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胡余韵 《小溪流(作文画刊)》2006,(Z1)
德尔惠→我的个性无需修饰的我与生惧来就有“老大”的风范,众亲戚中,同一辈的我最大。两个小弟干脆叫我老大。众同学中我最大——班长,亦谓之老大,众多兄弟把我推上了这个自己都决定不了的“老大宝座”。狂拽不是我的个性,另类倒说得过去。我很“冷血”,但我有很多真诚的兄弟无怨无悔地跟着我屁颠屁颠地过日子。成绩好,工作能力强,这无疑为老师增添了一道难题。在他们眼中,我是一个令人头疼的尖子生。说得难听点,就是问题生:我不爱问问题,一天下来也不愿开口多说话,何来之问题?那便是——动感地带→我的地盘我作主兄弟不是用不摆pose,而是… 相似文献
徐国荣 《山西教育(综合版)》2001,(8)
Excuse me,I'm sorry和 I beg your pardon都有“对不起”、“请原谅”等意思。1 .Excuse me常用于 1对陌生人说话之前 ;2做的事可能打扰对方 (如从别人旁边经过 ,要离开什么地方时 ) ;3不同意对方意见时 ;4引起对方注意时。如 :1 Excuse me,sir,hold on—Mrs Evans will speak to you herself.(对不起 ,先生 ,别挂断—埃文斯夫人要亲自对您讲话 )2 He said“Excuse me”when he knocked me down.(他撞在我身上时说了声“对不起”。)2 .I'm sorry常用来表示自己犯了某种过失 ,也可表示“遗憾”,如对别人不幸表示悲哀 ,不能满足对方要求… 相似文献
教育教学的中心环节是课堂教学,能否搞好课堂教学是教育教学成功与否的关键.语文课堂上,笔者认为要真正发挥出课堂在语文教育中的阵地作用,必须注重课堂教学中对学生学习兴趣的激发. 相似文献
米德是一位对自我有深入、系统研究的大理论家。本文试图通过对他关于自我的概念、产生、结构、阶段诸方面理论研究的述评,为心理学、教育与教学理论提供某些启发。本文认为米德的研究有以下特点:1、在方法论上持开放眼光不囿于思辨,2,注重对机制的探讨,3、对结构研究富有见地;4,对自我发展的内在本质用动作、语言的外显特性给予表征。同时,作者力图指出其理论的不足之处。 相似文献
大家都知道在英语的学习中,只有专有名词、人名和星期、月份、节日、书名等单词首字母才大写,其他一律小写。可是英语中有些单词的首字母大写、小写均可以,但是其涵义却大相径庭。今天就为大家介绍一些这样的单词。 相似文献
新一轮课程改革就是要改革教学过程中过于注重接受、记忆、模仿学习的倾向,倡导学生主动参与、交流、合作、探究等多种学习活动,改进学习方式,使学生真正成为学习的主人:成为具有发现、分析和解决实际问题能力的人。教师要使学生形成科学态度.学会科学方法:具有独立思考、自主探究的精神与求实创新的意识。因此,如何更好地创造小学数学课的教学情境,成为小学数学教师值得探究的问题。在此,我对课堂程序谈谈自己的看法。 相似文献
大家都知道在英语的学习中.只有专有名词、人名和星期、月份、节日、书名等单词首字母才大写.其他一律小写。可是英语中有些单词的首字母大写、小写均可以,但是其涵义却大相径庭。今天就为大家介绍一些这样的单词。 相似文献
在日常生活中“对不起”使用非常广泛,许多英语学习者往往用I'msorry来表达。实际上,英语中的I'm sorry仅在向人道歉时使用。许多场合都是用Excuse me。现将Excuse me的应用场合归纳如下。 相似文献
Ulrika Bergmark 《Pastoral Care in Education》2013,31(4):267-279
In Sweden the compulsory school curriculum prescribes that education should promote learning in different subjects while simultaneously assisting students to develop into citizens of good character. To achieve these goals students need to cultivate such character strengths as respect and responsibility, so that they can create positive relationships and live in a community. The development of these skills in a school setting could be called character education. Research shows that good character education promotes the moral development of students and also enhances their academic learning. Giving voice to students is the cornerstone of character education; if adults in schools listen carefully to students educational practice can be improved. This study was conducted in a secondary school in northern Sweden. The phenomenology of the life‐world and the principles of participatory and appreciative action research guided the research. The aim was to explore student voices as they described how they do and do not wish to be treated by others. The empirical data consisted of written responses to questions posed to students in Grades 7 and 8. The data analysis revealed four themes: striving for mutual understanding, being accepted for who you are, seeking honesty and truth and being acknowledged, recognized and encouraged. A comprehensive understanding of the themes suggests how practice may be improved in educational settings. 相似文献
英语教师要设法吸引学生参与英语课堂进行有效的语言实践,从而实现“学会英语”的目的。 相似文献
Misty Adoniou 《Teacher Development》2016,20(3):348-363
This article reports findings from a study of 14 beginning teachers in their first year of teaching in primary schools. By the end of the first year, half were reconsidering their long-term commitment to teaching. The study found they were considering leaving because they were struggling to be the teachers they had envisaged being. One reason for this was the lack of alignment between the supports offered to them, and their own visions of good teaching. The consequences of misaligned supports for beginning teachers are discussed, along with suggestions for the ways in which mentoring and induction programs can better support beginning teachers to be the teachers they wish to be. 相似文献
Dr Emma L.E. Rees 《Gender and education》2011,23(6):783-788
Hi,everybody! My name is Che Zhonghua.You can call me Jenny.I am eleven years old. I study in ShaoCheng Primary School. I am in Class Two, Grade Six. I like English,Chinese and 相似文献
杨正凡 《中学英语园地(高三版)》2010,(7):79-83
一、me too意为“我也一样、我也如此”,源于“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+与前句不相同的主语”,用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的肯定情况相同的场合。例如: 相似文献
<正>今天,我要做一个香香的肉松卷。我先把牛奶、黄油、低筋面粉和糖加到蛋黄里,把它们打发成云朵的样子铺在烤盘里。接着,把它们放进预热好的烤箱里加热,蛋糕糊很快就变成了诱人的焦糖色,隔着烤箱我都能闻到香气。最后,把烤熟的蛋糕拿出来抹上蛋黄酱,撒上脆脆的海苔肉松,卷成一个软软的小卷儿,放进冰箱里冷藏片刻。美味的肉松卷就做好啦! 相似文献