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What has been the history of educational assessment in Poland? How are the social system, school system, examination forms, measurement theory, and attitudes toward tests related to each other? How are recent efforts at democratization of political systems likely to influence educational testing in Poland?  相似文献   

The article presents a comparative analysis of education in communist and post-communist Poland, based upon fieldwork in schools in Lodz in 1993 compared with earlier research in such schools in 1988. Some of the observed changes were a direct result of the change in the government's political ideology — notably the teaching of history, social studies and religious education; some were a response to the changing economic structure in Poland brought about by the transition from a centrally planned economy to a free market one; and some were a response to a deepening economic crisis associated with structural adjustment policies, but where the mode of response was facilitated by a free market ideology.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions in the Arabian Gulf region today, which have mushroomed and proliferated in the past ten to fifteen years, have been constructing themselves along models of Western universities at the levels of governance, programs, and structure. At the outset of the twenty-first century, universities have globally experienced a drastic shift in their governance from ‘republics of scholars’ to stakeholder organizations. In this paper, we discuss and deconstruct some of the consequences of that drastic shift, paramount among which is the downsizing and neglect of some sciences/fields. We discuss some of the major problems that the Market Model of the University is facing in the West through a literature review. We also explore the academic view on some problems and challenges facing University governance today in the globe at large and specifically in the Arabian Gulf Region. We believe that universities in this region in their present state face the serious challenge of generating indigenous knowledge that fulfills the needs of citizens within this region, knowledge that draws upon the culture, history, and geography of the area and responds to the specific needs of citizens in this area.  相似文献   

The paper explores the notion of ‘the subject’ in the context of education as an alternative to more limited concepts such as the student or learner. Drawing on the thought of Cornelius Castoriadis, the subject under consideration is a conscious, self-reflective subject that organizes and modifies itself in relation to a world of significations. Through the capacity for conscious self-modification, the subject becomes a self-reflective agent in a socially instituted world of significations. For Castoriadis, this kind of subjectivity is not readily available in every kind of social organization; rather, it is a possible product of a society that has instituted itself explicitly or autonomously. This socially instituted reflexivity is for Castoriadis historically associated with democracy, politics and philosophy. In the second part, the discussion is extended to the non-human realm and the world of the living being. Here, too, meaning—or proto-meaning in the case of the living being—is a constituent in the formation of a world. In this discussion, where Francisco Varela is an important source, concepts such as meaning, signification, normativity and purpose are introduced in the natural sciences, or rather, the sciences of human and non-human nature. The aim of the paper is twofold: on the one hand, to introduce pedagogical reflections into discussions about human on non-human nature; and, on the other, to develop a richer conceptual repertoire for exploring educational phenomena than what is immediately available. An important background, in both cases, is the possibility of ecological crisis, which poses new problems for educators.  相似文献   

Educational priorities and challenges in the context of globalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kamal Malhotra 《Prospects》2000,30(3):363-371

本文扼要概述了“知识经济”向传统教育模式的挑战和对新型教育模式的企盼;着重考察了苏俄几代人的“多重结合”的教育构想;并对“知识经济”作了五则解析,提出了回应“适应经济”挑战的四点教改设想。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

发展现代图书物流应对WTO后过渡期挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
包括图书物流在内的现代物流业,在发达国家早已相当成熟。但在我国图书市场中,图书发行方式仍然主要沿袭旧的流通模式。即,由图书市场的重要企业主体一图书出版社将出版信息传递给新华书店,新华书店再到各单位(如学校)去征订,反馈信息后,再送货配货。这种图书供应渠道是典型的纵向一体化的供应链,教条死板,效率低下,浪费严重。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,波兰同时进行了自下而上(1992-1997)、双向(1992-1997)和自上而下(1995-1997)三种教育改革传播模式试验,这在世界教育发展史是不多见的。它有利于在同一时期同一文化背景横向地比较三种教育改革传播模式的特点,同时也给世界教育改革以重要启示。  相似文献   

In the current performance and ‘excellence’ culture that has so bewitched politicians and beset educators, there are no discourses available to voice and to make sense of the anxieties that consistently arise for children who are pushed towards ever-higher performance. Drawing on the findings from a study of children's transitions from primary to secondary school, this paper examines some of the structural and emotional consequences of current school-choice policy in the UK. Deep-seated fears of downward mobility held by some sections of the middle classes are potently mobilized when faced with the constraints of local secondary schools markets. Children from professional middle-class families are pushed towards high performance as a response to these fears with parents using a range of strategies to place their child in a high performing school, including entering them for selective schools' entrance examinations. In the pursuit of the kind of attainment seen to be necessary in order to ensure the successful reproduction of professional middle-class status, we argue that difficult emotions have to be suppressed or split off. For middle-class girls in particular, the constant striving for and achievement of high attainment, rather than unproblematically engendering a sense of confidence in their abilities, can produce a sense of never being good enough. Nor is it only the middle classes who are implicated in these processes. There are serious consequences for working-class children and we discuss how they are positioned in relation to UK policy initiatives that prioritize ‘excellence’.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - The rapid advancements in online education have pointed to a new open learning approach using Open Educational Resources (OER). In this approach,...  相似文献   

A 44 item questionnaire and free response instrument was given to 280 students selected from two different kinds of introductory educational psychology courses: (a) A “module”; approach involving selection of 3 five‐week modules from a list of such courses; and (b) A specially prepared composite learning and development course covering 1 semester. Analysis of the results lead to the following conclusions: (1) “In theory”; students preferred the module approach; (2) “In practice”; students preferred the composite 1 semester course; (3) The outstanding variable contributing to students’ assessment of relevancy, and teaching procedures, was the instructor. The implication of these findings for innovations in teaching students is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the power of quality of learning experience (QLE) indicators in predicting juniors’ and seniors’ persistence and attrition and to identify the relative salience of each of the QLE components in explaining persistence. Two different models were defined and assessed: the compensatory model and the multiple hurdles model. The models were tested using logistic regression and discriminant analysis. The major findings of the study were: (a) QLE indicators played a significant role in predicting juniors’ and seniors’ persistence. The R2 coefficients for the compensatory and multiple hurdles models were 0.32 and 0.37, respectively, whereas the percentages of correct classifications were 85% and 88%. (b) The predictability and classification power were weaker for the compensatory model and stronger for the multiple hurdles framework. (c) The three dominant predictors of juniors’ and seniors’ persistence were student-faculty contact, students’ involvement in their academic program, and the content of that program. The implications of this study are explored.  相似文献   

作为教育科学与经济科学的交叉学科--教育经济学,产生于20世纪60年代,70年代末从西方传入我国.北京师范大学是国内最早开展教育经济学教学与研究的高校,并最早获教育经济学硕士、博士授予权.20余年来,培养了大批研究生和进修教师,出版了国内广泛使用的教材,承担并完成了一批国家和省部级科研项目,发表和出版了一系列学术专著和学术论文,其中部分研究成果被政府采纳,获国家和省部级优秀研究成果奖.为我国教育经济学学科的理论建设、国家教育改革与发展发挥了重要作用.今后将进一步加强和整合学科队伍,加强学科理论与应用研究,保持在国内学术上的领先地位,在国际学术界进一步扩大影响,成为国家教育经济学学术研究与人才培养的重要基地.  相似文献   

The involvement of the public in educational reform processes in modern democratic societies primarily serves the purpose of politically legitimizing the reform agenda. This study examines the rationales implicitly or explicitly submitted to the public to explain why educational reforms in the two countries should be endorsed. Although differences in the political culture caution against a hasty comparison of the two case studies, a number of politico-economic similarities allow for a valid juxtaposition. In Poland the context of socio-political and economic renewal prompted the reformers to emphasize the human-capital model which heightened public awareness and participation in the debate surrounding the reform. Public involvement in Saskatchewan was negatively affected for mainly two reasons. First, the government evidently manipulated public input by various means and thereby appears to have predetermined the outcome. Second, the rationale for the reform, based on a free-market model, tightened the linkage between the needs of the labour market and the mandate of the schools. As a result, public interest and participation was greatly diminished.
Zusammenfassung Die Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit an Reformen auf dem Gebiet der Erziehung in den modernen demokratischen Gesellschaften dient hauptsächlich der politischen Legitimierung der Reformpläne. In dieser Studie werden die der Bevölkerung offen oder unterschwellig vermittelten Gründe untersucht, warum den erzieherischen Reformen in beiden Ländern zugestimmt werden sollte. Obwohl die Unterschiede in der politischen Kultur Anlaß zur Vorsicht vor einem voreiligen Vergleich der beiden Fallstudien geben, so sprechen einige wirtschaftspolitische Ähnlichkeiten für eine sinnvolle Nebeneinanderstellung. In Polen führte der Zusammenhang sozialpolitischer und wirtschaftlicher Erneuerung dazu, daß die Reformer das Modell des menschlichen Kapitals, das das öffentliche Bewußtsein und die Teilnahme an der Debatte über die Reformen verstärkte, besonders betonten. Die öffentliche Beteiligung in Saskatchewan bekam aus zwei Gründen einen negativen Beigeschmack. Erstens manipulierte die Regierung offensichtlich in verschiedener Hinsicht die Beiträge der Öffentlichkeit, und sie scheint damit das Ergebnis vorbestimmt zu haben. Zweitens stärkten die Gründe für die auf ein Modell der freien Marktwirtschaft gegründeten Reformen die Verbindungen zwischen dem Bedarf des Arbeitsmarktes und dem Mandat der Schulen. Als Folge davon reduzierte sich das öffentliche Interesse und die Beteiligung erheblich.

Résumé La participation du public aux processus de réforme éducative dans les sociétés démocratiques modernes sert essentiellement à légitimation politique du calendrier de réforme. Cette étude examine la raison d'être soumise implicitement ou explicitement au public et analyse pourquoi les réformes éducatives doivent être adoptées dans les deux pays. Bien que les divergences de cultures politiques mettent en garde contre une comparaison hâtive des deux études de cas, certaines correspondances politico-économiques permettent une juxtaposition valide. En Pologne, le contexte de la rénovation socio-politique et économique a pressé les réformateurs à mettre en valeur le modèle de capital humain qui a rehaussé l'information et la participation du public dans le débat autour de la réforme. La participation du public dans le Saskatchewan a été entravée pour deux raisons. Premièrement, il semblerait que le gouvernement ait manipulé les investissements publics de différentes manières et qu'il ait par cela prédéterminé le résultat obtenu. Deuxièmement, la légitimité de la réforme, orientée vers un modèle de marché libre, a renforcé les liens entre les besoins du marché de l'emploi et le mandat des écoles. Par conséquent, l'intérêt et la participation du public ont été considérablement affaiblis.

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