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It is necessary to better understand the unique variables that serve as predictors of Latino students’ postsecondary enrollment and success. Impacts of various variables were examined among 850 Latino and Caucasian students (76% and 24% of the sample, respectively). Gender, ethnicity, perceived affordability, high school grade point average, and high school credits earned served as significant predictors. Yet the highest mathematics class taken by the 11th grade was not significant, and Latino students’ negative perceptions of college affordability may have hindered students’ postsecondary enrollment aspirations, despite their having access to a guaranteed scholarship.  相似文献   

ADOLESCENT MALE and female students from two high schools were asked to rate the academic and social characteristics of a male peer from an adjacent school district. The peer had previously been videotaped in two target roles, once playing the part of a highly competent student and once playing the role of an average ability student. In addition, half the students were told the target was gifted, the other half were told he was average. Students were asked to judge the academic potential, social attributes and personal attractiveness of the target. The dominant effect was observed under the highly competent role condition. The students judged the target who performed the competent role as likely to be more successful in academic subjects, more socially acceptable and a better leader than the less competent peer. Students rated the target labelled gifted as having higher skills in academic subjects than the target labelled average, but the labels did not affect perceptions of social attributes or personal attractiveness. Male and female students differed in their judgments of the personal attributes of the target figure, males viewing him as a more potentially acceptable member of their peer group.  相似文献   

The conventional assumption of most disability service providers is that students classified as having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) will experience difficulties in foreign language (FL) courses. However, the evidence in support of this assumption is anecdotal. In this empirical investigation, the demographic profiles, overall academic performance, college entrance scores, and FL classroom performance of 68 college students classified as having ADHD were examined. All students had graduated from the same university over a 5-year period. The findings showed that all 68 students had completed the university's FL requirement by passing FL courses. The students' college entrance scores were similar to the middle 50% of freshmen at this university, and their graduating grade point average was similar to the typical graduating senior at the university. The students had participated in both lower (100) and upper (200, 300, 400) level FL courses and had achieved mostly average and above-average grades (A, B, C) in these courses. One student had majored and eight students had minored in an FL. Two thirds of the students passed all of their FL courses without the use of instructional accommodations. In this study, the classification of ADHD did not appear to interfere with participants' performance in FL courses. The findings suggest that students classified as having ADHD should enroll in and fulfill the FL requirement by passing FL courses.  相似文献   

Research on subjective misconceptions in physics has not systematically investigated interindividual differences or the impact of formal physics instruction. In this empirical study, two sets of more abstract and of more familiar kinematics tasks were given to a sample (N=201) consisting of two cohorts of German secondary school students (one having received 18 months of physics instruction and the other none), balanced according to level of intelligence (high versus average) and sex. The answers obtained in diagram form were analysed for correct versus incorrect solutions and for subjective misconceptions in physics. Quantitative and qualitative differences in the answers were found between male and female students as well as between students of high versus average intelligence, particularly for the abstract tasks. From the cross‐sectional analysis, it was concluded that only boys profited from physics instruction in school Considering these important subgroup differences, consequences for special schooling for gifted and for female students are discussed


The relationship of achievement-variability (standard deviation of grades) to changes over time in academic achievement and self-concept of academic ability was investigated. Compared were 112 students having near average grade point averages (GPAs) but very high or very low achievement variability (AV) indices. The high AV group showed a significantly greater drop (17 less than .05) in both GPA and self-concept of academic ability over the 5-year period. There were no significant differences between the groups in intelligence scores or socio-economic status ratings.  相似文献   

Undergraduates entering science curricula differ greatly in individual starting points and learning needs. The fast pace, high enrollment, and high stakes of introductory science courses, however, limit students' opportunities to self-assess and modify learning strategies. The University of Washington's Biology Fellows Program (BFP) intervenes through a 20-session, premajors course that introduces students to the rigor expected of bioscience majors and assists their development as science learners. This study uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess whether the 2007-2009 BFP achieved its desired short- and long-term impacts on student learning. Adjusting for differences in students' high school grade point average and Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, we found that participation in the BFP was associated with higher grades in two subsequent gateway biology courses, across multiple quarters and instructors. Two to 4 yr after participating in the program, students attributed changes in how they approached learning science to BFP participation. They reported having learned to "think like a scientist" and to value active-learning strategies and learning communities. In addition, they reported having developed a sense of belonging in bioscience communities. The achievement of long-term impacts for a short-term instructional investment suggests a practical means to prepare diverse students for the rigors of science curricula.  相似文献   

Twenty‐three students with varying academic and linguistic profiles were taught a strategy for revising expository essays, using the Self‐Regulated Strategy Development model for instruction. Students learned basic revising tactics and to consider text structure as they managed decisions on how to improve their essays. Instructional effects were assessed using a multiple baseline with multiple probes in baseline design. Positive results were found for English learners, including those who were identified as having learning disabilities, or who were low‐, average‐ and high‐achieving writers; moreover, results were equally positive for students who were not English learners. After instruction and 4 weeks later, students revised more, produced more revisions that improved text, and revised longer text segments, which resulted in an improvement in overall quality.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the relationship between differences in educational training at the time of entry into part-time undergraduate studies and persistence with such a program. The sample consisted of 612 students who enrolled for the first time in a part-time evening undergraduate program. A specially designed questionnaire was used as the chief measuring instrument. Possession of a high school diploma, having not repeated a year in high school, undertaking certain types of training, and delaying university entry by a year or more were found to be conducive to persistence. High school matriculation average, type of high school attended, amount of delay, and reasons for delaying entry to university were not found to be related to drop-out. The findings of the study stand in sharp contrast to previously reported research.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the relationship between academic achievement and the socioeconomic characteristics of elementary school 7th grade students in Burdur. The population of the study are 7th grade students who had education at elementary schools in Burdur in the 2007?C2008 academic year. Two staged sampling was chosen as suitable for the aim of research. In the first stage, settlements were chosen with the random settlement group sampling method. In the second stage, schools in chosen settlements were picked up with the random method considering the number of students who have taken SBS examination. Socioeconomic variables of students generally explain 39.2?% of SBS points of student. When standard beta values are observed, variables which have the most effect on the SBS points of students are: attending a course or having private lessons, father??s education, the average monthly income per capita, attending a course or having private lessons and mother??s education.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study students’ beliefs about passion and its influence on academic performance and experiences, and determine whether these beliefs depend on harmonious or obsessive passion. In Study 1, participants estimated passion scores for the most successful, average and least successful students in university. In Study 2, participants viewed completed questionnaires that depicted students as having varying levels of passion, and then predicted the students’ performance and experiences in university. Across both studies, students expected that having passion for academics, regardless of predominant passion type, was related to substantially higher levels of performance compared to those who were not passionate. Participants also believed that students with strong levels of harmonious passion experienced more positive academic experiences than those without any harmonious passion. Although students likely overestimate the role that passion plays in determining academic performance, they distinguish between passion types when estimating one’s academic experiences.  相似文献   

Attributions can have a significant effect on academic achievement and students with learning difficulties are more likely to display negative attributions than their peers. In this article, the attributions of students identified as having learning difficulties are compared with those of other non-labelled low achievers, and non-labelled average achievers. Margaret Banks, MSc research methods student, and Dr Lisa Woolfson, Reader in Educational Psychology, both at the University of Strathclyde, involved 26 low-achieving students (15 identified as having learning difficulties and 11 without any such label) and 27 averagely achieving students in their exploratory study. The students attempted to solve two sets of puzzles that, unknown to the participants, were actually impossible. They then gave a reason for their failure and rated the stability and controllability of their failure. Participants were also asked to give a self-rating of academic achievement. It was found that teacher and student perceptions of academic achievement were not synonymous. In terms of attributions, Margaret Banks and Lisa Woolfson argue that teachers' perceptions of student achievement may not be as important as students' self concept. They suggest that low self-perception of achievement and negative attributions are both associates of low self-esteem.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of the present investigation is to examine the differences between low‐, average‐ and high‐achieving college students on the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory scales. A total of 168 undergraduate students at the United Arab Emirates University participated as subjects. Subjects were classified into three achieving groups based on their grade point average (GPA) scores. Analysis of variance procedures indicated that low‐achieving students scored significantly lower than the average‐ and high‐achieving students on all of the scales. However, no significant differences were observed between the average‐ and high‐achieving groups on any of the scales. Furthermore, a stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that Motivation was the most powerful discriminating factor that separated low‐achieving students from their high‐achieving peers.  相似文献   

The study examines the behavioral patterns of high, average and low achievers in classrooms implementing an individualized instructional strategy. The study makes use of an observational instrument modelled on Medely's Personal Record of school Experiences (PROSE). Seventy-two boys and girls chosen from 12 first, second and third grade classrooms were included in the sample; 1/3 were ranked by the teacher as high achievers, 1/3 as average and 1/3 as low achievers. The findings revealed that students spent about 2/3 of their time on independent work; and the time spent interacting with teacher was about equal to the time spent interacting with classmate.The results also showed that interaction patterns between teacher and individual students are related to the student achievement level. In addition, distinctly different work patterns of independent activity were discerned in high and low achievers indicating higher involvement in on-task activities among high students compared with low achievers. Similiar patterns of interaction between students were found for high, average and low achievers demonstrating either on-task or off-task interaction of a verbal nature among students of the same sex. Implications for teachers, teachers trainers and instructional developers are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether school experiences, school performance, and other risk‐protective factors were related to violence among Hawaiian, Filipino, and Samoan youths residing in Hawai'i. This study analyzed survey data (N = 325) collected in three high schools having concentrations of Filipino, Hawaiian, and Samoan youths, as well as a smaller number of Japanese students, which served as a comparison group. The analyses consisted of bivariate and multivariate analyses of risk protection for violence. Two‐ and three‐way interactions were tested to examine whether there were specific gender and/or ethnic effects. The final model explained 29.3% of the variance in violent behavior. Five variables were significant: grade point average, pressure to choose between school and friends, favorable school attitude, feeling safe, and importance of college. Schools serving these populations should focus on fostering positive bonds between teachers and students and building bridges to families and neighborhoods. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The increasing proportion of students of color enrolled in secondary institutions makes the issue of their recruitment into postsecondary institutions an increasingly important concern in higher education. Data from a national survey of chief student affairs officers (CSAOs) on recruitment barriers and strategies for students of color were merged with 1995 National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System Fall Enrollment Survey data. A regression analysis was conducted to identify significant predictors of the percentage of students of color at 562 two-year colleges. The percentage of students of color was used as a proxy measure of aninstitution's success inrecruiting students ofcolor.Demographic and institutional characteristics that emerged as predictors included (a) having a CSAO of color and(b) being an urban institution.Recruitment strategies that entered as predictors included (a) having recruitment materials in students' native languages, (b) working with minority high schools in the design of curricula, (c) having individuals of color as members of the board of trustees, and (d) participating in dual-enrollment programs with minority high schools. The percentages of faculty members and administrators of color and the amount of contact that CSAOs have with students of color emerged as the strongest predictors. The study found that two-year colleges reap the benefit of faculty-student and faculty-teacher interactions in the form of greater institutional success in increasing their percentages of students of color. Policy makers, administrators, and faculty members can use the results of this study to promote equity by designing and implementing more successful recruitment policies and practices for two-year college students of color.  相似文献   

Thirty-one studies were located in each of which students and faculty specified the instructional characteristics they considered particularly important to good teaching and effective instruction. Students and faculty were generally similar, though not identical, in their views, as indicated by an average correlation of +.71 between them in their valuation of various aspects of teaching. In those studies with relevant data, the differences that did exist between the two groups showed a pattern of students placing more importance than faculty on teachers being interesting, having good elocutionary skills, and being available and helpful. Students also emphasized the outcomes of instruction more than faculty did. Faculty placed more importance than did students on teachers being intellectually challenging, motivating students and setting high standards for them, and encouraging self-initiated learning. The results of the present analysis were compared with those of an earlier analysis of the importance of various specific aspects of instruction in terms of their correlations with students' overall evaluations of teachers in actual rating situations.  相似文献   

The present research explored the relationship between high school students' self-reported delinquency and the importance of their social reputations. The prevalence of self-reported delinquency was investigated in a sample of 965 (467 males, 498 females) Years 8 to 12 students attending high schools in Brisbane and Perth, Australia. The results revealed that males are significantly more prone to all forms of delinquent behaviour than their female peers. Most forms of delinquency appeared to peak at Year 9, with the exception of drug use which increased with age. A cluster analysis was performed on the prevalence data and students were separated into two groups: students with high and low involvement in delinquency. The reputations of students with high and low delinquency involvement were investigated. Students identified as having low involvement in delinquency desired a more conforming reputation than those with high involvement. Females also desired a more conforming reputation than their male counterparts. In relation to year level, junior high school students were less conforming than senior high school students. Ways to address the powerful nature of adolescent reputations and the link between reputational status and involvement in delinquent activities are highlighted.  相似文献   

The results of Fast ForWord® training on English decoding-related skills were examined. Finnish fifth-grade students were identified as having reading fluency problems and poor skills in English as a foreign language learned at school and were randomly assigned to either a training group (TRG) or a control group. The TRG (n?=?13) received 50?min of daily computer program-based training for a period of approximately 10 weeks. Students in the first control group (n?=?11) received the school’s regular instructional programme. A second control group was composed of 14 average readers. The students’ English skills were examined in pre-test, post-test and follow-up measurements. The TRG students saw an acceleration in decoding-related skills. The educational implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of IQ in individual differences in real-life problem solving and strategies use was explored. Repeated trials of learning and recall of information from a map were analyzed with high IQ and average IQ Korean students. IQ correlated with the selection and use of strategies in recall. However, the performance and strategic behaviors of low-recall high IQ students and high-recall average IQ students cautions the overgeneralization of the advantage of high IQ in the selection and use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies. The individual's mind set about learning and domain-specific ability needs to be considered as compensatory mechanisms to explain the relationship between IQ and strategies use.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess whether the level of performance of selected Jamaican 11th-grade physics students on some numerical problems on the energy concept was satisfactory and if there were significant differences in their performance linked to their gender, socioeconomic background (SEB), school location, English language and mathematical abilities. The 331 sampled students consisted of 213 boys and 118 girls; 197 students were from a high SEB and 134 students from a low SEB; 296 students were from seven urban schools and 35 students from three rural schools; 112, 153 and 66 of the students had high, average and low English language abilities, respectively, while 144, 81 and 106 of the students had high, average and low mathematical abilities, respectively. An Energy Concept Test (ECT) consisting of six structured numerical questions was employed for data collection. The results indicated that although the students’ level of performance was regarded as fairly satisfactory, there was a lot of room for improvement. There were statistically significant differences in the students’ performance on the ECT linked to SEB, and mathematical abilities in favour of students from a high SEB, and high mathematical abilities, respectively. There was a positive, statistically significant but weak correlation between the students’ (a) mathematical abilities, and (b) English language abilities and their performance on the ECT, while there were no correlations among their gender, school location, and SEB and their performance on the ECT.  相似文献   

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