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The government's stated intention is that all KS2 learners will have an entitlement to foreign language learning by 2010. Disquiet about motivation for language learning in the secondary sector led to the reduction in status of ML in 2003 to an option subject in KS4. We should not simply consider how best to assure motivation among primary learners of MFL but, in addition, explore what early foreign language learning can contribute to the whole school. There are grounds for claiming that learning a foreign language can contribute to children's overall enjoyment of, motivation for and self-esteem in learning. In its early implementation, it can create a shared curricular experience for a whole school, which can be built upon subsequently. The strength of language learning is sometimes seen as being because it is different, but this article also explores the framework and approach needed to ensure that it is strongly embedded in the whole-school curriculum. In addition to a literature-based rationale for this proposal, the article also contains quotations from four interviews conducted at a primary school in the East Midlands with a headteacher and three small groups representing pupils in Reception, Y3 and Y6 classes.  相似文献   

This paper begins by defining globalisation and discussing the major issues that globalisation raises in the cultural sphere. This includes the relationships of global culture to national and local cultures, the disorientation caused by the compression of time and space, the characterisation of global culture as Americanisation, and the consumer orientation of global culture. The paper then examines the ways in which art education can contribute to these changing social dynamics. These include a celebration of place, addressing heritage and tourist issues, creating hybrid works, discussing commercial choices, examining one-world images, and creating with one-world technologies.  相似文献   

The proposition that relationships make differential (i.e., unique, redundant, contingent) contributions to adjustment was examined by investigating the linkages between children's participation in different types of peer relationships (i.e., friendship, peer acceptance, peer victimazation) and their adjustment to school. Relationship measure were gathered for 5-to 6- year-old children(105 males, 95 females) twice during kindergaten (i.e., fall and spring) nad were correlated with adjustment indicators at each time of assessment and used to predict changes in school adjstment over time. Examination of the relative associations between the relationship measures and children's adjustment revealed of both unshared (i.e., unique) and shared (i.e., redundant) linkages, depending on the form of adjustment examined.These findings suggest that adjustment may be influenced by the diverse experiences (i.e., provisions) that children encounter in different forms of relationship, and that certain types of relationships may have greater or lesser adaptive significance depending on the adjustment outcome examined  相似文献   

公共安全教育已经越来越受到社会的重视,作为一名一线公共安全教育教师需要思考如何使课程更容易让学生接受,让学生真学、真练、真懂、真会。拟在公共安全教育创新发展环节开展思考,找到公共安全教育发展新路径。  相似文献   

高中阶段是人生历程中最宝贵、最有特色的黄金时期,是一个充满生机、具有向上发展趋势的时期。走进高中生的内心世界,开启动力、拨正航向,把他们引向成才的道路,不仅关系到个体成才,而且影响着民族的兴旺。本文试就人格动力原理,谈谈如何对高中生进行成才教育。 一、人格动力原理的基本观点 人作为高等动物,有支配自己、认识自然、改造自然的意  相似文献   

近年来,优质高中教育资源与广大人民群众的迫切需求之间的矛盾日益突出,加快高中学校的发展是教育事业面临的重要研究课题。长期以来,由于受计划经济体制下办学观念的影响,学校的教育环境封闭,学校的教育资源与社会经济资本很难形成良性互动,办学经费短缺以及“大锅饭”式的内部管理机制活力不足,已成为学校发展的瓶颈。然而,改革开放之后,经济体制改革在市场经济中取得的显著成果,无一不启示我们,高中教育要加快发展步伐必须适应时代的要求,渗透市场经营理念,引入市场运作模式,确立市场竞争机制。本文结合笔者几年来的学校管理工作实践经验…  相似文献   

初高中数学衔接教学是引导高一新生适应高中数学学习的重要一环 ,本文从分析高一第一学期进行衔接教学的必要性着手 ,对如何实施衔接教学 ,编写衔接教材 ,论述了复旦附中关于数学初高中衔接教学的认知理念、实践措施与实施重点  相似文献   

在校大学生是否可以结婚及其带来的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《普通高等学校学生管理规定》与现行《婚姻法》在大学生这一特定人群的能否结婚问题发生了严重冲突,在校大学生按照法律规定应该享有婚姻自由的权利,但是,如果高校放开,那么带来的影响也是巨大的。  相似文献   

文殊智慧是佛教圣地五台山最突出的佛教文化精华和最鲜明的人文标识。解读文殊智慧并对其实现创造性、现代性的传承转换,或可为现代文明的重构提供一种别样的价值参照。  相似文献   

小学全科教师是一种综合性的职业,其培养是教师之于学生成长成人的整体性、全面性和基础性的作用与价值,培养的关键在于课程设计。因此,需要在卓越教师队伍建设的时代背景下,创新小学全科教师培养的课程设计,以培养出高素质专业化创新型的小学全科教师。  相似文献   

当下的小学英语教学必须打破传统教学模式,突出创新教育的主体地位。本文从教学体验、主题讨论、外教互补、作业创新等多个方面对新形势下的小学英语教学实践进行了有益思考和积极探索,目的是给小学生一个良好的英语起始教育!  相似文献   

一般来说,Riemann-Cartan位形空间中的挠率将破坏其辛结构,但存在一类特殊的、本质上具有辛结构的Riemann-Cartan位形空间。通过引入一个恰当的无约束的一阶线性不可积映射,可以将此类特殊的Riemann-Cartan位形空间映射为一个Riemann位形空间,说明此类特殊的Riemann-Cartan位形空间本质上是一个完整约束系统的位形空间。  相似文献   

“运动六式”的肌电与生理探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验方法 ,测定了“运动六式”中全身各关节位置、角度的变化及肌肉肌电图的变化 ,证实长期坚持“运动六式” ,可以使血脉奔注 ,筋肉坚实 .同时也说明此项运动是一项不受任何条件限制的全身性运动 ,并体现出传统医学与健身有机地结合在一起 ,使其精华与长处得以发挥  相似文献   

本文利用DNA的结构和复制特点、同源染色体、分离和自由规律以及系谱相关知识,对高中《生物》遗传和变异中常见的计算题进行了归纳和分析。  相似文献   

江泽民总书记在北师大百年庆典上发表的重要讲话中突出强调教育创新的作用。坚持教育创新必须以“三个代表”重要思想为指导:必须解放思想,与时俱进,开拓创新,必须明确目标,深化改革,加快发展;必须转变作风,奋发有力,狠抓落实。  相似文献   

Teachers incorporate information from various sources as they form their academic expectations for students. The student record of prior achievement is the most salient factor that educators use to form their expectations for children’s achievement. Research on the factors that influence educator expectations has primarily focused on the ways teachers assimilate various pieces of information about students. More recently, there is an interest in moving away from this perspective and focusing more on teacher factors that may influence these differing expectations. The purpose of this research was to explore the factors that contribute to the formation of educator expectations in Full-Day Kindergarten. This study presents an in-depth examination of reports from Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and teachers on their teaching philosophies, roles, teaching practices, and interactions that support students in meeting curriculum expectations. This study elucidates the differences in the two groups in terms of how their expectations are formed and in turn how they may affect processes leading to child outcomes. Furthermore, this research responds to existing gaps in the educator expectation field by extending the research to include the early years.  相似文献   

文章论述了文艺副刊在高校报纸中的重要作用 ,并就如何办好高校文艺副刊提出自己独到的见解  相似文献   

小学美术教学正在日益受到重视,但是美术学科的课程建设毕竟不及语文、数学那么完善,特别是目前受主客观因素制约,美术实践教学手段没有完全到位。我们要造就未来高素质的创造性人才,就必须高度重视在美术教育中加强对学生创新精神和实践能力的培养,这是素质教育的最终目的。1 在身临其境中,注意学生感受能力的  相似文献   

"德育"是"诸育"之首,创新德育工作,提升德育实效,是摆在新时代德育工作者面前的重要课题。江西省抚州市实验学校立足德育工作实际,在分析当前中小学德育工作困境的基础上,从教学改革、文化滋养、活动浸润、家校社共育四个层面,提出了中小学德育创新的具体路径。  相似文献   

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