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我国体育赞助市场存在赞助商相对较少,且急功近利,缺乏长远眼光;赞助市场波动性较大;赞助缺乏针对性等问题,导致上述问题的原因主要是赞助商对赞助缺乏认识;体育组织部门缺乏营销理念;体育经纪人缺乏及赞助法规不完善等.  相似文献   

龚清平 《教育文汇》2011,(10):20-20
教师业绩考核实行“一票否决”,乍一看,会认为是学校管理缺乏人性,随意性太大了;缺乏民主性,是一言堂;缺乏全面性,只有应试教育。  相似文献   

谈无斥责教育湖北张光富,曹功俊斥责教育的特声、是教育中缺乏对被教育者的尊重,缺乏民主,缺乏内心情感的交流,缺乏对学生科学的具体的指导,缺乏对学生肯定的鼓励,缺乏对学生的爱;在语言中习惯使用训斥、指责、讥讽以至威胁;在体态语言上表现为冷漠、严厉、盛气凌...  相似文献   

自2017年中宣部、教育部等四部委联合出台《关于戏曲进校园的实施意见》以来,戏曲进校园工作在全国各地蓬勃开展,从目前的发展状况来看“戏曲进校园”在中小学的实践中遇到一定的瓶颈:没有形成持续驱动力,缺乏长效机制;没有形成环境影响力,缺乏环境氛围;没有形成系统的戏曲课程,缺乏教学方式创新;没有激活地域戏曲文化资源,缺乏师资力量;没有融入信息化戏曲网络建设,缺乏专业化平台。为此中小学“戏曲进校园”实践策略是:建立“戏曲进校园”的长效机制;打造戏曲传承的特色校园文化氛围;优化戏曲体验式教学方式;挖掘地域戏曲文化资源和人力资源;积极打造“互联网+”教育平台。  相似文献   

我校是一所青年教师占65%的市级三A学校。因此,要实施素质教育,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,建设一支高素质的青年教师队伍就显得极为重要了。  青年教师年富力强,是21世纪教育的希望。青年教师文化素质较高,但缺乏扎实的马克思主义的理论功底;专业水平较高,但缺乏实践经验;精力旺盛,思路敏捷,但缺乏艰苦环境中的磨练;开拓进取,勇于创新,但缺乏科研理论指导;争强好胜,充满信心,但缺乏吃苦耐劳精神。因此,我们必须结合青年教师的心理特点,有的放矢地做好思想政治工作,努力建设一支高素质的教师队伍。  一、引导青…  相似文献   

分析皖南古村落旅游国际化的发展优势,指出其国际化水平不高的主要原因是旅游产品单一,缺乏吸引性;市场营销薄弱,缺乏进取性;村落管理不当,缺乏有效性。要加快旅游国际化的步伐,就应该强化“微文化”旅游主题,还要根据细分市场需求,完善旅游产品开发;依照国际化趋势,加强市场营销的力度;按照国际化标准,提高古村落的管理水平与服务水平。  相似文献   

在近代中国,专业性墟市的出现是一种普遍现象,而广西却始终缺乏矿产的专业性墟市。究其原因主要是由于统治者对矿业实行严厉的盘剥和控制政策;广西工业落后,对矿产缺乏需求;香港市场对广西矿产有巨大的吸引力;外籍商人的经营活动不以广西为中心;矿区远离城镇,限制了专业性墟市的形成。由于缺乏矿产的专业墟市,造成广西近代商业结构不完整,便利了外商对矿产资源的掠夺和破坏,加重了矿商的负担。  相似文献   

试论白里安欧洲联合思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白里安欧洲联合思想是在一战后联合呼声日趋高涨之际形成的。其主要内容是主张法德和解;建立一个欧洲联盟;从经济优先到政治优先实现联合。白里安欧洲联合方案失败的原因在于,一是各国缺乏共同的政治意愿;二是缺乏联合的经济基础;三是方案本身的缺陷和缺乏一批具有决策力与操作力的领袖人物。  相似文献   

我国旅行社品牌创建之理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国旅游业的全面开放,旅行社品牌创建已显得刻不容缓。近几年,学术界从诸多方面对旅行社品牌创建做了许多阐述,但普遍存在三个问题:一是缺乏对品牌创建过程中相关概念的明确界定;二是缺乏对品牌创建过程的结构层次分析;三是缺乏对旅行社品牌创建动态过程的描述,从而导致理论阐述缺乏一定的实操性。文章在明晰概念的基础上,提出了旅行社品牌创建的分层梯级结构循环模式。  相似文献   

近年来,我国中小学的危机事件发生率有上升的趋势,其原因是:在观念上,学校领尊重救轻防,被动应付;在管理上,各部门之间缺乏协作与配合;在资源上,与外部沟通不畅,社区资源利用夏够;在措施上,缺乏操作性强的应急预案等。为进行有效的危机管理,本文提出建议:提高危机意识;制定可操作的危机预案;充分利用外部资源。  相似文献   

乐伟国 《双语学习》2013,(3):F0004-F0004
美国(America)是一个重要的英语国家(English—spokencountry),那边的习俗与我们有着很大的差异。现在就来聊聊有关“厕所”的相关信息吧,说不定哪一天你们就会用上呢!  相似文献   


MOOCs for learning the basics of programming have become popular among people with a diverse range of backgrounds, interests and learning contexts. Studies show that learners who enrol in MOOCs tend to have different motivation from learners in traditional courses, but it is not known how motivation differs for people with different backgrounds. This study aims to describe how the motivational factors behind enrolment in programming MOOCs relate to learners’ characteristics. The data were gathered in the spring of 2017 with a motivation scale (FIEM) from 1,536 participants of the MOOC ‘About Programming’. Using comparative analysis, differences in motivational factors between groups by gender, employment status and previous experiences in programming were found. Correlational analysis revealed that educational level, age and self-evaluated probability of completing the MOOC were also related to motivational factors. Different people are motivated by different factors, indicating that this knowledge could be used to design interesting and motivating programming MOOCs, which are relevant to learners with various backgrounds.  相似文献   

Paul Willis 《Interchange》1981,12(2-3):48-67
Cultural patterns and activities and attitudes are developed in precise conjunction with real exigencies, and are produced and reproduced in each generation for its own good reasons. Patterns of the development of labour power for a specific kind of application to industry must in every generation be achieved, developed, and worked for in struggle and contestation. If certain obvious features of this continuous reproduction and ever freshly struck settlement show a degree of visible continuity over time this should not lead us to construct iron laws and dynamics of socialization from this mere succession of like things.Learning to Labour (p. 183)  相似文献   

陈宇鹏  Ella 《高中生》2012,(1):60-61
明天是什么样的?我不知道,这是一个未知的数据。明天的我又会是怎样的呢?是名人,还是一个普通人?我也不知道,但我可以想象……  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和科学技术的不断进步,现代教学理论得到迅猛地发展。教学内容、目标也会出现许多新问题和新情况,这是不以人的意志为转移的客观存在。面对变化教学方法也要不断发展和变化,这就决定了教学方法的采用同样也是一个非常复杂的系统工程。这就要求教学方法必须根据教学内容的实际情况有的放矢的加以应用。同时在公安教学过程中不应过分强调教师的主导作用,而忽视学生学习的主动性;注重知识的传授的同时更加注重能力的培养。  相似文献   


Independence is a concept of scholarly interest in relation to higher education, especially when it comes to undergraduate projects. At the same time independence is characterised by a certain conceptual ambiguity, and, consequently, tends to be understood differently in different academic contexts, both nationally, internationally and interdisciplinary. Based on the existing research in the field, we see a need for more studies on how supervisors of undergraduate projects handle this conceptual ambiguity. The aim of this article is, thus, to examine how supervisors from two different education programmes, teacher education and journalism, in two different countries, Sweden and Russia, understand the concept of independence within higher education in connection with the supervision of undergraduate projects. The analysis is based on 12 focus-group interviews with supervisors at different universities in the two countries. In our results, we highlight and discuss seven different understandings of independence that were recurrent in our material and in which phases of the undergraduate project they were seen as most significant. Using Wittgenstein’s ideas on family resemblances, we conclude with a discussion of how the concept independence may be understood in relation to some associated concepts that are also significant within higher education.  相似文献   

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