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对中国近代小说期刊,特别是小说期刊与其出版机构之间关系的研究一直是一个薄弱环节,本文通过深入发掘有关资料,对《月月小说》的创办历史及其与乐群书局、群学社的关系做了比较细致的描述。  相似文献   

提起尔雅出版社,大陆的台湾文学研究者都不会感到陌生,研究理论与批评的不会不知道它出版的《龙应台评小说》,也不会不注意到它出版的年度文学批评选;研究小说的不可能没看过它的年度短篇小说选及现代小说选,近代小说选和十余种的《尔雅极短篇》;研究诗歌的也都欣赏它出版的年度诗  相似文献   

对中国近代小说期刊,特别是小说期刊与其出版机构之间关系的研究一直是一个薄弱环节,本文通过深入发掘有关资料,对《月月小说》的创办历史及其与乐群书局、群学社的关系做了比较细致的描述。  相似文献   

晚清时期是小说出版的繁盛时期,在中国出版史上占有重要地位.据陈大康<中国近代小说编年>一书统计.  相似文献   

李进 《北京档案》2023,(1):53-55
出现于晚清时期的《图画日报》,作为近代中国第一份日刊画报,其出版发行呈现出图文并茂、时事性与通俗性并存、出版数量与栏目众多、经营模式先进等特点。《图画日报》的出版,不仅开创了近代中国日刊画报之先河,培养了早期画报出版人才,推动了中国出版事业的发展与繁荣,而且刊载内容丰富,为研究晚清社会提供了珍贵的文献资料。  相似文献   

在19世纪初洋务运动的影响下,以梁启超为代表的近代政治改革家看到了西方文学作品对启迪民智的作用。因此,他们在创办的各类文学刊物上开辟了大量的翻译专栏,重点译介英美各国的进步文学作品,为近代中国社会引进了一批英美小说佳作,推动了近代中国本土小说创作的发展。  相似文献   

清末民初,中国音乐文化传播的方式很少,音乐读物的出版成为推进中国近代音乐文化发展和音乐教育发展的重要途径。在近代西艺东渐的过程中,归国留学生与在中国出现的基督教青年会作为主要社会力量,编纂出版了数量颇多的新兴音乐读物,开启了中国近代音乐读物的出版,推动了中国音乐教育的进步与音乐文化的发展。一、归国留学生与新兴音乐出版物的早期出现  相似文献   

香港小说百年出版史,在不同时期表现出不同的特色。小说出版曾是文化帝国主义的有效手段,但文化殖民很难抹去香港的中国文化记忆;左翼文学在香港的小说出版和创作,对香港小说的发展起到了正面牵引作用;新时期的香港小说出版出现了商业化、通俗化、本地化特色;回归前后,香港小说出版的"家国意识"增强,逐渐呈现出多元化的出版趋势。  相似文献   

作为我国近代社会法制建设的重大历史事件,清末新闻立法在我国历史上首次以法律的形式赋予国民言论自由和出版自由的权利,直接推动了报刊信息传播媒体的生成与发展,并成为推动中国近代社会变革的重要力量。  相似文献   

在相当长的时期内,洋务运动及其历史和文化地位没能得到客观公正评价.特别是对其开窗启智的翻译出版活动,在中国近代史、文化史、出版史上的地位和作用,更是认知不足.作为洋务运动的重要组成部分,其翻译出版活动上承教会出版阶段,下启民营出版阶段,有力地推动了我国出版近代化的进程,培养了一大批杰出的翻译出版人才,并为近代出版创规立制,对于处于转型时期的中国出版有着独特的作用.  相似文献   

The present study estimates demand functions for novels released as books and pocket-sized paperbacks to examine factors affecting demand by format. The results show that the effects on the number of copies sold of an author’s celebrity, tie-in with a movie or television program, and literary awards differ statistically between the two formats. In addition, the findings show that demand for book and pocket-sized paperback novels is price elastic, imply that there is room for reviewing the Japanese fixed-price system. Furthermore, electronic publishing reduces printed novel sales, although the ratio of novels accessible as e-books to printed novels is relatively low in Japan.  相似文献   

The design is explained of a survey of the holdings of 30 first novels from 1979 in 100 medium-- and large-size academic libraries. First novels are discussed as a literary phenomenon and as an object of collection development. The survey findings are then presented and analyzed, with particular emphasis on the acquisitions budget and selection procedures. One major finding: few first novels are held other than those having advance publicity or honors. A discussion follows of whether the relationship between first novels and academic libraries is neglected, and why, and a rationale is given for paying greater attention to first novel acquisition.  相似文献   

小说形式与政治二者之间的关系,常被人们简单地看成相互对立、水火不容,但是《政治变革与小说形式的演进》这部著作却慧眼独具,发现二者之间更为复杂的、隐蔽的关系。这部著作主要研究了卡尔维诺、昆德拉以及三位拉丁美洲作家(博尔赫斯、科塔萨尔和马尔克斯)的小说创作,在深入分析小说文本的基础上,著者指出在他们小说形式探索的背后,恰恰都充满着强烈的哲学的、政治的思考。  相似文献   

基于iResearch、Alexa、Google Ad Planner、Google Trends for Websites等国内外知名网站流量统计工具,针对网络小说网站的流量、点击量及用户使用情况进行查询分析发现,排名前5位的文学网站分别为起点中文网、快眼看书、晋江原创网、搜读网及纵横中文网。卓越网、当当网两个国内知名图书销售网站的小说销售排行榜显示,网络小说在实际销售中所占的比例较高,发展潜力巨大,其中悬疑探险类、言情类小说是现今网络读者喜爱的类型,有很大的市场需求。  相似文献   

Although the use of profanity has been examined in a number of types of media, to our knowledge profanity has not been examined in adolescent literature. Thus, the frequency and portrayal of profanity was coded in 40 bestselling adolescent novels. Results revealed that some novels did not contain a single instance of profanity, whereas others contained hundreds of often very strong profanity. When profanity was used, characters were likely to be young, rich, attractive, and of pronounced social status. Novels directed at older adolescents contained much more profanity. However, age guidance or content warnings are not found on the books themselves. Discussion is provided regarding the implications of the findings and the appropriateness of including content warnings in adolescent literature.  相似文献   

许海良 《大观周刊》2012,(8):159-161
曹文轩先生的小说创作,是一个时代的新成就。他以“理性的现代主义”和审美情趣的“古典主义”为原则,通过一系列艺术形象,解读人间真美,讴歌至善至纯的人性,重新审视人生的幸福观与价值观,对生命存在的意义作了深度的思考。其散文化的艺术风格和真挚的悲悯情怀,成为小说形象美最为动人的内核。其现实的意义还在于填补文学发展“异样”的空白,为现代文明中“焦灼不安”的灵魂引领生存方式和生活意义的航向。  相似文献   

Ten years ago, this journal published an article comparing the collection rates of Japanese manga in English translation and American graphic novels (“American” defined as graphic novels published in North America and originally written in English) in 44 American academic libraries in 2007 and 2008 (Masuchika & Boldt, 2010). The results showed that American graphic novels were being added to American academic libraries at a faster pace than translated Japanese manga. With the growing popularity of both manga and graphic novels, it was time to revisit this phenomenon and see if any changes had occurred in collection rates within the last ten years. This study revealed that while graphic novels were being added at a significantly faster pace, manga showed no increase in the rates they were being added ten years ago.  相似文献   

清代是我国私家藏书业的鼎盛时期.其时藏书家人数众多,分布地域广;其藏书丰富,收书质量高;藏书家中多学问家,学术贡献大;他们还编刊图书、流布典籍、传播学术,并对近代新式图书馆的诞生作出了突出贡献.清代私家藏书目录数量多、品类全,其发展催生了版本目录学,并把题跋目录、专科目录推向了成熟阶段.  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

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