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Fang Gao 《比较教育学》2010,46(2):207-222
Koreans have been successful in nesting their educational achievement into places like China and the United States, where they have earned the title of ‘model minority’. This research is a comparison of the manner in which the model minority stereotype is handled by Korean Chinese and Korean Americans. The gathered data leads us to argue that ethnic Koreans in China and the US construct a multi‐faceted meaning in reaction to the ‘model minority’ stereotype. The meaning complicates the model minority stereotype through capitalising upon a shared East Asian sense of cultural superiority to other ethnic groups while strongly emphasising its economic marginalisation and limitations. This results in valuing education as a practical means for achieving economic upward mobility or sustaining ethnic culture and identity that is perceived as being unique to Koreans in the two different sociopolitical contexts.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive concenptual and empirical analysis of non-return among foreign students in the United States. Non-return rates are constructed for 69 source countries using administrative microdata from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (various years). The conceptual analysis extends the Roy-model formulation of Borjas (1987, 1992) to the return decision of the foreign student. The empirical analysis finds that the variation in non-return rates across source countries is explained by differences in economic and political conditions in the source countries. The article also reports indirect evidence of skill sorting among foreign students who stay in the United States.  相似文献   

This research investigates stress among accounting educators and examines relationships between stress levels and work satisfaction levels, personality traits, and stress-coping techniques. Self-administered questionnaires were used, and 164 accounting faculty members from 41 states responded. Results of regression analyses indicated that higher stress levels can be predicted, with a relatively strong multipleR value, by a combination of variables. Of the variables investigated, overall work satisfaction was the variable most closely related to higher stress levels. The most important personality characteristics of higher stress individuals were impatience, assertiveness, workaholism, and idealism. Stress-coping techniques associated with higher stress levels were recreational time off, cultivation and maintenance of friendships among colleagues, and physical exercise. These same independent variables had minimal predictive ability for the stress level of the lower stress group of faculty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to validate a psychometric instrument among French workers for assessing the meaning of work. Following an empirical framework, a two-step procedure consisted of exploring and then validating the scale among distinctive samples. The consequent Meaning of Work Inventory is a 15-item scale based on a four-factor model, and assesses the importance, understanding, direction, and purpose of work. The results indicate that this instrument is reliable for assessing the meaning of work in the French context. Implications for career counseling practices are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to investigate the effect of performance‐based financial incentives on work performance. The study hypothesized that the design features of performance‐based financial incentive schemes themselves may influence individuals' work performance. For the study, survey methodology was used and 93 technical‐level employees who were subjected to a performance‐based incentive scheme for at least 2 years in their firms responded. Regression analysis was used for data analysis. It was found that the design features of performance‐based financial incentives schemes explain 51% of the variance in work performance. Six of the incentive scheme factors, including the goals of incentive scheme, employee participation in setting goals, incentive scheme type, and payout frequency, have significant positive impact on work performance. Overall, the findings suggest that well‐designed and carefully implemented incentive schemes have significant positive impact on work performance.  相似文献   

This article reports on the emotional impact of Threshold Assessment on teachers and schools. Using data from an ESRC funded project, ‘The impact of Performance Threshold Assessment on teachers’ work' (ESRC R000239286), we seek to contribute to a growing literature on teachers' emotions by sharing some of the insights gained from 76 interviews undertaken in nine case study primary and secondary schools between 2001–2003. The research has revealed a number of (apparently) unintended consequences of Threshold Assessment as well as considerable variability of experience. We underline the significance of contextual factors in the way that the policy was handled in schools and in the degrees of vulnerability and exposure experienced by teachers as they struggled to come to terms with the demands of ‘performativity’. …social policy needs a subject in which mind and body, reason and passion, self and other, agent and object are held simultaneously in mind without splitting one from the other. (Hoggett, 2000a, p. 143)  相似文献   

本文从资金保障、师资队伍和辅导方式等方面研究了美国高中生涯辅导工作的基本情况。  相似文献   

根据美国和加拿大128所医学院提交并发表于Academic Medicine 2010年增刊上的报告,作者概括总结了北美现代医学教育的教育体系、组织支撑系统以及评估策略等方面在近100年间所发生的深刻变革.通过与这些学校10年前同样发表于Academic Medicine增刊上的报告相比较,作者选择性地重点描述了北美主要医学院过去10年间在医学教育各方面进行的重要改革.  相似文献   

以工作过程为导向的课程体系在设计上解构了传统的学科体系,以职业岗位工作过程为导向,构建了工学结合、理论与实践结合的课程模式,突出了"工作领域与学习领域一致,工作内容与学习内容一致,工作过程与学习过程一致"的典型特征,具有鲜明的高职教育特色,能够满足高职教育人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

A study, originally don in Australia in 1983, was replicated in an urban-suburb in the Unitd States. The Australian project vivolved matched pairs of year-fiv teachers in one of two workshops. One workshop taught the skills of teaching electricity, while the other one discussed issues in gender equity in science education (active participation of both girls and boys, comparble student-teacher interactions, and research findings concerning equity). The U.S. study provided three types of workshops (skills, equity and skills, and equity) for comparable groups of fourth and fifth grade teachers. All teachers and their students were subsequently obseved during lessons involving an electricity unit, queried both students and teachers concerning the appropriateness of different fields of science for boys and girls and their interest and aptitudes in doing various types of science. Results from both studies suggest that gender differences in student attitudes toward science may be amellorated by specific types of teacher workshop. Specializations: Gender research, science teacher education, science education national policy. Specializations: Elementary and middle school science education, classroom research. Specializations: Secondary science education, data analysis.  相似文献   

A bidimensional acculturation framework cannot account for multiple destination cultures within contemporary settlement societies. A tridimensional model is proposed and tested among Jamaican adolescent–mother dyads in the United States compared to Jamaican Islander, European American, African American, and other Black and non‐Black U.S. immigrant dyads (473 dyads, M adolescent age = 14 years). Jamaican immigrants evidence tridimensional acculturation, orienting toward Jamaican, African American, and European American cultures. Integration is favored (70%), particularly tricultural integration; moreover, Jamaican and other Black U.S. immigrants are more oriented toward African American than European American culture. Jamaican immigrant youth adapt at least as well as nonimmigrant peers in Jamaica and the United States. However, assimilated adolescents, particularly first generation immigrants, have worse sociocultural adaptation than integrated and separated adolescents.  相似文献   

Using the data from the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) survey, the study examined foreign-born women faculty members’ work roles and productivity in the areas of teaching, research, and service in comparison with their US-born counterparts at research universities in the US. The findings provided some evidence to suggest that foreign-born women faculty members’ patterns of engagement in work activities contradicted the gendered division of labor in academia. The findings indicated that foreign-born female academics were significantly more engaged in research that was evident in the number of scholarly outputs they produced compared to US-born women faculty colleagues. On the other hand, they seemed to be less involved in teaching and service functions of their work than their US-born women peers. The study could serve as a good starting point to further examine foreign-born women faculty socialization into faculty roles and their academic work culture.  相似文献   


This study attempted to identify the predictors of entrepreneurial behavior by assessing a series of variables that included teamwork skills and demographic variables, and to explore teachers’ experiences with teamwork. A sample of 367?K-12 public school teachers completed the survey. The findings indicated that teamwork predicts entrepreneurial behavior. Most participants received teamwork training through their school districts. Barriers to teamwork included time constraints, individual differences, and inability to collaborate.  相似文献   

美国教师赋权运动在美国的教育改革历史上有着深远的影响,而我国的教师专业化进程也有很多是值得从国外借鉴的,文章对美国教师赋权运动作了详细介绍,以期给我国教育界带来一些启示。  相似文献   

陶莹 《历史教学》2003,79(4):65-67

The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence and correlates of obesity among youth investigated for maltreatment in the United States. Participants were drawn from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II, a national probability study of 5,873 children aged birth to 17 years under investigation for maltreatment in 2008. From child weight reported by caregivers, we estimated obesity (weight-for-age ≥95th percentile) prevalence among children aged 2 through 17 (n = 2,948). Sex-specific logistic regression models by developmental age were used to identify obesity risk factors, including child age, race/ethnicity, and maltreatment type. Obesity prevalence was 25.4% and was higher among boys than girls (30.0% vs. 20.8%). African American adolescent boys had a lower risk for obesity than white boys (OR = 0.28, 95% CI [0.08, 0.94]). Compared with girls aged 2–5 with a neglect allegation, girls with a sexual abuse allegation were at greater risk for obesity (OR = 3.54, 95% CI [1.01, 12.41]). Compared with adolescent boys with a neglect allegation, boys with a physical abuse allegation had a lower risk for obesity (OR = 0.24, 95% CI [0.06, 0.99]). Adolescent girls with a prior family history of investigation were at greater risk for obesity than those without a history of investigation (OR = 3.97, 95% CI [1.58, 10.02]). Youth investigated for maltreatment have high obesity rates compared with national peers. Opportunities to modify and evaluate related child welfare policies and health care practices should be pursued.  相似文献   

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