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农村学校的"空壳化"与城区学校的"大班额"现象,是城市化的伴随物,是农民自发矫治城乡教育不均的结果。城区优质教育资源下乡难,农村学校留人难,把发展农村教育的重点由乡村转向县城镇,集中力量扩大县城教育资源,既合潮流,又顺民意。农村教育城镇化的当下目标是农村初中县城化,长远目标是城乡一体化。不少地方的实践已经证明这个设想是可行的。中国农村教育正面临路向何方、怎么去走的重大抉择,亟需理论研究的创新与科学的政策决策。  相似文献   

The term “community” is drawn upon within critical educational literature that seeks to address inequity experienced by students of color in schools, yet little explicit discussion of its meaning and history is presented. In this article, I offer one way of thinking about community. I propose that it has existed as resistance within the context of Latin@ education between the turn of the twentieth century through the latter part. Using a critical human geography lens, I argue that this history holds importance because spaces are (re)productions of past spaces. This offers possibilities for informing and inspiring present-day critical pedagogies.  相似文献   

基础教育“重点校”政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国基础教育"重点校"政策是社会经济非均衡发展战略在教育中的体现。"重点校"政策在推动部分学校教育质量提高的同时,也扩大了城乡间、学校间在资源配置和教育质量上的差距,导致了教育公平的缺失,使得基础教育群体间入学机会不公平,尤其接受优质教育不公平。应从制度入手,推进教育管理制度、教育人事制度、教育财政制度的改革,缩小基础教育校际差别,逐步取消"重点校"政策,使公众享受到较为公平的教育。  相似文献   

Researchers have begun to explore the role that faith schools play in contemporary educational markets but the emphasis to date has been on urban rather than rural contexts. This article approaches the issue of marketisation through a qualitative case-study comparison of two Anglican primary schools in contrasting rural localities in England and Wales. Engaging with a range of stakeholders, including parents and pupils, the article explores reasons why the schools were valued, drawing on wider constructions of childhood, religion and rurality. The consequences of the schools’ popularity on factors such as traffic, parking, school ethos and local community ties are also considered. The findings of the study problematise some of the prevalent assumptions about marketisation, including the role of social class and geography in these processes. As such, the article makes an important contribution to the sociological literature on faith schools, rural schools and educational markets.  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程的加快,城市和县城义务教育阶段学校的办学条件有了显著改善,但是农村学校的发展相对滞后。特别是苏北地区,农村教育与城市教育发展的不均衡性更加突出。这种城乡差异不仅表现在办学条件上,同时也反映在教育观念、管理水平等诸多方面。当前,推进义务教育整体水平的提高,首先必须加快农村义务教育阶段学校的发展,从经费、师资、管理等各方面改变农村学校的薄弱状况,努力缩小城乡差距,实现真正意义上的教育公平和均衡。  相似文献   

One of the most consistent themes evident in the literature dealing with rural education is that of rural disadvantage. Much research and literature indicates that students from rural schools receive an education that is inferior to that of students from larger urban or suburban schools. Of the matrix of factors reported to lead to that disadvantage, geographical isolation and the extent to which it restricts access is reported to result in rural schools not having the same standard of resource allocation as urban schools where access is not a problem. This study addresses the issue of resource availability in rural and urban Australian schools and includes the variables: students' attitudes towards science and mathematics and career aspirations of these students. The analysis includes socioeconomic status and gender of these students and investigates how these variables relate to student achievement. Do students in rural schools have the same educational opportunity as students in urban schools? In this study a multilevel model is used which takes into account the classroom level variance in student achievement as well as individual variance and school level variance.  相似文献   

"城乡二元结构"的教育资源配置制度造成农村中学教育资源短缺和效率低下,影响着农村中学的教学质量。制度化地解决农村中学的教育资源配置问题,就应实现从"城乡二元结构"向"城乡一体化"的转变,而关键则在于制定和实施农村中学教育资源合理补偿政策,创新农村中学"城乡一体化"的教育资源利用效率的方法。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, educators are struggling to shift their delivery of services to children with disabilities from a segregated to inclusive approach. This shift creates substantial opportunities and challenges. This is particularly true in poor urban and rural schools. Although our experience is based in rural and urban schools in the United States, we know that poor rural and urban schools throughout the world face similar issues as inclusive education takes hold. This article describes a framework for building more effective and successful schools in poor rural and urban communities called “Whole Schooling.” In addition, we identify the multiple barriers to inclusive schools, articulate the commonalties and differences between poor rural and urban schools, and describe specific strategies for utilising available resources to build more effective and successful rural and urban schools in which inclusive education is a central component.  相似文献   


National population trends demonstrate a shift in the U.S. ethnic population, similar to changes in the ethnic landscape of U.S. public schools. However, the teaching landscape has not adjusted to align with student demographics. Research highlights the academic and social/emotional benefit for students of color who experience having a teacher of color during their education. Therefore, it is valuable to consider frameworks for increasing the number of teachers of color in the educational landscape. Although there are initiatives for supporting these efforts in urban communities, rural communities often are not seen as having much need in this area. The authors of this article present literature and findings on the impact and needs for diversifying teacher education, and then outline a self-study of the Oregon Teacher Pathway (OTP) as a framework that takes into consideration promising practices for recruiting and supporting preservice teachers of color in rural eastern Oregon and other rural and urban communities.  相似文献   

我国农村中小学教师信息技术教学能力与城市教师相比呈现出较大的差别,教师不仅在信息技术技能掌握上相对滞后,其教学行为和观念发展间有一定的不同步性。调研数据显示这些差别与农村中小学管理制度建设滞后、信息技术应用模式单一以及某些信息技术产品门槛设置较高,普及性差等原因有关。为了促进农村中小学教师教育技术能力跨越式发展,弥合城乡差异,研究认为完善与信息化革新配套的制度建设、改进教学信息化产品的针对性、降低使用技术门槛和成本是可以尝试的改进策略。  相似文献   

我国义务教育贫困学生资助制度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,我国实施的是收费的义务教育。义务教育收费对贫困家庭,特别是农村贫困家庭造成了很大的经济负担,导致贫困学生因为负担不起入学费用而大量失学。贫困学生资助是收费条件下帮助贫困家庭子女入学的重要措施,但由于义务教育财政责任重心偏低和各级政府责任不明确等原因,义务教育贫困学生资助制度很长时间没有建立起来。本世纪开始,义务教育贫困学生资助制度建设快速推进。2001年《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》发布,提出对农村义务教育贫困学生减免杂费、书本费,补助寄宿生生活费的"两免一补"政策,奠定了义务教育贫困学生资助制度的基本框架。2005年国务院发布《关于深化农村义务教育经费保障机制改革的通知》,规定到2007年全国农村义务教育学生全部免除学杂费,对贫困家庭学生免费提供教科书,补助贫困寄宿生生活费,标志着义务教育贫困学生资助制度基本建立。但是,义务教育贫困学生资助制度运行中还存在不少问题:资助覆盖面偏小,部分农村儿童和多数进入城市的农村流动儿童没有得到资助;贫困寄宿生生活补助资金没有落实,只有一小部分的贫困学生能得到生活补助。贫困学生甄别困难,资助工作实施难度大,成本高。需要采取教育券等方式给进城的农村流动儿童提供资助,需要对全部学生免除教科书费,地方政府之间需要明确提供贫困寄宿生生活补助资金的责任,以进一步完善义务教育贫困学生资助制度。  相似文献   

发展中国特色世界先进水平的优质教育是中国城乡教育现代化的共同本质和目标,农村教育现代化是有特色、先进性和高水平的国家教育现代化本质和目标在农村有特色的普遍化。现代化基础教育学校特色是在全面发展教育和素质教育基础上充分体现的学校精气神的个性,是教育理念特色与教育形式特色的统一。发展中国特色世界一流的现代化优质教育必须振兴乡村教育,结合乡村文化、地理等特点,努力推进乡村学校特色发展和乡村教育现代化。  相似文献   

对城乡资源进行合理的配置,不仅有利于农村教师与城市教师享有共同发展机会,还可以通过城乡互融、校级合作使部分学校闲置的教育资源得以利用,进而可以促进教师专业发展,提高学校整体教育水平。所以,需要积极建立城乡学校合作的体系,对城乡的教育资源进行合理的分配,并且对城乡学校的激励机制进行完善,形成科学合理的评估体系,能有效地实现城乡教育资源的优势互补以及城乡教师的良性发展。  相似文献   

Recent educational research has demonstrated rural/urban differences in achievement and success in higher education. However, in order to assess the rural school's impact on student outcomes, rural/urban comparisons must be made after accounting for student background variables. Researchers have begun to question the generalisability of the effective school model for urban, suburban, and rural schools, given substantial differences in their social and organisational environments (Hannaway & Talbert, 1993). The purpose of this research study was to examine differences in student achievement between rural and urban schools in Western Australia, after controlling for student background variables. By using multilevel modelling techniques, this study demonstrated that the location of the school had a significant effect upon student achievement, with students attending rural schools not performing as well as students from urban schools.  相似文献   

农村义务教育经费保障机制有效提高了我国义务教育投入水平。然而,城乡接合部学校的城市性质使其享受政策保障受到一定限制,同时其教育经费又往往难以达到主城区水平,因此城乡接合部地区可能成为处于主城区和农村之间的义务教育经费“洼地”。本研究基于教育经费统计数据和空间数据,使用空间断点回归方法,定量地研究“新机制”背景下城乡属性对于学校生均教育经费投入的影响。结果发现,城乡接合部学校生均经费显著地低于邻近的农村学校,而且存在学生规模过大的问题。本研究建议,现行的城乡义务教育经费保障机制应该对城乡接合部学校的教育经费予以重点倾斜。  相似文献   

The rhetoric about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in urban schools reflects a desire to imagine a new city that is poised to compete in a STEM-centered future. Therefore, STEM has been positioned as a critical part of urban education reform efforts. In various US cities, schools labeled as failing are being repurposed as selective STEM-intensive academies to build a STEM education infrastructure. In Memphis, Tennessee, this process makes visible issues with educational inequity, exacerbated by school choice and gentrification processes. In this article, I use whiteness as property, a tenet of critical race theory, to examine STEM education in Memphis as a case of urban STEM-based education reform in the United States. I describe claiming STEM education as property as a 2-phase process in which middle-class Whites in urban areas participate to secure STEM education by repurposing failed Black schools and to maintain it by institutionalizing selective admissions strategies.  相似文献   

农村学校布局调整为促进教育资源的集中和均衡发挥了重要作用。但在该项政策执行过程中,部分地方政府一刀切式地撤销农村教学点,导致偏远农村学生上学远、上学难,这有悖于教育公平。因此,农村教学点撤并问题的复杂性有待进一步论证和厘清。而区位理论与学校区位布局的关系表明,农村教学点撤并的影响因素与农村社会的整体发展相统一。这使得在农村教学点撤并的过程中要做到尊重各地区的自然地理特征、满足区域经济社会文化发展的需要、关注人口分布及未来变动趋势、综合考虑学生的上学距离和受教育状况等方面,只有这样才能构建出更合理的农村学校布局。  相似文献   

中国基础教育均衡发展实证分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
从区域、城乡、学校和受教育群体四个方面对于基础教育均衡度进行分析发现,近年来,我国基础教育特别是义务教育发展从整体上看正在趋向均衡。各地区基础教育的差距总体出现缩小态势,基础教育特别是义务教育入学率,各地区中小学教师合格率差距不断缩小。同时,地区间财政性教育经费以及初等教育生均教育经费和中等教育生均教育经费的绝对差异仍然在拉大;小学和初中生均预算内经费城乡差异正在随着时序变化在减小,各地区城乡中小学教师合格率差异正在逐步减小。但是,我国中小学校之间的教育投入差距还相当大;不同群体之间接受基础教育还很不均衡。造成我国基础教育发展不均衡的主要原因是由于基础教育资源配置不均衡。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义新时代是中国发展新的历史方位。在乡村振兴的背景下,乡村小规模学校的发展一直是全面提升乡村教育质量的短板,即使在经济政策大力支持下的乡村小规模学校,依然存在着诸如学校规模萎缩、生源质量差、教师“留不住”等困境,出现了“强支持弱发展”现象。为了更好地推进城乡义务教育均衡,落实政策实施的有效性,文章从城镇化进程给农村带来的务工结构变化、乡村文化的失落以及教育协同等方面深层次挖掘出现这一现象的原因。顺势而为,提出科学发展乡村小规模学校,完善政策保障机制,盘活优化小规模学校教师资源配置;发挥乡村校长领导力,激发乡村教师发展力,提升小规模学校发展质量;创办农村家长学校,提升家校合作水平等改善路径。  相似文献   

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