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本文从企业组织变革的现状入手,指出组织变革的根本目的是提高组织的能力而不是选择组织结构模式。根据组织的成熟度将组织划分为5种类型,提出了组织成熟度模型用以测量组织能力以及评估组织的类型。模型中使用的评估项目不仅能够帮助企业测量组织成熟度,而且有助于企业明确组织的具体问题所在,从而实施有针对性的改进。  相似文献   

The management and utilization of collected data is crucial in evaluating programs and functional area effectiveness. Various assessment instruments may address similar functional areas of the college, yet we often fail to compile these data for comprehensive evaluation. The data collection matrix makes possible the integration of functional area data from numerous assessment sources and presentation of the information in a unified composite report. The matrix model will be discussed in relation to the various assessment instruments and the evaluation of functional areas and programs. This paper is directed toward institutional researchers who may wish to adapt the model to their own institution.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990.  相似文献   


This article describes adapting teacher work sample methodology from the student teaching level to a 4‐week, 25‐hour field experience occurring relatively early in a teacher education program. The goals of the project were twofold: (a) to examine whether an adapted version of the teacher work sample would promote planning and reflection in preservice teachers, and (b) to explore the potential of an adapted teacher work sample as an assessment tool. Adaptations to the original, such as emphasizing formative over summative assessment, are briefly described. Survey and focus group data from a pilot combined with survey data from a semester of full implementation with 270 teacher candidates indicate the teacher work sample is useful for promoting reflection and an understanding of student assessment. The advantages of the teacher work sample are maximized when teacher candidates are engaged in whole class instruction.  相似文献   

Described in this article is the development of a tool compatible with the constructivist approach to learning and instruction. Constructivism holds that instruction is less a process whereby knowledge is communicated to learners and more a matter of nurturing the processes whereby learners come to understand, construct interpretations in real-life settings, appreciate multiple perspectives, develop and defend their own positions while recognizing other views, and become aware of and able to manipulate the knowledge construction process itself. Bubble Dialogue is a HyperCard-based technique which combines elements of role play, comic strip creation, and reflexive dialogue analysis enacted in everyday settings. Based upon evidence accumulated over several years of development, the authors feel that this tool responds to the need for classroom-based techniques for promoting knowledge construction.  相似文献   

促进新教师成长的激励机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,高职教育发展很快,因此,每年都有不少高校毕业生被补充到高职院校中任教.根据教师一般的成长过程,我们把教师分为新教师、有经验教师和专家型教师.教师走上教学工作岗位的第一个时期是"入职期"(也叫"适应期"),时间是1至3年,此时期的教师我们称之为"新教师".  相似文献   

Analysis of children's spoken narratives represents a potentially informative approach to language assessment within early childhood settings. Yet, narrative assessment is not readily amenable to at-scale use given the time needed to collect, transcribe, and analyze a child's narrative sample and the lack of consensus regarding what aspects of narrative expression ought to be examined (e.g., language form, language content). The purpose of this study was to describe a direct assessment of children's language abilities within a narrative context, the Narrative Assessment Protocol (NAP), which examines five aspects of language: sentence structure, phrase structure, modifiers, nouns, and verbs. In this study, we present findings regarding internal consistency, test–retest reliability, construct validity, and the concurrent and predictive validity of the NAP. NAP scores from 262 3–5-year-old children participating in preschool programs were assessed for these purposes. Findings indicated that the NAP exhibits reasonable psychometric properties across the areas addressed, to include significant concurrent and predictive relations with a norm-referenced measure of general language ability. Although more research is needed, preliminary findings indicate that the NAP provides professionals with a valid and informative assessment approach for examining children's language skills within a narrative context; such information may be useful for establishing and monitoring children's language growth within preschool programs or language interventions.  相似文献   

Electronic communication is characteristically concerned with 'the message' (eM), those who send them (S), and those who receive and read them (R). This relationship could be simplified into the equation eM = S + R. When this simple equation is applied to electronic communication, several elements are added that make this straightforward act of sending and receiving a message more complex. These new elements are characteristics such as asynchronicity, unknown senders and readers, non-linear text and the absence of non-verbal cues. What is apparent is that the complexity of these messages lies in their impact outside the online environment. It is clear from the messages themselves that the information is being applied to real, authentic contexts and is not limited to the online environment. Conversational analysis frameworks must attempt to understand this complexity if the meaning of electronic messages is to be understood. This paper proposes a new conversational analysis framework, the electronic conversational analysis framework (eCAF), for use with electronic communication. The eCAF has been designed as a new methodological tool that incorporates the unique virtual/real worlds that individuals participate in and links these two locations to the phases of electronic discussions.  相似文献   

企业网上银行,是近几年来各商业银行借助现代化的信息技术,结合银行结算业务的特点,按照严格的规定程序和安全防范措施,研发推广的一项电子结算产品。是银行业改变传统模式,实现银行服务、结算业务到客户办公室的新兴银行业务。随着系统的不断升级和完善,为企业提高资金管理水平提供了新的平台。  相似文献   

Schools and education systems are being challenged to improve the evaluation of teacher professional development, yet there is a lack of practical tools for doing so. This article describes the development and validation of a new instrument to assess teachers’ perceptions of the impact of professional development. This instrument, designed to be time- and cost-effective, was theoretically grounded and, as evidenced by the results reported in this article, psychometrically sound. The instrument was completed twice (examining different types of professional development) by 393 teachers. The results for both data-sets demonstrated a strong factor structure with good internal consistency for all scales. Further data analysis indicated that the scales could effectively distinguish between the experiences of different groups of teachers. The finalised instrument, named the Impact of Teacher Professional Development Questionnaire, is presented in full, and the practical advantages and limitations of the instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

This chapter briefly reviews each of the preceding chapters and then outlines a set of issues that confront the development and use of performance assessments in school settings. For performance assessments to be useful, the following issues need to be kept in the forefront: conceptual clarity in the link between instruction, assessment, and reporting; support from the measurement community to assist teachers in using and interpreting results for instructional and student decision making; fairness across raters, tasks, administration, scoring procedures, and student subgroups; and cost-feasibility given current high monetary, time, and human-resource costs for development and use.  相似文献   

Participation in shared-reading experiences is associated with children's language and literacy outcomes, yet few standardized assessments of shared-reading quality exist. The purpose of this study was to describe the psychometric characteristics of the Systematic Assessment of Book Reading (SABR), an observational tool designed to characterize the quality of classroom-based shared-reading sessions in early childhood settings. Participants included 105 preschool teachers. The quality of teachers’ videotaped, whole-class shared-reading sessions was examined using the SABR. Reliability levels for each of the SABRs five constructs were examined, as well as delayed alternate-form reliability and inter-rater reliability. The tools’ factor structure and construct validity were also assessed. Findings provide initial validation and preliminary evidence that the SABR is a reliable and valid tool. Potential uses for early childhood researchers, teachers, and allied professionals are described.  相似文献   

From 1960 onwards the U.S. Government set out to improve the schools in American Samoa. During the period 1971–75 educational leaders there carried out a series of studies of the islanders' educational needs in order to assess the suitability of existing learning goals and the degree to which they were being achieved. Approaches used were a community-opinion survey, a classroom-problems survey, an evaluation of the school system's specific instructional objectives, a program of standarized testing, a bi-lingual testing of academic achievement, a physical performance testing programme and a system of teacher-parent conferences and ratings of pupils progress. Ten critical unmet needs were identified: better command of English; greater mastery of Samoan language and culture; better opportunities to learn according to the pupil's individual abilities and background; better command of mathematics; increased vocational-education opportunities; improved physical-education skills; better command of social sciences; better command of health and science knowledge; more consistent school attendance, and better social skills. These needs were investigated in detail so that specific steps might be planned to fulfil them. The teacher/parent conferencing program, based on a Californian model, was a failure.
Zusammenfassung Seit 1960 ist die Regierung der USA bestrebt, das Schulwesen in Amerikanisch Samoa zu verbessern. In den Jahren 1971–75 haben führende Pädagogen eine Reihe von Untersuchungen über die Bildungsbedürfnisse der Inselbewohner durchgeführt, um festzustellen, ob die bestehenden Lernziele angemessen sind und inwieweit sie erreicht werden. Als Erhebungsinstrumente wurden benutzt: eine Meinungsumfrage in der Gemeinschaft, eine Erhebung über Unterrichtsprobleme, eine Bewertung der spezifischen Unterrichtsziele des Schulsystems, ein standardisiertes Testprogramm, ein Lehrer/Eltern-Konferenzsystem und Beurteilungswerte für Schülerleistungen. Es ergaben sich zehn kritische Erfordernisse: bessere Beherrschung der englischen Sprache; vertieftere Kenntnisse der Sprache und Kultur von Samoa; erweiterte Lernmöglichkeiten entsprechend den individuellen Fähigkeiten und der Herkunft der Schüler; bessere Mathematikbeherrschung; mehr Möglichkeiten zur Berufsausbildung; bessere Leibeserziehung; bessere Beherrschung der Sozialwissenschaften; mehr Kenntnisse über Gesundheitspflege und Naturwissenschaften; regelmässiger Schulbesuch; und besseres Sozialverhalten. Diese Erfordernisse wurden eingehend untersucht, damit spezifische Massnahmen zu ihrer Erfüllung geplant werden können. Das auf einem kalifornischen Modell basierende Lehrer/Eltern-Konferenzprogramm erwies sich als Misserfolg.

Résumé A partir de 1960 le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis commença à améliorer les écoles dans les Samoa Américaines. De 1971 à 1975, des dirigeants pédagogiques menèrent dans ce pays une série d'études sur les besoins en éducation des insulaires, de sorte à estimer si les buts d'apprentissage existants étaient en accord avec les besoins et et jusqu'à quel point ces buts étaient atteints. On aborda ceci par une étude de l'opinion de la communauté, une étude sur les problèmes de la salle de classe, une évaluation des objectifs spécifiques d'instruction du système scolaire, un programme de l'épreuve standardisé, une épreuve bilingue de performance académique, un programme d'épreuve de performance physique et un système de conférences entre parents et maîtres et d'évaluations du progrès des élèves. Dix besoins critiques non satisfaits furent identifiés: meilleurs maîtrise de l'anglais, maîtrise plus grande de la langue et de la culture des Samoa; meilleurs possibilités d'apprendre conformément aux capacités individuelles et au passé de l'élève; meilleure maîtrise des mathématiques, possibilités accrues d'éducation professionnelle; aptitudes améliorées pour l'éducation physique; meilleure maîtrise des sciences sociales; meilleure maîtrise des connaissances sur la santé et la science; fréquentation plus régulière de l'école et meilleures aptitudes sociales. Ces besoins ont été étudiés en détail, de sorte que des mesures spécifiques puissent être projetées pour résoudre ces besoins. Le programme de conférence entre parents et maîtres, basé sur un modèle californien, s'est avéré être une erreur.

文章运用解线性方程的思想,以及向量空间同构的思想,探讨了向量空间中求任意两组基的过渡矩阵的方法。  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2006,16(5):416-432
In the present study, we have applied a word association procedure for assessing conceptual change in science education, leaning on the presuppositions of the theory of social representations. The proposed method was applied both before and after a university population ecology course. Our results have shown that the teaching procedure can change representations of stimulus terms, which could be considered analogous to “strong restructuring”. The methodology proved to be quite efficient in monitoring stimulus terms' extentness, as well as associations' centrality, validity, and coherence. The easiness of collecting data, as well as the potential of conducting rather unbiased longitudinal studies can contribute to the attractiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

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