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教育不平等与收入分配差距:中国的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the endogenous growth theory, this paper uses the Gini coefficient to measure educational inequality and studies the empirical relationship between educational inequality and income inequality through a simultaneous equation model. The results show that: (1) Income inequality leads to educational inequality while the reduction of educational equality does not contribute to the decrease of income inequality, and there is no simple casual effect between them. However education expansion is beneficial to reduce educational inequality and income inequality. (2) Education relates to income inequality through the human capital transmission mechanism, but this mechanism does not automatically translate into a virtuous cycle of “educational equality↔income equality”. (3) In the long run, the reduction of educational inequality does not reduce income inequality, but income inequality has a negative instant-impact on educational equality. (4) At present, the level of educational investment and urbanization do not effectively promote educational equality. In addition, the robustness of the model used in this paper has been partly proved. __________ Translated from Guanli Shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2008, (1): 38–47  相似文献   

In this article, we map the extent of educational inequality within Tasmania, and between Tasmania and the rest of Australia, using National Assessment ProgramLiteracy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and senior secondary attainment data. This analysis yields some surprising findings, showing the success of Tasmanian primary and high schools and that Tasmanian educational inequality is most strongly expressed at the senior secondary level. We conclude that using such publicly available data to identify differential achievement within and between jurisdictions would strengthen public policy and practitioner interventions aimed at achieving more equal educational outcomes for students in all schools. Our findings also have implications for research directions in this field, suggesting that by analysis of NAPLAN and My School data across individual schools and jurisdictions academic researchers could assist practitioners gain a deeper understanding of inequalities reproduced by the systems they are working within, while finding examples of schools and systems which show a greater level of success in ameliorating disadvantage.  相似文献   

This article analyzes both the current situation regarding education inequality in China, and its formation mechanisms. Policies promoting education have lead to remarkable progress in educational attainment, and also effectively decreased educational inequality. However, substantial inequalities in educational attainment remain, even though sustainable progress has been realized. Decomposition results using the Gini coefficient and Shapley value approach based on regression analysis indicate that the greatest contributing factors to educational inequality involve the urban–rural and social stratification divisions. Moreover, the household register system which divides city and country, as well as increasing income inequality is deepening institutional barriers and stratum differentiation. Though gender and regional gaps have been reduced significantly, the population residing in economically disadvantaged areas, especially females, still warrants social concern. In addition, age related decomposition results indicate that increasing educational attainment for the young plays a key role in reducing education inequality. At last, we argue that more educational investment should be allocated to disadvantaged groups and lower income groups; especially eliminating some institutional barriers such as the hukou system, unequal distribution of good quality educational resources, and so on.  相似文献   

With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.  相似文献   

With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.
Zusammenfassung GEMEINDESCHULEN ALS EINE ERZIEHERISCHE ALTERNATIVE IN AFRIKA: EINE KRITIK – Mit einem Blick auf die formale Grundbildung erforscht diese Studie tatsächliche Erfahrungen und mögliche Werte gegenwärtiger Gemeindeschul-Initiativen in Afrika. Anhand der Nutzung von Daten aus verschiedenen Programmen vom ganzen Kontinent untersucht sie ihre Dynamik in Bezug auf verschiedene Konzeptionen von alternativer Grundbildungsversorgung. Die weitere politische Frage, die aufgestellt wird, lautet, ob Gemeindeschulen in einer bedeutungsvollen und gangbaren Weise auf die Interessen von Lernern und ihren Gemeinden antworten, sozialpolitische Ziele von Fairness und sozialer Gerechtigkeit erreichen und Reformen fördern können. Während ihre Schlussfolgerungen vorläufig bleiben, erforscht die Studie wirkungsvolle, aber problematische Zugänge, die von Gemeinden, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen und Regierungen unterstützt werden. Sie widmet jenen Elementen besondere Aufmerksamkeit, welche die Handlungskompetenz fördern und die erzieherische Versorgung sowie die örtlichen sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen weiterentwickeln. Sie erhebt darüber hinaus grundlegende Fragen über die Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit ebenso wie die Verantwortlichkeit von Schulen gegenüber den Bedürfnissen der Gemeinden sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Lernenden darin zu unterstützen, Benachteiligung und gesellschaftliche Ausgrenzung zu überwinden.

Resumen ESCUELAS COMUNITARIAS COMO ALTERNATIVA EDUCATIVA EN ÁFRICA: UNA CRÍTICA – Con miras a una educación básica formal, el autor explora con este estudio experiencias concretas y valores potenciales de iniciativas actuales relacionadas con escuelas comunitarias en África. Usando los datos de diferentes programas implementados a lo largo y a lo ancho del continente, examina su dinámica en cuanto a diferentes conceptos referentes a provisiones alternativas de educación básica. El interrogante político, más amplio, es el de si las escuelas comunitarias pueden ofrecer una respuesta razonable y viable a los intereses de los educandos y sus comunidades, alcanzar los objetivos sociopolíticos de igualdad y justicia social y promover las reformas. Si bien las conclusiones del estudio siguen siendo provisionales, explora enfoques efectivos, pero problemáticos sostenidos por comunidades, organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos, prestando especial atención a aquellos elementos que promueven el fortalecimiento y la transformación de la provisión educativa y de las condiciones socioeconómicas locales. También plantea interrogantes fundamentales sobre persistencia y equidad y la capacidad de las escuelas de responder a las necesidades de las comunidades y de asistir a los educandos para superar desventajas y marginación.

Résumé LES ÉCOLES COMMUNAUTAIRES EN TANT QU’UNE ALTERNATIVE ÉDUCATIVE EN AFRIQUE : UNE CRITIQUE – Tout en ayant un regard sur l’éducation formelle de base, cette étude explore les expériences actuelles et les valeurs potentielles des initiatives en cours dans les écoles communautaires en Afrique. Faisant usage des données des différents programmes sur tout le continent, elle examine leur dynamique en termes de conceptions différentes quant aux dispositions alternatives en faveur d’une éducation de base. La question politique plus large qui se pose est si les écoles communautaires peuvent répondre d’une façon significative et viable aux intérêts des apprenants et de leurs communautés, si elles vont à l’encontre des buts socio-politiques de l’équité et de la justice sociale, et si elles favorisent les réformes. Alors que ses conclusions demeurent provisoires, l’étude explore les approches effectives mais problématiques soutenues par des communautés, des organisations non gouvernementales et des gouvernements. Elle accorde une attention particulière à ces éléments qui promeuvent la mise en vigueur et transforment les besoins éducatifs et les conditions socio-économiques. Elle soulève en outre des questions fondamentales sur la persistance et l’équité ainsi que sur la responsabilité des écoles vis à vis des besoins de la communauté et sur leur capacité à aider les apprenants à surmonter des désavantages et la marginalité.

This paper summarises some English research findings related to educational inequality, particularly in inner urban schools. It documents how differences related to relative poverty are reflected in patterns of educational attainment as revealed by national tests results. It considers and evaluates how the issue of educational inequality in England has been tackled.  相似文献   

In this study, I examine the influence of demographic and educational characteristics of South African graduates on their employment/unemployment status. A sample of 1175 respondents who graduated between 2006 and 2012 completed an online survey. Using binary logistic regression, the strongest determinants of unemployment were the graduates’ race, their socio-economic status and their year of their graduation. Surprisingly, the graduates’ field of study, level of study, marks obtained and whether or not they had received career guidance at their higher education institution did not significantly influence their employment/unemployment status. Of the employed graduates, 27% reported that they consider themselves to be underemployed. The results show the strong influence structural factors have on determining employment prospects of graduates and question the extent to which higher education institutions and graduate employers reproduce social inequality through their graduate recruitment services and practices.  相似文献   

Claudia Buchmann 《Prospects》1999,29(4):503-515
Conclusion In the last two decades of the twentieth century, many Africans have experienced decline or stagnation in the quality of their lives. The continued high rates of poverty and declining educational enrolments in the region are outcomes of multiple factors, including escalating debt and declining development assistance on the global level and fiscal mismanagement, weak governance and continued population growth within African countries. One realization that has come from the experiences of recent decades is that poverty is both a cause and an outcome of low educational enrolments. Breaking the cycle requires great effort on two fronts simultaneously: (a) a targeted attack on poverty through policies that promote sustainable and equitable development; and (b) an unwavering long-term investment in basic education (Psacharopoulos, 1995). The question remains whether international organizations, African governments and local communities will heed the lessons learned from past missteps and apply them to future educational initiatives. Both the international community's renewed awareness of the importance of basic education and the recent educational efforts of African-based NGOs suggest that the answer to this question is a tentative ‘yes’. Perhaps the first decade of the new millennium will bring a more definitive answer. Original language: English Claudia Buchmann (United States of America) Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Duke University. Her research interests include educational inequality in the international context with a special focus on educational problems and prospects in Africa. Her recent publications include ‘The debt crisis, structural adjustment and women's education: implications for status and social development’ (1996,International journal of comparative sociology) and ‘The State and schooling in Kenya: historical developments and current challenges’ (1999,Africa today).  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of educational inequality for the major Indian states. We compute the education Gini index separately for the rural and urban sectors and examine the changes in inequality during past two decades. The estimates show the high extent of educational inequality; though the inequality declined between 1993 and 2009 the Gini index is above 50% in 2009. Using the analysis of Gini (ANOGI), a technique to decompose overall inequality into the inequality within- and between-sectors, we find that a large part of overall educational inequality is accounted for by intra-sector inequality. Further, intra-sector inequality has increased and inter-sector inequality has narrowed during the above period.  相似文献   

The strong legacy of apartheid and the consequent correlation between education and wealth have meant that, generally speaking, poorer South African students perform worse academically. Although racial segregation has been abolished for 18 years now, schools which served predominantly White students under apartheid remain functional, while those which served Black students remain dysfunctional and unable to impart the necessary numeracy and literacy skills students should be acquiring by this level. The present study provides an overview of this dualistic nature of the primary education system in South Africa, with special attention paid to the bimodality of student performance. It argues that there are in fact two different education systems in South Africa and thus two different data-generating processes. These two sub-systems can be seen when splitting student performance by former-department, language, or socioeconomic status. The implications of such a dualistic schooling system are also elucidated, with special emphasis on government reporting and econometric modeling. The recently released SACMEQ III dataset is used for the econometric modeling. The study finds that when modeling student performance separately for the wealthiest 25% of schools on the one hand, and the poorest 75% of schools on the other, there are stark differences in the factors influencing student performance. Only five of the 27 factors are shared between the two models for mathematics, and 11 of the 30 factors for reading. This suggests a bifurcated system where the process which converts inputs into outputs is fundamentally different for each sub-system. Ultimately the paper has two logical conclusions: 1) Observing averages in South African education is uniquely misleading and overestimates the educational achievement of the majority of students, and 2) Modeling a single schooling system when there are in fact two school systems can lead to spurious results and misleading policy conclusions.  相似文献   

The article provides a multiperspective approach to educational careers. It first discusses social justice issues in the distribution of the crucial individual and social good of education. It then summarizes core findings of recent international research on processes and factors generating social disparities in the acquisition of education. Based on both it finally provides suggestions how especially professional guidance can contribute to reducing inequalities and increasing social justice.  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which some of the most discriminated against, disadvantaged and marginalised groups on the African continent, are re-defining education through strategies aimed at recognition of rights and social justice. It uses Fraser's analysis of social justice – distribution, recognition and participation – to examine the demands of the indigenous movement in Africa for rights to education. Over the past 10 years the concept of ‘indigenous’ has become embedded in African regional resolutions and reports while communities self-identifying as indigenous have been shaping new political and educational spaces for their participation and decision making about their development and their education. Taking the example of the East African pastoralists and the Maasai of Ngorongoro District in Tanzania, it looks at indigenous communities’ initiatives to define and achieve a qualitative education which is relevant and meaningful for their lives today. It concludes with a discussion of the potential for the indigenous movement in Africa to ‘reframe’ education for the benefit of not only indigenous communities but for all learners.  相似文献   

中国与非洲教育合作的新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与非洲国家教育合作是中非合作框架下中非全方位友好合作关系的重要组成部分,是中非双方建立的多主体、多层次、多领域、多形式的教育合作关系。中非教育合作本着量力而行、互利共赢、共同发展的原则,旨在促进非洲社会的自主发展。中非教育合作在政府层面的高层互访、院校的交流和科研合作、留学生的双向流动、派遣援非教师和赴非志愿者、对非人力资源开发和非洲汉语教学与研究等方面都取得了显著成效。在中非合作关系不断深化的背景下,有必要对中非教育合作中存在的问题进行分析,并提出建设性思考。  相似文献   

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