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《新闻采访学》作为新闻学专业的核心主干课程,对学生新闻采访能力的培养具有非常重要的作用。该课程突出的实践性,使得体验式教学法比传统教学方法更能有效地将学生学到的知识转化为能力。详细阐述了《新闻采访学》体验式教学的必要性和具体操作策略。  相似文献   

近年来,体验式采访以其生动活泼、贴近群众的报道形式,越来越受到记者们的垂青,其较强的现场感和揭秘性,也受到了不少受众的喜爱和推崇,自然也成为一些媒体经常运用的采访方式。  相似文献   

周文 《学周刊C版》2019,(3):11-12
作为新闻学专业的核心主干课程,《新闻采访学》教学重在培养、训练学生的专业技能与创造能力。与传统的课堂教学方法不同的是,体验式教学法更能有效地培养学生的新闻采访实战能力。本文以符合自身情况的教学新思路和新方法为例,构建适合新闻本科教学的新闻采访学教学实践体系。  相似文献   

采访技巧是记者在新闻采访过程中经常运用的访问技巧和访问艺术,它是记者获取新闻素材、了解事实真相的重要方法.记者采访时常用和需要掌握的采访技巧包括:采访前要做足准备工作;采访时应注意提问的技巧;要善于观察和倾听;当被采访人缺席时,可以通过大量采访周边的人获得有价值的新闻信息.技巧无定式,需要记者在长期学习和“三深”、“三贴近”中不断积累,掌握多种采访技巧,并逐渐形成自己的采访风格.  相似文献   

张娜 《华章》2013,(12)
随着新闻战线“走基层、转作风、改文风”活动的开展,深入基层,贴近群众,多与群众沟通成为新闻采访记者必须具备的能力之一,其中,与群众灵活运用口语化交流尤为重要.本文试从正确掌握语言符号和如何运用口语两方面进行浅论,结合采访实际情况,构建记者与采访对象良好互动,提高采访效果.  相似文献   

用贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众的“三贴近”要求指导记者的新闻采访工作,既是临沧日报社贯彻落实市委“解放思想,为民办报”要求的具体体现,也是新闻工作者转变作风、转变文风,进一步提高新闻报道质量,提高舆论引导和服务水平的重要保障。  相似文献   

从某种意义上来说,没有采访便没有新闻.校报新闻虽不同于一般商业性报纸的新闻,但就采访而言,其目的和手段都是相同的,同样是一门思想性、实践性很强的综合艺术.它的思想性体现在校报记者和通讯员要有一个正确的思想方法,有辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点,有实事求是的工作作风和深入调查研究的吃苦耐劳的精神;它的实践性体现在它只有在实践中不断地反复地训练才能真正学到;它的综合性体现在它不但要掌握好采访本身的知识和技巧,同时还要掌握好它与有关方面的知识,如新闻采访与心理学、新闻采访与美学、新闻采访与法学、新闻采访与公共关系学等等,总之,掌握的知识越多越好.一切优秀的新闻写作都是以成功的新闻采访为基础的,而促使新闻采访的成功的因素也是各种各样,就校报工作而言,大致有如下几点:  相似文献   

体验式隐性采访以其真实性、生动性等特点成为时下新闻采访中最常用的方式之一,同时其现场的真实记录又充分发挥了新闻媒体的舆论监督功能.但因其没有法律地位,所以在选题、制作时都要运用好技巧,把握好尺度.本文在这方面结合自己的实践进行了有益的探讨.  相似文献   

采访是新闻工作为新闻报道而进行的了解客观情况的活动,是各类新闻工作中最基本、最重要、最经常的业务活动之一,在整个新闻业务活动中占据着重要地位。校报的新闻采访不仅需遵循新闻采访的采访原则,而且还有着它自身的特点和规律。本从新闻采访与写作入手,着重阐明了新闻采访与写作中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的迅速发展,百姓对新闻报道的要求也越来越高,这就需要广大新闻工作者,努力把新闻工作的坐标定在基层,采写大量真实可信的新闻,不断壮大主流思想舆论。新闻记者也只有扑下身子,深入基层"接地气",经常到群众中间,到基层一线采访,才能真正了解民之所思,民之所想,民之所盼,使新闻宣传工作更加贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,增强在实践中为百姓服务的能力。  相似文献   

针对新闻采访写作课程在传统教学中存在的弊端,提出了以网络"威客"为平台,采取体验式课堂、模拟新闻发布会、新闻现场教学以及"SKIP"教学思路,分析并论述了运用这种教学方法在教学过程中的实现思路和实施过程。同时,建立了以英雄联盟游戏规则积分制上课的考核评价标准。教学实践表明,该教学方法极大地提高了学生的学习兴趣,学生的自主学习能力,采、编、写、播的专业能力有了很大的提升。  相似文献   

This study examines the degree of active learning, participation and engagement of civic, social and political education (CSPE) pupils through an analysis of interview and focus group data, supplemented with key findings from a survey undertaken with CSPE pupils. The study focuses on pupils’ views of the status of CSPE, their experience of active learning, or its absence, and the benefits pupils derived from active/experiential learning. These findings are presented in terms of gender and school-level differences and are analysed within an appropriate participation framework.

The importance of citizenship education is conceptualised through a review of participation theory and the rationale for engaging pupils in active/experiential learning. It is argued that whilst it is important to engage young people in this type of learning, it can only be achieved if teachers believe in it and are willing to give pupils the appropriate autonomy needed to succeed. Examining pupil accounts of CSPE and active learning reveals there is a disparity in perspective between pupils who, in some schools, have benefited greatly from CSPE (through increased confidence and skills development) and those in other schools, where some pupils appear to have subverted active learning and have benefited little.  相似文献   

The article continues a critical discussion of phenomenography by raising some issues on the status of interview data in such research. It is argued that it is doubtful if and in what sense the interview data generated in much of the empirical work within this tradition can be assumed to refer to “ways of experiencing”, the core object of research in phenomenography. In general, it would seem that the data must be understood as indicative of accounting practices — ways of talking and reasoning — that interviewees, for one reason or another, find appropriate when being asked questions. Very little, if anything, is gained in analytical terms by an initial commitment to a position in which the researcher connects utterances to experiences rather than to discourse, since the latter is what is in fact analyzed. It is also argued that in some important respects discursive practices must be seen as preceding experience, and that experiential accounts given by individuals are grounded in discursive patterns.  相似文献   

Neophyte counselors trained in the use of their own imagery to practice counseling interviews were compared with a similar group not receiving the training. The mental practice was hypothesized to have experiential value for neophyte counselors resulting in positive effects upon selected behaviors commonly found with counseling experience. Results indicated that the ability to discriminate differing levels of empathic responses, the ability to evaluate accurately one's own performance, and the amount of preinterview confidence were significantly higher for the mental practice group. However, the communication of empathy and the subjective evaluations of the counselors during the interview did not prove significantly higher. This article discusses the potential value of mental practice as a supplementary experiential training technique and some considerations for its use and further study.  相似文献   

体验式教学有多种具体方案,如角色扮演、案例分析、调查访谈、辩论交流、团体活动等等,其关键点是"创设情境、行为体验"。  相似文献   

体验式英语教学是基于建构主义理论的一种创新教学模式。通过问卷、访谈调查体验式教学在高职英语教学中的成效,并与传统英语教学对比研究,结果表明:体验式教学有助于激发高职学生的英语学习兴趣。增强学生的团队合作与课后反思能力,提高学生的英语综合运用能力。  相似文献   

社区教育的发展告诉我们,社区教育的活力在于学习方式的不断变革和创新。近年来,体验学习方式在社区教育的尝试和应用,引发了我们对社区教育方式的新思考。体验学习方式坚持以学习者为中心,强调学习过程的反思性、开放性和合作性,对于改进社区教育方式具有积极意义。因此,把体验学习方式应用于社区教育,有助于进一步体现社区教育的取向、提升社区教育的品质、激发社区教育的活力、完善社区教育的载体。为此,我们需要用体验学习的理念指导社区教育工作,开展多维度的体验学习方式实践,探索基于网络环境的互动体验方式、基于实践基地的社会体验方式以及基于实训基地的培训体验方式,从而寻求社区教育的新途径和新方法。  相似文献   

体验式教学的认识论基础及应用探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于传统的传输式教学模式无法获得良好的教学效果,自David Kolb提出体验学习理论以来,如何将这一理论应用于教学实践就成为教学理论研究的热点。作为体验学习理论的重要应用,体验式教学有其深刻的认识论基础,但在教学实践应用中,体验式教学面临着课堂引导和控制要求高、硬件条件不足和教师工作量偏大等难点。因此,为了更好地实施体验式教学,教师在实际教学中应该灵活采取多种体验式教学模式、精心设计体验式教学的各个环节并建立新的教学评价模式。  相似文献   

该文以深圳技术大学教学改革“观展体验与赏析”课程为基础,通过问卷调查和深度访谈的研究方法,分析和总结这一教学改革的效果与意义,探究线下体验式课堂对于学生创造力的培养及自我感知、推衍、决断能力的影响,为日后课程改革方法及形成更具效果的教学体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Chou  Meng-Hsuan 《Higher Education》2021,82(4):749-764

This article seeks to contribute to the existing scholarship on academic mobility in two ways. First, it brings together insights on academic mobility (aspirations, desperations) and higher education internationalisation to show how we may analytically organise these insights to shed light on the shifting global higher education landscape from an experiential perspective. Second, it provides fresh data on the ‘lived experiences’ of mobile faculty members based in an attractive academic destination outside of the traditional knowledge cores—Singapore. As a city state without any natural resources, Singapore has successfully transformed its economy into one that is knowledge-intensive based on combined efforts from grooming locals to recruiting foreign talents to shore up skilled manpower needs. These efforts are reflected in the university sector where Singapore’s comprehensive universities have consistently ranked high across many global university rankings. Using survey and interview data, I show how the mobility and immobility experiences of faculty based in Singapore have contributed to its making as a ‘sticky’ and ‘slippery’ academic destination. My contributions point to the need to integrate individual-level factors underpinning academic mobility decisions with systemic developments to better understand the changing global higher education landscape today.


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