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新课程教学理念给我们教师带来了新的教学理念,也给我们教师的教学和学生的学习带来了新的挑战。在新课程理念的指导下,现在的小学英语课堂中教师的教学方式在改变,学生的学习方法也在改变。那么提高小学英语课堂教学的有效性,就显得非常迫切。我认为通过以下方式,可以达到提高小学英语课堂教学的有效性的目的:  相似文献   

高中政治新课标实施以来,为政治教学增添了新的活力,但也给教师的教学带来了新的挑战。因此,高中政治教师必须要认真领会新课标要求,并在教学实践中勇于探索尝试,实现高中政治教学目标。  相似文献   

Mooc时代给教学带来了新的体验与挑战,同时也给教师带来了诸多挑战。无论在教学模式,教学设计还是教学环境下,教师都必须逐一适应其变化并作出调整,不断提升自我。  相似文献   

新教材给教师带来新的教学理念,也给教师的教学与学生的学习带来新的挑战.在新课程理念的指导下,现在的小学英语课堂中教师的教学方式在改变,学生的学习方法在改变,课堂上学生学习英语的兴趣提高了,积极性增强了.下面就小学英语有效教学谈几点建议.  相似文献   

新课程的实施给化学教学带来了新的机会和挑战。教师的教学观念得到了很大的转变,对于每一个教师的责任再也不能仅定格在知识和能力的传授。在新课程标准下,必须注重教学过程和方法,培养学生的情感价值观。教师教学观念的改变也注定给教学课堂带来新的变化,使学生更加乐于、易于接受教育,新的教学方式更加适应学生的学习环境,学生对自己的学习更加应对自如,对化学的兴趣也会不断增加。  相似文献   

新的课程改革为高中政治教学带来了新的发展机遇,同时也给高中政治教师提出了更高的要求,要在新课改下增强高中政治教学效果,必须更新教学理念,提高教师的教学水平,通过运用全新的教学手段实现高中政治教学的新飞跃。  相似文献   

成林 《陕西教育》2011,(4):63-63
新教材给我们教师带来了新的教学理念.也给教师的教和学生的学带来了新的挑战。如何使小学英语教学科学有效地发展.怎样使教学更有意义.已成为广大教育工作者共同思考的问题。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络等信息技术参与到课堂教学过程中,整个教学环境发生了质的变化,这种变化必然带来对教师的新的要求.新的要求体现在对教师的评价中,也带来了教师教学评价的变化.对网络环境下教学评价应包括信息技术技能、引导作用、课堂教学设计能力、教学监控能力和利用网络开展教学科研的能力.同时还应将新的信息技术运用于教师教学评价过程中,对于教师评价方法进行丰富和创新.  相似文献   

估算作为数与代数的新增内容,给我国的计算教学带来了新的变化,也给我国一线教师带来了新的挑战,估算教学有效策略的探讨受到了教学研究人员的普遍关注。  相似文献   

教学设计能力作为教师专业素质的体现,直接影响着教师的教学效果,提高教师教学设计能力是教师职业发展中的基本要求。网络的出现给教育带来了新的活力,为教师教学设计能力的培养提供了一个开放、共享的良好环境。然而,网络在提供便利的同时,也对教师的教学设计能力提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

Although there is lack of agreement as to what constitutes teaching excellence, there remains a steady effort to make an intangible, ambiguous, multifaceted concept incarnate in the form of ‘student-led’ teaching awards schemes within higher education institutions. What teaching staff say about such schemes have largely been ignored. This article attempts to address this gap in knowledge by accounting for the extent that academic teaching staff at one higher education institution in the UK value and perceive their teaching awards scheme. At the same time, this article presents some challenges in implementing a student-led teaching awards scheme for higher education institutions.  相似文献   

由于近几年高职院校生源的不断扩张,同时高职学生的英语水平良莠不齐,传统的高职英语教学模式面临极大困难与挑战,教学改革迫在眉睫。分模块教学有望通过改变课程设置来增加高职学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语应用能力。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的发展,中小学校对教师的信息化教学技能要求越来越高,师范生面临更多的挑战。为促进师范生信息素养的培养和教学技能的全面提高,需要建设一个集实用性、多功能性、开放性于一体的信息化教学技能实验室。本文结合信息化教学技能实验室建设的实际情况,从实验室构建依据出发,充分体现"五化三性"特征,将实验室布局为多媒体教学实训区和多模块媒体实践区。通过媒体设备系统的多样化搭建与验证性、综合性、设计性实验项目的合理设计,以满足多种学科多种教学功能的需要,并为课外实践、学科竞赛提供了良好的开放学习环境,促使师范生教学技能和信息素养的不断提高。  相似文献   

Internationalisation of higher education is big business in Australia, yet, despite the growing body of literature informing learning and teaching of international students, challenges remain. While language and pedagogical differences are well documented from the students' perspective, less known are the challenges to educators and their practices in responding to these named issues. This article explores some implications for educators and their practices, when international students come to study in an English-language university in Australia. A small research project focusing on educators' perspectives reveals the pedagogical challenges, difficulties and differences in approaches to teaching large numbers of international students. Implications for educators are discussed, focusing on the need to respond to policy and institutional demands to participate in these international collaborations, and to engage in building sound and equitable educational provision.  相似文献   

英美文学教学的现状与思考——浅议英美文学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国英美文学教学面临困境.一方面因为英美文学历史跨度大,作品丰富多样,风格各异,流派众多,而且学生会受到不同的文化背景的影响; 另一方面,由于我国经济发展迅速,社会就业形势越来越严峻,多数学生更倾向于一些实用型课程的学习,不愿再把主要时间和精力集中在研读英美文学原著上.因此,教师应针对英美文学教学现状,革新教学理念,合理安排教学内容,改进教学方法和考核方式,提高教学效果;启发学生感受,欣赏,并创造文学美,提高学生的语言能力和人文素质.  相似文献   

While quality physical education teacher education requires recruits to be trained in the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective teaching, research stemming from socialization theory and role theory indicates that this may not be adequate. Pre-service teachers also need to be made aware of organizational challenges they will face when transitioning into their first teaching position. These challenges stem from the ways in which recruits are socialized into physical education, and are related to the complex, sociopolitical structure of schooling. The purpose of this article is to provide a review of the organizational challenges faced by beginning physical education teachers and to present recommendations for how teacher training programs can better prepare pre-service teachers to meet these challenges. The discussion includes both general and specific strategies that can be implemented to provide pre-service teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their ability to navigate life in the sociopolitical contexts of schools. Preparing students for the realities of school life should correspond with a decrease in reality shock and the washout effect.  相似文献   

The paper presents a Sino-Finnish teaching initiative, including the design and experiences of a series of pedagogical workshops implemented at the Aalto-Tongji Design Factory (DF), Shanghai, China, and the experimentation plans collected from the 54 attending professors and teachers. The workshops aimed to encourage trying out interdisciplinary hands-on teaching, and enable teachers to implement their ideas for teaching development utilising the DF pedagogical platform. The majority of the participants planned teaching experimentations aiming at enhancing student understanding of curricula through various group exercises utilising concrete artefacts, but found their implementation within established practices quite challenging, highlighting the challenges of transforming strategic collaboration into grass-root activity. However, the workshops ignited widespread interest in a continuum of collaboration in teaching development, and the DF has since acted as a hub for the implementation of subsequent internationalisation efforts of the two universities, including establishing a dual-degree programme.  相似文献   

英语课程改革对英语教师提出了新的挑战,教师素质成为改革成功的关键,农村英语教师素质也开始受到人们的关注。为了解农村英语教师的教学现状,在此以问卷调查为工具,对铜仁地区60所农村中小学81位英语教师进行了调查,结果显示:农村英语教师的教学现状不容乐观,他们对自身发展的需求强烈,但是,他们在职业发展过程中所面临着急需解决的困难。调查结果对如何提高农村英语教师素质问题有积极作用。  相似文献   

信息化教学是以信息技术应用为显著特征的教学形态,伴随着我国信息化教育的逐步深入,为实现信息技术与教学的深度融合,教师面临多方面的能力挑战,包括教学理念的改变、教学模式的更新、信息的采集与利用等。只有教师认清这些挑战,并做出相应策略,才能不断推动信息化教育的发展,发挥信息化教育的最大效益。  相似文献   

从大学英语教学改革看教师角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学英语教学改革是我国高等教育改革的一项重要任务。本文结合当前的大学英语教学改革,探讨了改革给高校英语教师带来的挑战,分析了教师应如何进行角色的转换并提出促进教师角色转变的外界条件。  相似文献   

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