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第一次在女儿面前“示弱”我记得很清楚:感冒的我在上了一天班后回到家里,已是头昏脑涨,只想美美地睡上一觉。刚进门,4岁的女儿迎了上来,拉着我的手叽叽喳喳说个不停。我牵着她来到卧室,自己靠在床上,对她说:“妈妈头痛,想睡一会儿,你能不能去和厨房的阿姨说一声,待会吃饭的时候你们先吃,不要叫妈妈。”女儿接过我的“任务”跑出去了。不一会儿,她跑进来对我说:“妈妈,我已经和阿姨说了。”看着女儿很兴奋、很自豪地做着我交代的“工作”,并且期待着还能继续为我做点什么时,我又对她说:“今天妈妈不能陪你玩了,你自己先玩会儿,如果和阿姨吃完饭,爸爸还没回来,等阿姨要回家时,你再来叫醒妈妈,好吗?”“嗯。”女儿点点头。  相似文献   

别人都说儿子像妈妈,可是,我却一点儿也不像妈妈。我是一个急性子,妈妈却是个慢性子。这不,要上作文课了,妈妈却慢吞吞地还在烧中饭。我很快把饭“一扫而光”,可妈妈却慢吞吞地在那里“品尝”。我在一旁催促着,可她像听不见似的。等她结束“品尝”都快上完一节课了!她又慢吞吞地洗碗。我连忙催促,可她却把我的话当作耳边风。等她洗好碗,她才想到要把我送到学校。一路上,我一直催促她快一点,可是她还是慢吞吞地骑着。过了好一会儿,才到学校门口。我一看,糟了!教室里的灯全都亮了。我刚想埋怨她,可她脱口而出一句话,差点把我…  相似文献   

当我下班回来的时候,孩子会特别高兴地叫着妈妈,扑到我的怀里。如果我说:“儿子别闹,我很累!”他就很懂事地说:“妈妈快坐下。”然后,用两个小拳头给我捶背,还不停地说:“妈妈太累了,太辛苦了!”这时,我的心里别提有多高兴了。(姜博文的妈妈)晚上,陪孩子玩...  相似文献   

“妈妈,昨晚王老师打电话来问我周记到不到她那里写。我跟她说不去写了,在家里写。”我说。“什么?”妈妈惊讶地说。  相似文献   

“蒂莲!你别吃那蛋糕!”我停下来,刀子放在手里。虽然我妈妈在离我三个房间的远处,但她还是感觉到了我在厨房里偷吃她新做的蛋糕。妈妈也来到了厨房里。“我要将这个蛋糕送给罗丝太太,她丈夫在医院里,她的小孩子患气管炎病了,我想她肯定没有烘蛋糕。”妈妈边说边翻动着一个搭在椅子背上的窗帘,并对我说:“你出去时,能将这窗帘拿给达甘太太吗?那可怜女人手被关节炎折磨着,她不能缝任何东西了。我为她缝好了窗帘。”我忍不住恼怒起来,别再有一次了———妈妈总是这样不停地帮助别人。在背后,邻居少年都叫她是圣·马伦达(我的母…  相似文献   

午饭时间到了,今天吃的是孩子们平时最爱吃的土豆炖牛肉,看着这香喷喷的饭菜,他们几乎有点儿等不及了。可是,当我把饭菜端到园园面前时,她竟呜呜地哭了。园园第一天来园,长得又瘦又小,从早上到现在她还没有说过话呢。我以为她和其他的孩子一样是想妈妈了,就说:“园园乖,别哭了,你吃完饭,老师给你妈妈打电话,让妈妈早点儿来接你,好不好?”可她还是哭个不停。我用手臂揽着她小声说:“来,告诉老师,为什么哭?”她怯生生地回答:“我不吃菜。”原来是不吃菜,我为自己的粗心暗暗自责。我微笑着说:“园园最乖,就吃一点儿好不…  相似文献   

"妈妈,昨晚王老师打电话来问我周记到不到她那里写.我跟她说不去写了,在家里写."我说."什么?"妈妈惊讶地说.  相似文献   

照片贴歪了刘冰洁最近几天一向乖巧懂事的丽丽总是来得很晚,妈妈送她来时还哭闹不停,丽丽这是怎么了?我心里不由自主地改变了以往对她的好印象。星期一早上,我在教室里收拾玩具,远远地就听见了她的哭声,她妈妈走上楼来对我说:“丽丽是因为老师把她杯子上的照片贴歪...  相似文献   

白猫(māo)和黑猫哥俩渐(jiàn)渐长大了,猫妈妈对他们说:“孩子们,从今天起,你们要学会自己钓(diào)鱼,不能依(yī)赖(lài)妈妈了。”哥俩高兴(xìng)地从妈妈手中接过鱼篓(lǒu)和鱼竿(gān)。白猫心想:我去城(chéng)南小河吧,妈妈经常去那里钓鱼,路又近。于是,白猫去了城南。黑猫想:城南小河钓鱼的人多,妈妈近来在那里钓的鱼越(yuè)来越少。城北小河路远还难(nán)走,去那里钓鱼的人一定不多。很快,黑猫到了城北。晚上,白猫和黑猫回来了。猫妈妈接过白猫的鱼篓一看,里面只有几条又瘦(shòu)…  相似文献   

女儿被千里之外的一所高校录取,接到通知书后的那几天,女儿高兴极了,又是要我带她去买衣服鞋袜、提包皮箱之类的东西,又是不停地给舅舅叔叔、大姑小姨们打电话,在洋洋得意报告喜讯的同时,还赤裸裸地问他们有没有什么表示,就连住在农村年近七旬的奶奶和外婆也没有忘记。然而,随着开学日期的临近,女儿却越来越沉默寡言了,整天皱着眉头,一副心事沉沉的样子。特别是那天,她竟坐在那里唉声叹气,几次叫她吃饭,她都说不想吃。我不知怎么回事,就走上前去问女儿:“怎么啦,是不是哪里不舒服?”女儿把我拉到她身旁坐下,小声地说:“妈妈,我去那里读书,心…  相似文献   

癞蛤蟆喜欢上了美丽的天鹅,向她求婚(hun)。而天鹅觉(jue)得癞蛤蟆太丑(chou)了,拒(ju)绝(jue)了他。世人都笑他“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”。可是,终(zhong)于有一天,他们举行了盛(sheng)大的婚(hun)礼(li)。这可能吗?请看我们的理由—  相似文献   

Amitabha Ghosh 《Resonance》2009,14(12):1153-1165
F = ma is the most frequently used equation in both science and engineering. However, not many are very familiar with the evolutionary process through which the equation finally emerged. This article presents a brief account of the origin of the modern concept of force-matter interaction and the transitory concepts. Towards the end, the article also takes up some still-to-be-resolved matters associated with the equation.  相似文献   

We present outcomes from curricular changes made to an introductory calculus-based physics course whose audience is primarily life sciences majors, the majority of whom plan to pursue postbaccalaureate studies in medical and scientific fields. During the 2011–2012 academic year, we implemented a Physics of the Life Sciences curriculum centered on a draft textbook that takes a novel approach to teaching physics to life sciences majors. In addition, substantial revisions were made to the homework and hands-on components of the course to emphasize the relationship between physics and the life sciences and to help the students learn to apply physical intuition to life sciences–oriented problems. Student learning and attitudinal outcomes were assessed both quantitatively, using standard physics education research instruments, and qualitatively, using student surveys and a series of postsemester interviews. Students experienced high conceptual learning gains, comparable to other active learning–based physics courses. Qualitatively, a substantial fraction of interviewed students reported an increased interest in physics relative to the beginning of the semester. Furthermore, more than half of students self-reported that they could now relate physics topics to their majors and future careers, with interviewed subjects demonstrating a high level of ability to come up with examples of how physics affects living organisms and how it helped them to better understand content presented in courses in their major.  相似文献   

Sans résuméRapport préparé pour le Congrès sur l'Intégration des Enseignements Scientifiques à Varna, 11–19 septembre 1968.  相似文献   

Perusse, P., Décamps, E.A. and Pécot, F. “Utilisation conjointe du milieu et des ressources technologiques pour la formation des maîtres,” Revue ATEE Journal 3(1980)119‐133.

The training of teachers simply must develop. Yet, this development is at times thwarted by the latent conservative attitude of education. The introduction of educational technology, the technical and psychological integration of new teaching practices and more precisely of the latest products of audiovisual research, together with the computerized communications systems could provide the opportunity for that necessary break between the past and the present.

The resulting modification of relationships between those who teach and those who are taught, the new definition of tasks, and more particularly the part given to learners in the training of future teachers will make possible an opening towards the outside world and the coming into existence of a school of responsibility through responsibility. The first experiments show that we still have a long way to go before that aim is achieved.  相似文献   

《洛阳伽蓝记》作为一部史学、文学、文化学名著,在庶民群像刻画上有着积极的文化意义:关注人的命运,表现元魏丰富的社会生活,展现元魏庶民的精神世界。  相似文献   

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