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韩雅 《海外英语》2014,(12):36-36
狗狗日在中国的一家商店里,一只狗正在和顾客们打招呼。店主莫清给她的宠物狗穿了一条牛仔裤和一件T恤来欢迎和吸引顾客。狗狗坐在商店门前的台阶上。老板说:“他很有礼貌。有客人进来的时候。他就会叫几声表示欢迎。”多有礼貌的狗狗呀!想念朋友一名逃犯请求政府让他回到原来的监狱。这是为什么呢?因为他想念他的朋友。37岁的瓦希尔·伊万诺夫从2005年3月越狱之后一直在逃亡。他说:“我受不了了。我已经在监狱里待了九年,完全无法适应监狱外的生活。我想念我的朋友,做一个自由的人让我感到很痛苦。”保加利亚旧扎戈拉监狱的监狱长立即让伊万诺夫回到了监狱,他将继续服刑两年,以服满11年刑期。他很可能会因为逃狱而增加刑期。  相似文献   

Dogs are thought to evaluate humans’ emotional states, and attend more to crying people than to humming people. However, it is unclear whether dogs would go beyond focusing attention on humans in need by providing more substantive help to them. This study used a trapped-other paradigm, modified from use in research on rats, to study prosocial helping in dogs. A human trapped behind a door either cried or hummed, and the dog’s behavioral and physiological responses (i.e., door opening and heart rate variability) were recorded. Then, dogs participated in an impossible task to evaluate gaze at the owner as a measure of the strength of their relationship with their owner. Dogs in the distress condition opened at the same frequency, but significantly more quickly, than dogs in the control condition. In the distress condition, the dogs that opened showed lower levels of stress and were able to suppress their own distress response, thus enabling them to open the door more quickly. In the control condition, opening was not related to the dog’s stress level and may have instead been motivated by curiosity or a desire for social contact. Results from the impossible task suggest that openers in the distress condition may have a stronger bond with their owner than non-openers, while non-openers in the control condition showed a stronger bond than openers, which may further suggest that the trapped-other paradigm is reflective of empathy.  相似文献   

文章分析了"器"字的金文形体,其形体为犬从的会意字,表示犬吠之义."器"一词在造字时采用了和本义相关的事件来表现.因为是有价值的器物,所以器物拥有者便养犬来看守,如遇外面生人接近或图谋不轨,则家犬就会狂吠.<说文>对"器"的形体分析不确.  相似文献   

The organization Hearing Dogs for Deaf People provides assistance dogs that alert their deaf or hard-of-hearing recipients to key sounds, thus increasing their independence and also providing companionship. Fifty-one recipients took part in a longitudinal study to monitor the dogs' working performance over time and to examine the social and psychological effects of having a Hearing Dog. The Profile of Mood State (POMS) questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) were used together with a Hearing Dog Questionnaire (HDQ) specifically developed for this study. There were a number of significant differences in measures of well-being between the period prior to placing the Hearing Dog and the period after placement, but there were no comparable differences during the year-long waiting period prior to placement of the dog. Recipients reported significant reductions in hearing-related problems such as response to environmental sounds; significant reductions in measures of tension, anxiety, and depression; and significant improvements in social involvement and independence. The longitudinal nature of this study supports evidence that these improvements persist for some time after the placement of a dog, with significant differences being reported, in many cases, up to 18 months after acquiring a dog.  相似文献   

司法独立原则在我国既是一项宪法原则,也是一项司法活动准则。司法独立,包括审判独立和检察独立两个方面。为使我国司法独立原则在立法上能够与国际标准相协调,在修改时应当明确规定,司法独立原则既包括法院作为整体的独立,也包括法官个人的独立。对于在实际操作中存在的影响司法独立的各种问题,应当有针对性地采取解决措施,排除各种非法干预,确保司法的真正独立。  相似文献   

阿黑是我家的宠物狗。我们全家都非常喜欢它。今天早上我们突然发现阿黑不见了,全家人都出去找它。这时。邻居阿牛告诉我:“昨天夜里我在村口的小木桥上被绊倒了。我掉进河里全身湿透了。我爬起来,从口袋里掏出火柴划亮一看。原来是阿黑把我绊倒了。”  相似文献   

社会资本对大学生就业质量的利弊影响探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会资本对大学毕业生就业质量的影响具有两面性,积极影响在于社会资本能提高大学毕业生的工作搜寻效率、增强职位匹配性、增加进入主要劳动力市场工作的概率和提高大学毕业生自主创业成功率,消极影响在于社会资本易妨碍大学毕业生在劳动力市场的自由流动、产生大学毕业生就业竞争的不公平现象和诱导大学毕业生产生错误的就业观念.  相似文献   

行政审判独立性问题是我国现行行政审判体制存在的诸多问题之一。行政审判独立性的缺失,不仅会影响行政诉讼法的贯彻实施,制约行政审判职能作用的发挥,还会损害司法权威和公正的形象。针对行政审判独立性缺失进行分析,讨论以建立行政法院模式作为解决之策的可行性。通过确立行政审判独立性的价值因素,对行政审判体制改革做一些在司法改革背景下的制度思考和导向指引,以实现实质性的解决行政争议,保障当事人合法利益和权益的目标。  相似文献   

民国肇始,司法界逐步认识到法官能否独立行使审判权,是司法独立的关键所在。在这种观念下,北京政府在为收回领事裁判权而实行的司法改革中,逐步构建了近代的法官独立审判制度。从民初一些个案中,彰显出民国前期法官不畏强权,追求司法独立,坚持独立审判的法治精神。但是,由于诸多因素的存在,使得法官独立审判制度未能有效实施。  相似文献   

如果教师和高校所有者之间的劳动合约体现不出教师科研水平的高低和传道、授业、解惑的多少,那么,教师的教学科研水平将面临锁定效应,即如果教师从高校得到的补偿和他们已沉淀的教育投资不匹配,那么,教师一般在自身教育投资方面就会不足,并导致教育低效率现象。高校产权的界定以及高校如何科学合理地制订出教师激励机制是解决这类问题的关键。  相似文献   

徐州狮子山楚王墓墓主再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据前三代西汉楚王年龄的相关推算,第二代楚王刘郢 (客)年龄与狮子山楚王墓墓主较为相符,狮子山楚王墓有大规模的守陵建筑和守陵户,亦符合第二代楚王刘郢 (客 )墓葬陵园规划,狮子山楚王墓墓主应为第二代楚王刘郢(客)。  相似文献   

一只名叫巴克的大狗与主人在加利福尼亚州的一个牧场上过着安逸的生活,他的主人是一名法官。有一天他被园丁偷走并卖掉以偿还赌债。巴克被带到了阿拉斯加,辗转卖给两个法裔加拿大人,他们对巴克的外形感到很满意,于是将他训练成了一只雪橇犬。很快巴克通过观察他的队友们,学会了如何在这个寒冷的冬天以及这个弱肉强食的社会上生存下来。随后巴克又被卖掉,并先后换过好几个主人,这些经历都使他不断地提高自己的能力,成为了雪橇犬的头领。  相似文献   

高校毕业生求职效率的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文利用2009年的全国高校毕业生就业状况调查数据,利用统计描述、随机前沿分析模型、定序因变量回归方法,对高校毕业生的求职效率问题进行了实证研究。实证结果显示:多利用学校、网络、亲朋好友获取就业信息、找学用结合紧密的工作,增加求职次数,有利于提高求职成功率,找到收入较多、满意度较高的工作。  相似文献   

In making admission decisions, selective colleges make choices that allow them to improve the quality of the college. Desired student attributes include leadership, noteworthy achievements and talents, and cultural and geographical diversity, as well as high academic performance. Since few applicants dominate in all these attributes, a delicate balancing act must be forged.In this study we construct probability models for college admissions and student enrollment. We have chosen a selective liberal arts college as a case study over a four-year period. In the first stage we estimate the probability of acceptance to the college for individual applicants. The logit model includes a number of academic factors as well as nonacademic components. In the second stage we estimate the probability of enrollment for an accepted student.The first stage results show that the actual outcome of the admissions decision does match the broader institutional goals of the college. However, in the second stage, the discrepancy between the acceptance and enrollment decisions frustrates the efforts of the institution to achieve its diversity goals and highlights the difficulty that admission officers have in targeting their efforts toward special groups of applicants.  相似文献   

法官独立与审判监督   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司法独立是现代法治的基本要求,法官独立是其核心内容,独立的审判活动有利于制约立法、行政权力,防止他们对公民合法权益的侵犯。审判监督是国家对司法机关的审判活动的合法性、公正性进行的监督。法官独立与审判监督的目的,都是为了保障司法审判活动的公正性。法官独立是审判监督的前提和基础,审判监督则是法官独立的重要保障。在分析我国法官独立与审判监督的现状的基础上,笔者认为在建设我国法官独立制度的同时需要完善对法官审判工作的监督。  相似文献   

Behavioral synchronization is evolutionary adaptive, fostering social cohesion. In humans, affiliation between partners is associated with a high level of behavioral synchronization; people show increased affiliation towards people who synchronize with them. Surprisingly, until recently, little was known about these phenomena at an interspecific level, which is, however, essential to better understand the respective roles of evolution and ontogeny. After presenting why dog–human dyads are a relevant biological model to study this field of social cognition, we review the recent findings about dog–human behavioral synchronization. We summarize recently published findings on behavioral synchronization and affiliation between dogs and humans. We also review results showing that genetic selection modulates behavioral synchronization propensity in dogs, emphasizing the role of genetic selection on dog’s social behaviors towards humans. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary influences and proximate mechanisms of this phenomenon. We conclude that, as in humans, behavioral synchronization acts as a social glue between dogs and humans. After dogs’ ability to use human-directional cues or to produce referential cues towards humans, we evidenced a new human-like social process in the dog, at the interspecfic level with humans.  相似文献   

权力下放、绩效责任与学校自我评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权力下放与校本管理运动赋予了学校一定的自主权,但权力和责任必须相称.享有一定自主权力的学校,必须承担起学校发展成败和教育品质高低的责任.但有了权力,又具备绩效责任意识的学校并不必然就是一个不断提升自我能力而创造未来的组织,它还必须拥有自我评估、自我完善的机制与能力.赋权、问责与增能的有机结合才是学校转变为学习型组织和实现可持续发展的动力和途径.  相似文献   

我国司法审判权制度移植自西方国家,但受到我国传统体制等诸多因素的影响,我国司法审判权在运行过程中存在诸多异化现象。这些异化现象既影响了审判机制解决纠纷功能的发挥,降低了审判效率,又制造了新的司法不公,影响社会和谐。笔者认为应在充分认识审判权性质的基础上,坚持审判权的中立性、独立性、正当性和被动性,科学构建我国审判权的运行机制,使我国的司法审判权逐步形成独立、公正、效率等品格,为司法审判权运行进入正常轨道提供必要的制度支持。  相似文献   

一只名叫莫里斯的公鸡在法国西部受审,引发了全国热议。这只小公鸡是一场法庭之争的被告,起因是它清晨鸣叫引起的由来已久的邻里纠纷。它的主人科琳娜·费索接受美国有线电视新闻网采访时表示,圣皮埃尔—奥勒伦村的邻居们指控莫里斯造成噪声污染,要求她不让莫里斯打鸣。费索说:"我希望这些人能明白生活在农村的意义。这些邻居都住在城市,每年只去圣皮埃尔—奥勒伦几次。他们对国家象征之一的公鸡的态度,被认为是法国城乡两极分化的体现。解决办法是让人们明白,农村就是农村,我们必须容忍公鸡打鸣。"法国南部加雅克小镇的镇长表示:"我希望公鸡的主人能打赢官司。来自城市的人不想听到乡村的声音:公鸡、奶牛、教堂的钟声,这令人难以置信。农村和城市之间的差距正在扩大。"  相似文献   

以法庭辩护词《狗的颂歌》为例,探讨基于主位推进理论之上的论辩类语篇的理解。维斯特的这篇《狗的颂歌》文辞优美,工于排比,善用对比,将狗对主人最朴素、最纯真、最珍贵的情感表达得淋漓尽致。语篇的连贯程度由主位推进模式的连续性表现出来,而主位推进模式则由相似语言单位之间的连接体现出来。主位推进模式的选择对语篇连贯有重要的影响。  相似文献   

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