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Virtually all of us believe in the great importance of physics in engineering curricula and have fought for years to develop a strong and modern physical basis for instruction in engineering. From our observations, the basic question is no longer seriously disputed; the idea is generally accepted and only the details of local implementation seem to remain. If this is so, why does discussion continue on what should be a dead issue? Why do we continue to beat an academic "dead horse?" In searching for the answer, we have come to some disturbing conclusions which, theoretically, place the entire issue in a different perspective, establishing new directions in electrical engineering education.  相似文献   

The modification of the various engineering curricula to permit adequate preparation of students in a four-year program for careers in a rapidly changing technology of ever increasing complexity is one of the chief concerns of the engineering educator. It is generally felt that a more scientifically oriented curriculum than has been customary in the past will provide a more efficient and more effective undergraduate program. The actual realization of increased efficiency and effectiveness requires a great deal of careful thought and some bold experimentation with curricula. Some considerations in this connection are set forth. In particular, it is held that unification of subject matter, whenever possible, is of primary importance in realizing greater efficiency and effectiveness, and means whereby the scientific bases for engineering may be employed to achieve unity are suggested. In this connection certain tasks that belong uniquely to the teacher are pointed out..  相似文献   

The technological advances which have occurred in recent years have forced tertiary engineering institutions to search for more advanced and efficient teaching methods. More undergraduate curricula now include the use of computers in teaching programmes, not only for complex computations and computer simulation, but also as an important vehicle for the delivery of teaching material and instructions. This paper gives a comprehensive overview of the variety of research and developmental activities for computer-based education which is carried out in the School of Electrical Engineering at The University of Sydney. The paper endeavours to demonstrate a complex approach to the application of computers in teaching electrical engineering. Particular emphasis is placed on the research and development of computer-based training programmes for undergraduate students, discussing some issues relevant to this important topic.  相似文献   

为了顺应国际教育与科技的发展趋势,培养高素质的工程技术人才,我校电气工程及其自动化专业以工程应用创新能力培养为主线,提出了面向工程教育认证人才的培养原则,同时依据工程教育认证标准对专业知识点的要求,制定相应的培养目标,改革教学方法、教学手段及考核方式,并对教学活动实施持续有效的改革。  相似文献   

为提高电气工程专业学生的动手实践能力,特为该专业三年级本科生开设了"基于LabVIEW的虚拟仪器设计与实现"课程,安排了包括LabVIEW理论知识讲授、算法测验、选题、虚拟仪器设计与实现,以及交流总结会5个教学环节。课程要求学生在两星期内学会使用LabVIEW构建出虚拟仪器,以解决一两个实际测量问题。多轮次的教学实践表明,通过本课程学习,学生自主学习兴趣、动手实践能力均有了明显提高;初步建立了数值仿真和计算机化测量的概念,并理解两者的区别;而且学生们有意识地对自己的工作进行自我评价,并掌握评价方法。  相似文献   

文章以兰州理工大学电气工程及其自动化专业为研究对象,针对学生在毕业实习过程中存在的诸多问题,重点分析了人数过于集中、实习日程冲突、动手机会少和学生重视程度不够等突出问题的根本原因,在配合以产出为导向的工程教育专业认证核心理念基础上,提出了通过分流、日程错位、建立专项训练场地和思想引导的改革措施解决实习中的突出问题,最终达到了提高本专业毕业实习质量的目的。  相似文献   

根据工程教育专业认证对毕业设计的要求,本文分析了毕业设计的现状和存在问题,从认证的内容和要求出发对毕业设计进行创新研究,突出其工程性和实用性,将毕业设计环节前移,实施毕业设计前期与工程单位的联合论证,引入电气工程单位参与毕业设计指导等途径,对新方法实施后进行跟踪调查,及时改进,实现毕业设计质量工程化,达到以评促建的目的,提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

随着工程教育与教学改革的推进,作为人才培养模式最终落脚点与主要执行环节的课程与课堂教学面临诸多挑战,是改革的基础与重点.有效的教学改革需要有科学的理论作为指导,现代认知理论深入阐释了学习活动的心理机制,为教学设计提供借鉴与启示.以面向工程教育的电工学课程为例,针对教学实践中存在的问题,将认知理论尤其是建构主义引入教学设计,提出了改进课堂教学的诸多举措,开展了基于认知理论的教学模式改革探索.  相似文献   

针对当前工科院校工程教育实施及认证工作中存在的认证内涵、理念认识不到位、基础工作不扎实等问题,分析工程教育认证的内涵和实质,结合实践经验对工程教育认证三大核心理念:学生为中心、成果导向和持续改进进行了深入理解和剖析。在此基础上,结合地方高校电气工程专业实际情况,探讨了满足工程教育要求的专业培养方案的制定。  相似文献   

The evolution of graduate education in electrical engineering began in the early 1890' s and progressed at a rapid pace in the 1920' s, particularly in metropolitan areas conscious of community needs. In these areas, evening programs held the spotlight because of the ever-demanding need to provide graduate engineers with advanced knowledge. Such cooperation between community interests and colleges has resulted in a wide variety of patterns of part-time study on campus and, more recently, off campus. The later development is viewed with criticism in several educational circles although off-campus programs are filling tremendous requirements arising from industrial concentrations not within easy reach of a university or college. The evolution seems to indicate that off campus programs are not a passing fancy and that such requirements are very likely to be best satisfied in the long run by the establishment of graduate centers with a faculty in residence. As an example, the Polytechnic Graduate Center on Long Island is described. (The Center, actually located in Farmingdale, N. Y., began its operation on September 25, 1961, with a graduate student body of nearly 700 in day and evening programs involving advanced courses in Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electrophysics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Industrial Management. Close to 150 part-time day students are attending on a released-time basis, in addition to 45 full-time students in residence.)  相似文献   

本文根据"现代控制理论"课程和电气专业学生知识结构的特点,对双语教学要求下该课程的教学问题展开探索。通过教学改革和课程实验建设,提炼了几点有效的措施,灵活的双语教学方法的采用,英文教材的选取和调整,双语教学环境下的多媒体课件和仿真实验平台的开发等。  相似文献   

高校专业教育与思想政治教育本是一体,相辅相成。而在现实的教育中,往往只注重知识的传授却忽略了德育工作,造成专业课与思政课相互分离,"课程思政"就是为了改变这种局面而提出的。本文分析了"课程思政"面临的主要问题,针对机电专业"课程思政"的必要性,探讨了机电专业"课程思政"的主要途径。  相似文献   

本文介绍电气工程专业认证的背景与目的、方式与过程,包括自评报告撰写、考察专家组进校前的准备、专家组现场考察情况等.最后从"运动员"和"裁判员"的双重视角谈谈对专业认证的体会和认识.  相似文献   

针对新工科建设中的先进工程教育理念,详细分析了电气工程及其自动化专业的实践教学体系中急需解决的问题。将实践课程分门别类,优化实践内容,建立了以工程教育为导向的电气专业实践体系。实践教学中采取适当的教学模式、教学方法、考核方式,配合实验室和实习基地的建设,实现学生多种工程素质能力的提升,满足新工科背景下工程教育培养的目标和要求。  相似文献   

Although cooperative engineering is practiced at several universities in the United States, that at the University of Waterloo is unique in Canada. The baccalaureate program requires five years of continual attendance, during which the student spends alternate three-month periods in school and in industry. A distinctive feature of the plan is the maintenance of a Coordination Department within the University organization. Staffed by senior professional engineers, this department acts as liaison between industry and the students. Two programs of study are offered in the undergraduate electrical engineering curriculum. One of these is designed for the heavy electromechanical and power systems engineer. The other embraces electronics, communication and computery disciplines, with a greater concentration of theoretical studies. Although the University is still in its infancy, both industrial and student acceptance of the cooperative plan has exceeded initial expectations. There is every indication that co-operative engineering education will rapidly assume a dominant role in the Canadian academic scene.  相似文献   

中职电工基础教学实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电工基础是中职学校机电、电子和电气等专业开设的一门专业基础课程,要提高该课程的教学效率,就必须优化教学内容,了解教学对象,合理地导入教学,优化教学方法,加强学习方法指导,突出学生的主体作用,激发学生的学习兴趣和创造性思维。  相似文献   

介绍了传统《电工与电子技术基础》课程教学现状与研究进展,分析了该课程与"新工科"建设的关系。提出了新工科背景下"电工与电子技术基础"课程的教学要求,以培养"新工科"人才为目标,强化专业特色教育,采用多样化的教学方式,积极开展课程创新教学、社会实践、科技服务等,促进不同专业学生的工程实践能力和专业认知能力提升。  相似文献   

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