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Forms M and L of The DUSO Affectivity Assessment Device were administered to 23 first-grade children. Alternate form reliability was significant at the .02 level of confidence. Forty-five first-grade children were administered Form L of The DUSO AAD and one week later the California Test of Personality. Concurrent validity correlations were significant for the total group and for subgroups differentiated by sex.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the utility of 52 items, selected from a readily available item pool developed for instructional purposes, when the items are used to measure critical thinking abilities of biology students. The items yield scores that have reasonable internal consistency reliability. Furthermore, analyses involving ACT, Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, and Group Embedded Figures Test scores also suggest that the critical thinking test items have good concurrent validity. Thus, the measure may be useful in both science instruction and future research regarding critical thinking phenomena.  相似文献   

The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) is a widely used measure of global self-esteem. Although its psychometric properties have found considerable support, its relationship to a multidimensional scale of self-concept has yet to be investigated. The sample for this study consisted of 150 adolescents randomly drawn in equal numbers and equated by gender from grades 8 to 12. Along with the RSE, Harter's Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents was administered to assess the adolescents' self-concept in nine separate domains. Correlational and cross-validation multiple regression analyses found that the RSE total score and both its factor scores were strongly related to Global Self-Worth, supporting Rosenberg's conclusions that his scale is a measure of global self-esteem and that its two identified factors are essentially measuring one rather than two different constructs. Other findings include a gender difference, with females reporting significantly lower RSE scores, and modest correlational support for a grade level rise found in the literature.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine the degree to which two measures of phonological awareness/ability (Test of Phonological Awareness; Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing) correlate with each other and with a measure of reading (Letter‐Word Identification), and to determine which of the individual measures of phonological ability best predict early reading skill in kindergarten children. With one exception, all correlations among measures of phonological awareness/ability were significant. In addition, all correlations among the phonological awareness measures and the reading measure were significant. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the combination of all predictor variables accounted for approximately 51% of the variability in scores on the Woodcock Letter‐Word Identification subtest. The Phonological Awareness and the Rapid Naming composites of the CTOPP were the best predictors of performance on the measures of word identification. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of the Learning Styles Questionnaire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reliability and predictive validity of a short form of Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire were examined. Students' learning preferences were measured by self-report ratings on their degree of likings for 19 teaching and learning activities commonly used in higher and professional education. Subjects were 381 second-year undergraduates enrolled in accountancy, engineering and communication programmes at the Hong Kong Polytechnic. The alpha coefficients for the four learning styles scales were quite low, ranging from 0.311 for the Pragmatist scale to 0.421 for the Reflector scale. Factor analysis of the items did not reveal any coherent factor structure congruent with the underlying constructs. However, significant though weak correlations were found between the learning styles scores and the learning preferences of the students as hypothesised.  相似文献   

英语口语考试的信度和效度受口试形式、评分标准和考官素质等多方面因素的影响。提高英语口试的效度和信度,需坚持英语口试形式与内容的统一,设计出科学、客观并具有可操作性的评分标准。高信度与效度的英语口语测试对教学具有积极的反拨作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the reliability and validity of a performance assessment designed to measure students' thinking and reasoning skills in mathematics. The QUASAR Cognitive Assessment Instrument (QCA1) was administered to over 1.700 sixth and seventh grade students of various ethnic backgrounds in six schools that are participating in the QUASAR project. The consistency of students' responses across tasks and the validity for inferences drawn from the scores on the assessment to the more broadly-defined construct domain were examined. The intertask consistency and the dimensionality of the assessment was assessed through the use of polychoric correlations and confirmatory factor analysis, and the generalizability of the derived scores was examined through the use of generalizability theory. The results from the confirmatory factor analysis indicate that a one-factor model fits the data for each of the four QCAI forms. The major findings from the generalizability studies (person x task and person x rater x task) indicate that, for each of the four forms, the person x task variance component accounts for the largest percentage of the total variability and the percentage of variance accounted for by the variance components that include the rater effect is negligible. The variance components that-include the rater effect were negligible. The generalizability and dependability coefficients for the person x task decision studies (nt, = 9) range from .71-.84. These results indicate that the use of nine tasks may not be adequate for generalizing to the larger domain of mathematics for individual student level scores. The QUASAR project, however, is interested in assessing mathematics achievement at the program level not the student level; therefore, these coefficients are not alarmingly low.  相似文献   

This paper compares the occupational codes on the Career Decision-Making System for people performing similar jobs in two countries. Codes for students in different college majors and vocational training programs are presented and are available for comparison with worker codes.  相似文献   


The Leadership Skills Inventory was designed to assist students at the upper‐elementary, secondary, and post‐secondary levels in analyzing the strength of their leadership skills. This study was a subsidiary analyses of the research of Edmunds & Yewchuk (1996) to examine the content, concurrent and construct validity of the LSI. The results of a critical semantic comparison indicate support for content validity. Concurrent validity was supported statistically significant positive correlations between the LSI and all other leadership indicators. Interestingly, all nine categories of the LSI had statistically significant positive correlations with each other. Factor analysis revealed that the LSI contained only one factor, not nine as the separate categories infer. This supports the construct validity of the LSI, but as having only one construct, not nine as the categories suggest. There appears to be merit in using the LSI as a leadership indicator. However, further research is needed to improve its psychometric qualities.  相似文献   


In this article my purpose has not been to indicate what kinds of things can and can't be assessed appropriately with tests. Rather, I have tried to illuminate how the key ideas of reliability and validity are used by test developers and what this means in practice — not least in terms of the decisions that are made about individual students on the basis of their test results. As I have stressed throughout this article, these limitations are not the fault of test developers. However inconvenient these limitations are for proponents of school testing, they are inherent in the nature of tests of academic achievement, and are as real as rocks. All users of the results of educational tests must understand what a limited technology this is.  相似文献   

This experimental project investigated the reliability and validity of rubrics in assessment of students’ written responses to a social science “writing prompt”. The participants were asked to grade one of the two samples of writing assuming it was written by a graduate student. In fact both samples were prepared by the authors. The first sample was well written in terms of sentence structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation; however, the author did not fully answer the question. The second sample fully answered each part of the question, but included multiple errors in structure, spelling, grammar and punctuation. In the first experiment, the first sample was assessed by participants once without a rubric and once with a rubric. In the second experiment, the second sample was assessed by participants once without a rubric and once with a rubric. The results showed that raters were significantly influenced by mechanical characteristics of students’ writing rather than the content even when they used a rubric. Study results also indicated that using rubrics may not improve the reliability or validity of assessment if raters are not well trained on how to design and employ them effectively.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of the WRAT were investigated with 191 Mexican-American children. Internal consistency reliability coefficients for the WRAT were found to be high and comparable to those reported in the WRAT manual. Correlations between the WRAT subtests and those of the MAT all were significant and suggested moderate to high relationship between these two measures. It was concluded that the WRAT meets minimum requirements of reliability and validity with Mexican-American children.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of a revised version of Finucci's (1982) Reading History Questionnaire was examined in two adult samples. One sample included 84 adults from an ongoing study of familial dyslexia, and a second sample was composed of parents of 107 children from a longitudinal study of reading development. Internal consistency was demonstrated by Cronbach's alphas of .94 and .92 in the two samples. Test-retest reliability was demonstrated by significant correlations (.87 and .84 in the two samples) over several years between an earlier and revised form of the questionnaire. Validity was demonstrated via (a) correlations between the questionnaire score and reading measures (rs = .57-.70), (b) the results of a discriminant function analysis that used questionnaire scores to predict reading disability diagnosis, and (c) the finding that the questionnaire had substantial incremental validity in predicting reading skill in a hierarchical regression analysis that first entered IQ and SES. These results indicated that the questionnaire is both reliable and valid.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Woodcock Word Comprehension Test and several measures of reading achievement and verbal intelligence. Subjects were 194 children who were tested in a University Reading Clinic. All were administered the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, the Slosson Oral Reading Test, an Informal Reading Inventory, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised, the Slosson Intelligence Test, and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Pearson product-moment correlations (r) were used to test the relationships. It appeared that the Woodcock Word Comprehension Test assesses reading ability more than general verbal ability.  相似文献   

Ten rhesus monkeys were trained on five tasks, each of which consisted of eight concurrently presented object discrimination problems. Sequences of presentation were devised to allow one, two, or three new tasks to intervene between acquisition and retention tests or to provide a 30-day period of no testing. Equivalent and proficient performances were obtained in all retention tests, and no relationship was observed between retention and the initial preference characteristics of various objects. Object pReferences did produce significant influences upon acquisition, but these effects were not as pronounced in early tasks as in later ones. An additional retention test provided support for the contention that monkeys do not necessarily process information about specific object pair discriminations. Rather, they appeared to retain a list of previously rewarded objects even when object pairings were different from those provided during acquisition. Concurrent discriminations involving many distinct objects were resistant to interference and independent of preference characteristics over long retention periods.  相似文献   

The performances of adult and aged macaque monkeys were compared on several tasks requiring acquisition and retention of concurrent object discriminations. Cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons between 11-year-old and over-20-year-old animals were conducted on the acquisition of several 16-problem concurrent tasks, and after 2 weeks, retention by the different age groups was also evaluated. Although the retention tests indicated no age-related impairment, acquisition tests showed that aged animals made reliably more errors-to-criterion than did adult animals. The relative contributions of intersession and intrasession improvement and preference phenomena were considered and contrasted to some previously reported age-specific outcomes. Although the present results affirmed the contention that old animals were selectively impaired on intersession task requirements, some earlier interpretations of preference effects were questioned. Old animals did not show a potentiation of specific object preferences; rather, they tended to be nonsystematic in maintaining their selection of initially preferred objects. Concurrent discrimination was indicated to be a behavioral measure that is, under appropriate circumstances, selectively sensitive to aging and may offer an appropriate comparative model of information-processing characteristics.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of a Turkish version of the Distance Education Learning Environment Survey (DELES) in post-secondary distance education. The second aim was to investigate empirically the conceptualisation of the distance education learning environment as a singular latent construct, within a second-order factorial structure that consists of six first-order factors. The DELES is a 34-item instrument for assessing social-psychological perceptions among distance education students. The tested hypotheses concerned key antecedents and consequences of the factorial structure of DELES in the Turkish context using confirmatory factor analyses. Principal component analysis of the Turkish data revealed six main factors of interest, which corresponded to the hypothesised constructs in the original DELES. The data suggested good reliability and validity for the Turkish DELES (DELES-TR) relative to the original version. Further, second-order analyses were conducted with two complementary samples to demonstrate the validity of six dimensions of the DELES-TR and their contributions to an overall factorial structure of social-psychological learning environment in distance education. Initial support for the second-order factorial validity of DELES-TR was found. Results indicate that a dimensional model of DELES-TR with the six first-order factors provided a superior fit to the data than first-order DELES-TR with six factors. Additionally, an investigation was conducted regarding associations between the DELES-TR’s psychosocial scales and a student satisfaction scale. This study is unique in its focus on the learning environment in distance education in the Turkish setting.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of scores from six early literacy probes developed for use with preschool‐age children. The literacy probes were administered to 84 preschoolers at three time points over a 6‐month period. Also, a criterion measure of early literacy skills was administered to a subset of students. Results indicated that the probes demonstrate adequate reliability for screening decisions, moderate to strong concurrent relationships with a criterion measure, and developmentally appropriate changes in children's early literacy skills over time. These results add to the growing body of evidence supporting the technical adequacy of general outcome measurement for use in monitoring the progress of preschoolers' academic skill development. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, the purpose was to develop a student engagement scale for higher education. The participants were 805 students. In the process of developing the item pool regarding the scale, related literature was examined in detail and interviews were held. Six factors – valuing, sense of belonging, cognitive engagement, peer relationships (emotional engagement-I), relationships with faculty members (emotional engagement-II) and behavioural engagement within the scope of the components of campus engagement and class engagement – made up of 41 items were identified. The total variance explained was 59%. A higher student engagement score was regarded as an indicator that the student had a high level of engagement with the university, campus and class, while a lower score demonstrated that the student’s engagement with the campus and class was weak or that disengagement could occur.  相似文献   

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