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The primary purpose of this study was to assess the effects of strategic counting instruction, with and without deliberate practice with those counting strategies, on number combination (NC) skill among students with mathematics difficulties (MD). Students (n = 150) were stratified on MD status (i.e., MD alone versus MD with reading difficulty) and site (proximal versus distal to the intervention developer) and then randomly assigned to control (no tutoring) or 1 of 2 variants of NC remediation. Both remediations were embedded in the same validated word-problem tutoring protocol (i.e., Pirate Math). In 1 variant, the focus on NCs was limited to a single lesson that taught strategic counting. In the other variant, 4–6 min of practice per session was added to the other variant. Tutoring occurred for 16 weeks, 3 sessions per week for 20–30 min per session. Strategic counting without deliberate practice produced superior NC fluency compared to control; however, strategic counting with deliberate practice effected superior NC fluency and transfer to procedural calculations compared with both competing conditions. Also, the efficacy of Pirate Math word-problem tutoring was replicated.  相似文献   

While the philosophical importance of the integrated science process skills is often unchallenged, there is a lack of research with middle and secondary school students to indicate when or how these skills might best be taught. In this study different patterns and amounts of instruction on planning experiments were used with sixth- and eighth-grade students. A model for generating integrated process skill lessons was used to produce all lessons. Treatment One involved a two-week introductory unit on integrated process skills, followed by one period-long process skill activity per week for 14 weeks. Treatment Two involved only the same two-week introductory unit. Treatment Three was a contrast group which received only content oriented instruction. Results showed that both sixth- and eighth-grade students can learn to use certain integrated process skills; growth was apparent in identifying variables and stating hypotheses. Differences generally favored treatment one over treatment three. No differences favoring any treatment were found for formal operational ability outcomes.  相似文献   

Summary The duration of the current experiment was admittedly quite short—30 minutes to an hour of learning time. A longer program may have produced more pronounced differences. Sixty-four students including 32 high and low ability males and females were randomly assigned to programed instruction and computer-assisted instruction programs on the topic of Significant Figures. The results indicated that the students using programed instruction performed significantly better than those using CAI. This difference was attributed primarily to the very poor performance by the low ability students in the CAI group. There was also a significant ability effect. The posttest and retention test results, as well as number of errors in the actual learning sequence, indicated there was a trait by treatment interaction which was interpreted primarily as a very poor performance by low ability students on CAI, with almost equal performance by high and low ability students utilizing programed instruction. The data would not support such explanations as the use of recognition responses or the inability to achieve any particular concepts in the program for the performance of low ability students on the CRT-oriented CAI. Further research is suggested. The work reported herein was sponsored by the Florida State University Computer-Assisted Instruction Center and the Office of Naval Research under Grant No. N00014-68-A-0494.  相似文献   

Large scale computer-assisted instruction systems generally impose severe constraints upon the demands that individual users may make. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome these problems and a program is described which teaches students how to fly a specific maneuver through real-time simulation of the flight of a student-controlled airplane. This is achieved in spite of the fact that the student is flying his plane through the use of a manually controlled analog input device. Both computational and educational implications are discussed.Contractual support for this work was provided in part by the Life Sciences Program Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Contract number F44620-70-C-0105. Dr. Charles Hutchinson was the scientific monitor of the contract.  相似文献   

高校生物化学课程多媒体辅助教学的研究与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了适应现代教育技术发展和教学改革的需要,CAI课件广泛应用于生物化学教学中。本文结合生物化学课程及多媒体教学的特点,分析了CAI课件应用于生物化学课程教学中的优势和目前使用中普遍存在的问题,并对我们的实践探索进行了总结,提出了提高生物化学多媒体辅助教学效果的方法和途径等。  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been conducted on both learner control and feedback, very little research has addressed the effect of giving learners control over the feedback that they receive. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of learner control over feedback in a CAI lesson. Subjects used one of four CAI programs which provided either program control or learner control over verification or elaboration feedback. Results indicated that subjects who received elaboration feedback during instruction performed better than students who received verification feedback. Type of control did not have a significant influence on performance. However, when subjects selected feedback for items answered incorrectly during instruction, subjects under learner control/elaboration performed better on the posttest than subjects under learner control/verification. Implications for the design of CAI are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify important subject characteristics that predicted individual differences in responsiveness to word reading instruction in normally achieving and at-risk first grade children. This was accomplished by modeling individual word and nonword reading growth, and the correlates of change in these skills, in first grade students during two different phases of the school year. In the first phase of the study (October–January), word and nonword reading skill was modeled in normally achieving and at-risk children. Results of growth modeling indicated significant group differences in word and nonword reading growth parameters. A combination of phonemic awareness skill, advanced graphophoneme knowledge, and initial word/nonword reading skill predicted word and nonword reading growth in the control group, whereas, a combination of rapid naming speed, letter sound knowledge, and phonemic awareness skill predicted word and nonword reading growth in the at-risk group. In the second phase of the study (January–April), a subgroup of the at-risk subjects who exhibited limited growth in word reading skills during the first phase of the study was enrolled in 12 weeks of small group reading intervention designed to improve reading skills. Results of growth modeling indicated significant increases in word and nonword reading growth rates in this group during the intervention phase. Only rapid naming speed uniquely predicted word and nonword reading growth in the group of subjects receiving intervention.  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学(CAI)以良好的交互性、丰富而生动的教学媒体,突破了传统教学模式的局限,拓展学生的知识吸蓄空间,极大地提高了教学效率,将传统教学模式中难以表现的教学内容以多媒体形式在课堂内演示,使学生的学习由抽象、被动接受转化为具象、主动接受,尤其是目前学校的教学实习、生产实习、参观等必须与企业紧密联系的教学环节越来越难于实施的时候,多媒体CAI以它独特的优势,弥补了课堂教学环节中的不足而愈显重要.  相似文献   

Assessment and instruction of at-risk Hispanic students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The attributes of a commercial microcomputer software package were evaluated as a supplement to traditional instruction in general chemistry classes in a suburban public high school. During a unit of study of writing and naming formulas and balancing chemical equations, the experimental group received reinforcement via microcomputer while the control group used parallel worksheet exercises over a period of three weeks for concept reinforcement. Analysis of achievement scores indicated significantly higher scores among the students in the control group. In order to ascertain any possible differential effects favoring either method for students at varying cognitive development levels, the study investigated the relationship between treatment (CAI versus worksheet) and development stage; no significant interactions were discovered.  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental study investigated the effects of an Internet-delivered universally designed depth of vocabulary intervention that targeted both English-speaking and Spanish–English-speaking students. Two hundred forty students, 49% of whom were Spanish–English bilinguals, participated in the 16-week intervention. Intervention students read eight multimedia texts with embedded instruction on 40 words and reading strategy support. Students could access all texts and activities in Spanish and English. In comparison to a control group, there were significant intervention effects on a standardized measure of vocabulary knowledge, but effects were non-significant for comprehension. Similarly, significant effects on researcher-developed measures of vocabulary depth were detected, but not for a researcher-developed measure of breadth.  相似文献   

Three experiments were run using the SCHOLAR CAI system to teach geography to high-school students. The experiments compared a method of teaching derived from analysis of human tutors (Tutorial Mode) vs a method derived from programmed instruction (Block-Test Mode). In the three experiments, Block-Test Mode was systematically converged toward Tutorial Mode in order to pinpoint what aspects of teaching strategy affected student's learning. Tutorial Mode was significantly more effective in the first two experiments, and nonsignificantly in the third. The results indicated that the major factor affecting student's learning was the strategy that tutors use of reviewing the material in greater depth on a second pass. The advantage of CAI for purposes of implementing and evaluating different teaching strategies was discussed.  相似文献   

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