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In this article, we argue that human resource (HR) management practices are important components of strategies for improving student achievement in an accountability environment. We present a framework illustrating the alignment of educational HR management practices to a teacher performance competency model, which in turn is aligned with student achievement goals. We identify and illustrate the various HR practices that could be aligned to the performance competency model and to each other. These HR practices include recruitment, selection, induction, mentoring, professional development, compensation, performance management, and instructional leadership. We then describe HR practices in 2 districts where empirical links between teacher competency and student achievement were shown (Cincinnati and Washoe County) and evaluate how much alignment was in place. We discuss the importance of HR alignment analysis for diagnosing districts' teacher quality improvement efforts, and we present suggestions for future research on the strategic use of HR management in K-12 educational organizations.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末,随着教育改革的进一步深入,教育理论与实践关系的困境已经引起一些学者的关注.从教育理论自身来看,其来源、类型不同,不同性质的理论与实践的关系是不同的,但与实践之间都存在着逻辑上的鸿沟.由于教育理论总是具有普遍性和抽象性,教育研究者大多致力于普适性的原理、规律的研究,而教育实践追求具体、个别的丰富性,教师作为连接教育理论和教育实践的中介:一方面对教育理论盲目崇拜;另一方面又在教育教学实践中我行我素.为了摆脱教育理论和实践的困境,提倡教师进行反思和研究,从而使教师成为沟通教育理论与实践的桥梁.  相似文献   

内存对齐对网络通信程序的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了数据在内存中是如何对齐,结构体数据在内存中是如何存在的,同时内存对齐对不同系统的影响及程序性能影响,以及如何利用内存对齐技术使网络程序间能正确进行数据交换。  相似文献   

In this review, we explore the extent to which researchers evaluating the efficacy of Tier 2 elementary reading interventions within the framework of Response to Intervention reported on fidelity of implementation and alignment of instruction between tiers. A literature search identified 22 empirical studies from which conclusions were drawn. Results suggest that fidelity of implementation is typically monitored at Tier 2 and that alignment between tiers of intervention is often apparent yet not explicitly stated. However, researchers frequently neglect to report on fidelity of intervention in Tier 1, potentially limiting claims that can be made about the efficacy of subsequent Tier 2 intervention. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A management job rotation (MJR) program is a planned effort to develop management trainees, supervisors, managers, or executives by placing them, for extended time spans, in new work settings within an organization. Surprisingly little research has been conducted on MJR, even though research conducted by the American Society for Training and Development with the U. S. Department of Labor indicates that instruction for experienced middle managers tends to gravitate away from formal in–house instruction to focus on mentoring, job rotation, and outside seminars. This article reviews what is known about MJR and summarizes results of a recent exploratory survey of training and development professionals about MJR practices in their organizations.  相似文献   

水路运输管理类专业群产学合作教育模式的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点探索了水路运输管理类专业群浅表、中观、深层面的三种产学合作关系。  相似文献   

随着Android智能手机平台的广泛使用,市场对Android开发人才需求也不断增加,基于Android系统的软件开发逐渐成为各高校人才培养的目标,本文从Android课程体系的建立、课程教学方法、培养维护学生的学习兴趣、以赛促学、帮助就业等方面谈了几点教学经验与思考。  相似文献   

通过介绍基于CRC校验的基本原理入手,旨在探讨一种嵌入式系统程序代码自动校验的方法和实现步骤.  相似文献   

在实际应用中,往往需要对两个或多个C语言程序进行检查,识别它们的类同度。针对这个需要,定义了类同度指标,设计了相应的数据结构和算法,实现了一个C语言程序类同度识别器。实践表明,该程序能成功检查出程序的类同度。  相似文献   

Within a multitiered system of support (MTSS), students who struggle to learn mathematics often receive core instruction and supplemental intervention in different settings, with different teachers and different sets of curriculum materials, all of which can result in poor alignment. This curriculum crosswalk describes how three sets of materials commonly used to provide core instruction and intervention differ with regard to mathematics practices and vocabulary. The results indicate that there is little overlap among all three programs for the majority (n = 6) of the mathematics practices, and very little overlap in mathematics vocabulary (ranging from 6.3 to 24 percent). We also provide a set of research-based instructional recommendations intended to help teachers address gaps and improve alignment of core instruction and intervention.  相似文献   

高职院校新教师来源多样、层次不一,实施"新教师导师制"对于促进新教师的专业成长、职业成长等具有重要作用,是高职院校师资队伍建设必不可少的举措之一。然而"新教师导师制"在实施过程中却存在导师工作落实不到位、过程管理松散以及评估考核机制不健全等问题。针对实施"新教师导师制"的必要性、实施困境加以思考,探索其实施路径。  相似文献   


We examined 179 teachers' perceptions of their own classroom practices and their school's motivational climate to illuminate the ways these perceptions work in concert. Using teachers' responses to two scales of the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Survey, a cluster analysis revealed three profiles of teachers described as cluster 1: Aligned: Performance Moderate, Mastery High: We agree with everything!; cluster 2: Aligned: Performance Low, Mastery High: Yea to Mastery! Nay to Performance!; and cluster 3: Unaligned: Classroom Mastery with School Performance: We're Mastery Structured in a Performance School. Cluster analyses revealed significant differences suggesting these teacher groups had distinct profiles. This study adds to the literature on goal theory aimed at understanding and advancing teachers' motivationally supportive practices and can be used in teacher education and development to help teachers identify, reflect on, and understand their classroom goal structures and how they relate to structures operating at the school level.  相似文献   

Measurement of principal implementation behaviors has proved difficult to researchers in educational leadership due to a lack of consensus on the operational definitions of leadership constructs. The Principal Implementation Questionnaire (PIQ) was developed and validated with the intention of providing clarity in the assessment of principal leadership behaviors in the implementation of effective reading programs. Constructs were operationally defined within the context of the population of interest, with subsequent item writing centered around the constructs. A resulting calibration sample of principals from Florida Reading First schools was used to test the hypothesized measurement model to determine how well the items were described by the proposed factors. Results from LISREL analyses revealed a well-fitted model, based on numerous fit indices.  相似文献   

综合实践活动是基础教育课程改革中规定的从小学到高中开设的一门必修课.在农村中小学,由于面临经费紧张、培训机会少、设备差等困难,使综合实践活动无法走向"常态".综合实践活动要像语、数、英等必修学科一样纳入农村学校课程方案来常态实施,既要在宣传力度、观念更新、经费投入、师资培训等方面下功夫,又要依据它本身的特殊性来作具体安排.  相似文献   

将虚拟现实技术用于GIS中建立的虚拟校园能够更形象、直观、交互地展现三维校园场景,用户能更有效地获取感兴趣的信息。文章以山西大同大学煤炭工程学院校区为例,探讨了基于虚拟现实和GIS技术建立虚拟校园的方法。用SketchUp软件辅助建模,用ARCGIS软件组织数据和场景,建立了虚拟校园,实现了浏览和查询。  相似文献   

企业经营模拟教学是目前工商管理类专业人才培养中最常采用的一种模拟教学方式.根据应用型人才培养目标要求,结合实际教学中采用的经营模拟软件,通过分析企业经营模拟教学特点,设计企业经营模拟教学内容、进度安排及考核要求等教学过程方案.多年的实践证明,实施学生为主体、以问题为导向的模拟实践教学方案,对工商管理专业实现高素质应用型人才培养目标具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

通过对计算机英语教学中所面临困境的总结和浸入式外语教学模式的借鉴与实践,为浸入式教学模式在计算机英语教学中的实施提出合理建议和策略。  相似文献   

摘 要:Online Judge在线评测系统作为提高学生基础编程能力的重要途径之一,在当今十分强调编程能力的社会背景下显得尤为重要。由于大一新生普遍存在编程能力不足的问题,在分析目前主流OJ平台的基础上设计并实现了针对学校情况定制的OJ在线评测系统,为程序设计赛事培训与课程实践提供练习平台。在详细描述OJ平台主要功能、技术架构及具体实现方案的同时,也重点强调了对于实现系统安全性和并发性方面的优化与创新。  相似文献   

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