,建立教学分流模块,强化实践教学,开展双语教学。  相似文献   

美国高校大学生学术指导及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国高校重视对大学生的学术指导工作 ,对这项工作的研究和实践也已经形成了比较完善的体系。我们从中可以获得一些启示。  相似文献   

在大力提倡教育改革的今天,很多人认为教育史研究巴失去其生存价值.其实不然,教育史研究不仅可以使我们以历史的视角去审视今天的教育改革,而且可为教育改革提供智力支持.因此,越是在教育改革进行得如火如荼的时代,我们越需要冷静地反思过去,总结经验,充分认识教育史研究在当代教育改革中的独特功能,使其更好地为教育现实服务.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来我国中等职业教育发展实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,我国的教育结构产生了巨大的变化,尤其是高等教育规模的扩大,专业教育不断高移,引起了教育结构的不断变革,职业教育的发展也受到了相应的影响。本文以教育部发布的教育公报数据为依据,对10多年来我国教育结构中其他层次教育的规模发展变化与我国中等职业教育的发展进行了分析对比,以此探讨我国教育结构的变迁对我国中等职业教育的影响。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(4):361-377
Over the past few decades, the process of globalization had unquestionably caused a paradigm shift in the philosophy of governance. The shift from the welfare state to competitive state has enabled the government to rollback as a service provider and to control the services rendered by various service providers by “steering at a distance”. With the emphasis given to accountability, effectiveness, efficiency and economy, the core elements of “New Public Management” or “corporate managerialism”, the public sector is now managed in line with such notions. Higher education, similar to other major public policies, is now governed by market ideologies and the corporate discourse of efficiency and effectiveness. This paper discusses the theme of “globalization or re-colonization” by examining how three major areas of higher education reforms in Hong Kong, namely, teaching, research and management, have been affected by the global tide of managerialism. It is argued that instead of being “hollowed out”, states will continue to respond to globalization in different ways that ensure their ability to govern the public service sectors like higher education. The authors believe that if we solely follow the global practices and ideologies without developing our own unique systems, we would be entering an era of “re-colonization”.  相似文献   

现代高等教育改革的基本特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2 0世纪下半叶世界高等教育的发展过程中 ,改革成为许多国家经常面对的主题。其基本特征可概括为 :社会 (制度 )变革是改革的主导因素 ;改革过程往往是自上而下、由政府主导大学 ;改革的内容以体制改革尤为引人注目  相似文献   

This article examinescurriculum reform after the 1991 revision ofthe Standards of Establishing Universitieswhich abolished the distinction between generaland specialized education. General educationdivisions were abolished and integrated intospecialized education divisions. This revisionresulted in the establishment of auniversity-wide general education committee, areduction in the number of general educationcredits necessary for graduation, and thedecline of general education's solid foundationin the university. Despite these changes, thestatus differences between general educationfaculty and specialized education facultyendured. Japanese universities must grapplewith how a general education curriculum shouldbe implemented in this new organizationalsystem.  相似文献   

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