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Training designed to enhance facilitative communication between teachers and students is becoming an increasingly important element of teacher training programs. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of facilitative communication training on the quality of teacher response to various student problems and to the accompanying emotional states of anger, joy, or depression. The subjects consisted of 64 undergraduate teacher education majors who responded in writing to 15 audiotaped stimulus vignettes. A 5×3×2 repeated measures analysis of variance was used to measure the effects of problem situation, emotional state, and training on empathic understanding. The results indicated significant differences between trained and untrained groups, as well as differences in quality of response due to emotion, with joy eliciting greater empathy than depression or anger. Significant interactions among the variables also were obtained. Implications are discussed in terms of human relations training for teachers.  相似文献   

In the face of shrinking government budgets and a growing need to train a high-skilled labor force, policymakers have become increasingly interested in cost-effective measures that induce more students to apply to and enroll in college. In this paper, we use a regression discontinuity design to identify the causal effect of students receiving information about their own college-readiness after taking the ACT on their subsequent college enrollment decisions. Using data from Colorado, where all high school students are required to take the ACT, we find that students who receive information that they are college-ready are no more likely to attend college than those that do not receive this information. We discuss possible reasons for these findings.  相似文献   

Changes in the full scale reliability of the WISC-R were computed at three age levels when each subtest was omitted by itself. Reliability was then determined when combinations of the two to five subtests which independently lowered the full scale reliability the most were omitted. The same procedure was followed with those subtests which independently had the smallest effect in lowering full scale reliability. The deletion of any one subtest had a negligible effect on reliability. Only when the combination of the five subtests having the greatest independent effect on full scale reliability was omitted did the reliability drop below.90. Cautions were rioted concerning the exclusion of sub-tests even when reliability remains acceptably high.  相似文献   

Though rereading is a study method commonly used by students, theoretical disagreement exists regarding whether rereading a text significantly enhances the representation and retention of the text’s contents. In four experiments, we evaluated the effectiveness of rereading relative to a single reading in a context paralleling that faced by students in the classroom. Participants read educational texts (textbook chapters or a Scientific American article) under intentional learning instructions. Learning and memory were tested with educationally relevant summative assessments (multiple choice, short-answer questions, and text summaries). With only several exceptions, rereading did not significantly increase performance on the assessments. We also found that reading comprehension ability did not alter this pattern. It appears that when using ecologically valid materials such as a textbook chapter, immediate rereading may have little or no benefit for improving performance on educationally relevant summative assessments.  相似文献   

法律与实务,为上层建筑与经济基础之关系,法律促进司法实务高效便捷,经济发展敦促立法者改进法律细则。《公司法》股权转让引入善意取得制度引发诸多不公,因而"参照"物权法第106条适用时更应合理考虑个案特殊性。  相似文献   

通过图的连通包集和连通包数的定义,得到了6类常见连通图(路、圈、树、完全二部图、轮图、蛛网图)的连通包数,并确定了Petersen图的连通包数。  相似文献   

本文论述了:密勒扫描电路的极限状态和特征状态是其两种特定的工作状态;极限参数是描述扫描电路自身能力的参数;极限参数和特征参数虽然在数值上很接近,但是不同意义的状态下的参数.  相似文献   

有限责任公司股权非协议转让与股权协议转让不同,是非基于股东之间的合意或公司股东与第三人间的合意而进行的股权转让,一般是由于法律的直接规定产生,主要包括因婚姻关系的变动引起的股权转让,因遗产继承引起的股权转让,人民法院依照强制执行程序发生的股权转让和异议股东股权回购。股权的非协议转让是我国《公司法》中的薄弱环节,关于这方面的设定,《公司法》少有涉及。因此,实践中关于此类问题的处理也难免出现些问题。随着市场经济的发展,市场经济主体愈加活跃,新鲜的问题也层出不穷。我们应当树立问题意识,认真研究关于股权非协议转让的有关内容,对其进行完善,并在《公司法》中进行必要的规定和限制。  相似文献   

在汛期模糊分期的基础上,依据汛期分期模糊隶属度,确定大伙房水库汛期各天的汛限水位,并将之与实际防洪限制水位对比分析。结果表明,基于模糊集合理论确定的汛限水位在不增加防洪风险的前提下能提高水资源利用率,增强汛限水位动态控制的可操作性。  相似文献   

根据声信号非平稳这一特点,对传统特征提取的方法进行改进,提出一种基于区间小波包分解和频带局部能量法相结合特征提取法,经实践证明,基于频带局部能量区间小波包特征提取法与传统小波包特征提取法相比,能够更有效地提取发动机的故障信息.  相似文献   

社会转型期高等学校有限经营制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出社会转型期高等学校有限经营制度问题.社会转型期高等学校有限经营制度具有一般经营活动性质;采用非营利性机构的经济效益目标;实行"第三种形态"的资源配置方式,是在一定范围内部分引入市场机制配置教育资源以提高办学效益的行为规范.  相似文献   

作为调解制度基本类型之一的诉讼调解被广泛适用于我国民事诉讼、刑事自诉及附带民事诉讼、行政赔偿诉讼中。我国成文法原则上否定了行政诉讼适用诉讼调解的可行性和合法性,但在司法实践中,以协调为手段,以和解为目的的行政诉讼"和解"或"协调和解"开始出现并得以广泛应用。将无法律规制的协调和解机制转化为法律制度框架下的行政诉讼调解,才真正符合现代民主法治的要求。  相似文献   

有限公司的注册资本制度是弥补股东有限责任缺陷,保护债权人和其他利害关系人利益的重要制度,也是公司法的一个重要制度。本文从有限公司注册资本的概念、分类、法理基础入手,着重介绍了我国有限公司的注册资本制度的立法依据及其存在的问题,在分析我国社会和制度环境的基础上提出了完善我国注册资本制度的措施。  相似文献   

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