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Ten years of validity research concerning the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) is reviewed. The equivalence of the SIT to the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler Scales is examined and the relationship of the SIT to achievement measures is described. The importance of supplementing correlational findings with regression analysis, mean difference data, and information on misclassification is emphasized by the reviewers. Decisions concerning individuals based on SIT IQ scores are viewed as particularly risky in situations involving groups of subjects characterized by a relatively narrow range of IQ scores.  相似文献   

The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) for Children and Adults protocols for 683 gifted students ranging in age from 6 to 12 years were scored using both 1961 and 1981 norms. The average 1981 norm score was 5.17 points lower than the 1961 norm score. The differences increase with the age of the child. Implications for using the SIT for selecting gifted children are discussed.  相似文献   

The Slosson Intelligence Test, unlike most current measures of intelligence, uses a ratio method of mental age divided by chronological age to obtain an IQ score. Due to this, standard deviations are not stable across age levels and present a problem in diagnosing mental retardation. The Slosson Test Manual provides information whereby an overall test standard deviation of approximately 25 points is obtained. This is reviewed in respect to current criteria for the classification of mental retardation. It is concluded that the Slosson is inappropriate for use in the diagnosis of mental retardation.  相似文献   

Slosson Intelligence Tests (SITS) administered by school guidance counselors correlated significantly with school psychologist administered WISC-Rs (r=.75). The Slosson IQ correlated significantly higher with the WISC-R Verbal IQ than with the Performance IQ score. The mean Slosson IQ was a statistically significant 4.4 points higher than the mean WISC-R Full Scale IQ (p<.01).  相似文献   

Scores on the Slosson Intelligence Test and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, two frequently used screening devices, are examined to determine how well they predict scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised. Two hundred seven children representing reading disabled children in the average classroom were administered each of the three measures of this study. The degree of relationship between the PPVT and the WISC-R was found to be.57, and the degree of relationship between the SIT and the WISC-R was found to be.73. The results of this study suggest that the PPVT and SIT measure different and/or limited aspects of a child's ability as measured by the WISC-R and are therefore only rough estimates of capacity to function in situations requiring what is generally termed intelligence.  相似文献   

Indices of item diffculty and item discrimination were analyzed for the items comprising the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised as obtained from a group of 142 subjects with Full Scale IQs below 96. Item validities were estimated by computing the biserial correlation between dichotomized item responses and the total weight score. Kendall's tau was computed for each item. The item difficulties for each subtest except Information and Vocabulary are roughly in the same rank order as those obtained by the stadardization group. Evidence from the study indicates that the increase in the number of items on the WISC-R helped to increase its internal Validity. Analysis of the data ragarding the internal consistency of the test indicates that the majority of the items operate as significant discriminators. Changes in the order of that administration and /or revision of the record form would not seem warranted on the basis of the present study.  相似文献   

Preschoolers' scores on the Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI), the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT), and the ABC Inventory (ABCI) were analyzed for race and sex differences. Separate ANOVAs revealed no race effect on the VMI, whereas race differences favoring whites were found for the SIT and ABCI. There were no effects for sex on any measure, nor were there any interactions. Results are discussed in terms of the inconsistent findings for race effects in the perceptual-motor literature.  相似文献   

初级汉语口语测验题型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究考察适合初级汉语学习者的口语测验题型。从口语能力构想、测验组织方式和考生水平三个方面选择题型,并通过实测来评价题型的适用性、信度和效度。本文通过教师问卷调查的形式最终确定了快速问答、图片比较、听后复述和看图说话四种题型,并编制测验对223名学习汉语半年至一年的留学生进行了实测。结果表明,四种题型均具有较好的评分信度和效度,其中快速问答的表面效度和共时效度最高,听后复述相对较差。考查词、短语和句子层面的题型比考查语段层面的题型更加适合初级汉语学习者,特别是只学习了半年的学生。研究结果还表明,从半年到一年的学习阶段是学生成段表达能力发展的关键阶段,应加以引导和培养。  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increased interest in the role of emotional intelligence in both the academic success of students and their emotional adjustment in school. However, promotion of emotional intelligence in schools has proven a controversial pursuit, challenging as it does traditional “rationalist” views of education. Furthermore, research findings in this area have been inconsistent at best. In this article we discuss the following key questions relating to this important debate. What do we mean by emotional “intelligence”? What impact would improved emotional intelligence have on learners’ emotional health and well‐being, academic achievement, and other adaptive outcomes? Can emotional intelligence be taught? It is felt that these are the key issues for consideration in developing policy, practice, and further research in this area.  相似文献   

This study investigated the efficacy of predicting academic achievement as measured by the Wide Range Achievement Test, using the Slosson Intelligence Test For Children and Adults as the predictor. Ninety-five children referred for psychological evaluations in a five-county area in southeastern Nebraska were given both instruments, and a regression analysis was conducted where the Slosson IQ scores were separately regressed on Reading, Spelling and Arithmetic standard scores from the Wide Range Achievement Test. The results indicated that the Slosson IQ significantly predicts Wide Range standard scores. Derived regression equations are reported.  相似文献   

考试题库的制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
题库建设是发展大型常设性考试的一项重要工作。本文对如何制作高质量题库作了探讨,包括时命题组织、试题命制、审题、试测分析、入库等各个重要的环节都作了详细的论述,具有较强的操作性。  相似文献   

智力测验发展至今已有百年,形成了世界性影响,但也受到了一些批评。针对传统智力测验的弊端,近年来,研究者们正致力于改变传统智力测验使之呈现出新的面貌:在测验依据上从考虑项目的鉴别性、区分性到增大其理论含量;在测验内容上从仅仅着眼于学业到测量更广泛内容;在测验形式上从静态的、回顾性的智力测验到动态测验;在测验的编制和实施上努力改善文化不公平现象;在测验的方法学基础上从经典测验理论到现代测量理论。随着研究的发展,未来智力测验的演变主要表现为:增加对元认知的测量;开发更有效预测创造力的智力测验;在有针对性地诊断、预测基础上提出干预措施。  相似文献   

本研究采用IRT_△b方法对2015年F省小学英语测试试题进行性别DIF检测,以了解该年度小学英语测试的公平性情况。检测结果表明:共有10道题目存在性别DIF,其中6题有利于男生,4题有利于女生。总体上来看,测试工具对男女生是基本公平的。通过对性别DIF题目产生原因的探讨,为以后的命题提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

娄玉娟 《英语辅导》2002,(12):30-30
阅读提示:兔子最初并不豁嘴,只因为有一次高兴过了头.把嘴笑裂了.就变成了现在这样子。  相似文献   

The effects of test consequences, response formats (multiple choice or constructed response), gender, and ethnicity were studied for the math and science sections of a high school diploma endorsement test. There was an interaction between response format and test consequences: Under both response formats, students performed better under high stakes (diploma endorsement) than under low stakes (pilot test), but the difference was larger for the constructed response items. Gender and ethnicity did not interact with test stakes; the means of all groups increased when the test had high stakes. Gender interacted with format; boys scored higher than girls on multiple-choice items, girls scored higher than boys on constructed-response items.  相似文献   

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