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罗智  王翔 《湖北体育科技》2003,22(2):178-180
研究采用自制的实验器材和传统的手摇自行车功量计测定男子上肢无氧功率,并对自制器材所测得无氧功率的试验结果进行可靠性、客观性和有效性检验,证明用该自制器材测定上肢无氧功率不仅制作简单、操作容易,而且具有实效性和可靠性的优点,从而表明该仪器在进一步完善后对无氧功率的测试具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

洪涛  廖爱萍 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):51-53
回顾了Margaria 无氧功率台阶实验方法的创建和早期发展历程。列举和分析了目前该实验方法在用力负荷、用力幅度、指标标定方法等方面存在的不足和问题。介绍了近年来为完善和改进该方法所进行诸项研究成果和进展,评价其学术价值和应用价值,指出了未来发展的前景。  相似文献   

实验对象为接受专业和业余训练的运动员68名(男),采用MONARK868功率自行车作为测试仪器,以Vandewall(1987年)建立的F—V方法测定最大功率。实验结果表明,受试者力(P_o),速度(V_o)值的大小及其组合模式与他们所具有的无氧能力强弱和他们从事的项目有关。同时也提示,利用F—V测试方法提供的P_o,V_o值信息可以在一定程度上分析评定不同对象的无氧能力。  相似文献   

绝对台阶无氧功率和相对台阶无氧功率的实用价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了绝对台阶无氧功率和相对台阶无氧功率的准确性、可比性和实际应用价值。对台阶无氧功率实验评价方法提出了新看法。  相似文献   

3种自行车功率计无氧功率测试结果的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用 Monark 834,Monark 839E,SRM3种自行车功率计对8名优秀男子自行车运动员进行30s Wingate 元氧功率测试(WAT),对测试结果进行比较,分析3种功率计测定参数的异同与自行车实际运动方式的差异。结果表明:Monark834进行 Wingate 测试和自行车运动实践不尽相符。Monark 839E 可以比较精确的反映受试者的起动能力。Monark 834和 Monark839E 进行 WAT 测试时,其预定负荷受到一定的限制。SRM 测试指标的内容和精度较Monark834、Monark 839E要高。从模拟自行车运动实际状况来看,SRM 是更适合自行车运动员测试的专业工具。  相似文献   

采用瑞典MONARK无氧功率自行车对河西学院体育教育专业12、13届进行30s无氧功率测试,探讨了2013年前、后大学生的下肢无氧功率是否存在差异性.结果显示:0~5s、5~10s差异性非常显著(P<0.01);10~15s差异性显著(P<0.05);15~20s、20~25s、25~30s差异性不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

台阶无氧功率实验方法新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用身高百分比对每步跨台阶垂直高度进行标定的方法,对21名运动员和43名学生的台阶无氧功率实验进行了方法学研究。结果证明,以不同每步跨台阶垂直高度所测得的个体无氧功率有明显差异;认为个体最大台阶无氧功率与个体最佳用力幅度有密切关系,后者可以反映受试的训练水平和技术水平,对选材和机能评定有参考价值。  相似文献   

不同专项训练对男子短距离自行车运动员无氧能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析两个阶段不同侧重的专项训练前后男子短距离自行车运动员无氧功和专项成绩的变化,探讨不同专项训练对无氧能力的影响,为合理安排训练计划、评价训练效果提供依据。在冬训期间,对运动员的15s、30s无氧功和场地专项成绩测试结果显示,专项力量训练提高了运动员的磷酸原供能能力,但8周训练时间过长,造成了专项频率水平的降低,影响了成绩。专项频率训练虽然使无氧能力小幅下降,但对运动员骑行频率的改善从整体上提高了短距离运动员的专项成绩。在训练计划的制定中,应合理安排各种专项训练手段的比例。  相似文献   

台阶无氧功率实验中负荷与功率关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪涛  朱萍 《体育与科学》1999,20(1):34-37
台阶无氧功率实验自创立至今已有30余年的历史。在此期羊个体最大台阶无氧功率一直是有关学者致力追求的目标。能否获得个体最大无氧功率是关系到此实验方法的科学性和应用价值的重要标志。为了实现这个目标,笔者对若干级别负荷的台阶无氧功率实验进行了比较研究。结果发现负荷与无氧功率成曲线相关关系。曲线形状为近似抛物线。抛物线的顶点为个体最大无氧功率,个体最大无氧功率所对应的负荷值为适宜负荷。本文给出了推算个体最大台阶无氧功率的曲线方程和负荷的体重百分比标定法,笔者认为以往徒手台阶无氧功率实验只是台阶无氧功率实验中最低负荷的一种。台阶无氧功率实验的定义须进一步确定。  相似文献   

无氧代谢能力是指人体的肌肉组织在运动训练中通过无氧代谢供能系统提供三磷酸腺苷的极限能力,它代表着肌肉组织在无氧供能条件下的做功能力。因此无氧代谢能力对于短距离场地自行车运动员来说是非常重要的,糖酵解供能速率要比糖有氧氧化速率要高的多,30s的无氧功测试大强度运动中以糖酵解供能为主。通过30s Wingate试验测试可以迅速、全面、准确地掌握运动员的无氧运动能力水平。  相似文献   

不同项目青少年运动员的血清睾酮值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
:对青少年运动员血清睾酮值进行了对比研究。根据不同能量代谢系统特点分为5组:(A)项目ATP能量系统供能为主的运动员;(B)项目以糖酵解能量系统供能为主的运动员;(c)项目以有氧能量系统供能为主的运动员;(D)球类运动员;(E)普通青少年。通过对比研究,得到以下结果:(1)所有运动员组血清睾酮高于普通青少年组;(2)第1组运动员血清睾酮值明显高于其他4组;(3)第2、3、4组血清睾酮值无显差异。血清睾酮值可以作为运动员选材的指标,特别是在进行项目以ATP—CP能量系统供能为主的运动员的选择时.  相似文献   

对抗项目竞技能力层次要素特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据竞技能力结构体系,遴选7个运动形态复杂的对抗项目作为代表项目.分别通过专项内部和专项之间竞技能力系统要素影响权重的多元比较,探讨对抗项目专项运动竞技能力层次要素的异同特征.发现各个专项竞技能力要素的权重影响程度均为不同;专项运动特征显著反映的主要要素是二级要素中的身体形态、运动机能和运动技术要素;专项运动特征全面反映的主要要素是四级要素中各个竞技能力要素的具体表现.研究认为这种差异既反映竞技能力非衡发展的普遍现象,同时反映不同竞技能力的影响作用.  相似文献   

对世界优秀男子400m运动员速度参数进行统计处理与比较分析,结果表明:最快分段速度与400m成绩不存在显著性相关,而与其它重要速度指标的关系,具有此消彼长的特征;如果阶段速度的优势无法带来整体速度的优势,反而带来对后程速度诸多的负面影响而造成最快分段速度的利用率降低,那么阶段速度的优势对成绩的贡献在一定程度上将失去意义;合理控制最快分段速度,有效提高全程最快分段速度利用率,保持全程速度的相对平稳性,才是发挥速度水平的重要保证。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the strength of the force–velocity (FV) relationship of lower limb muscles and the reliability of its parameters (maximum force [F0], slope [a], maximum velocity [V0], and maximum power [P0]). Twenty-three men were tested in two different jump types (squat and countermovement jump: SJ and CMJ), performed under two different loading conditions (free weight and Smith machine: Free and Smith) with 0, 17, 30, 45, 60, and 75?kg loads. The maximum and averaged values of F and V were obtained for the FV relationship modelling. All FV relationships were strong and linear independently whether observed from the averaged across the participants (r?≥?0.98) or individual data (r?=?0.94–0.98), while their parameters were generally highly reliable (F0 [CV: 4.85%, ICC: 0.87], V0 [CV: 6.10%, ICC: 0.82], a [CV: 10.5%, ICC: 0.81], and P0 [CV: 3.5%, ICC: 0.93]). Both the strength of the FV relationships and the reliability of their parameters were significantly higher for (1) the CMJ over the SJ, (2) the Free over the Smith loading type, and (3) the maximum over the averaged F and V variables. In conclusion, although the FV relationships obtained from all the jumps tested were linear and generally highly reliable, the less appropriate choice for testing the FV relationship could be through the averaged F and V data obtained from the SJ performed either in a Free weight or in a Smith machine. Insubstantial differences exist among the other combinations tested.  相似文献   

从难美的角度对同项群类的武术套路、艺术体操、竞技体操等项目进行对比研究,认为竞技武术套路美的本质特征是技击艺术化。竞技武术套路应遵循难美项群的发展规律,借鉴其他同项群项目的成功经验,开辟本项目的发展空间,以期挖掘武术套路的本质特征,防止生搬硬套的异化武术套路,保持好套路的项目特点。  相似文献   

This study aimed to (1) assess the reliability of the force, velocity, and power output variables measured by a force plate and a linear velocity transducer (LVT) for both the unconstrained and constrained loaded countermovement jump (CMJ), and (2) examine the effect of both the CMJ type and the measurement method on the magnitudes of the same variables. Twenty-three men were tested on the free CMJ and the CMJ constrained by a Smith machine. Maximum values of force, velocity, and power were recorded by a force plate and by a LVT attached to a bar loaded by 17, 30, 45, 60, and 75 kg. The reliability of all mechanical variables proved to be high (ICC > 0.70; CV < 10%) and similar for two CMJ types. However, force plate-derived measures displayed greater reliability than the LVT. The LVT also markedly overestimated the magnitudes of the mechanical variables, particularly at lower external loads. Therefore, although both jump types and both methods could be acceptable for routine testing, we recommend the force platform due to a higher reliability and more accurate magnitudes of the obtained variables. The unconstrained loaded CMJ could also be recommended due to the simpler equipment needed.  相似文献   

This study examines the hand and foot reaction force recorded independently while performing the kick-start technique. Eleven male competitive swimmers performed three trials for the kick-start with maximum effort. Three force platforms (main block, backplate and handgrip) were used to measure reaction forces during starting motion. Force impulses from the hands, front foot and rearfoot were calculated via time integration. During the kick-start, the vertical impulse from the front foot was significantly higher than that from the rearfoot and the horizontal impulse from the rearfoot was significantly higher than that from the front foot. The force impulse from the front foot was dominant for generating vertical take-off velocity and the force impulse from the rearfoot was dominant for horizontal take-off velocity. The kick-start’s shorter block time in comparison to prior measurements of the grab start was explained by the development of horizontal reaction force from the hands and the rearfoot at the beginning of the starting motion.  相似文献   

目的:通过对下肢进行振动牵拉和PNF牵拉柔韧性训练,分析比较振动牵拉训练和PNF牵拉训练的不同效果,了解振动牵拉训练对人体下肢柔韧性的帮助,以便可以更好地将振动牵拉训练应用于实践和训练之中;研究方法:运用振动训练仪和PNF牵拉的方法对人体下肢进行柔韧性训练,振动牵拉训练组和PNF牵拉训练组各进行2min的柔韧性训练,振动组用POWER PLATE进行牵拉训练,振幅2mm,振频为30Hz。在柔韧性训练前、后通过坐位体前屈测量仪定量测定下肢柔韧度的数据作为比较的依据;结果与结论:振动牵拉训练组较PNF牵拉训练组柔韧性提高更明显。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if starting with the feet above the water (FAW) in male backstroke swimming resulted in faster start times (15-m time) than when the feet were underwater (FUW). It was hypothesised that setting higher on the wall would generate increased horizontal force and velocity, resulting in quicker starts. Twelve high-level male backstrokers performed three trials of the FAW and FUW techniques. A biomechanical swimming testing system comprising one force plate (1,000 Hz), four lateral-view (100 Hz), and five overhead (50 Hz) video cameras captured the swimmers' performance. Data for each participant's fastest trial for each technique were collated, grouped, and statistically analysed. Analysis included Wilcoxon, Spearman Rho correlation, and regression analysis. Wilcoxon results revealed a significantly faster start time for the FAW technique (p < 0.01). Peak horizontal force was significantly smaller for FAW (p = 0.02), while take-off horizontal velocity was significantly greater (p = 0.01). Regression analysis indicated take-off horizontal velocity to be a good predictor of start time for both techniques, and the horizontal displacement of the centre of mass for the FAW start.  相似文献   

Power is a fundamental component for many sporting activities; while the load that elicits peak power during different exercises and differences between sexes remains unclear. This study aims to determine the effect of sex and load on kinematic and kinetic variables during the mid-thigh clean pull. Men (n = 10) and women (n = 10) performed the mid-thigh clean pull at intensities of 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, and 140% of one repetition maximum (1RM) power clean in a randomised and counter-balanced order, while assessing bar velocity, bar displacement, power, force, and impulse. Two-way analysis of variance revealed that men demonstrated significantly greater (p < 0.05) values for all variables across loads, excluding bar velocity. Men demonstrated significantly greater (p < 0.05) bar velocities with 40–80% 1RM; in contrast, women demonstrated significantly (p < 0.05) higher velocities with 120–140% 1RM. Irrespective of sex significantly greater (p < 0.05), system peak power, bar velocity, and displacement occurred with 40% 1RM. In contrast, peak force and impulse were significantly (p < 0.05) greater with 140% 1RM. When performing the mid-thigh clean pull, to maximise system power or bar velocity, lower loads (40–60% 1RM) are recommended. When training force production or impulse, higher loads (120–140% 1RM) are recommended, when using the mid-thigh clean pull.  相似文献   

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