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我们通常所说的"软件产业" 在国际上是指"软件和基于IT的 服务及业务流程外包产业"(以下 简称"软件与IT外包产业")。软 件与IT外包产业是以网络和通 信设施为基础的无物流产业,现 已实现了在全球范围内的上下游 无缝对接,也就是全球一体化。由 于全球经济一体化的发展趋势与 成本竞争压力,迫使欧、美企业改 变业务流程和进行战略性资源重 组。特别是IT和网络通信技术的 成熟,使软件与IT外包产业,快 速实现离岸,其复合增长率为年 28%-40%。在全球软件与IT外 包产业的离岸总量中,印度遥遥 领先占有50%的份额,中国、马来  相似文献   

Emerging broadband communication technologies are providing an infrastructure for a unifying platform for 3 converging industry sectors: computing, telecommunications, and broadcasting. Despite the steady growth of broadband access in the United States (with 14.5% broadband penetration), the country ranks only 12th among 30 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries (OECD, 2005). For rapid growth in broadband diffusion, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has considered access-based competition and facilities-based competition as important policy tools. Through 2 different econometric analyses (time series analysis and multiple regression analysis), this study examines whether platform competition, access-based competition, and other factors have influenced broadband deployment. The result of the time series analysis shows that platform competition has been a key driver of broadband deployment in the United States. The multiple regression analysis suggests the availability of different broadband platforms and the level of income have influenced broadband diffusion. The main findings of this study imply that regulation across platforms should be competitively neutral and that Congress and the FCC should embrace further platform competition through new technologies like broadband over power-line and wireless broadband.  相似文献   

本刊2008年第10期曾刊登了Outsell公司的报告《信息产业市场规模与份额排名:2007初步结果》,还记得2007年报告中对2008年市场的十大预言吗?现在,2008年版的报告又呈现在读者面前了。有哪些预言成真?又有哪些细分市场的变化令人瞩目?让我们一起来关注!  相似文献   

编者按:国内外信息产业近几年发展迅猛,技术更新迅速,企业间联合、并购频繁,市场规模激增.产业增长的驱动因素是什么,如何把握产业发展的关键趋势?这些从Outsell公司的调研报告中可窥得一斑.正如本报告中所说的, "报告中提供的数据将通过展示信息产业的规模和经济能力来使产业中某种隐藏的因素可视化".编辑部向Outsell公司申请,获得了发布该报告中文译稿的授权,现刊发译稿全文以飨读者.本文英文题名为"Information Industry Market Size and Share Rankings:Preliminary 2007Results",来源:http://www.outsellinc.com/store/products/546.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare benefits of cable television (CATV) merger and acquisitions in the multi-channel video programming distribution (MVPD) market. In particular, it seeks to answer whether cable subscribers are better off in competitive markets than in concentrated markets. This article estimates the impact of mergers by examining Korea's regional market-share data for MVPD operators with a hierarchical-choice model. First, the estimation results show that the consumer value of the CATV platform, in terms of the category values in a nested logit model, was significantly lower in the concentrated markets than in the more competitive markets. Second, the study compares these findings with those in the literature about the U.S. market. The following question is prompted: Why is direct broadcast satellite competitive with CATV in the United States but not in Korea? This article points out that differences in regulatory policies, particularly as they relate to the treatment of vertically integrated networks, do have significant effects on the effective boundary of MVPD competition across platforms. To support this argument, this article provides details on the policies and market characteristics of the Korean MVPD industry.  相似文献   

根据赛迪顾问的市场调研结果,2002年中国管理软件市场销售总额与2001年同比增长52.6%。管理软件市场之所以能够保持高速增长,主要在于管理软件市场供需双方总量在2001年都保持迅猛增长:一方面,国家“以信息化带动工业化”战略的不断推进与中国加入WTO等利好因素,使得企业用户对全方位企业解决方案的需求快速增长,特别是ERP、CRM等新的管理理念的提出,使企业对管理软件的需求更加情有独钟;另一方面,由于国内外各类软件厂商纷纷抢滩管理软件市场,日趋激烈的竞争环境使得该市场的供给能力与供给总量均有提高。一、管理软件市场结构分析1.管…  相似文献   

Using industrial organization as the theoretical framework, this study examines the relation between market competition and the media performance of Taiwan's cable television industry. The media performance of cable television systems is defined as the subscribers' satisfaction with program service, customer service, and community service. A telephone survey was conducted to collect data for the study. This study's findings in general support a positive relation between market competition and media performance, which accords with most previous studies.  相似文献   

软件产业标准化与质量管理初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,软件产业已成为各国国民经济和社会发展的战略性先导产业。如何促进我国的软件产业健康、快速发展,进行软件产业标准化与质量管理工作是其基础,而掌握其基本知识是其前提。文章简要探讨了软件产业的内涵及其质量特性、软件工程标准体系要素及其结构。  相似文献   

印刷行业的价格战是一个动态博弈的过程.企业不断达到纳什均衡,又不断打破这一均衡,在反复打破的过程中,价格呈不断下降的趋势,直至价格接近边际成本. 根据我国实际情况,如果构造印刷行业价格战的博弈模型,当有如下四个特点:其一是先后次序的博弈,价格战之所以会打响,很大程度上就是竞争者之间互相降价,这一过程可以看作是有先后次序的;其二是完全信息的博弈,因为企业的定价行为是公开的,最终要面向消费者,竞争对手也是很容易获取价格信息;其三是重复博弈,实际上价格是不断变动的,而且价格战也是持续的,所以可以看作是重复博弈;其四零和博弈,虽然现在很多企业意识到了竞争与合作都是很必要的,但实际上在相关领域主要还是竞争,合作居于次要地位,因此可以看作是零和博弈.  相似文献   

The market shares of Hollywood movies in European and Asian markets are so large that policymakers around the world are concerned about the import domination not only in theaters but also in the subsequent windows. Media economists acknowledge that domestic producers have an advantage in terms of a "cultural discount," referring to the unavoidable disadvantage of imported films. However, expenditure on a film's production also determines the extent of popular appeal, thus creating an advantage for films that have a large and wealthy home market base such as Hollywood. In this article, I aim at understanding the dynamics of these 2 seemingly opposing forces in the motion picture market in Korea. I review the film market in Korea, explore the relation between performances of 2 windows, theaters and home video, over the two countries-the United States and Korea-and compare the determinants of performance of Hollywood and local films in Korean box offices. A strong hit orientation and preference for local content was empirically found.  相似文献   

This article reviews the recent mergers among multiple-system operators (MSOs), investigates their impact on market concentration, and examines cable multiple ownership rules as well as antitrust applications. The implication of telephone company (telco) entry is then discussed. It was concluded that the exhibition stage of the cable industry is currently moderately concentrated but has reached its highest degree in 20 years. The wave of mergers shifted from the high profile telco-MSO strategic alliances to the major MSOs' consolidations aimed at building efficient market clusters. The trend of market concentration is expected to continue given the current economic and regulatory climate.  相似文献   

This article investigates the issue of the relation between market competition and programming diversity in Taiwan's TV market. For more than 20 years, Taiwan's TV market had an oligopolistic structure with 3 networks dominating the market. With the popularity of satellite TV during the 1990s, the oligopoly rapidly ended. This study examines how programming diversity was affected by the changing TV market structure in Taiwan. Programming diversity was measured by 3 methods using program data from the 3 networks operating in Taiwan: vertical programming diversity, horizontal programming diversity, and prime-time programming strategies. The results indicate a negative relation between market competition and programming diversity. Although the market competition increased from 1986 to 1996, this study discovered that the degree of programming diversity was reduced year by year.  相似文献   

情报竞争的博弈论分析与竞争战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏佩福  黄骥 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(11):22-24
情报竞争就是对情报的获得、分析、运用的一个过程,现在情报对企业来说已显得越来越重要,谁赢得情报谁就赢得市场,因此情报竞争已经成为企业经营中一个重要的环节。但是一个很重要的事实是情报不是轻易可以获得的,企业更多的情况是在信息不完全的条件下进行竞争。本文通过一个模型用博弈论来分析企业在信息不完全条件下的竞争及相应的竞争战略选择。  相似文献   

前言   2004年7月21日,由科技部、国家发改委、教育部、财政部联合制定的《2004-2010年国家科技基础条件平台建设纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)正式发布[1].“科学数据共享平台“就是《纲要》中的六大重点建设平台之一.《纲要》是从国家层面上提出构筑国家科技基础条件平台的纲领性文件,作为科技大省的陕西省,如何贯彻落实《纲要》精神和目标,如何促进陕西的科技创新活动和区域经济发展,是陕西的一项重要任务.本文试图从此重要任务出发,提出陕西省科学数据共享平台(以下简称平台)的建设构想,已达到抛砖引玉的作用.……  相似文献   

We examined if cardiovascular and affective responding to video game play changed across social context or with game content. Male participants (13–22 years old) played a violent or nonviolent video game. Each participant played the game individually, competitively against a male partner, and cooperatively with the partner. There was no effect of social condition on heart rate (HR) or diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Participants had significantly higher systolic BP (SBP) when playing individually and competitively than when playing cooperatively, probably because play was more continuous. There was no impact of game type for HR or SBP. DBP was significantly higher for participants who played the violent game, perhaps because participants found the violent game more exciting and enjoyable. Participants who played the violent game rated the experimenters more positively than those who played the nonviolent game. Participants found game play more exciting, enjoyable, stressful, and frustrating, but less boring and relaxing, when they played competitively or cooperatively than when they played individually. The results are discussed in terms of the general aggression model.  相似文献   

Although research has indicated that moral decisions are made during video game play, less research has examined moral reasoning during play. Using a think-aloud protocol, participants’ decisions and reasoning were recorded during game play and coded as either strategic or moral. Players’ reasoning was also coded using Moral Foundations Theory. Results indicated an almost equal percentage of strategic and moral reasoning; the salience of several individual moral foundations predicted moral reasoning during play. Video game experience was positively related to the use of moral reasoning, which can be explained by relating reasoning to rational and experiential processing during game play.  相似文献   

按照中央十八届三中全会的战略部署,国有传媒企业试点特殊管理股制度是文化体制改革的重点工作.但特殊管理股何以特殊?为何传媒业如此青睐特殊管理股?国际传媒巨头如何运用特殊管理股制度?我国国有传媒企业试点该怎么试?这一系列问题引起了传媒业与相关政府部门的广泛关注,也成为学术关注的焦点之一.文章以纽约时报公司为例,剖析了特殊管理股在传媒业私有化背景下的创造性应用及其基本模式与独有特征,以期为我国传媒领域特殊管理股制度试点提供必要的智力支持.  相似文献   

This study examines how social comparison information provided by video game leaderboards may influence players’ retrospective judgments of autonomy, competence, and relatedness need fulfillment. Participants played a video game and were randomly assigned to receive no postgame feedback or were shown a leaderboard that placed them in the top or bottom quartile of players. Results indicate downward social comparisons increase enjoyment by increasing competence and relatedness perceptions. However, upward comparisons did not have an opposite effect, nor did either type of social comparison influence players’ autonomy perceptions. Implications for applying Self-Determination Theory to video game enjoyment in the context of social comparison feedback is discussed.  相似文献   

王长潇 《新闻界》2007,(6):48-50
本文分析了视频分享传播兴起的意义及其给传统电视带来的挑战,以及传统电视应该做出的选择.  相似文献   

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