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To help organizations get closer to their value objectives, a number of approaches and fields of practice have been developed. Two fields common in today's business environment are human performance technology (HPT) and quality. The recent publication of the Global State of Quality Research: Discoveries 2013 by the American Society for Quality provides customer‐ and practitioner‐related data and offers an opportunity to link the purposes, philosophies, research, and practices of quality and HPT.  相似文献   

Human Performance Technology (HPT) is the applied study and practice of improving organizational performance through training and non-training interventions. For practitioners working in this area that identify themselves as an HPT practitioner, organizational training and performance (OTP) specialist, or instructional designer—offering the right intervention set requires understanding of how humans work and function internally and within organizations that are bounded by environmental, societal, and economic realities. The HPT field is rooted in a multi-disciplinary knowledge base and has its own models and theories, which are generally developed by practitioners to guide their practice. Because HPT follows a systematic, data-driven process akin to action research, HPT practitioners are applied researchers even if they do not see themselves as such. What we need is more collaboration between scholars, practitioners, professional associations, and businesses to create a culture of engagement and involve everybody in the validation of applied research and theory development.  相似文献   

Fifteen human performance technology experts participated in a survey investigating HPT's current status, future trends, and issues. Although HPT is not fully recognized in many organizations, such strengths as systems thinking and multidisciplinary approaches to performance problems are valued. Weaknesses reported are the rare use of HPT in small organizations, falling for quick fixes, and shortcomings in evaluation. HPT professionals need to do better at clarifying HPT principles, communicating HPT values, and demonstrating HPT's organizational impact.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Human Performance Technology (HPT) has proved itself as a systemic, systematic process for increasing performance and profitability in organizations, it has not yet been widely adopted. There are several reasons for this. The conditions that must exist for organizations to benefit from all HPT can offer them are lacking. First, few individuals have the knowledge and skill necessary to implement the methods, measures, and models of HPT, and second, those who do seldom have the opportunity and authority to apply HPT where it will most benefit the organization. This article takes a look at such barriers to successful HPT practice, and how they can be overcome. It reports the findings of a survey of academics, internal practitioners, and external consultants who are members of NSPI who were asked to report on what opportunities exist for learning about HPT, where it is practiced in organizations and by whom, and what role management plays in implementing HPT within organizations. The article also suggests ways of addressing the barriers identified.  相似文献   

There are best practices that organizations can employ to link their learning initiatives to corporate strategy. Human capital and human performance technology (HPT) professionals need to push their organizations to embrace a performance improvement agenda that is linked to strategy, and organizations need to include a learning representative in the strategic development process. If the human capital or HPT professional and CEO work together toward a common goal, the business can achieve the greatest benefit from learning initiatives.  相似文献   

绩效技术诞生于20世纪60-70年代美国的教育技术领域,由于其提高组织绩效的独特视角与成效,近年来备受关注。在我国,绩效技术一直是教育技术领域的研究热点。我们引入了一些相关理论,也开始在实践中探索理论的应用,以期将有关理论与方法本土化,从而适合我国实际。为此,深刻理解绩效技术,追踪其在美国的发展现状与趋势对在我国发展绩效技术有着重要的意义。就美国绩效技术领域的现状、发展以及人才培养的有关问题,我们陆续对大洋彼岸的美国绩效技术领域的学者与实践人员,包括托马斯.M.树文、罗杰.考夫曼等七位学者进行了访谈,以期从不同专家的观点中获得对绩效技术更为全面的认识。  相似文献   

Human performance technology (HPT), like other concepts, models, and frameworks that we use to describe the world in which we live and the way we organize ourselves to accomplish valuable activities, is built from paradigms that were fresh and relevant at the time it was conceived and from the fields of study from which it grew. However, when the frameworks used by practitioners grow out of similar paradigms, important things can be missed when designing solutions in performance environments simply because of their practical limitations and exclusion of issues that may warrant our attention. This article looks at the paradigms most commonly used to explain performance environments, both within HPT and by those from other fields. From this a synthesized approach to solving perceived problems in performance environments is provided that introduces Soft Systems Methodology to the HPT practitioner, an approach built on premises very different from those commonly utilized in HPT frameworks.  相似文献   

该文通过对绩效技术领域中的变革管理的论述,提出变革管理是绩效技术在组织实施中的成败关键的这个命题,然后对绩效改进中变革管理的四个基本因素展开分析,最后从变革的视角解构了绩效技术模型,并在此基础上提出了"绩效技术变革观"。  相似文献   

The Internet of performance thingies, behavioral economics, and social physics are disrupting the field of human performance technology (HPT). By balancing these young Turks with our old standards of behavior engineering, we can make HPT more useful and meaningful to our clients and organizations.  相似文献   

Process mapping is both an analytical tool and a process intervention that performance technologists can use to improve human performance by reducing error variance. In contrast to reengineering, process mapping is used for both incremental and radical change. The benefits of process mapping include simplified work flow, reduced cycle time, lowered costs, and improved job satisfaction. Process mapping involves constructing a macro‐map, identifying and prioritizing bottlenecks in the existing process, constructing a micro‐map to identify the root causes of the bottlenecks, and iterative redesign. Several critical success factors include organizational readiness, time commitment by participants, and the availability of a qualified facilitator. HPT practitioners add value to organizations by providing unique competence in task and needs analysis. To succeed in process mapping, however, the HPT professional must also possess sophisticated skills in facilitation as well as business knowledge, self‐confidence, and interpersonal skills for interacting with senior management.  相似文献   

根据对国际绩效改进协会的绩效技术标准和美国培训与开发协会的学习与绩效能力模型进行的解读与分析,不仅有助于进一步明确绩效技术领域的实践工作与能力要求,同时,考虑到上述专业组织与实践领域内企业等机构的密切联系,也有助于我们把握绩效技术相关人才的市场需求和定位,从而为相关人才的培养提供启示.  相似文献   

Despite its existence for over six decades, the practice of human performance technology (HPT) has not been widely accepted within organizations. Varying levels of confusion surround the understanding of HPT, which has been influenced by myriad fields and disciplines. Although HPT is focused on improving performance at the organizational, team, and individual levels, it does not own the practice of performance improvement. The goal of optimal performance across various functions and levels within an organization is not confined to HPT but extends to process improvement, human resource development, organizational development, knowledge management, and several other areas. Therein lies the problem: A lack of consideration about the boundaries that delineates the field has ramifications for both the research on and the practice of HPT. This study examines the domains and disciplines that HPT proponents consider central to the field.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As organizations respond to competitive environments and strive to enhance performance, knowledge management (KM) has increasingly become a strategic activity. A KM strategy entails consciously helping people share and put knowledge into action. A key challenge is how to develop and implement KM solutions that provide performance support to knowledge workers and seamlessly integrate KM into business processes. We propose that human performance technology (HPT) provides a systematic framework to help guide KM initiatives. Specifically, HPT provides a holistic view of a knowledge worker's performance environment by considering the complex interdependencies between the organizational context, business processes, and individual performers. Via a case study, we describe and illustrate how HPT guided one organization in its journey to identify the content and structure to best support performance and manage knowledge in a core business process. Based on the case study, we offer lessons for other firms on how HPT can be used to guide KM initiatives.  相似文献   

The core innovations represented by the field of Human Performance Technology (HPT) trace their origins, by way of Programmed Instruction, to the field of Behavior Analysis, a natural science methodology for the study of behavior developed by B.F. Skinner. This methodology, like all experimental natural science, rests on a foundation of functional analysis and standard units of measurement. Functional analysis is basic experimental method, whereby the investigator or practitioner keeps all but one variable constant, changes the variable in question (an “intervention”), and measures the effect on other variables. Behavior Analysis, like HPT, emphasizes prediction and control of individual behavior rather than determination of average effects across groups of individuals. In order for HPT to support and encourage greater and more effective innovation, it must re-emphasize reliance on standard units of measurement and functional analysis and promote policies and procedures that increase variation of interventions. The combination of encouraging variation and selecting interventions by means of functional analysis and objective measurement will ensure steady, reliable progress in Human Performance Technology.  相似文献   

The mission of human performance technologists, to assure high levels of human performance in organizations, is well established, and usually accomplished through design and implementation of two major products: performance systems and instructional systems. The speed of change in the environments in which HPT is practiced, however, requires frequent analysis of what knowledge and skills are required of HP technologists in pursuit of this goal. This article works backward from results and the products that obtained them, to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that form the critical human performance technology knowledgebase. The author uses an example from our “universal” neighborhood to illustrate seven basic categories of variables influencing organizational performance, and provides examples and non examples of five essential principles of psychology that can help guide HPT practitioners' efforts to design and implement effective systems.  相似文献   

In this second part of a two‐part series, a panel of experts indicated that human performance technology (HPT) research is being adequately conducted but not properly used in practice. They stressed a need for more applied research and more extensive use of case studies. They also provided their perspectives about the influences of other fields on HPT, suggesting the need for HPT to align more closely with other disciplines that address issues of human and organizational performance.  相似文献   

The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

Considerations of the inner world of workers and organizations might not fall within the provenance of human performance technology (HPT) practitioners. However, when it comes to being creative, workers need fertile imaginations driven from within. When it comes to productivity, mostly inner energies drive collaboration. When it comes to results, leaders must nurture workers toward wholeness for effective decisions and wisdom‐driven action. For these reasons, HPT practitioners need to know how to engage with the interiority factor.  相似文献   

This research contributes to the methodologies in HPT program evaluation and measurement that are fairly lacking to date. First, a theoretical foundation for a control group is established based on a brief review of control group applications in various fields. Then, four types of control groups applicable to HPT program evaluation and measurement are defined and classified, and threats to internal and external validity in control group applications are explored. Lastly, four evaluation and measurement scenarios are presented for an E‐learning program to demonstrate the applicability of the control group methods for HPT program evaluation and ROI measurement.  相似文献   

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