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自伤性行为是一种危害性极大的问题行为,它会给个体带来直接的身体伤害。在自闭症儿童中,有自伤性行为的个体不在少数。本文以一名自闭症儿童为例,运用了访谈法、观察法,填写行为动机量表,详细分析了自伤性行为的功能及目的,在此基础上设计了干预措施,进行实施。并依据注意力转移策略设计了替代行为,减少其自伤行为发生的频率。该儿童的行为变化验证了干预及替代行为的可行性。研究结果为改善自闭症儿童的自伤行为提供了一种建议和方法。  相似文献   

自伤行为是指所有针对自己身体进行直接伤害的行为.在特殊教育领域,自伤行为多出现于自闭症儿童和智力落后儿童中.研究采用A-B实验设计,以功能性行为评估为基础,在学校自然教学情境下对两名自闭症儿童的自伤行为实施以积极行为支持为导向的干预.研究结果表明,在自然教学情境下对两名被试自伤行为的功能进行分析,并以此为依据制定并实施包括前事控制、后果控制、行为训练等干预策略,自伤行为下降趋势明显,干预效果显著.  相似文献   

孤独症又称自闭症.被归类为一种由于神经系统失调的发育障碍。而自伤行为是自闭症儿童行为特点之一。自伤行为可以具体表现为:自己撞击自己,自己咬自己,吃烟头、废纸等非食物行为,抓破自己的皮肤,甚至戳自己的眼睛,等等。自伤行为对自闭症儿童的身心发展都会带来非常严重的影响.因此,在家长与工作人员发现自闭症儿童有自伤行为时。应该及时制止。并切实了解孩子出现自伤行为的原因,才能针对其自伤行为做出相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文运用个案研究的方法,对个案所在的机构教师进行深度访谈,并结合观察个案,了解个案现有发展水平,针对个案存在的最主要问题,根据英特珠需要设计一日教学活动的个别教育计划.此次研究发现:个别教育训练对特殊儿童的发展有积极作用,最好是将一日活动和经常教学活动相结合,在一段时间内训练和巩固同一内容,另外,机构的个别教育还需要和家庭教育相结合,效果才会更好.  相似文献   

一、个案发展基本情况 小硕(化名),男,2005年5月出生。3岁时母亲发现其行为异常,言语、认知比同龄孩子发展缓慢,开始到医院就诊,经诊断为自闭症。  相似文献   

对被称为特殊儿童之王的自闭症儿童进行教育干预,是一项极为艰巨的工作。国外与我国的教育工作者都在努力摸索行之有效的教育干预模式。招远市特殊教育学校这几年针对学校的自闭症儿童在教育模式上也进行了一下尝试。通过诊断发现自闭症儿童存在一些共性的行为特征,通过有针对性的行为疗法进行干预,自闭症儿童的异常行为能得到有效的控制。  相似文献   

自闭症是一种广泛性发育障碍,主要表现为社会交往障碍、交流障碍、重复刻板行为等。其中"刻板行为"是一种固定的、重复性的行为。刻板行为不仅对自闭症儿童的学习和日常生活技能训练造成不良的影响,也极大地干扰了其他同学的学习以及老师的课堂教学。本个案在分析讨论个案基本情况的基础上,详细地描述了通过积极的干预策略对个案刻板行为进行干预的过程。  相似文献   

视障教育教师团队使用了 5个评定表 ,对一名刚入学的自闭症视障儿童进行评估和分析 ,发现 :该学生功能性听力异常、触觉有过敏倾向、言语无法表达、情绪和行为异常 ,但智力正常、人际关系良好、身体发育正常 ,该学生被诊断为自闭症视障儿童。针对个案评估结果 ,提出了合理的教育对策。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童一般具有很少出现共同注意行为、共同注意更多指向要求行为而非指示或分享行为、共同注意具有个体差异性等共同注意缺陷特征,应该针对这些特征运用父母干预、同伴干预、训练师干预及整合干预策略来整合家长资源、注重同伴指导、注重社会性强化、实施综合干预。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的课堂干扰行为表现形式多样,文章以积极行为支持理念为指导,通过功能分析发现自闭症儿童的课堂干扰行为主要功能特点是正强化、负强化及感觉调整或感觉刺激,并基于此对其干预策略进行了初步探讨,提出了:先行控制,建立预防机制;行为控制,转变不良行为;综合训练,提高沟通技能等干预策略。  相似文献   

Developing, implementing and evaluating programmes of intervention for children and young people on the autistic spectrum are challenging endeavours. In this paper, we adopt a critical approach to research in this area, and attempt to offer an alternative perspective for understanding and interpreting empirical evaluations. We outline and discuss theoretical, methodological and practical issues and limitations associated with the current research body, and provide illustrative examples of gaps in the current literature.  相似文献   

102 children whose histories included a diagnosis of infantile autism or childhood schizophrenia were followed longitudinally to assess cognitive developmental trends. Despite some sample attrition, administration of a test battery of 5 language skill measures and 2 perception skill measures during 5 test periods over 4 years yielded 336 usable test batteries. After all tests had been administered, diagnosis of subjects for autism and schizophrenia using developmental histories and behavioral observations drawn at the time of first test-battery administration showed 111 test batteries on 33 children diagnosed as autistic, and 100 test batteries on 27 children diagnosed as schizophrenic. Comparisons of age and test score correlations, comparisons of cross-sequential means, and trends for means for diagnostic subgroups and normal controls suggest developmental delay for all skills at all ages for both autistic and schizophrenic children. Findings also suggest a trend for steady prepubertal cognitive skill development, followed by a postpubertal decline in skills for both diagnostic groups.  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization and the language abilities of autistic children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between patterns of hemispheric specialization for speech processing and language ability in autistic children. 17 male autistic children, 6-18 years of age, and 17 normal children, matched for chronological age and gender, were tested. Measures of hemispheric asymmetry were differences in the averaged cortical evoked responses taken from right and left hemisphere scalp locations to linguistic and nonlinguistic auditory stimuli. A comprehensive battery of language tests was administered to autistic subjects. Autistic children's direction of hemispheric asymmetry in response to linguistic stimuli differed significantly from that of normal subjects. The majority of autistic subjects showed reversed (right hemisphere dominant), but not necessarily reduced, patterns of hemispheric asymmetry. Autistic children with more advanced language abilities were more likely to exhibit a normal direction of hemispheric asymmetry. The possibility that a shift from right to left hemisphere processing of speech occurs as the autistic child acquires spoken language is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the psycho-social characteristics of typically developing children who have siblings with autism and their sibling relationship. Children’s adjustment at school, their self-esteem and social relations, as well as their friends’ attitudes towards their autistic siblings were examined. Participants were 22 siblings of children with autism, aged 8–18?years, 22 mothers and 22 fathers. Parents provided demographic information, and completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Sibling Inventory of Behaviour. Data from siblings of children with autism were based on a semi-structured interview, the Self-Perception Profile for Children and Adolescents and the Siblings Problems Questionnaire. Only few typically developing siblings of children with autism exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties. The majority of them have a good relationship with their autistic brother or sister, although they mentioned changes in their daily routines. They also seem not to be satisfied in terms of peer acceptance skills and friendships. In addition, the results of the present study provide evidence for positive parental views on their typically developing children’s emotional and behavioural adjustment. These findings are important and need to be taken into account in order to assess functioning of all family members in families with autism spectrum children.  相似文献   

Humanoid robots have shown to provide interesting perspectives for autistic children. Yet, few studies have looked at educators' point of view on the use of such robots in educational settings. This paper presents a case study of the use of a humanoid robot, NAO, in a French preschool class dedicated to autistic children. Our work focuses on the perspectives of the adults working with these children. We interviewed the professional staff about changes in their teaching due to the presence of the robot, about the effects on the pupils' behaviour, and about the collaboration between the special needs teacher, the special needs support worker and the operational specialist from the digital education department of the district academic head office. Four themes were identified: joint reflection and collaboration when working with NAO, working with NAO, impact of NAO on pupils, impact of NAO on adults. The professionals underscored the necessity of adopting certain attitudes, in particular, the most neutral facial expression possible, so as not to disturb the children's learning process. They were under the impression that the robot had a beneficial effect on the pupils in terms of learning and social skills, and that it facilitated collaboration among them.  相似文献   

学前儿童攻击性行为是幼儿园中比较常见的问题行为之一,也被称为侵犯性行为。根据学前儿童攻击行为的性质可以划分为无意性、表现性、工具性和敌意性这四种类型。学前儿童攻击行为产生的原因主要有来自个人的生理学因素和理解歪曲因素,家庭的教养方式,幼儿园教师的关注度程度和强化方式以及社会影响等。有效解决学前儿童的攻击性行为可以从教给儿童正确解决的问题的方式方法,提供给儿童适合的模仿榜样,强化儿童亲近社会的行为以及引导学前儿童正确观看动画片内容这些方面着手。  相似文献   

Two observational systems were employed to measure the behavior patterns of two elementary-age autistic children and their classroom peers during a free-play period. Results obtained from the total behavior repertoire system indicated that the subjects spent the majority of the free-play period manipulating various toys and objects. Data obtained from the social interaction system revealed that the subjects' encounters with peers typically were negative. Additionally, the subjects were observed to respond more frequently to vocal-verbal social behavior by peers, than they were to motor-gestural responses. The observational methodology employed and the results obtained were discussed in terms of their significance for the clinical treatment of autistic behavior, and the evaluation of such treatment.  相似文献   

孤独症儿童回归主流社会基本条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 关于对自闭症的干预目标 ,最重要的一点就是看干预后的自闭症儿童能否回归主流社会[1 ] ,在什么样的条件下自闭症的儿童可以回归主流社会呢 ?本次研究的目的就是对此问题作一初步探讨。 方法 采用个案研究和归纳相结合的方法。 结果和讨论 孤独症儿童是否可以回归主流社会 ,不能仅看某单方面的条件 ,要综合考评 ,慎重决定 ,才不致走弯路或给孩子留下不必要的副面影响。  相似文献   

Statistics are presented to allow ipsative interpretation of the scaled scores for the six subscales of individual children on the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children. Included are the standard error of the difference between each part score and the mean of all scores and values required for statistical significance at the traditional significance levels of .05 and .01, with the Bonferroni adjustment for the number of comparisons included. The ready availability of this information should enhance application of the ABIC in clinical practice and facilitate research on its efficacy for educational planning and placement of children in various regular and special education programs.  相似文献   

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