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Public libraries serve as valuable assets in meeting a community's strategic goals. This article investigates strategies for the development of public libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Observation and questionnaire methods were used as research tools. The population of the study consists of librarians and users of public libraries in Lagos State. The eleven public libraries and twenty local government libraries in the state were surveyed. The major findings were that public libraries in Lagos State were not adequately funded and that the parent body has yet to meet the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) standard of public library establishment. The study highlighted the challenges facing public libraries in Lagos and offered some remedies.  相似文献   

In 2004 a collaborative, statewide outreach project in Delaware was undertaken where consumer health librarians were embedded in public libraries. In order to explore the effect of the embedded librarians on the quality of health information provision, unobtrusive reference visits were made to half of the public libraries in the state. The query “Do vaccines cause autism?” was posed to library staff; resources provided were recorded. In 67 percent of visits, public library staff provided authoritative health information resources. It appears the embedded librarians had a positive residual effect on the provision of authoritative health resources for addressing an ambiguous query.  相似文献   

Results of a 2017 survey of 983 public librarians in the U.S. and Canada show that libraries increasingly provide opportunities for both youth and adults to practice yoga at the library. This article examines how these public library yoga programs work and what impacts they have. Most libraries have limited means to assess the impact of these programs. Nonetheless, over 80% of responding librarians said participation in yoga programs had met or exceeded their expectations, and 60% said yoga programs have brought new users into their libraries. These results suggest that yoga programs in public libraries are having significant effects.  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

文章调研美国公共图书馆、图书馆行业协会、代际专家和代际组织对公共图书馆代际项目的认知。图书馆界普遍缺乏对代际项目的理解与关注,但未来开展代际项目的倾向明显;代际项目开展的最普遍原因是,基于馆员对社区中存在问题或未满足的需求与社区可利用资源之间的有效匹配;图书馆具有开展代际项目的多元优势;图书馆可开展的代际项目类型多种多样。公共图书馆可从推广代际服务理念、评估社区代际项目需求和条件、探索非相关性老年人和年轻人代际项目、重视并收集积极老年人形象的馆藏资源入手,推动代际项目实践的发展。  相似文献   

加拿大公共图书馆一瞥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用印度图书馆学家阮岗纳赞的“图书馆五原则”,检视加拿大公共图书馆标准化的服务体系,并以多伦多公共图书馆流通领域为例,介绍图书经费的来源、热门书籍的确定、逾期图书的罚款处理、馆际互借的操作流程和图书馆员工如何想方设法向成年人、老人和儿童提供精湛和优质服务。  相似文献   

The author examined the survey results from 721 rural libraries throughout the United States and Canada to learn more about how they are serving older adults (defined here as anyone 65 years and older). The following areas of library service in particular were studied: funding sources, collections, strategic planning, staffing, technology use, partnerships, outreach efforts, and building design and accessibility. Results of this study were compared to those found in recent studies of services provided to older adults in suburban and capital city public libraries.  相似文献   

从形式、内容、主办方、网站情况等角度对国家图书馆和45家省级公共图书馆文化讲坛开展现状进行了分析,提出了加强文化讲坛品牌建设意识的五项对策建议。  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为政府举办的公益性图书馆,是区域性文献信息资源收藏与提供的中心,在政府信息公开中具有天然的、不可替代的优势;同时作为公共文化服务体系中的重要环节,也责无旁贷。本文阐述了公共图书馆在政府信息公开中的作用以及政府信息公开对公共图书馆提出的要求,并指出应当注意的问题和对策。  相似文献   

公共图书馆存在的理由:来自图书馆使命的注解   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
在世界范围内,几份重要的公共图书馆文献都将当代公共图书馆的使命界定为教育、信息服务、文化传播、促进社会和谐、培育信息素养、培养阅读兴趣、扫盲。文章首先考察了这些文献对公共图书馆使命的阐述,然后以经验研究(empmal research)发现为依据,考察了这些使命作为公共图书馆存在理由的有效性。研究发现,这些使命在当代政治和社会话语中经常出现,公众对它们也具有很高的需求,从这个意义上说,它们的确为公共图书馆的合理性提供着有效注解,但信息服务使命目前正受到互联网的挑战,扫盲及培养阅读兴趣的使命正在受到图书馆借阅量下滑趋势的挑战。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆员心理健康问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑俊生  韩起来 《晋图学刊》2008,(4):13-16,53
伴随着中国高校体制改革进入深水区,高校图书馆从业人员所承受的各种压力也与日俱增,逐步成为心理疾患的高危人群,并在无形中演化成为一种严重的现实问题。文章分析了这一问题产生的内外原因,从不同侧面廓清了高校图书馆馆员心理障碍高发的种种危害性,在此基础上提出对策建议。  相似文献   

推动公共图书馆高质量发展,是新发展阶段图书馆事业建设新要求,旨在提升服务覆盖面和实效性、促进优质均衡。均等化、标准化、普惠性、品质化、高效能、可持续发展共同构成了公共图书馆高质量发展的基本要素。高质量发展赋能公共图书馆新定位,成为品质阅读服务中心、社会公众交往中心、城市创新策源地、地方文化传承中心。“十四五”时期公共图书馆高质量发展,包括空间再造、全域服务、情报加工、智慧应用、文旅融合、治理能力提升等重点任务。  相似文献   

公共文化服务体系中公共图书馆地位及作用探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由公共文化服务体系的内涵入手,通过分析公共图书馆的主体构成和职能,提出公共图书馆在公共文化服务体系中的定位,探讨其在公共文化服务体系中应发挥的作用.  相似文献   

In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.  相似文献   

Marketing can be a powerful tool for public libraries. However, to realize marketing’s potential, it must be understood. Unfortunately, “Marketing is a term used by librarians to mean many different things and therefore has become confusing” (Doucett 2008, 1). Replacing confusion with clarity, which is especially important if the goal of marketing is to elicit financial and other support, requires answering two questions: What is marketing, and what is required for marketing to deliver the benefits it is capable of? Answers are sought before when marketing came “to mean many different things and … become confusing.”  相似文献   

试论图书馆的公共关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于传统思想的影响,图书馆对外部环境和公共关系的重视一直不够。本文从分析图书馆的公关对象着手,讨论图书馆如何通过协调内部和外部公共关系来解决目前面临的诸多问题。  相似文献   

柯平  包鑫 《图书馆论坛》2020,(4):109-112,150
公共图书馆在公共安全突发事件中的应急管理应从"缺位"到"归位",这需要明确其在应急管理中的地位与作用。文章从公共安全突发事件发生前、发生中、发生后3个阶段阐述公共图书馆的不同地位与作用,提出将应急管理贯穿整个突发事件发展过程,重视公共图书馆专业服务的提升。  相似文献   

网络环境下国内公共图书馆数字资源建设情况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
指出在网络环境下,公共图书馆的数字资源建设应该在中国数字图书馆工程的框架下进行。图书馆界期待着数字图书馆标准规范的出台,以大力推进数字资源的建设。  相似文献   

This article challenges the conventional assumptions about the serious decline of public libraries in England. The author asserts that, as shown by the comparative data for the United States and Australian public libraries, it has not been caused by changes in society or technology. Nor has government austerity been the driving force. The loss of public interest originated in the years from 1990 to 2010 when major alterations were made to the ethos of the service. The current budget cuts and moves to ‘hollow out’ and close library services have come because of the consequent fall in public affection.  相似文献   

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