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The case study of an early twentieth century controversy over “white slavery” demonstrates the importance of an explicit consideration of mobility based rhetoric to understanding space and political subjectivities within space. Through an analytical framework of mobility that considers scale, connection, time, and agency, I find that the city was constructed as a gendered and racialized space, which enabled restrictions to corporal mobility. I provide both a justification and a model for reading mobility based rhetoric in public controversy.  相似文献   

Educational targeting has become one of the hegemonic mechanisms in the fight against poverty. Both international organisms and developing countries support targeting as one of the best strategies in order to simultaneously guarantee poverty reduction and economic growth, and consequently to tackle the challenges generated by globalisation. The main objective of the article is to point out some of the limits, omissions and opportunities of educational targeting as a priority strategy to fight against poverty. In doing so, it analyses the World Bank’s proposals in education, poverty and targeting and it presents one of the targeting pioneering programmes implemented in Latin America: the Bolsa Escola programme (BE). An analysis of the impacts of the programme is also included. This analysis is based on the results of an intensive qualitiative fieldwork containing more than 80 interviews with mothers and students who benefit from the programme as well as with teaching staff. The analysis demonstrates that although targeting could be a necessary and useful strategy, it is not sufficient either for ensuring school attainment or for reducing poverty.  相似文献   

The arguments in the article are based on the ongoing discourse in the academic community and among stakeholders, which has contributed to the articulation of the concepts and premises of sustainable development and the role of learning modalities, technologies and networks. The article draws on this discourse to explore the economic aspects of sustainable development, focusing on pervasive poverty, and the implications for educational actions. The concepts and underlying premises of education for sustainable development (ESD) are discussed. The article presents the key elements of an integrated approach to fighting poverty in the context of sustainable development. The role of learning and education in this integrated approach is outlined, framing the educational elements within the perspective of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

艺术教育是学校实施美育的重要途径和内容,是素质教育的有机组成部分。为培养合格的、能适应公安工作的公安院校毕业生,从艺术教育的视角出发,提出将艺术教育与思想教育结合起来、注重情感教育和生命教育、构建警校校园文化等措施,推动艺术教育在警校生职业素养中的价值实现。  相似文献   

一、考验 2003年春天北京突发非典疫情,让北京地区的每一所中专学校特别是卫生类中专学校都经历了一次严峻的考验。卫生类中专学校的广大师生,不畏艰苦,不怕牺牲,涌现出许多可歌可泣的事迹。 (_一)为我们的优秀毕业生而自豪 据不完全统计,在全市阻击非典的战役中,直接走上非典隔离区、发烧门诊的北京地区近万名护士中有中专学历的占70%以上。危难发生,祖国和人民一声召唤,他们义无反顾走上了前线,这是伟大的南丁格尔精神在闪光,是责任感在激励着他们。  相似文献   

In September 1994 the University of Twente, the Netherlands, and Zhejiang University, China, decided to cooperate in the field of science, education and management. After several visits of delegations from both sides it was considered worthwhile to explore further opportunities for mutual cooperation. The directors of international cooperation on each side jointly commissioned a project to investigate the potential in a systematic way and to establish further contacts where appropriate. This paper reports on the results of the research cum matching project.To reveal promising matches between multiple departments of both academic institutions a matching model for universities was designed. The study was carried out along two parallel lines. In the research line the theoretical framework was developed into a model for international university co-operation. Moreover, an analysis was carried out on internal, external and cultural aspects resulting in a set of thirty four influencing factors.In the matching line a total of seventy interviews were held in order to identify promising matches between units at both universities. This line resulted in eleven promising matches for further co-operation.The novel model appeared useful in analyzing the variety of factors and in developing matches between both universities. In the further implementation of the model the issues of "level of co-operation" and "top-down versus bottom-up" need to be addressed in more detail.  相似文献   

国际合作打击“三股势力”策略探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
“三股势力”广泛分布于世界许多国家,基于种种国际政治势力长期角力的需要,“三股势力”既频繁跨国寻求庇护,又充当敌对势力的“打手”,求得生存发展空间。维护我国政治大局的稳定,谋求长治久安.尽快提升国际合作防范和打击“三股势力”的能力已是当务之急。为此,必须高度重视国际反恐合作机制的完善.不断加大跨国合作防范和打击的力度;尽快与周边国家签署或完善防范和打击“三股势力”的合作协定:充分利用上海合作组织机制充实地区打击“三股势力”的机构;充分发挥联合国及其安理会的重要作用,积极推进刑事司法领域相关国际公约的完善与落实;坚持以科学发展观为指导,统筹兼顾、协调推进反恐怖国际刑事司法合作,科学提升防范和打击“三股势力”的能力。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,华北日伪当局把推行奴化教育作为实施其“思想战”的主要措施,建立了系统的奴化教育网络,规定了以“亲日”、“复古”为核心的奴化教育方针,推行了一系列奴化教育措施。日伪在华北沦陷区推行的奴化教育,尽管具有渗透面广、欺骗性强等特点,但无法改变其为日本殖民侵略服务的事实。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInternationalcooperationisahottopicintheworldtodayandnetworkingacrossbordershasbecomepartofsociety.Intheprivatesectorthenumberofinternationalalliancesisgrowing;whileintheworldofhighereducationtheneedforin-ternationallinkagesandexchangesisbeingrecog-nizedaswell.Inordertokeeppacewiththechangingandeverexpandingfrontiersofknowledgeandtech-nologyuniversitiesareactivelyseekingforpartners.Withotheruniversitiestheycanaccomplishgoalstheycouldnotaccomplishbythemselves.Thein-tentiontocoo…  相似文献   

本文根据辽宁警察学院开展英语第二课堂活动的经验与成果,分析了英语演讲活动对警察院校学生实践能力培养的重要作用,总结当前活动开展过程中存在的主要问题,提出解决问题的主要方法,即建立英语演讲"励、练、赛"的多元教学模式,并指出了保障"励、练、赛"模式开展过程中应当注意的主要问题。  相似文献   

在国际货物贸易中,卖方的权利瑕疵担保责任具有重要意义且颇具非议。它关系到买卖双方的权利义务的范围及分配,引起了广泛关注。《德国民法典》、美国《统一商法典》和《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中都有关于卖方权利瑕疵担保责任的专门规定,我国合同法应借鉴三者的优点,不断改善相关规定。  相似文献   

论国际反倾销与中国的对策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO倡导的是公平、自由的市场竞争 ,而倾销将会破坏这种正常的竞争环境。1 995年WTO正式启动以后 ,其框架下的反倾销协议即成为世界范围内各国反倾销立法的统一规范。近年来 ,在经济全球化和贸易投资自由化的浪潮中 ,反倾销逐步演化成为各国普遍采用的维护公平贸易环境、抵制不公平竞争的重要手段之一。随着国际范围内反倾销案件的日益增多 ,中国遭受反倾销诉讼及倾销裁定率均居各国之首 ,已成为世界上最大的反倾销对象国。深入探索中国屡遭反倾销的原因并加强对策研究 ,已成为中国对外贸易顺利发展的重大课题。  相似文献   

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